Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations CHANGES REFLECTED IN VITAL STATISTICS Town Originated in Pony Express Days Content! Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Ine., 1948— Permission to Reprodnce, Except Julesburg Parish Is Marking on Articles Otherwise Marked. Given M ter 12 M. Friday Following issueIs Population Shifts 25th Anniversary This Year DENVER CATHOLIC Seen in Report for This year marks the 25th anni- the Rev. Andrew E. Warwick, were nowhere to be seen. Relics Catholic Directory vcrsary of the founding of St. pastor; of those days are still found near The history of Julesburg be­ Anthony of Padua’s parish in Julesburg, ruins of big wheels, gins in the pony express and yokes for oxen, etc. Julesburg, which existed as a mis­ overland coach days. Since ’ this Town Burned by Indian* Infant Baptisms m Archdiocese Increase; Col­ sion from 1908, when a thurch territory once belonged to France Julesburg was moved south of was built. An historical booklet and French trappers were con­ Lodgepole creek nearer to Port REG ISTER lege Enrollment Drops; Blue Cross Plan being prepared for the jubilee stantly blazing trails from St. Sedgwick about 1863 in order to 'The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We contains material that is published Louis and Canada to the Rocky have better protection from the Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller for the first time. The following mountains and the West coast, Indians. The Union Pacific R. R. Services, Photo Features, and Wins World Photos. Brings Hospital Patients Up account is taken from copy writ­ it is not surprisiM to find a town was begun in 1863 and com­ ten for the booklet and sent to named after a French-Canadian, pleted in 1866. William Cody, or (All Matter in Thii Newspaper la Copyrighted, With Release Allowed for Newspaper! VOL. XXXIX. No. 13. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1943. $1 PER YEAR or Radio Slatiooa Friday Noon, Nov. 26) * the Denver Catholic Regitter by Jules Beni. (Turn to Pages — Column i ) Changes resulting from war conditions are reflected On the south side of the South in the year’s vital statistics for the Archdiocese of Denver, Platte river, he built a home and armorer on the far- given Lowry men by the Chaplains’ corps of Lowry Field. Several a store and accommodated the prepared for the 1944 edition of the Official Catholic Direc­ Christmas Night Sflung battle front* of the world i* thousands of these cards will be distributed to Lowry personnel in the F y l stage lines. The two or three depicted by S. Sgt. Sarkis Bartigan in a new painting, “ For Peace on tory. These include shifts in population, a drop in college at­ miles nearest his place were called Earth,” which forms the theme of a Christmas postcard soon to be next few weeks.— (.Army Air Force* Training Command photo) tendance, and an increase in infant Baptisms. “Jules’ stretch.’’ The gold rush of 1849 caused a flow of travelers The total ’ population of the archdiocese rose 426 to through Julesburg and the neigh­ reach 90,870. Denver, with 59,518 Catholic residents, had i l l BE PBIESl borhood that lasted for many an increase of 1,728 and its suburbs, with 3,150, a growth years. The pony'express was es­ of 95. Other parts of the archdio-l tablished in 1860 and ran from ce.se, with 28,202, had a drop of St. Joseph, Mo., through this sec­ 1,397, which is attributed to the BB lE liS DEC. n tion, to San Francisco, Calif. attraction of war industries in The covered wagon trail passed the larger centers. Infant Bap­ through Fort Kearney, Nebr., and tisms, 4,353 in number, increased then stayed close to the South (By Max Greedy) 754 over the previous year’s Platte river until near this spot, figures. It is noted in other Father Arthur Francis Versavel, where it turned northwest. Many surveys that the birth rate tends EffECTEO TO OE S.J., will celebrate the golden tons of express were carried over to rise rapidly in the early part of jubilee of his ordination to the this trail by oxen and horses. a war, but often falls heavily later priesthodd on Thursday, Dec. 23, Later, when the railroad termi­ on. There were 1,408 maiyiages with a Solemn Mass of thanksgiv­ nated here, the trains were met in the year, an increase of 26. ing in Sacred Heart church, 28th by the pony express and the stage COEEED OVEOSEIS One- of the most significant and Larimer streets, Denver. coach for the completion of the changes is in the number of