Terms & Conditions to the Bids Raised in Gem for Ssa

Terms & Conditions to the Bids Raised in Gem for Ssa

Terms and conditions for supply of IT Equipment in 232 Schools of J&K TERMS & CONDITIONS TO THE BIDS RAISED IN GEM FOR SSA SCHOOLS REF: BIDS ON GEM PORTAL FOR SUPPLY OF PRINTERS, UPS AND DESKTOPS IN 232 SCHOOLS OF SSA IN JAMMU & KASHMIR STATE. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO DOWNLOADED, SIGNED AND STAMPED AND SHALL BE SENT THROUGH EMAIL TO ([email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], CC:[email protected] by or before the date specified in the bid on GeM Portal TERMS 1. Bidder has to necessarily supply and install the allotted items at the following designated schools (232 locations) mentioned in the annexure A within the quoted price on GeM. No extra charges shall be paid on any grounds. School List and detailed terms & conditions is available on http://www.nielit.gov.in 2. District-wise payment will be released on successful delivery installation as per the following terms:90 % payment against successful delivery and installation at the designated schools. Balance 10 % payment shall be released after the inspection by the designated committee. 3. Successful bidders shall submit a Performance Security of 10% of the total value of Purchase Order within 15 days of the placement. The security shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee by any Nationalized /scheduled banks. The BG shall be valid for 60 days more after the completion of all Contractual Obligations including warranty 4. PENALTY FOR LATE DELIVERY: If the supplier fails to either deliver any or all of the goods or do not complete the installation within the period as specified on GeM, NIELIT shall without any prejudice to its other remedies, deduct liquidated damage at the rate of 1% of the quoted price for the delayed goods for every week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value. 5. FORCE MAJEURE: In situations beyond the control of vendor i.e. Acts of God, Floods, Riot, Earthquake, General Strike, Lock outs, etc such period may not be counted for penalty etc. The bidder shall try to provide their best possible service in given circumstances 6. PAYMENT a)A pre-receipted bill in triplicate in the name of NIELIT J&K supported by Delivery Challan duly signed and stamped by the school authorities The payment will be processed per district wise after installation, commissioning and testing of the items at all the designated 232 sites. Payment shall be released on district wise completion basis on the following terms and conditions.90% payment will be released to the supplier against delivery & installation subject to fulfillment of terms. b) Remaining 10% payment will be released to the supplier on receipt if Inspection Report by the Inspection Committee constituted indicating satisfactory working of the setup of the Smartclassroom for which this equipment is one of the components 7. MAF Authorization letter from OEM inked in original to be submitted to in Name of ED NIELIT by the bidder on or By dates specified in bids on GeM at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],CC:[email protected] 8. Local Service Centre/ resident Engineer: In J&K State (Provide Details) Page 1 of 8 Terms and conditions for supply of IT Equipment in 232 Schools of J&K ANNEXURE A List of Schools Pin S.N UDISE Code