l -Soviets Reportedly Won , Push Viet Issue- ~eal Jary Israelis, Arabs Refight War --In U.N. ~ay, but every. UNITED NATIONS (All - Israel stood Abdul Hamin Sa'eh and its announcement ern state and e tablish conditions of er such measures. Eban denounced Jor­ I: ut by Thu rs. firm Monday on its demand for direct of plans to establi Sh lsraeli settlements stable coexistence:' dan as a "regime which made Jerusalem ales had lenta· negotiations with Arab nalions as the in captured Arab territory showed "ut­ But he said that any settlement must a military frontier. which separated i faJl enrollment only course 10 peace in the Middle East ter disregard for principles of law and include an end to the Arab belligerency citizens into two hostlle camps, and I but Demitroil and indicated no weakening of ils strong order." against Israel. which by ob !ruction of acc desecrated days be. grip on Jerusalem. Syria R•• ponds "It i~ vilal," he declared, "that the some of the highest aDd noblest sanc· could be an- Foreign Minister Abba Eban. in a rna· Speaking after Eban, Adib Daoudy of new situation should rest on contractual lities in the bistory of mankind_ jor address to the U.S_ General Assemb­ Syria attacked the Israeli foreign min· arrangements which commit and engage "After 20 sordJd years ot division, war lY, declared that "a call to Middle East· ister as "the man who represents the the responsibilily of Israel and each Arab and ~crUege," he said, "there is now ern states to negotiate the conditions of forces of aggression and genocide" and state. unity, peace and the asaurances of ac· their future coexistence is the most con­ charged : "Zionism is following in the "No external declarations or guaran· cess to the Holy Places." structive course which this assembly can footsteps of Nazism." Lees, no general affirmation of charter Rusk. deJayed a day by an Organization or take." He also de nounced Israeli plans for pl·inciples. no recommendations or state­ of American States meeting in Washing· "The issue is one of principle and sub· settling capLured Arab territory, calling ments by international bodies. however ton, began a series of consultation with stance," Eban said. "A refusal to ne­ if a "lime bomb" directed against the unexceptionable, can replace the sover­ American friends and alii Monday and gotiate is inherently identical with a re­ peace of loe world. eign responsibility of the government.s morning at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. be, will con· fusal to live in peace." ]n his speech, Eban renewed Israel's concerned." These talks preceded a dinner wit b House - if Secretary of State Dean Rusk. mean­ pledge to respect the present cease·fire Ru olution. Ignored Gromyko, one of a series planned to their maps- while, got intimations that Soviet For­ arrangements and said that his govern­ Ignoring a sembly re olutions calling keep open Soviet·American communlca· for a mass eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko "w i II ment stood "ready to negotiate their re­ on Israel to rescind the step. it has tak. tion. by the Student not be tough" about Vietnam during the placement by treaties of peace which will en to annex the former Jordanian sect· Fir t in to ee the secr tary wu Eban. Committee. current session of Lhe General Assembly. ensure the security of all Middle Ea t- or of Jeru alem and refrain from furth· Rather surprisingly. they pent more time , dean of the diseu sing Vietnam than Ihey did the No In iti ativ8I Planned problem of the Middle East. presiden t for lIe also heard that Gromyko would take * will welcome * * * * * Neither one would say just how th no new initiatives about the Middle EasL di cu ion went. but it became clear that of the Cllss because Lhe Soviet Union had ils fingers Pres. John Eban expre sed his counlry's discomfi· badly burnt twice - during lhe six·day Israel, Egypt Trade Gunfire ture with the growing AmericaD commit­ to speak. fighting in June when its Red·armed Arab •••.