TH E’1 AVKKAOB OAILT CUMXILATION rsrsesst of Id. 8 . WsMbir XNOAGEBISNT The bMsbaO team of tho Om - for ths asssth a« P iBSOsbar, 1984 eordla Lutheran church will meet at NAY GIVE "D O U P DOOR lOSFAlflERS AND SONS 8 o’dodr tonight at tbe club. CARPET STYLIST COLDWAVEDUE Manchester TOHEARADDR^ AT TWO PERFORMANCES 5 ,4 3 2 Ctoody and nmeh esMart probably A dental clinic will hdd to­ Date Book AT HKHLAWS BANQUET Maanbsr of ths AiMIt snow toiUgbt sad WehMsdsjr. VMUT. 1m . M, 8t«»-lS:M. morrow noomlng at 9 o’clock and a A T T TONIGHT IN STORM’S WAKE HERE ON LINCOLN BursM Of OlroalatloM MIm S Witk B<ie* tonsil clinic a t 10 o’clock at the Health Center on Haynes street . _________ Me Alinliilw Community Playiera Consider Toxlght 4 Annual G«t Together HeM at PoMibiiity; Critics Say Play Commnnlty Onb Last Satnr- (Claaaifled Advsrtishig on Fags 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 22. 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTB Three stUl alarms resulted in work Hekfl M. Dagget of Bigelow- Town Has Had Sereral Sam­ Lecture, "Floor Ck>verlngs,” by VOL.UVn NO.W. t for three different companies a t the Ha* “Everythinif.’* Miss Helen M. Dagget, decorator- dajr Eveninff. Rev. Joseph Cooper to Speak South Manchester Ore department stvllat of Blgelow-Sanford Carpet A BO U m W N Company, New York. Interior Saturday. At 18:80 Saturday after­ Sanford Company Lec­ The question of the advisability of ples of Wmter Weather Under Auspices of tke noon, No. 1’ was called to 398 Hart­ Decorating Course, Y. M. C. A. Pub­ By actual count, 108 fathers and Trlnitar P u t Noble Orud* usoda^ giving twro performances of "I^ b le lic Invited. aona. Uving in the Hlghlaade at­ Mapping: Death Figrht Strategy tk n wm Wedneedey afUrnoon, ford Road for a chimney fire, which turer Here. Door," as has been don. with some in Few Days. FRENCH CHIEF lanuaiy SO at 8 o’clock with Ifra. was extinguished without trouble. of the previous Community Players At 8.ate theater, "Here Is My tended the annual Father and Son Oranfemen. SCORES OF BILLS AUce lIcXToy, 4H Main rtrect. At 3:80, No. 8 was called to 210 productions, ia being dlacusaed by Heart” shown at 7:05 and 9:45. banquet of the Highland Park Com­ BRUNO SEEN LURKING Olaatonbirry. Center street to extinguish a chim­ the executive committee o. the or­ Silver Streak" ebown at 8:26. Car­ Helen M. Dagget, decorator-styl­ Cold weather that may break be­ toon "Big Bad Wolf' shown at 8:19. munity club Saturday night The SLAIN IN HGHT ney Are and at 8 o'clock In the eve­ ganization. One performance wdll tables were decorated In the na­ Rev. Joseph Omper of Stafford Mra. Tbomu J. Lanie. regent of ning, No. 4 went to 127 Charter Oak ist for the Blgelow-Sanford Carpet be given on January 25 at the low the zero mark ia due to reach Tomorrow Springs, former pastor of the South tional colors of red, white and blue, FLOOD ASSEMBLY Orford Pariah caiapter, D. A. R.. ia street to put out a chimney fire. Company will be the guest lecturer Whiton Memorial. Manchester tomorrow, according to Jan. 33— Annual meeting a t Methodist church here, will be the WITH SAVAGES ' ta New Haven today attending the at tonight's TMCA decorating "It has everything." say the the report of the Weather Bureau. Emanuel Lutheran church. and 'hemlock bought were used In spesdeer at a lecture and entertain­ _____ I ragenta and treaaurera’ meeting, ment tb he presented Thursday NEAR LINDY’S HOME The financial report of St. James's members of the Players who saw Over the week-end thla town ex­ Also start of second round of tbe adornment of the hall. The held In the aaeembly room of the parish was read at the masses in the course. This course of lectures evening, February 14, a t 7:30 o’clock has been under the direction of C. pre-v.cws of the play at the - club perienced snow, i-ain and sleet, with Rec Senior League at School Street meal which waa prepared by. Mrs. One Wonld Create Board to Toung Women’B Christian assocla> church yesterday. The report show­ meeting at the Balch and Brown the result that yesterday and today Rec. at Orange Hall under the auspices tion. Mrs. H. A. Cook repreaented Elmore Watkins of Watkins Broth­ John Tedford, chairman, and her of Manchester L.O.L., No. 99. Rev. REDS REACHING Ninety-Six Natives in His ed that the conditions of the parish ers, and In order to give those at­ building on Wednesday, January 9. the sidewalka an 1 streets were slip­ , — This Week committee, was one that pleased all Second Witness Places Sus­ Mrs. Herbert B. House, treasurer of was satisfactory and that all cur­ "Everything" consists of suspense Cooper’s subJect will be “Lincoln, Study GoTemment Reor- the