Current Effective Sanitary Permits August 13, 2018 PARISH AI Facility Name Permit No Permit Type Physical Address Physical City Phys Zip Acadia 40435 Acadia Parish School Board - Crowley High School LAG540077 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Par Rd 6-43 Crowley 70526 Acadia 40434 Acadia Parish School Board - Evangeline Elementary School LAG540079 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II On Hwy 100 Evangeline 70535 Acadia 40431 Acadia Parish School Board - Midland High School LAG540080 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 735 Crocker St Hwy 91 Midland 70557 Acadia 40432 Acadia Parish School Board - Mire Elementary School LAG540081 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 5484 Mire Hwy Rayne 70578 Acadia 40430 Acadia Parish School Board - Richard Elementary School LAG540082 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Hwy 1107 Hwy 370 Richard 70525 Acadia 40445 Acadian Oaks Park Inc LAG530025 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I Hwy 98 Rayne 70578 Acadia 79917 Albert & Annie's Lil General LAG532803 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 2090 Osage Trail Church Point 70525 Bayou Cove Peaking Power LLC NRG - S Central Operation - Acadia 92706 Bayou Cove Peaking Power Plant LAG531278 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 118 Bergeaux Rd Evangeline 70546 Acadia 38219 Bayou Village Mobile Home Park LAG540173 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 100 Kristie Dr Rayne 70578 Acadia 40436 Branch Elementary School LAG530022 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 8362 Branch Hwy Branch 70516 Acadia 23113 CW Transport LLC - Crowley Terminal LAG533560 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 1607 W Mill St Crowley 70526 Acadia 24082 Canal Refining Co - Jennings Bulk Storage Terminal LAG531531 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 1801 S Riverside Rd Evangeline 70537 Acadia 41031 Church Point Town of - Wastewater Treatment Plant LA0038598 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 1034 E Ebey St Church Point 70525 Acadia 4689 City of Crowley Louisiana LA0041254 Indiv-Major-Sanitary 412 Conrad Rd Crowley 70526 Acadia 182877 Cole DG Rayne LA LLC - Dollar General #13950 LAG534309 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 5283 Mire Hwy Rayne 70578 Acadia 41143 Country Acres Trailer Park LAG540241 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 6761 Standard Mill Rd Rayne 70578 Acadia 41147 Country Courts Trailer Park LAG540244 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 2 Mi E of Hwy 10 on Hwy 97 Evangeline 70537 Acadia 41158 Country Trailer Village LAG540250 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Sensat Cove Rd Egan 70526 Acadia 166844 Daniel's Construction - WWTP LA0124788 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 326 Milligan Rd Branch 70516 Acadia 195211 Dollar General #16296 LAG534988 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I US 190 & Myers Rd Estherwood 70534 Acadia 202555 Dollar General #17908 LAG535422 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 3121 Evangeline Hwy Jennings 70546 Acadia 200589 Egan Community Center LAG535307 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 3276 Egan Hwy Egan 70531 Acadia 40433 Egan Elementary School LAG540078 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II On Hwy 100 Egan 70531 Acadia 15149 Egan Stopping Center LAG541507 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 114 Jasmine Rd Egan 70527 Acadia 41619 Giant Cleaning Systems Inc LAG540324 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Hwy 35 N Rayne 70578 Acadia 186939 Helena Agri-Enterprises LLC LAG534497 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 813 N Jackson Ave Morse 70559 Acadia 178606 Hidden Pines Campground LLC LAG541877 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 800 Abby Duson Rd Egan 70531 Acadia 19545 Iota Town of - WWTP LA0040142 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 124 W St Joseph Ave Iota 70543 Acadia 75489 Jeffery Morgan - Cajun Haven RV Park LAG570444 Gen-LAG57-Sanitary Class IV 434 Trumps Rd Egan 70531 Acadia 41206 K&L Systems - Greenland Park Subdivision LAG540261 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Cherokee Rd Crowley 70527 Acadia 187746 Lyons Point Country Store LAG534581 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 2418 Muskrat Rd Crowley 70526 Acadia 19400 Mermentau Village of - STP LA0049271 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary Fourth St Mermentau 70556 Acadia 19387 Morse Village of - STP LA0064572 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary Ferre Canal Rd, LA Hwy 91, 0.7 Mi W of Morse 70559 Acadia 121668 Muskrat Haven Campground Inc - WWTP LAG531720 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 139 Muskrat Rd Morse 70559 Acadia 130315 OM Shanti OM Seven LLC - Motel 6 LAG532052 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 9565 Egan Hwy Crowley 70526 Acadia 42697 Oakwood Mobile Home Park LAG540539 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Hwy 98 Iota 70543 Acadia 151733 Oceans Behavioral Hospital LLC LAG541565 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 2021 Crowley Rayne Hwy Rayne 70578 Pinnacle Agricultural Holdings LLC - Church Point Store - G&H Acadia 194628 Seed Co LAG534961 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 9621 Church Point Hwy Church Point 70525 Acadia 41883 Pramya Veelahj Mobile Home Park LAG540889 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Valton Castle Ln Higginbotham 70525 Acadia 86928 Rayne City of - WWTP LA0039055 Indiv-Major-Sanitary 1301 W Jefferson Davis Ave Rayne 70578 Acadia 168328 Red Dog Bar & Grill - Jeffery Morgan LAG533338 