THE • JANUARY • 1941 ALUMNI · MAGAZINE THE » JANUARY « 1941 TI,e Cove,­ THE' JANUARY' 1941 INDIANA INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE Vol. 3 No. t], News LV. Progress Since 1938 I-h:RMAN B WELLS, AB'24 3 ~1 0 MATTER what the season of the Frank Allen- New J.D. Trustee NATHAN KAPLAN, '40 8 l' year, Indiana University's beauti­ ful campus has an atmosphere of Alumni Club Newsnotes CLAUDE RICH, AB'29 15 friend liness. Even the ice-coated scene University in December FORREST GARDERWINE, '41 16 featured on our cover this month re­ fl ects the warmth of the welcome that Alumni Notes by Classes _ ___ ._____ ________________ HILDA HENWOOD, AB'32 2l is extended to every visitor. Our cover picture, take n by Harry Ludwick, '43, of the Bureau of Visual Instruction of the LU. Extension Di­ Features vision, catches the friendliness of our delightful campus, a friendliness that Examining ... 5chool of Mu~ic ___ ______ _ CHAUNCEY SANDERS 9 defies ice and snow to chill its welcome. Alumni Active in Legislatures ______ __ ____ ____ CHARLES W. SEMBOWER, '42 12 A University is more than a collec­ tion of students and faculty, classrooms and buildings, athletes and stadiums, books and research projects, trees or Sports campus walks. Our University is the spirit of all these things welded together Basketball Blitzkrieg ___ __ ____ . _____ _____________ . ________ ___ ____ ______ _ Sports Review 13 into an unmistakable whole. There is nothing artificial in that spmt. Artificial things just won't mi:-.: Departments with that spirit. The campus has a p.ntural beauty that only The Great Voice of Alumni Lellers 1 Landscape Architect could create or de­ sign. The buildings, fitting naturally Hoosier Authors Boole Reviews 2 into that setting, show the spirit of our campus; their designers, being so in· III Clo~illg ___ .___ ___ .. _________ . __ __ __ .. _________ __ ___ _. __ _ Editorials 32 fJuencen by the campus beauty, have planned buildings that reflect that spirit. GEORGE F. HEIGH WAY, LLB'22, ANDREW G. OLOFSON, AB'39, Staff: editor; It is something that blazing hot suns managing editor; Ivy L. CHAMNESS, AB'06, AM'28, associate editor. or marrow·chilling winds cannot affect. Editorial Board: E. Ross BARTLEY, '14; WARD G. BIDDLE, AB'16; MRS. I t is that spirit that moves every pil­ ALTA BRUNT SEMBOWER, AB'Ol; JOHN E. STEMPEL, AB'23. g rimaging alumnus to deep emotion. It catches and holds the traditions of Published monthly, except Jlily, August, and September, by the Indiana University great events that have taken place here Alumni Association. Office of publica tion: Spencer, Indiana_ Editorial office: Union and the personalities of great men who Building, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. have trod its paths. Annual subscription rate $3.00 (includes membership in Indiana University Alumni As­ To everv 1.U. man and woman it sociation). Single copies 25 cents. iVfember of American Alumni Council. means something different something Entered as second-class matter October 9, 1939, at Ihe post office at Spencer, Indiana, intimately different, but t o all collective· uncler the Act of March 3, 1879. Iy it means the spirit of Old LU. Voice of the 11 IUHlDi JI Priend More About grabbed it fro m outsid e. S. udents from in· Adams itlemorial side th en jumped out the window after him, Wortla which led to Ih e suspension, or expulsion, It. was interesting to read in your Decemher of some of I he students. Others struck in issue Mr. H. Walton Clark's impression of sympalhy with those expelled and left school, Cultivating the Adams memorial here in Rock Creek some of whom, including my falher, later cemetery, Washington, D.C. returned to graduate. Because he saw no special significance in On another occasion two o[ his classmates thi s famous statue, and because I think it i" were fugitives from justice, having milked a THE so fine, I submit herewith the impression neighbor's cow. As they were running away of James Hay, Jr. to this memorial which he G th ey passed an old blind horse, which they WONDER has entitled, "The BaffJing Face that Guards did not molest. However, Ihe blind horse COAL an Endless Sleep." Perhaps Ihi s will serv e later fell into, or al any rate was found in 10 reveal what an author was capable of ap· a pond nearby; and the runaways were also L preciating when he looked upon this statue. accused