I - !!! I* CAST T WHOgS-, WHO IN THN SItrlIS (Errse*rl:le' u/S Bill ALEJAI{DRA }IATOS tEnsexzble} From Caracas, JAQUEZ ANDBf Broadway: ri{otow'n {Swing)' Venezuela. She is thrilled to be part of this ireau- Devuuey, Irtn-r' SciJ:elli) (Rudolpho). Broadrvayl titul east. Starting her training in her country Natianal Tour l\atilda OfY I (Trip Allen), Apollo Ct*h Hulent $ and continuing herJance career in LA aad NY' NYC: Spanrle,r I ''?he (Featnred Beats By TY credlts inelude "Americas Got Talent-" Dancer). Nationai Commelcial: T playing LeBron Best Time Ever" (F{BCi- Theater cledils include Dre l'eaturing Pharrell. Lasl seen , Chicago flative and Crtrmen An Afro-Cubart Musical. Special James in Le\roil: The Mltsittrl- '{ati and Moill tharks to my lamily. merto.rs and the Universe' Tisch graduate. Much iove to CTC. Brick @alekitty @justiaquez DEQUINA fr'IOOBE (Backup Vocolisr, College FIICOLE SPENCER (Eizseatble) AfBr traiilhg at in Dance Gitl, Ensemble, ulS Nicki Mnrron, Rachel Marrot) Tampa Ballet Center, she earned her BFA f cretiits include: Broadrvay: Legallr* Btoncle (Pilar). Ii*/e Shop of frcm Florida Stati Unive$it)'. Far-orite g Tour Capair/Swing). fJorrors {Chiffon), Two Gentlemen o! Ve rona, flapp -t Ditl' Dancittg National {Dance $ Inaugural Royal kincess, g Da1's {Joyce}" ffnir. Nat'l Touts: Fluslatlarlce (Kiiri)' The Potal Off-Broadrvay, 4 i$adea's Big Hoppy F**riJ-r" (Rose)' Film: Jo;'f,rl Andrea Bocelii. ard SNL. Nicole sends all her love to ; ldoi.re (Devonne), Mcdea's Big llappy Family. Ghast Mom, Dad, andChris! Tov,* Rachet Gettiag Married, Cttnp- TY: "Lz'N & Order: SVU" {guest star), "Racirtg For Time" LAU*EN TANNER (.luj*s) is delighted to be patt {: {Tsnya}, "Third Watch" iTania Manroe), "Al1 Falls ol The Bodlgu* tll Lauren is a graduale of Oklahoma Down" (Nycole). NYU: B.F.A. Thanks and love to City University with a Bachelor of Pertbrndng GOD, Mom, Dad, Eron, lam & friendsl Arts. Recent credits include Sat*rday Nigfut Fet'er Natioaal Tour and trVest Side ,5lrr1 at The Mu*y. BRADFORD RAHMLOW (issossin. .Ror-v, Lauren world lile to thalk God, lamily and friends. Ensemble, UIS Toxl.Scibelli, RayCorrri) is ecstatic Let's Dancel io be a pxt of The Bod;'guatd. Favorite recer:l credits ir:clude Mcltrsttn Mia! Las Yegas (Ensemble, NAO}fi C, WALLEY {College Cirl. Ensemble, u1s Pepper) *nd Legally Blt;nde NCL {GNI Chad, U/S Ruc*el fuIarran, Nicki Merron) NYU Tisch Carlos). To Mom, Dad, Kyle. Dave & Honu, I trave Sehocl of the A$s grad. Notatrle eredits: Victoria's nothing i{ I d*n't have you. BA Daace, History, Secret Fashion Shorv with Selena Gomez, Daddy University of New Mexko. NASM-C.P.T. at Bary's Yankee North American Tour 2015, Netflix's "Tl" Bootcamp. @rahmstagram Get Down," a$d numerous web +nd theatrical pr" du*iorts. Follow @raornicwalley BENJANIIN RIYERA {Daace Cclttait, Ensenble, U/S The Sril{ker) & graduate fi'onr Oklahoma Ciry LIELISSA CHAC6N {Praducian Srage M*naget) University, has performed t'ol Disney Cruise Li*e I.iationai taurs: Tke Bidges c,f Modisott Cotnt4', (Dance