School Name District Address o. Code 1 01090101805 UPS Kanthi Doda Mangota Marmat 182201 2 01090401105 UPS Shiva Doda Shiva 182201 3 01090903001 UPS Gajoth Doda Gajoth Bhalla 182221 4 01092601125 UPS Zulanth Doda Zulanth Teh Kastigarh Doda 182147 5 01092400217 UPS Golibagh Doda Golibagh Doda 182202 6 01090301703 UPS Gwalote Doda Gwalote Doda 182202 7 01091205501 HS Thanala Doda Thanala Bhaderwah 182222 8 01091703901 UPS Natwas Doda Thathri Doda 182201 9 01091602402 GUPS Jhakyas Doda Jakyas 182203 10 01090601601 UPS Darai Doda drai bhaleesa 182203 01130101801 HS Devipur Jammu Devipur , Akhnoor , Jammu 181202 11 01130302801 HS Kangrail Jammu Kangrail, Bhalwal , Jammu 181206 12 01130305810 HS Pakhain Jammu Pakhain , Bhalwal , Jammu 181206 13 01130702201 HS Deeli Jammu Deeli, Gandhi Nagar , Jammu 180001 14 01130707603 MS Gandhi Nagar Jammu Gandhi Nagar , Jammu 180004 15 01130708801 GMS Gorakh Nagar Jammu Gorakh Nagar , Bahu Fort , Jammu 180006 16 01131902201 MS Kacchi Chowani Jammu Kacchi Chowani , Jammu 180001 17 01131904501 HS Dogra Hall Jammu Dogra Hall , Jammu 180001 18 01130902701 HS Dokh Khalsa Jammu Dokh Khalsa , Jourian , Jammu 181202 19 01131108801 GHS Marh Bagh Jammu Marh Bhag , Jammu 181206 20 21 1411702820 MS Kalnoo Kathua P.O Bani 184206 22 1411700403 UPS Doulka Kathua P.O Roulka The Bani 184206 23 1140407002 MS Uttri Kathua VPO Barwal Teh Kathua 184143 24 1140104001 MS Parole Kathua ward no 7 Parole The Nagri 184151 25 1141403102 MS Dodla Kathua P.O Bhoond teh. Basohli 184201 26 1140401604 MS Gurha Pandita Kathua P.o Dhanni 184143 27 1114001607 MS Dramani Kathua P.O Gurah Kalyal Teh. Ramkot 184210 28 1114001901 UPS Dharamkot Kathua P.O Dharam kote 184203 29 1140304704 GMS Chandwan Kathua vpo Chandwan Teh. Marheen 184144 30 1141604101 MS Chapaki Khurd Kathua P.O Chapaki More The. Hiranagar 184144 31 01171501402 HS Drabshalla Kishtwar Drabshalla 182204 32 01171500401 HS Badhat Kishtwar Badhat Drabshalla 182204 33 01171800704 HS Kuchal Kishtwar Kuchal 182205 34 01171800301 HS Drubeel Kishtwar Drubeel 182204 35 01170701901 HS Trigam Kishtwar Trigam 182204 Page 2 of 8 Terms and conditions for supply of IT Equipment in 232 Schools of J&K 36 01170701505 HS Pochhal Kishtwar Pochal 182204 37 01170701507 GHS Sangrambhatta Kishtwar Sangrambhata 182204 38 01171401502 HS Cherhar Kishtwar Cherhar 182204 39 01171401701 MS Bhandarkoot Kishtwar Bhandarkoot 182204 40 01171401007 HS Dool Kishtwar Dool 182204 41 01110100401 MS Behramgala Poonch Behramgala 185121 42 01110201637 KGBV Balakote Poonch Dhargloon 185111 01110300302 GMS Kangra Poonch Galhutta Upper 185111 43 44 01110400801 GMS Khanaiter Poonch Delhera 185101 45 01110501436 KGBV Loran Poonch Loran 185102 46 01110600502 GMS Harraki Poonch Mankote 185111 47 01110700217 KGBV Mendhar Poonch Mendhar 185111 48 01110800807 MS Chaktroo Poonch Chaktroo 185101 01110901002 MS Fakeer Dara Poonch Khari Karmara 185101 49 50 01111100104 MS Gujjar Basti Baila Poonch Baila 185102 51 1121902004 MS Cherrian Rajouri Tehsil & District Rajouri 185132 52 1121801202 MS Lamberi Rajouri Tehsil Sunderbani District Rajouri 185153 53 1121301702 KGBV Dehrian Rajouri Tehsil & District Rajouri 185151 54 1121700901 MS Larkutti Rajouri Tehsil Budhal District Rajouri 185233 55 1120101509 KGBV Katarmal Rajouri Tehsil Manjakote District Rajouri 185131 56 1122302403 GMS Serh (Qila Darhal) Rajouri Tehsil Nowshera District