f JANUARY 28, 7965 NUMBER TWO 7 7th BAPTIST WORLD CONGRESS CHANGING FACE OF MISSIONS BAPTJ:ST HERALD Baptist World Alliance Sunday MISSION NEWS BAPTIST HERALD February 7, 19·65 AND NEEDS • • • ESUS said: "If you continue in my word, you are The Baptist World Alliance through CONTENTS J truly my disciples, and you shall know the truth, its relief ministry during the past year and the truth shall make you free" (John 8 :31,32). has carried out its task to a lleviate From this Sc1ipture comes the program theme, suffering, to encourage the distressed, God's Miracles In Baptist Circles Volume 43 No. 2 " ... and the truth shall make you free," for the to feed the hungry, to clothe the un­ 11th Baptist World Congress at Miami Beach next clothed, to give medical help in sick­ Baptists have always witnessed to the wonder working power of January 28, 1965 June 25-30. ness, to put tools in the hands of a God's grace in the life of the believer. For them every true Baptist Christian truth is not a proposition to be proved worker to find a home for the home­ less, t~ give counsel ~nd guidance in church is a visible evidence of God's marvelous guidance because of * by argument, but a wciy of life ·which demands our solving problems of adJustment, a nd to the seal of the Holy Spirit upon the work and witness of that congre­ obedience (John 14 :6). Often we seem content be involved in a n unknown number of CoYcr -------------- Miami Beach News Bureau with a statement of faith rather than actual obedi­ gation. Even as Baptists firmly believe in the divine inspiration of '"Miami Bench's Oceanfront!' related services. the Scriptures, so we can also be characterized as testifying to God's "Baptist World Alliance Sunday" ence (Romans 16 :25-27). But Christ called us to The gifts of our church people at the Dr. Josef Nordenhaug ------------- ---- 2 continue in his Word, not just to admire him Communion Offering on Bapt-ist World miracles in Baptist circles. This should be a note of praise to God by Mission News and Needs ------------------ 2 Editorial (Matthew 16:24). Alliance Stmday, Feb. 7, 1965, will be Baptists everywhere on this Baptist World Alliance Sunday, February "God's Miracles in Da1>tist Circles" ------ 3 This does not mean that statements of faith designated for the administrative work 7, 1965. "The Changing Face of World Missions .. should be neglected (I Peter 3 :15). As Baptists we and t he r elief ministry of the Alliance. Dr. John Allen Moore ------------------ 4 "Take, for instance, the case of Nikita Veronin, a Russian mer­ "Baptist Mission Societies-and Their Work" believe in the sovereignty of Goel, the Lordship of 1. CUBAN REFUGEES. In the USA BWA Office -------------------------- 7 Christ, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the au­ chant of a century ago. His study of the Scriptures caused him to "11th Baptist World Congress in Miami the Baptist Conventions and others Beach, Florida" thority of the Scriptures, the personal nature of working in cooperation with the BWA break with the Russian Church and formulate his own set of doctrine. HcY. C. E. Bryant -------------------- 8 the Lord's Supper, the priesthood of all believers, and other agencies have helped with But not until several years later did he learn from a German immi­ "Six Years as Northern District Secretary" and the obligation to witness. the resettlement of some 990 Cuban UeY. William Sturhahn --------------- 10 grant that others in the world-a people called Baptists-believed " Don't Settic for Anything Less" Our world is not congenial to the practice of and other refugees. Dr. Dan Harman ---------------------- 11 as he did. Veronin's evangelistic fervor, without the help of a single American Temperance A ssocintcs these tenets. The world never has been (John 16: 2. ANGOLAN REFUGEES IN THE AdYcrtisement -------------------------- 12 33) . But under every political, racial, and economic CONGO. These refugees continue to in­ missionary and despite restricting laws, started the surge that has re­ '"Book Re.views" condition, the follower of Jesus Christ must reflect crease in numbers, bringing all their sulted in Baptist churches throughout Russia today with a combined nc''· B. C. Schreiber - - ---------------- 14 typical refugee problems to the Brit­ What's Happening ---- -------- ------------ 15 the truth in Christ. We must seek religious free­ estimated membership of almost 600,000." '"\Vc the \Vomcn" dom for all people. We must oppose the coercive ish and American Baptists active in the Mrs. Delmar \V esscler ------------------ 16 power of the state in matters of faith and con­ field. They need food, clothing, medical Rev. C. E. Bryant, editor of "The Baptist World," goes on to "From the P rofessor's D esk" care, but, most of all, some work to describe these amazing miracles