Captain/Swing), the l.lational Tours of trYe Will Rock You, Bill," Elliot, Caftkct a*d Renr. Dirry Da*cittg {Swing, u/s Nell}, Anlthing Goes Off-Braadway: At'enue Q. Regiond Credlts include: {Swing), Eff (Ensemble}, and Pirates af Peteance at The Iceman Cometh at BAM with Nathat Lane Ban"ington Stage. rat w.benjamindouglasrivera.conr aad Brian Dennehy, Les Misdrables and S&rda. She eamed her MFA in Srage lrilan*gement from Rutgefi SEAN ROZANSKI tlrglrr Caprcitt, Sx.rrrg) was University's Mason Gross School ol the Arts. born and raised in Queens, New York. He daaced with Gus Giordano Jazz D4yce Chicago, and ioured RICHA&D A" LEIGH (Stase Matwger| Nat-l Tours: ilationally and internaticnally wittr the cofipany. Jense_u Ba,ls, Hair, Bring k Ar ize *tusical. Ghost lte First uational tour of .Dii4' Dancitg. He's honored Masical, How the Criltch Stole Cluishsttts, fulj. Fair to join the cast af The Bodyguard. A,1l my lcve to my fudy a*d Hello Dol[J vittr Sally Struthen. Also. Eiron family and I'riends. Jobn's Aidn (Taiwan) and G*3s & Doils -Nat'l Tour (Asst. Director). kluch love to lrly prfenrs. nry thm- ilt{TTI{ElV SCH}rIIDT I K I i tt g nru st. D o * gl a,s, DJ, ily, and to Peter. Jimmy, Stoge fu{ana5;er, Oscar Hos4 Ensenble, {J/S Bil! Devanet, Tke Stqlker, Sy Spectar, Rnt Court) STACY N. TAYLOR {,Assisranr Stage Mttttager} is most receltly piayed Ever in Dancirg aesro*s at hoqored to be rrorking anThe &od1.guard. Plevious Penguin Rep. Member of ffoisrs Of on Brcadway credits inelude: Blue Max 6ro*p- Orlandol Walt and, The Foreigner Off-Broadrvay. R.egioaal credits Disney World: National Tcurs- Spri*g Av.akenin6, include tr{annay in The 39 Sreps, 17 characrers i+ South Paci{ic, Beaug {tild the EeZst, and Annie. Arounrl rhe World in 80 Dt1's, and rhe HBO Comedy Proud gracluate of ihe stage managemefii program Festival. NYU Graduate Acting alumnus. AiCCM. 18 PLAYBiLL f 4aYsfiiYAurl.c3Ml -IYHO?SWHO & Costntte Desigrer} Tooy (screenpl*1') TItl HATLEY {Set LA\YRENCE KASDAN .has -direet" lit'es and Slire* The ivlttsictl produced t\\enty-one modcn pictures' Arvii;,-;';tr*e Ii. u"*, or ;;;;aJ*r-tl. oli'ier Awards: stnrr/e-t artd Pitare Litts including Bou- Hear. Tlte Big Chill' Silteftdu'.ttt€ ot'- A*ardi: slttutatot' shrek Canton' Arnong tnem' ;ilHHll ;r** Accidenlnt larlist and Grartd a*d Privare Liles' Tbeatre includes: four orihe rnost successtul iti,"'u,itirA ;H';-;;;;io*rin"n Littte EJ otf {.Almeida)' picture hi+ory: Raiders oJ tl.te ;;;r; iBAr',lAlmeida). di,,r. in *otion ,.L-ost, West Endl S/rre& The Llnsitnl Rrtunr oJ tlte Jertr ana ir,,,tri"t tSt"-dway. Ark, Tnr Etttpire Srrikes Btd'' End)' i"ernlle {Donmar\' 'ili, screerrplay E;;";;"r. wesr ai,.awri,r;, the first origirral .Kasdan '{ooi:, Entli' Bern Blue Et'es-Mr ?ar*isr were ort,r, leg {west iow. fil-Big Cl#l ar<l The Acddenta[ ler:r:'r {West End)' Awards as Best Picture' Ifte iW"., rnoi, Qualtemtaitrc's *-ri*,.0 ii aca,temy People aad Tle Pciama Gante lcrrrlsr war named Best Picnrre oi 1988 i,,r-t,ru,r,r'of1*e Acciderial End), snrgjn' in rlv Rai*' My Fcir Film Criticr Circle Qvalat (ntztnn iCr,i.