chapter, who w u imaUe to at­ tending the course flrst-hano knowl­ pery and hazardous for walking or Jan. 35—"Double Door” by Com­ the dads and sona present. It con­ tbe Martyred President" Hunt On in Michigan rent bills had been met. edge of floor coverings, their styling that rises to a point of horror, the driving. Party Also Massacred tend. excitement of unexpected situa­ munity Players at Wblton Memo­ stated of vegetable soup, roast beef The entire program for tbe eve­ FOR SINKIANG, pect in Hopewell Before and use, he has secured Miss Dag­ Stats and town highway dspart- rial. Auspices D. A. R. with gravy, maahed potatoes and ning has not been completed as yet ganizatioD; Another Would Tony Catalano, Ess. Center get from the Blgelow-Ssmford com­ tions, an appealing love affair that ment workers were busy this morn­ Also mid-year graduation at Man­ turnips, pickles, celery, roUe, apple Officers of Washington L. O. L. street barber. Is confined to his surmounts appalling difficulties, ing sanding the roads, partlculsrly but win be announced in the near in SomalOand; Airplanes No. 117, are reminded of the meet­ pany. chester high school. pie with cheese, and coffee. future. A nominal siidmittaace For Karpis, Campbell the Kidnaping— Saw Him home with an Injured knee suffer­ Miss Dagget's position with Blge­ and the Joy of seeing the vll- on the hilts, while residents wielded Rev. E3mer Thlenea was thor­ SAY ^A N E S E ing In the Wuhlngton social club- Jan. 26— Annual family gather­ charge will be asked. Change Milk Board. ~ ed In a fall In front of 169 Center low-Sanford cedis for her advice In lalness lose the awful power she scrapers and shovels In an effort to ing of Britlsh-Amerlcan club. oughly at home In hie role of toast­ Are Sent to Scene. rooms tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. street Friday night. has had over the lives of . those clear their walks before tbe cold styling new patterns. This means a Coming Events master. C. A. Goodrich spoke for Detrolt. Jan. 22.- -lAP)- State^at large of the notorious Karpls- Twice — Famous Ladder constant study of Interior decora­ around her, all made effective by wave arrives. Rain that froze as it Miss Jean Ricci of 8 Hlllcreat The monthly meeting of the Man­ the acting of a ver>- able cast. ~ Jan. 28—Annual meeting of Mer­ tbe fathers and Earl BInnamon for State Ctapitol, Hartford, Jan. 22.— police revealed this morning that Barker gang, accused of the Bremer tion In order to prepare before the fell this morning made It necessary the sons, and both were roundly ap­ Tokyo Reports That Russia kidnaping and other crimes, waa Avenue, Hartford, has been dis­ chester Shoe Rebullders Association The Community Player has en­ to use sand liberally on tbe walks chants Division of Chamber of Com­ (AP)—Scores of bills among them Paris, Jan. 22.—(AP)—French the automobile that Alvin Karpis I s Pbced m Evidence. charged from the Maples hospital. win be held tonight at the shop of demand Is evident, patterns and plauded. The guest speaker was and his companion, Harry Campbell, concentrated here and In tbe terri­ colorings which will harmonize with Joyed the support of a Considerable and itreety.i^ merce. Rev. Harry Leach, who ia at pres­ one creating a commission to stu(to forces including camel troops and Joseph Pandolf of Middle Turnpike Peter Pcperitls, 497 Main street. number of Manchester play-lovers Trolley cars to Hartford were Also lecture "Draperies" by R. Seeks to Rule Chines^' airplanes were ordered to the south­ took from an Allentown, Pa., physi­ tory between here and Monroe. furnishing schemes that are about ent pursuing a course of study at government reorganization and cian yesterday had been found aban­ The car was taken from Dr. has veen admitted. to become popular. at each of Its past performances, running on time but the inter-sute Curt Hosenclcver at Y.M.C.A. west frontier of Frepch Somaliland FIemlngton^''Nt^J., Jan. 22.—(AP) The meeting of 8 t Margaret's and the appeal of a mystery-melo­ Jan. .29—Benefit dance of Junior the Hartford Seminary Foundation. another changing, the setup of the doned near Monroe, Mich. The motor Horace Hunsicker after twi, men In addition Miss Dagget assists In busses were somewhat late. Tbe at­ He gave htv audience an excellent Province Through Ehir today to put down tribal war which who, police are confident, were Kar- —Bruno Richard Hauptmann today The Mlspah group of the Wes- Circle, Daughters of Isabella, to be the planning of - Interior room dis­ drama Is expected to bring forth tendance In tbe lower grades of the Sons of Italy at Sub-Alpine CTub.
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