of pushing the horse into the pund. I kuow yo u will be able to get permission As Ih ey subsequently languished in the jug, to reprint Ihis piece by writing Mrs. Maude they called on a lawyer·friend of theirs in Hay, Purcellville, Va., c / o iVlrs. Clayton Pax· Bloomington to help them, and he succeeded E son. I think it is so lovely that it mi ght well in gelling them out of jail. ~ be published, especially if it had a picture My father took geology and bOlany under of the memorial which we would b e glad to David Starr J ordan, and one time Dr. Jordan gel fOl' you. look Ihe class to Wyandolle Cave. The ac· N Our JVIagazine gets better all the time. The count goes : "We walked nearly all the way, ads are very well laid out and the general and tw o or three of the girls gave out and appearance is most pleasant and easy to had to be ca rri ed along toward Ihe lasl; and read. I was about played out, not being used to D Mrs. FLORE"ICE BUSCHMANN Cl eveland, '18, sllch long hikes. It was before the general Managing Edi tor, li se of electricity when we visited Ihe cave. American Motorist. Each on e carried a torch, ancl even then Washington, D.C. everything would be as 'dark as a stack of o black cals.' EDITOR'S NOTE: Weare writing for per· "There is one place in the cave called 'hi mission to reprint the Hay article and ac cepl man's mi sery.' Jordan was so big that he t M(8. Cleveland's generous oller of a picture THE R could scarcely get Ihrough. Some of us wen: 01 the statue to be used with the anicle if through first and pulled, while others stayed we can reprint it. We also thank iJ;jrs. Cleve· WONDER behind and pushed, and so we finally got land lor her kind words about the Magazine. him through. Some places il was 90 feet COAL Coming from, a managing editor of a n. 7­ A hi gh to th e lOp, and in olher places we had tiowtl publication, these compliments on our 10 creep on all fours. At the lime the cave Magazine are noteworthy indeed. had been explored 23 miles, and it was thuught by some to be connecled with the IT SCORES HlIman Sidelights Monmou!.h Cave under the Ohio River." On I.V. History Mrs. OTTILIE DAVIS CUSHMAN. Va Iparaisu. EVERY TIME I am sorry to illform YO Il Ihal lil Y fa lhe .. , WILl.l;\M JAM ES DAVI S, AB·82, uf Benton Ha r· hur, Mich., died Nov. l. He would have enjoyed very lUllch attend· Another Alumnus "Points With Pride" A Hoosier ing Ihe leslimonial dinner for Dr. Woodburn. He knew Dr. Woodburn a l Ih e lime he was H ere's my renewal. It's a " big·time" Maga· a student and Dr. Woodburn was teaching zine, chock f,I1l of interesling piclures and Product in Ihe preparalory schoo!. arlicles. I enjoy reading every issue. Besl i\'ly falher always kept in close tuu ch with Wishes. his University and was a co nlributor to th ~ RALPH G. HASTINGS, AB'16. 01 Siadium and Dormitory Flme!. Washington, Ind. When my falher was in school it was still in Ihe single large building at the foot of Genuine College avenue. H e said, "1 went 10 Indiana Prefers Magazine [our years at nearly the cost of an auto. To Test Papers II cosl me $800, but I could not do it to· Merit day," At th e lime of hi s enlrance there was Keep up improvemenls to the Indiana stili commenl regarding th e admission of co· Alumni IVlagazine. I can find time always to eds to th e University and cri li cism " because read it as soon as it arrives. I prefer its pages one could see Ib eir ankles when th ey went to lest papers and reports of my social sl "dies STERLING-MIDLAND up and down slairs." pupils, so I read it throug h on th e day it The reminiscences at hi s class reunio ns arrives. Then when I've caught up on LU. COAL COMPANY affairs, seule down to rontine of grading were most inleresling and dealt., for inslance, CHICAGO-TERRE HAUTE papers, etc. wi I h I he lime of th e class rush when a stu· INDIANAPOLIS dent left his cap on the window sill of the H.OWARD R. BURNETT, AB'26; AM'36. classroom,. a nd a student of anOI her class Vincennes. Citizens IjOaD Hoosier 11 uthors and Trust Co. By Dr. Bryan appears in the Introduction and is CO lli· mented upon in the body of the hook. In­ TVars 0/ Families 0/ Minds (Powell Leclures * te rests, Dr. Brya n tells us, guide our know. on Philosophy at Indiana Universily, ing, bringing to our allention those features GENERAL BANKING Fourlh Series).
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