of God in Baptist circles. America's Dr. Ralph E. Powell - - ------ --------- 16 science (Acts 4:19-20) . We must seek to safe­ support themselves. John Rudin and Company guard the God-given dignity of every man in the slave problem in the early 1800's resulted in the spread of Baptists Advertisement --------- -------------- - -- 17 3. BURUNDI BAPTISTS. Our fellow uTcn Thoughts on the Tithe" midst of problems caused by increasing world popu­ to other continents. A band of freed Negro slaves returned to Africa, Fron1 the "~·Inritimc Bnptist" -------- 18 Baptists in Burundi, Africa have seen lation, unemployment, the threat of war, and moral carrying with them the Bible they had found and had come to love in " Sunday School L essons" decay (Genesis 1:27; Acts 17:24-28). We must sur­ more tribal warfare and increased Re". B. C. Schreiber --- - ---- - ------ --- 19 mount every barrier of class and race (Galatians numbers of refugees during the past America, and planted in Monrovia, Liberia in 1822 the first Baptist Our Den omination in Action ---------- ----- 20 year. The small Baptist Union, with the church which they organized as a mission of the First Baptist Church Obituaries -------------------- - ----------- 23 3 :26-29) and be actively concerned with one an­ counsel and advice of H. Emming, a other's welfare (Galatians 6 :2). Danish missionary, plans for a vocation­ of Richmond, Virginia. Peace with justice cannot be maintained on al training center to teach brick mak­ But t he miracles of God continue. A large group of white South­ * fear. Only if we abide in the Word of him who ing, carpentry, mechanics, and vege­ ern families, fleeing the humiliation of military defeat in America's table farming. The t ra ining center has Bi-weekly Publication of the bade us love our neighbor as ourselves can we have Civil War, took off in sail boats for South America, innocently be­ an enduring foundation for racial understanding now been started at Mosema a nd some NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST and international goodwill (Luke 1 :74-79, I John thirty trainees are enrolled. coming the first Baptist witness in the giant land of Brazil about GENERAL CONFERENCE 4:18-20). 4. HONG Ii:ONG. For aid to refugee 1870. But even they were not the first Baptists in South America. 7308 Madison Street None of us can claim to have all God's truth students at t he H ong Kong Baptist Many years earlier a Chinese man (a Baptist) had sold himself into F orest Park, Illinois 60130 in Christ wrapped up in our tenets and practices. College almos t $2,000 was made avail­ slavery so he could evangelize his countrymen in the Guianas. Martin L. Leuschner. D.D., Editor able by one of the Baptist Conferences All must heed the call to humble ourselves and The thrilling story of these miracles of Goel in his providential pray (II Chronicles 7 :14). Christ is full of grace and the relief ministry of the Alliance. as well as truth. By his grace we can find forgive­ 5. POLAND AND YUGOSLAVIA. guidance can be seen in the lives of such Baptists as J. G. Oncken * ness for our sins through faith, and by his grace we The past year has been difficult and in Europe, Adoniram J udson in Burma, Roger Williams in Rhode THE BAPTIST HERALD ls a publication ot are given ever new incentive to abide in his Word. even critical for many Baptist church Island, Philipp W. Bickel in his pioneer labors in our Conference (see the North American Baptist General Con­ workers a nd their families, widows and ference with headquarters at 7308 Madison And if we abide in his Word we shall know the 1965 ANNUAL, pages 13-18), and Alfred Saker on Fernando Po St., For est Park, Illinois. I t also maintains truth, and the truth shall make us free. individuals in Poland, Yugoslavia and an active membership In the Associated other areas. Assistance was given for Island and at Victoria, Cameroon. These are t he trophies of God's Church Press. Signed by: distribution of individual packages of SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.50 a year to miraculous guiding power to be seen clearly etched into the pages of any address In the United States or Canada food, footwear, clothing, medical sup­ -S3.00 a year for churches under the Club Joao Soren, Rio de J a nerio Robert S. Denny, Washington, D. C. plies, etc., to some 850 Baptist people. Baptist history. Plan or Every Family Subscription Plan­ President Associate Secretary This is also the personal testimony of every Baptist. His Bible­ S4.00 a year to foreign countries. Josef Nordenhaug, Washington, D. C., Erik Ruden, London CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Three weeks centered faith is an expression of his own autobiography that he has notice required for change of address.
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