ft A BAN REGISTER. VOLUME XXXVII NO. 48, RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1915. PAGES 1 TO 10, son nr ooumi. ATTEHWCE AT SCHOOL WO OYnniDB FAT TOM UH. atiBBismrf and AUantU Slf Maada Boje James JMkMi'i BUI for Extrn Work In ChaJ-fe Of rtobttlon omen, Turne** Down by fowl Officials. REFORMED PASTORS MEET. vsa AT Kenneth Johnson of Keanahurg and James Jackson, one of the employ- BOROUGH OR HO BOROUGH. Frank Ewing of Atlantic Highlands, IS OYum to FIB enrr. ees at the Red Bank water works, who had admitted to breaking into Th» Kaport of the Sohool Attendenoe turned In a bill for (2 for overtime SESSION OF REFORMED MINISTERS AT 30 houiii at Atlantic Highland! and work to the borough council Monday KEANSBURG RESIDENTS GIRDING UP Ocean View in Middletown township Offloer S*ls>te* IOM of tfce Diaoal- night. It was not paid. All of tho HOLMDEL LAST WEEK. and stealing the quarters which had Uea WUttfc Knit fce Onwomi In. Keep- councilmen opposed its payment ex- THEIR LOINS FOR THE SCRAP. been put in the pay-in-advan.ee gas ing Children la School. cept Dr. Herbert E, Williams. George meters, waived indictment at Free- At last week's meeting of the Red G, Browor, superintendent of the i\\ tha Rftfornittri|Chiirrhe« of Monmouth County flold Jast-ThuMday,—Their eases wer* f d Mi«» I.nn}iu» plant,-said- that the bill -was -entirely The Civic Alliance and Folks Who Favor Borough turned ovtr to W. W. Ramsay, the Greenawalt, the school attendance of- uncalled for and that Jackson had not probation officer of the county. He ficer, made a riport which showed shown a very willing disposition to do Government Say That They Will Have a Bi^ Ma- Report Having | Had a Successful Year- Two will make a thorough investigation that the attendance at the Red Bank his work of late. Dr. Williams con- of the case and report to Judge Law. school was over ninety per cent. The tended that any man who worked over- Churches Have Had New Pastors An Increase rence when the investigation has been report set forth s number of the diffi- time was entitled to extra compensa jority in the Coming Election, but the Opposing completed. culties which are encountered in keep- tion. of Seventy-Four In Church Membership. ing children at school, and it also re- Side is Equally Confident, lated some of the conditions which Thrclaiiii of Monmouth held its ioudt la pastor, has made aeeesiioni affect school attendance, Tho report The important topic at Kcansburg beaten by a big majorityjy. The sum- annual meeting at Holmdel last Tuea- to Its membership during the past TOWN COUNCIL MEETING in full is BB follows: SLICED UP A MERCHANT at the present time is the incorpor- mer residents who oppose borough day, The clasais of Monmouth is com- year as well as having increased its To THE BOARD OF EDUCATION : ation of the borough. The legislature government say they are afraid that posed of the pastors of the Dutch (te- benevolent and congregational funds. imrom HATTHI TMAMBAOTED ii The regular routine work has been DBUUIBII IIO1MAZE1 IJT JAIL has pnBBed the law providing for the if a borough is formed, that the regu- formed churches of Monmouth county. The Asbury Park Reformed church, vmrn carried on since the laHt report. The AFVSK CUTT1WO A GBOCEB. incorporation of Keanaburg, provided lations would be so strict as to in- All the churches , were represented, with Rev. G, M. Cqnover as pastor, average of attendance is above ninety, the people vote for borough govern- fringe on their present libertiea. cither by their pastors personally or added seventeen members to Its roll Samuel Dnrantl Went on Warpath Bftt- ment at an election to bo called by the The civic alliance and those in favor A Committee of Women at the Council except in several of the lower grades Clerk of Raiitan township. The elec- by reports. during the year and progress was re- Chambers—Assessment Map to be where bad weather keeps the Itttte nrday Wlg;ht tad Used a Knife OB of the borough government say that At this meeting reports were made ported in every other branch of this Raphael TomtlJio of Birar Street— tion will probably be held early in tho work of improving the place Mad*—Jamil Merman data Cross- ones at home. It was my ambition to May, All legal voters within the by each of the churches in the classis. work. The benevolent fund of that walks Oontraot—South Street Curbing. have the average above 95, butJn1 al- Oroc«r Cut OB Sand and Bldt. should be begun while the place is The combined reports thowed an in- church increased 25 per