1St catalogue MiddlMiddlee EasEastt ResearcResearchh collectionscollections onon microfichemicrofiche M IDC I PrefacPrefacee IDIDCC hashas nonoww puputt togethetogetherr thithiss ververyy larglargee collectiocollectionn ooff workworkss dealingdealing howevehoweverr peripherallperipherallyy withwith aspectsaspects ooff MiddlMiddlee EasternEastern society,society, historhistoryy anandd cultureculture.. ThesThesee includincludee ververyy rarerare monographsmonographs andand alsalsoo setsetss o off serialserialss whicwhichh araree ofteoftenn difficuldifficultt toto obtain.obtain. InIn subjectsubject theythey rangerange fromfrom GreeGreekk PalestinPalestinee ttoo neanearr contemporar contemporaryy politica politicall andand economieconomicc materialmaterial.. TheThe richnessrichness ooff subjectsubject mattermatter isis almostalmost tootoo muchmuch toto graspgrasp anandd wilwilll proveprove aa treasuretreasure trovtrovee foforr scholarsscholars andand librarielibrariess seekingseeking ttoo enhanceenhance speciaspeciall collections collections.. I tIt i sis difficul difficultt toto imagineimagine wherewhere elseelse iitt woulwouldd bebe possiblpossiblee ttoo finfindd iinn ononee collectiocollectionn aa worworkk dealindealingg witwithh wawarr againsagainstt ththee OttomaOttomann TurkTurkss publishepublishedd iinn 1594,1594, ththee infamouinfamouss correspondencecorrespondence betweebetweenn Si Sirr Henr Henryy McMahoMcMahonn andand SheriSheriff Hussein,Hussein, papyruspapyrus documentsdocuments anandd ththee publicationpublicationss ofof missionarymissionary societies.societies. TheThe catalogucataloguee iiss particularlparticularlyy strongstrong iinn a numbenumberr ooff areas,areas, includinincludingg legallegal collections,collections, materialmaterial onon Palestine,Palestine, traveltravel booksbooks andand veryvery rarerare earlyearly printeprintedd booksbooks.. NNoo librarlibraryy iiss likellikelyy toto holdhold allall thethe workworkss listelistedd andand microfichemicrofichess nownow makemake materialmaterial heldheld inin scatteredscattered locationslocations availableavailable toto allall interestedinterested scholarsscholars andand libraries.libraries. Derek Hopwood MiddleMiddle EastEast Centre,Centre, StSt.. Antony'Antony'ss College,College, OxforOxfordd II[I IcoIconn oofSt.f St. JohnJohn ChrysostomChrysostom.. 1I ofof 1515 existing.existing. MiniatureMiniature MosaicMosaic Constantinople, ri-.. 1325325.. 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TheseThese factors,factors, microfichmicrofichee isis thatthat itit isis easyeasy toto fillfill ordersorders whichwhich areare takentaken intointo accountaccount forfor eacheach forfor separateseparate items,items, forfor exampleexample singlesingle TheThe IDCIDC guaranteeguarantee workwork filmedfilmed,, togethertogether withwith thethe qualitqualityy volumevolumess oorr missinmissingg partpartss toto completecomplete ooff ththee printsprints,, guaranteguaranteee thethe bestbest possiblepossible brokenbroken sets.sets. ThisThis makesmakes itit simplesimple forfor aa TheThe IDCIDC guaranteeguarantee coverscovers reproductioreproductionn legibilitlegibilityy ooff bothboth texttext andand illustrationsillustrations.. librarlibraryy ttoo completcompletee a collectioncollection atat lowlow quality,quality, processingprocessing,, collating,collating, andand cost.cost. shipping.shipping. AnyAny imperfectimperfect oror missingmissing itemitem PricePrice willwill bebe replacedreplaced freefree ofof charge.charge. MissinMissingg Information about prices, free readers, MissinMissingg volumesvolumes itemsitems mustmust bbee reportedreported withingwithing threethree Information about prices, free readers, monthmonthss ofof