[.*.tl wt$ r,.l rt. }ie*' l'ork Prris). I/ir Crurible (Broadway)' as Bs\t Picnxe of Lhe I992 Berlin io,7,l fCt,ut.t",. ,i.n it Cora.n Bear Ltcie Cnbrol lComplicite)' Mrs-K,leitt " Nominated 1'or f-our Acad*my Artards i,uagn,u". iG f"ol*f. Cotntett. Dcn Qui:tore {Royal Balle0' sx wr*ert Guild Awards. Kasdan was honored Gi,i*ia"j, aiJ strig" rrnu\*, Close\ Noles ott a Scandal' n, tf,. Wn,at Guild of America with its t-aurel Award iilm: pictures' lr iJt'oourr.ins rhe lileraturc ol motion is an Olirier rvith IJ Abrams tc KAREN BRUCE {CtoreagraPher) 2t)13, Kasdarijoined crealits ibrces director' Her A*'akats' Award-rvinning choreographer and eo-or*te Srr. lFars: Episode VII'Tle force tour tlte recertt work in the $fest End and on UK the new entry ln rhe worldwide pheaomenon rhat is includes: Tke last Tango. Dance 'ril Dav'n' hlitlnig{zt Srar l4/ars saga. Tanga. Lot:e ilIe Tender, Nevet Farget' Satltda.t *nd T!rc F/edding Singet' DII\IELARIS (Boo0 is an Academy Nigiit Fet'er. Foot{oo.se ALEr4NDSR "strictiy Come Dancing" (BBC-? Award and Golden Giobs winner lbr the scre€n- io? Television: "So You Think You Can Dance" (BBC ptay of Bit"tlrtttut {or The t)*e4tected Vi*te of seasonsJ: seasons): "Toast" {BBC Fiirn); "'Children ia \g,iorn r,"'1. He is rhe co-creator and executive pro- -? and "The Voice" (BBC)' Her awards d"ucer of dle series "The One Perceltl' for MRC, NeeA" GBC) Olivier Award lor Best Choleagraphy starring Ed Heims' Hilary Swa:rk and Ed Hanis- irclude an (DorTmar Warehouse. London) He is iun'entiy adapting tbe novel Entering Hades fot Pacifir Otertilrcs Awardfor S*'eer Chariry' '.rto a fsature fiha with Michael Fassbender- and the TMA Best Musical rs film Tlie Ye*r of tlze Mofiarct?s is curreatly {Shelfi eid Cmcible, Ergland). development with l{andalay Entertainment' (ksftrr?8 ]]rsigzer) wm the ierander ii also the book writer of Gloria and Emilio MARK HENDEBSON 1995, 200s. 2002, 20i0 and 20i6 €stefan's Broadr,r'ay rrrusical Ol Your Feetl Other fe.ipi€nt of the 1992, tbr Lighting Design, was lecent work inciudes his plays Rtd Dog lJou'ls (liew Laurence Olivier Awxds in 2006 for The llixt:r1 Bols York Theater Wo*shop), Still Ltb (Manhattan Class awarded a Tony A**ard Welsh Has 1il extel' Company), The Cfuws Tlwories (Shotgnir Thea'er) aud and has aiso received a BAFIA. opem and datrce-com- In This. Our ftre {59e59). tr{r. Dineiaris is a proud sively for all the major thea{re' irrcluding over 6O productionr for tbe member of the Writers Guild andthe Dramatists Cuild" panies in the UK National Theatre and over 70 in the West Ead together prod*ctions THEA SEABROCK {Director) I* 2000 Thea r'"on with over 2O Broaeirvay prcductions Recent directing Caryl include Frmn-t GirJ and Sanset Boulevttrd in th* \Yest the 1'cung director of the !€ar award, Theaue. Chuichill's I'ap Girls, which traosferred to the We$Erd End and a Chekhov trilogy ar the National and touled tlte L,iK trvice.
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