hos­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will trip west. pital patients, set at 33,389 in the Father Clatus E, Snyder, who preach the sermon at the Mass, An old pioneer related that the year, or 4,620 more than in the which will be celebrated at 10 wagon-train of which he was a previous year. The widespread has been a chaplain in Lowry o ’clock. Father Edward J. Mor­ member, on the gold rush to Cali­ popularity of the Blue Cross plan Field for the past year, is under­ gan, S.J., pastor of Sacred Heart fornia, followed the river to get is believed responsible for this. Be­ stood to be awaiting orders that church, announced. The jubilarian food for the animals. They passed cause of the shortage of doctors, will take him into overseas duty. has not yet selected the officers of more than one wagon that had nurses, and other personnel, many He was honored with a farewell his Mass of thanksgriving. come to grief and would never of whom are now engaged in war dinner given Tuesday evening, Ghent, Belgium, was Father reach its destination. One of them service, hospital facilities have Nov. 23, in the Park Lane hotel Versavel’s birthplace, and he was was along Lodgepole creek (seven been heavily taxed. by the other chaplains of Lowry born April 24, 1871. He was edu­ miles west of Julesburg) and he The number of young people un­ Field. Maj. Tunis Cordill, post cated in Jesuit schools, including wondered what its tragic history der Catholic care is 11.183, a drop chaplain, was toastmaster. Father the College of Notre Dame in could be. The tattered canvas of 61 since last year. This is owed David C. Sullivan, chaplain of the Tournay, Belgium. still covered the wagon, which was in large measure to the drafting of Western Air Force Training Com­ drawn by oxen in a circle. The “ By the time I was 16, I had young men for military service. mand, was a guest. drifting sand piled about the set my heart on becoming a Jesuit College attendance shows a de­ Since he has been stationed in spokes of the wheels but the peo­ priest,’’ said Father Versavel crease of 91, with the total figures Lowry Field, Father Snyder has ple who had been in the wagon Wednesday in speaking of his boy­ being set at 447. Inmates of the won the admiration of men of all hood. “ But my parents wanted Good Shepherd home also declined faiths for his zeal in working for me to become a diocesan priest, 40 Hours’ Will Open in number; they are 118 now as the spiritual and material welfare and so I entered the diocesan semi­ (TumtoPagelO— Cohtmn S) of the soldiers. A short time ago nal^' in Ghent.’’ In Cathedral Dec. 6 he was promoted to captain. Fa­ Three days before Father Ver­ ther Snyder long ago placed him­ Be Paul Men Will self on 24-hour on-call duty and savel was ordained, his father died. Forty Hours’ devotion will be “ My first Solemn Ma.ss was a held in the Denver Cathedral Mon­ maintained quarters in the sac­ Hold Annual Retreat risty of his chapel so that he Requiem that I sang for the re­ day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, pose of my father's soul,’’ the might be the more readily avail­ Dec. 6, 7, and 8. It will be opened + + jubilarian said. with a Solemn Mass on Monday at In Benver Bee. 9-11 able. He has addressed many Father Versavel was ordained at 9. The Rev. H en^ Sutton, Denver organizations in an effort to the priesthood in the Ghent C.SS.R., chaplain in Fitzsimons, Picture of Nativity Scene to Be The annual retreat sponsored by to make civilians more conscious Cathedral Dec. 23, 1893. About will preach at the evening devo­ the conferences of the St. Vincent of needs of those in the armed this time there was an urgent call tions Monday and Tuesday at 7 :45, de Paul society in Denver will be forces. from the United States for youth­ and the Most Rev. Archbishop Ur­ held in Holy Ghost church on the Father Snyder is a native of ful priests to serve in the sparsely ban J. Vehr will deliver the ser­ Greeting Card for Lowry Soldiers evenings of Dec. 9, 10, and 11 with Buffalo, N. Y. He made his settled frontier areas. On Sept. mon at the closing service at 7 ;45 services beginning at 8 o’clock. studies for the priesthood in St. 8, 1894, Father Versavel’.s Ordi- on Wednesday evening, Dec. 8, The Rev, John Clark, C.M., pro­ Andrew’s Preparatory seminary nar>’ released him from diocesan week after next. (By T. Sgt. John F. Connors. low allows the soldier to sign his cration,” were mailed to the “ folks fessor of sacred eloquence in St.
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