• hi •• N Band ment in Southea t A ia and that Ru k allies were clobbered and later w hen TEL AVIV IA'J - Egypt and ]srael trad­ raelis did not respond and the shooting will lead in their hour-long lalk tried to reassure Premier Alexei Kosygin had no ~uccess ed mortar and machine·gun fire Monday, died down. singing. him. groups in persuading Lhe General As eJllbly to breaking the Suez cease·fire for the eighth An hour and a half later, Arab ma­ He had to do the same thing a few of condemn Israel. time this month. In Israel, near the old chinegunner and mortarmen opened up moments later when Brill h Foreign Sec­ to gel Eban's addres was preceded by a Jor­ 011 I ra"li posilion~ in Sinai. on the east retary George Brown arrived to give the frontier with Jordan, a terrorist born b bonk of the deserted waterway, the I· and discuss danian denunciation of Israel's pursuit of kiUed a 3-year-old boy. ecretary a Cir t hand accounl of hi Sal· traditions. a policy of "persecution and terrorism" raeli army said. urday talks with Gromyko. of the Old Cap in Lhe Arab territories it seized in June. The Suez baltle was preceded, accord· It said the Israelis returned the fire . Brown and all Prime Minisler Harold Monday, the Jordan's foreign mini~ter. Muljammad in,!! Lo an Israeli account, by a few min· and shoo\ing continu('d poradically for Wilson's government have been und r year officially Ade~b EI.Aamiry, speaking briefly on a u le~ of Egyptian automatic weapons fire th, ee hours l'nW Umted ~ation ob crv· strong atlack from their own Labor by Pres. Ho w. point of order, saId Israel's weekend de· near GreaL Bitter Lake, t9 miles south erh re tored the c('age·(ire. Party's left wing for supporting Pre i­ portation of Jerusalem Arab leader Sheik o( Ismailia on the Suez Canal. The Is- No I:;l'aeli casualtie. were r ported. dent Johnson's pOlicy in Vi lnam. Spe.k on the slella SPEAKING BEFORE THE U.N. G,n".1 A.. embly MotICI.y, lar ••U Fe,..lsn Mlnist~ the academic Abbe Eb.n ckm.nded direct negotl.tlonl with Ar.b n.llon, IS tlw o/lly course to deans and di· pe.ce In the Mickut. He Indicated hr.ell, wltl not 100..., their firm grip on Jeru· ail wan salem. - AP WIrephoto Servin!! the Unit)ersitll of I owa alld tlip People vI Iowa GitU 14 Children Die Bowen Cautions Eata blished in 1868 10 cents a COPY Associated Press Leased Wire and WirePhoto Iowa City, Jowa 52240--Tuesday, September 26,1967 From Bad Milk That Excellence TIJUANA, lexlco l..tI - At 1 14 cllU· dren died Monday and about 30 w r ho pitnllzcd In critical conditiun - apparent Requires Spirit victim of milk poisoning in thi, bnrder Rio Grande Overflows Banks cily. lhl' dIstrict allornl'Y'lo office oid HARLINGEN, Tex . IA'l-Thc Rio Grande, Colorado. Another, but 9lTlaller, floodway which enLered BrownsvIlle, Tex., with 160 homes in the eoa tal resort and fishing COllnllc .. victim, mo. tly children, wer on its most massive flood in hisLory de­ diversion structure upstream gave way mile-an-how' winds Wednesday-returned community were hit hard by Beulah's ru. hed to doctors' office for mergeney Monday at Little Madero. to their shaLLered homes during the day winds. Ninety per cent of the city'. 500 treatment while ' authoriti' in th dly of spite a multi·million dollar flood control CrISt I. Ab.lVe D.m to work until night sent them back to shrimp boal also were damaged. 265.000 inv ligated milk Pl'1lducts system, toppled another diversion dam The crest of the main Rio Grande flood refugee shelters. Harlingen, a f,oulh Texas city of 41.000. o puty Di t, Ally. 11 tor "plfhvis 6Pid Monday, buried fashionable homes and remained upstream above Anzalduas The Arroyo Colorado walers Lhreatened lies 15 miles north of the Rio Grande. the poi. on was "pparently in milk • old attacked even its own channel. Dam. to chasn the Department oC Public Safely Also on the Arroyo and in danger of flood· Sunday by the La Vqultu liIk Co controllers from their posts. A state tuber. ing were Mercedes, a city of 11 ,000, and The record rains of Hurricane Beulah Officials in Harlingen closed off about Tijuana radio and televi I(ln ludlOS 35 blocks of the city and tried to contain culosis hospital also was threalened. the small trading centers of La Feria. Rio pushed the Rio Grande to a new frenzy. broadcil t warnln. about the milk and the Arroyo Colordao's flooding within A U.S official said the Mexican flood · Hondo and Lozano. tall' poliet'. iZl'd!lII milk Bnd milk prod· Seme 5,000 persons fled to higher ground t hem with hastily thrown up sandbag way system, which was holding, is ex· The American Insurance Association at Harlingen Monday and a spokesman ucts in local market., hailing sale until dikes. pected to save the Matamoros-Browns· Monday estimated insurance damage fUI·ther notice. I .1 for the International Boundary and Water 90 ville area from more flooding. alone from Beulah at $36 million for th Official Mexican sources reported The health d pOliment m San Die 0 .. Commission said the situation would get blocks of Reynosa flooded during the Congressmen Tour 40,000 sql.lare mil area whipped by the no belter in the next two days.
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