cent over last Samuel Duranti got drunk Saturday boundaries set forth in the law will be small, because it will cost much jess to The borough council on Monday most every room a pupil has been ill entitled to vote at the election. I have sidewalks in line, and to make crease of 28 familiei who had united year and iti congregational funds for a long period, and each such in- night and jwent to Raphael Tomaino's forty per cent. The church is wholly night instructed Engineer George C. The civic alliance of Keansburg is regulations in regard to improvements with the Reformed churches of the Allen to make an assessment map, cident cuts the average down three store on River street looking for a county during the year. The number free from debt. fight. Tomaino didn't want to fight, largely responsible for the passage of now, than it would be to wait until showing the location and size of prop- per cent. Even when a child was the measure the placo was larger, when a good received on confession of faith dur- The First Reformed church of Red known to be ill, I have usually called but Dijranti was not diverted from in the legislature. erties in the town. The cost will be The Keansburg borough, bill was many sidewalks and curbs might have ing the year wai 74, which la nearly Bank, of which Rev, Lester G. Leggett $500 to $1,000, in order to find out the gravity of the his intention of getting Into a sirap double that of the previous year. The passed last year, but it was vetoed by j to bo ripped up and changed in order ii pastor, is the "baby" of the Mon- Councilman Frank Stryker reported case so that, if necessary, the inspec- by the store proprietor's arguments in number received on certificate was mouth classls, this oeing the youngest favor of peace, Duranti is a shoe- the governor because the measure had j to conform to general regulations. that after receiving bids for laying tor might take precautions against They declare that the taxes will be B!BO greater than the number received church of this denomination in the any illness spreading. For this rea- maker and he went at Tomaino with a not been advertised in accordance on certificate last year. There wai six crosswalks on Shrewsbury ave- with tho law governing tho incorpor- lesa than at present. They say that a county. The report of this church nue and one on Riverside avenue he son, my calls have been more numer- knife which is used to repair shoes. also an increased number of baptisms showed greater growth and greater Tomaino tried to defend himself, but ation oT" boroughs. great part of the taxes which are now of both grown persons and children, had awarded the work to James Nor- ous than during the early part of the Some of the large property owners paid by Keansburg property is used activity than that of any other church man at 30 cents a lineal foot. year, and are now averaging about Duranti cut him on the hand and in and there was a gain in the Sunday- in the county. Mr. Leggett's report the side. The drunken shoemaker then are opposed to borough government by the Raritan and Middletown town- school enrollment. In almost every was as follows: Mrs. William J. Sutton, Mrs. Ernest 150 we'ekly. The calls for discipline loft the store, with a throat that he and some of the summer residents are ship officials for improvements in A. Arend and Mrs. Johnson L. Miner, and tardiness have been rftany. At other parts of those townships; and one of the benevolent church funds "During tho past year forty new times it sweeps through a school, and j would return in the near future and also opposed to it. The Point Com- there was a greater amount contrib- representing the Borough Beautiful fort beach company and Charles Can- they say that the real reason why members have joined the church, committee of the Philomathean has to be severely dealt with, The give anotner exhibition of his prowess uted than in the previous year. These thirty of whom joined on confession of as a knife wielder, are two of the largest property own- Middletown township officials are op- increases in contributions wore spe- coterie, asked that certain changes be Interviews with parents regarding era in Keansburg and they are op- posed to the change is because they faith. Twenty-two persons were bap. made in the collection of garbage and their children's behavior are usually Tomaino went to a doctor and had cially manifest in the funds for mis- Used, nine of whom were adults, and his injuries attended to.
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