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 444 Trumps Rd Egan 70531 Acadia 204962 S and S Crawfish Dock LLC LAG542153 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 2856 Crowley Rayne Hwy Rayne 70578 Acadia 10507 Sentinel Transportation LLC - Egan Truck Terminal LAG530137 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 2316 Egan Hwy Egan 70531 Acadia 25347 Service Machine Specialties LAG531596 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 1519 Aymond St Eunice 70535 Acadia 38524 Shady Acres Mobile Home Park LAG540262 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Hwy 91 Eunice 70535 Acadia 86436 Shop Rite #85 LAG541225 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 129 Frontage Rd Rayne 70578 Acadia 41144 Stanley Holding Group LLC - Oak Park LAG540242 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 13 Country Air Dr Rayne 70578 Acadia 35556 The ARC of Acadiana Inc LAG560238 Gen-LAG56-Sanitary Class III 224 Gremillion Circle Iota 70543 1 of 154 Current Effective Sanitary Permits August 13, 2018 PARISH AI Facility Name Permit No Permit Type Physical Address Physical City Phys Zip Acadia 206657 The Camo Country Store LLC LAG542181 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 6537 S LA 13 Crowley 70526 Acadia 97646 Total Environmental Solutions Inc - Atwood Acres Subdivision LA0118656 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary Atwood Dr Crowley 70526 Acadia 19953 Town of Basile - Town of Basile Wastewater Treatment Facility LA0044865 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 1239 Bearcat Rd Basile 70515 Acadia 38144 Trails South Trailer Park LLC LAG540634 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II Hwy 13 Crowley 70527 Acadia 19644 Village of Estherwood - Sewage System LA0064530 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 294 Cemetery Rd Estherwood 70534 Allen 40804 Black Jack Inn LAG540914 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 12312 Hwy 165 Kinder 70648 Allen 70353 Brother-In-Laws Pit Stop LAG534359 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 4869 Hwy 10 Elizabeth 70638 Allen 19356 City of Oakdale Wastewater Treatment Facility LA0033430 Indiv-Major-Sanitary 1724 Hwy 10 E Oakdale 71463 Allen 197901 Coushatta Tribe of LA - Pinewood Village STP LAG542092 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 168 Pinewood Dr Kinder 70648 Allen 204614 Dollar General #10475 LAG535720 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 144 Hwy 3206 Elizabeth 70638 Allen 19650 Elizabeth Town of - WWTP Bay City Road LAG560099 Gen-LAG56-Sanitary Class III Old Main Ln Rd W of Mimosa Dr Elizabeth 70638 Allen 38083 Fairview High School LAG540135 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 4239 Hwy 377 Grant 70644 Allen 113372 Greatwood Country Cabins LAG531562 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 12330 Hwy 165 N Kinder 70648 Allen 19520 Kinder Town of - Kinder WWTF LA0020605 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 1145 Neilsen Rd Kinder 70648 Allen 113322 OD Golf Club LAG533792 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 6934 Hwy 165 N Oberlin 70655 Allen 207132 Oaklin Springs Inc - Oaklin Springs Mobile Home Park LAG54192 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 8308 Hwy 26 Oberlin 70655 Allen 19353 Oberlin Town of - STP LA0020087 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 795 Kortney Ln, off King Ln Oberlin 70655 Allen 178311 Pintail Timber LLC - River Ridge LAG533898 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 2454 Hwy 383 Kinder 70648 Allen 141678 Reeves Village of - STP LAG560255 Gen-LAG56-Sanitary Class III 208 S Lyles St Reeves 70658 Allen 43244 Skyline Hospitality LLC - Holiday Inn Express LAG540020 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 11750 Hwy 165 Kinder 70648 Allen 12285 The Cornerstore LAG534087 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 4899 Hwy 10 Elizabeth 70638 Allen 9928 The GEO Group - Allen Correctional Center LA0101907 Indiv-Minor-Sanitary 3751 Lauderdale Woodyard Rd Kinder 70648 Ascension 132733 13091 Airline Hwy LLC LAG541394 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 13091 Airline Hwy Gonzales 70737 Ascension 154751 A&T Robert Enterprises LLC - Celerity Louisiana Group Inc LAG534982 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 7384 John LeBlanc Blvd Sorrento 70778 Ascension 139571 A-Z Kidz Zone LAG532099 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 14504 Hwy 431 St. Amant 70774 Ascension 85011 APTIM Facilities Inc LAG533989 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 36443 Old Perkins Rd Prairieville 70769 Ascension 106648 Abumed LLC - Prairieville Plaza Shopping Center LAG541224 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 17318 Airline Hwy Prairieville 70769 Ascension 120065 Achord's Bluff Road Trailer Park LAG541320 Gen-LAG54-Sanitary Class II 16098 Bluff Rd Prairieville 70769 Ascension 203305 Adam McCarty Properties LLC - State Farm Office Complex LAG535451 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 12550 N Airline Hwy Gonzales 70737 Ascension 136481 Airwal Properties LLC - Prairieville Retail Center LAG532107 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 17534 & 17540 Airline Hwy Prairieville 70769 Ascension 168795 All About Kids Daycare - Mitzi Thomassie LAG533361 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 13344 Hwy 44 Gonzales 70737 Ascension 164487 Alliance Hospitality LLC - Comfort Inn Hotel LAG533167 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 2275 Hwy 70 Donaldsonville 70346 Ascension 166395 Alligator Bayou Swamp Tours LAG533286 Gen-LAG53-Sanitary Class I 35019 Alligator Bayou Rd Prairieville 70769
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