Rajouri 185151 57 1121201406 MS Kharyalla Rajouri Tehsil Budhal District Rajouri 185233 58 1122000303 HS Zairat Sharief Rajouri Tehsil & District Rajouri 185131 59 1122700103 MS Khui Dheri Rajouri Tehsil Sunderbani District Rajouri 185153 GMS Lah 60 1121502601 Rajouri Tehsil Thanamandi District Rajouri 185212 61 01181900602 UPS GovidPura Ramban Maitra Ramban Teh. Ramban 182144 62 01181901004 UPS Sharore Ramban Vilage- Kanga Teh. Ramban 182144 63 01180103903 MS Thopal Ramban Village-Thopal, Teh. Batote 182143 64 01180100901 MS Chakwa Ramban Chakwa, Teh. Batote 182143 65 01180500720 UPS Phagmulla Ramban Phagmulla, Teh. Pogal Paristan 182145 66 01182101101 UPS Boharnar Ramban Village- Boharnar Teh. Banihal 182146 67 01182101717 MS Neel Ramban Village- Neel Teh. Banihal 182146 Village- Chirwari Kumla Trigam Teh. 01182700806 UPS Chirwari Ramban 182145 68 Khari 69 01181001001 UPS Famrote Ramban Village- Famrote Teh. Gool 182144 70 01181001109 UPS Jaba Ramban Village- Gool Teh. Gool 182144 71 01210101004 MS KOURI REASI PO-ARNAS, TEH-ARNAS 182313 72 01210101403 MS SULKH REASI PO-THUROO, TEH- THUROO 182313 Page 3 of 8 Terms and conditions for supply of IT Equipment in 232 Schools of J&K 73 0121030049 MS SUKRALLA REASI PO-KOTLI DHAMNI,THE CHASSANA 185233 01210700301 MS BALDHANOO 74 REASI KULDI CHINKAH, THE- THAKRAKOTE 182313 75 01211301005 MS GANJOTE REASI TEH/ZONE- MAHORE 182315 01211600201 GMS BISSI KALAKOTE 76 REASI TEH- POUNI, ZONE- POUNI 185203 77 01211901201 MS CHAMYARA REASI PO-AGHARJITTO, ZONE-REASI 182311 PO-Bakkal, Thebhomag Zone: 78 01210704501 MS Sermeghan REASI chanka, TEH-KATRA 182301 79 01211301606 MMS CHEERAL REASI PO-SHAJROO, ZONE- MAHORE 182313 80 01211600702 MS DHARMAN REASI PO- POUNI, THE- POUNI,ZONE POUNI 185203 VILL. KOTLI BIRPUR PO BIPPUR 01221807601 MS KOTLI BIRPUR SAMBA TEHSIL BARI BRAHMANA DISTT. 181133 81 SAMBA 82 01221603405 MS DUNAI SAMBA VILLAGE DUNAI PIN 184122 184122 83 01220902201 MS RAGHU CHACK SAMBA VILLAGE RAGHU CHACK 184141 VILLAGE AMALA PO SAMBA TEHSIL & 01221600201 MS AMALA SAMBA 184122 DISTT. SAMBA 184122 84 VILLAGE PACHOLI PO PURMANDAL 01221301202 MS PACHOLI SAMBA 181146 85 PIN 181146 86 01221302212 MS MARKONWALI SAMBA VILLAGE MAKRONWALI 181134 181134 VILLAGE CHAK DOULAT PO CHAK 01221503902 MS CHAK DOULAT SAMBA SLARIAN TEHSIL VIJAYPUR DISTT. 184121 87 SAMBA PIN 184121 VILLAGE KALAH PO SWANKHA TEHSIL 01221507201 MS KALAH SAMBA 184121 RAMGARH PIN 184121 88 89 01220900301 GMS RAJPURA SAMBA VPO RAJPURA Pin code 184146 184146 VILLAGE RARIAN PO VIJAYPUR PIN 01221800605 MS RARIAN SAMBA 184121 CODE 184121 90 Village Sunal P.O. Thial Tehsil Majalta 1100201801 MS SUNAL Udhampur 184205 District Udhampur 91 Village kud Tehsil chenani district 1100402702 GMS KUD Udhampur 182142 udhampur , pin- 182142 92 VPO Hartaryan, Tehsil Ramnagar , 1100900201 GMS HARTARYAN Udhampur 182124 District Udhampur ,pin- 182124 93 village thaloraVPO Majalta Tehsil 1101200102 GMS THALORA Udhampur 182127 Majalta Distt Udhampur 94 VPO ladda Tehsil Moungri ,District 1101503411 GMS Kouri Ladda Udhampur 182123 Udhampur , pin-182123 95 Village bland Tehsil Ramnagar 1101702002 MS Parla Udhak Udhampur 182122 District udhampur ,pin-182122 96 Page 4 of 8 Terms and conditions for supply of IT Equipment in 232 Schools of J&K 97 1102301905 GMS Bassan Udhampur PO Tikri Tehsil & district Udhampur.

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