receiptreceipt ofof thethe order,order, withwith thethe andand howhow toto orderorder cancan bebe foundfound onon thethe AAss withwith allall rarerare publications,publications, itit isis exceptioexceptionn ofof singlesingle microfiche,microfiche, whichwhich IDCIDC priceprice list.list. IfIf thethe priceprice listlist isis notnot sometimessometimes hardhard toto findfind completecomplete sets,sets, araree replacereplacedd freefree ofof chargecharge withoutwithout anyany enclosed,enclosed, pleaseplease askask thethe IDCIDC officeoffice inin eveevenn withwith thethe helphelp ofof severalseveral timtimee limitation.limitation. LeidenLeiden,, TheThe Netherlands,Netherlands, toto sendsend youyou a institutionsinstitutions.. WWee ddoo ouourr besbestt ttoo searcsearchh foforr copycopy.. missinmissingg volumesvolumes,, andand continuallycontinually add add sucsuchh volumevolumess witwithh ththee helphelp ofof anan increasinincreasingg numbenumberr ofof cooperatingcooperating libraries.libraries. ContentContentss ReferenceReferencess .....................IVIV SerialSerialss anandd larglargee setssets .............. I1 MonographMonographss .................... 77 RelatedRelated IDCIDC projectsprojects ............. 5555 IIVV ReferenceReferencess ThThee followingfollowing referencesreferences toto bibliographiesbibliographies oror librarylibrary locationslocations areare usedused inin thisthis catalogue:catalogue: AH/DAH/DRR Hidaru,Hidaru, A.A. andand D.D. RahmatoRahmato (Eds.).(Eds.). A short guide ttoo thethe study ofof Ethiopia.Ethiopia. WestportWestport,, 1976.1976. CFCFBB Brown,Brown, C.F.C.F. (Comp.)(Comp.) Ethiopian Perspectives; A BibliographicaBibliographicall GuidGuidee ttoo ththee HistoryHistory ofof Ethiopia.Ethiopia. dSdS DeDe Silva,Silva, D.D. TheThe Portuguese iinn Asia. AnAn annotatedannotated bibliographybibliography ofof studiesstudies oonn PortuguesPortuguesee coloniacoloniall historyhistory inin Asia,Asia, 1498-c.1800.1498-c.lSOO. Zug,Zug, 1987.1987. GFGF Fumagalli,Fumagalli, G.G. (Ed.).(Ed.). Bibliografia etiopica.etiopica. GGMM Morton,Morton, L.T.L.T. Garrison andand Morton's Medical Bibliography. EdEd.. 2.2. LondonLondon,, 1961.1961. G.OG.O.. GrandGrand LodgeLodge Library,Library, TheThe Hague.Hague. HHHHGG HayHay hnatip grk'i matenagitaken matenagitaken ts'uts'ak,ts'uts'ak, 1512-1800.1512-1800. Erevan,1963Erevan,1963 JLJL Lust,Lust, J.J. Western BooksBooks oonn ChinaChina published upup toto 1850,1850, iinn ththee LibrarLibraryy ooff ththee SchooSchooll ooff OrientaOrientall anandd AfricaAfricann Studies,Studies, UniversityUniversity ofof London.London. London,London, 1987.1987. LLaa LandwehrLandwehr,, J.J. Dutch Emblem Books: A Bibliography. Utrecht,Utrecht, 1962.1962. BibliothecBibliothecaa EmblematicEmblematical.a I. -.— Emblem. Emblem Books Books in in the the Low Low Countries Countries 1554-1949:1554-1949: AA Bibliography.Bibliography. UtrechtUtrecht,, 1970.1970. BibliothecBibliothecaa EmblematicEmblematicaa III.III. -.— German. German Emblem Emblem Books Books 1531-1888:1531-1888: AA Bibliography.Bibliography. Utrecht,Utrecht, Leiden,Leiden, 1972.1972. BibliothecaBibliotheca EmblematicaEmblematica V.V. -.— French,. French, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, and an dPortuguese Portuguese Books Books of of Devices Devices andand Emblems Emblems 1534-1827.1534-1827: AA Bibliography.Bibliography. UtrechtUtrecht,, 1976.1976. BibliothecaBibliotheca EmblematicaEmblematica VI.VI. PKGPKG KennedKennedyy GrimstedGrimsted,, P.P. ArchivesArchives anandd Manuscript RepositoriesRepositories inin the the USSR. USSR. 11.. Moscow andand Leningrad. PrincetoPrincetonn UniversityUniversity Press,Press, 1972.1972.
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