THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART No. 60a 11 WEST 53 STREET. NEW YORK 19. N. Y. Wednesday, July 15, 1959 TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5.8900 DRAWINGS,WATERCOLORS,COLLAGES:NEWACQUISITIONS JUly 15 - October 4, 1959 Because of limitations of space and 1a.ck of pUblication, the Museum's collection of drawings is not well known. This exhibition consists of recent additions to the collection. Many of the notes on the drawings have been supplied, by the artists them- selves. In the checklist, the date following each title is that inscribed on the drawing or watercolor by the artist; otherwise the date is enclosed in parentheses. MoMAExh_0646_MasterChecklist Dimensions are in inches, height precedes width. All the drawings and watercolors are on paper; sheet sizes are given. Mrs. Julia B. Wassermanhas helped in the compilation of the checklist. William S. Lieberman Rodolfo ABULARACH.Guatemalan,born 1933. Lives in U.S.A. A Head for Ixtab. 1958. Pen and ink, 30 1/8 x 40". Inter-American Fund 661.59 After briefly attending courses in engineering at the National University at Guatemala City, Abulerach devoted his time to painting and draftsman- ship. He has studied and worked in California, Y.exicoCity and NewYork where he now lives. The ancient Mayansbelieved that suicides went directly to Paradise. A special goddess, Ixtab, was the patroness of those who had taken their lives by banging. Traditionally, she was shown hanging from the sky by a halter looped around her neck. Her eyes were closed in death, and a black circle, representing decomposition, appeared on her cheek. Pierre ALECHINSKY.Belgian, born 1927. Lives in Paris The Snowman. 1956. Brush and ink, 20 1/4 x 34 5/8" (irregular). Purchase 278.58 One of two watercolors, both studies for a painting inspired by the ab- ominable snowman. Alechinsky belonged to Cobra, a group of Danish, Belgian and Dutch artists who first exhibited in Amsterdamin 1949. The group tried to evolve an iconography and imagery within a type of abstract expressionism inspired by folk art and primitivism. The cohesion of Cobra as a group ended in 1951; among its memberswere also Asger Jorn, Kii7eI Appel and (Guillaume) Corneille. In 1951, Alechinsky left Belgium to work with the British engraver Stanley William Hayter at his Atelier 17 in Paris. In 1955 he studied calligraphy in Japan and traveled in the orient. Represented in various Belgian museumsas well as the stedelijk Museum in Amsterdamand the SolomonR. GuggenheimMuseumin NewYork, he has written several texts and produced two films. more •••• Harold ALTMAN.American, born 1924 Market, Mother and Child. (1951) Pen and ink, 93/4 x 20 1/2". Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. straus 3.58 Altman lives and teaches in Milwaukee. Of this cU'awinghe writes: "No specific model was used, but the drawing is one of a large number of studies of womenmoVingor milling about. very often these womenare found in the plein~ ma.'t'ketsof Paris and NewYork. I have been deeply interested in the merke1;for manyreasons, one of which is the fact that my father was once a marchand du qUiJ,tresaisons in NewYork City. I have drawn and painted '~heliiilXke-tstreets and peci:dIers since early childhood ••• These womenare symbols of passing - of life going by - of the loneliness of life. They emerge from nC'"here, they peer from doorways, they are fat and matriarchal. They are thin and discarded. They move about, con- verse, part, shuffle away." Fl'ench, born Algeria 1913. Lives in Fl'ance. MoMAExh_0646_MasterChecklist Pastel, 9 1/8 x 12 3/4". Benjamin Scharps and David Arnold BITTLEMAN.American, born 1933 Collage with a Leaf. (1951) Oil, pasted leaves and paper, 30 1/8 x 22 17B". Purchase, 108.58 Bittleman studied at Yale University and lives in NewHaven. He is also represented in the collections of: The Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover; The Museumof Fine Arts, Boston; The WhHney Museumof American Art; The Munson-Williams-Proctor Museum,Utica. He writes: "I set the leaf back into a landscape. The idea of the leaf developed out of a class at the Yale School of Design, g~ven by Josef Albers. Every autumn he would send. us out to gather free color leaves ••• Materials were fast- ened with ra~bit skin glue, the paint is dry pigment and the paper is rag and bond••• I was born in a city and love the country." Reg BUTLER. British, born 1913 Head Md Shoulders. 1957. Pencil, 181/8 x 25". Purchase 109.58 The drawing by Butler is one of an extensive series done in the autumn and winter of 1957. Someof these we~'erecen'!:;1y shownwith his sculp- tures at the Pierre Matisse Gallery in NewYork. Butler is one of a generation of younger British sculptors which includes Armitage, Chadwickand Pa010zzi. In 1953 his project for the internation- al competition, the monumentto The UnknownPolitical Prisoner, won first prize and is now ownedby The Museumof MOdernAz·t. His work will be included in the Museum's forthcoming exhibition The New '" Images of Man. ",.r,. ~.~~ F~ ~_ ~~. 1f.S"'7..&.::i 'r~.~91l-~37VfL CHector Bernaba)CA.-q'~. Bra.zilian, born :1.r. Argentina 1911. ., , ' "- The Hal:omock. (19551) Brush and ink, 18 7/8 x 24 1/8". Inter-American F7llIld. 254.51 Jose CLAUDIOdR:~:tLVA: Brazilie.n, born 1932. ApocalypBe,~3. 19560 Pen and ink, 19 7/8 x 21 1/2". Inter-American Fui'id 111. 58 This drawing was exhibited at the Fout'th Biennal of Sao Paulo. Andre DER.4.IN. J.880-1954 study for a Ballet settint. Watercolor, 12 1/2 x 10 1/4". Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellio1; Cohn. Theatre Arts Collection 283.58 The specific ballet for which this watercoJ.or was made has not yet been identified. more ••••• • .. -,- Jean DUBUFFET.French, born 1901 Black countrf:side (Terres NOires). 1955. CUt and painted pasted papers, 251 2 x 23 l/B". Gift of MI:'. and Mrs. Donald H. Peters 12.56 Executed at Vence, this is one of a series of some fifty collages. His work will be included in the Museum's forthcoming exhibition The New Images of Man. Eliot ELISOFON. American, born 19l1. Bent Umbrella Gras~~l. 1958. Watercolor, 40 5/8 x 13 3/4". Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adler 7.59 (117.58) Elisofon has traveled extensively in Africa, the South Seas, MeXico, Central and South America, Europe and Japan. At present he holds a fellowship in primitive art at the Peabody Museumof Harvard Univellsity. MoMAExh_0646_MasterChecklist Of' his technique in watercolor, the artist writes: "The watercolor is painted on rice paper Which is extremely thin and allowed to seep through to watercolor paper below depending on the weight of the brush strokes and the wetness or bond of the two papers. Sometimes this is done sever- al times after each l!l3'er of color is deposited. Someink is then used, either through the original rice paper, or a new piece, or directly on the watercolor paper - or all three w!l3's... Actual grass was used _ the subject is nature in some of its simplest forms, like grass this has great appeal to me." Frederick FRANCK.American, born Holland 1909. Dr. Schweitzer at Work, Kept Companyby his Ants. 19580 Pen and ink, 12 5/B x 19 1/4". Gift of the Passedoit Gallery. 284.58 Born in Holland, educated in Brussels, Edinburgh and Pittsburgh, Dr. Frederick Franck, is a dentist and artist. In the spring of 1958 he Visited Dr. Schweitzer's hospital at Lambarene in Africa, and, under the auspices of Medico, established its present dental clinic. In his recent D!l3'sWith Albert Schweitzer published by Henry Holt, Dr. Franck writes: ''Wheneveryou look on the ground of the floor you see something craWling - usually ants. There are many kinds of ants in AfriC4' from the most horrifying to the most innocent ••• King Solomon advised us to go to the ant and become wise. He probab1y bad in mind the variety ot' ants Dr. Schweitzer entertains on his writing table. "For some years he has been watching this particular family of ants, a few hundred of a few thousand qUite benign and harmless ones, which live in a nest somewhereunder the floor boards of his room. After every meal he puts a little piece of fish under the kerosene lamp on his table; immediately the ants crawl up the table leg, walk in a neat line across the top piles with papers, and start to tackle the fish offering from all sides. It requires five or six of the tiny insects to transport a huge fragment of two cubic millimeters of fish across the table, downthe leg to their residence. Dr. Schweitzer and I watched with delight how first the softer pieces of fish were chosen in preference to older, harder ones. If Raquel FORNER.Argentinian, born 1902. Moons. (1957) Brush and pen and ink, 157/8 x 21 7/8". Inter-Amei'ican Fund 257.57 Miss Forner lives in Buenos Aires. She has traveled extensively in Europe and Latin America and first showedher work in the United States in 19:15. She has contributed to many international exhibitions. more ••••• -4- stephen GREENE.American. born 1917 Garden of Eden Belies. No.8 (1958 )~:h~{,"'~ 17". /II".,Grace Borgenicht 285.58. Gift of "Although the Garden of Eden has its origin in the Bible, I had no in- tention of illustrating Biblical text. The serpent is the forceful im- age that disturbed me. The main image is essentially an hallucination of life forces.
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