Informing and connecting potatoes Australia’s Potato Industry australia April 2oo8 nvert’s tale Nic Kentish: a co stry Awards: meet the f Vegetable Indu nalists ear of the Potato 2008 International Y 2250 Aero A4 Potatoes Aust 4/2/08 3:49 PM Page 1 1 Aero®. Two lines of defence against disease. Contents 2 Contacts & credits 14 The ‘N-shock’ edge for seeds 3 Media Release: AUSVEG appoints new Chairman 16 The 2008 Seed Potato Conference 4 Chairman’s message 17 Revitalising Australia’s primary industries Strategic defence against disease 4 Communications Coordinator’s message 18 APRP Update The double defence provided by Aero® ensures: 4 Editor’s message 20 Vegetable Industry Awards 08 • Control of early blight and late blight in potatoes • The advantage of two different active ingredients 5 International Levy Board Meeting 25 Plant Protection Districts in a co-formulation 6 Grower Profile: Nic Kentish International Year of the Potato 2008 • Flexibility of rates 26 Thinking global, acting local • Ease of use in a convenient 5 kg pack 8 News 28 Why potatoes are healthy 10 Industry Advisory Committees www.nufarm.com.au 28 IYP World Photography Contest – the deciding factor Aero – a new path forward for 28 Great spiralling spuds! 11 Fresh Potato IAC Members profiles Australian potato growers 29 Spotlight on: Potato Virus Y 12 Researcher Profile: Dr Brendan Rodoni 30 Chips a look at what’s new ® Aero is a registered trademark of BASF used under licence by Nufarm Australia Limited 13 Fresh potato marketing development in potato information and technology Informing and connecting Australia’s Potato Industry 2 3 potatoes australia MEDIA AUSVEG Chairman Editorial Committee David Anderson Michael Hughes (QLD) Department of Primary Industries Editor RELEASE & Fisheries Jenan Taylor Ph: (07) 4095 8229 All research and development projects are AUSVEG Fax: (07) 4095 8258 facilitated by HAL in partnership with AUSVEG Ph: (03) 9544 8098 [email protected] and the PPAA and are funded by the National Fax: (03) 9558 6199 Potato Levy and/or voluntary contributions from M: 0419 732 446 Bob Peake (SA) industry. The Australian Government provides [email protected] Primary Industries and Resources SA Ph: (08) 8389 8800 matching funding for all HAL’s R&D activities. Communications Coordinator Fax: (08) 8389 8899 For further information visit www.ausveg.com.au Toni Davies [email protected] Potatoes Australia is produced by AUSVEG and is AUSVEG Iain Kirkwood (TAS) free for all National Potato Levy payers. Ph: (03) 9544 8098 Department of Primary Industries Fax: (03) 9558 6199 Disclaimer: AUSVEG makes this magazine available and Water M: 0400 242 713 on the understanding that users exercise their own Ph: (03) 6421 7698 [email protected] skill and care with respect to its use. Before relying Fax: (03) 6424 5142 on or altering any business practices, users should Advertising [email protected] carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and Max Hyde Rachel Lancaster (WA) relevance of the information for their purpose Ph: (03) 9870 4161 Department of Agriculture and Food WA and should obtain appropriate professional advice Fax: (03) 9870 4163 Ph: (08) 9780 6210 relevant to their particular circumstances. This M: 0408 558 938 Fax: (08) 9780 6163 magazine contains views and recommendations that [email protected] [email protected] do not necessarily reflect those views of AUSVEG. Special care should be taken with agricultural Design, Print and Distribution Steven Page (SA) chemicals which may have been used Golden Sunrise Produce at+m integrated marketing experimentally but are not yet registered for Ph: (08) 8577 8577 Ph: (03) 6334 3577 commercial use. Clarification should be sought Fax: (08) 8577 8544 Fax: (03) 6331 5006 from the researchers or chemical manufacturers. [email protected] [email protected] www.atmmarketing.com.au © Copyright AUSVeg Ltd and David Antrobus (VIC) Horticulture Australia Ltd 2008 McCain Foods (AUST) Pty Ltd This work is copyright. Apart from any use as AUSVEG appoints new Chairman Ph: (03) 5339 2241 permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part Fax: (03) 5338 0633 may be reproduced by any process without prior [email protected] permission from AUSVEG Requests and inquiries 31 March. John made an outstanding contribution to AUSVEG and concerning reproduction and rights should be David Anderson was appointed as Chairman of raising the profile of the vegetable industry,” David said. addressed to the AUSVEG, AUSVEG on 1 April following the resignation of PO Box 563, Mulgrave, Vic, 3170 Michael Badcock. Robert Lawler has been appointed as Acting CEO for AUSVEG. ISSN 1834-2493 Robert has been with AUSVEG for three months in the role of interim Chief Financial Officer. “I am very enthusiastic about the positive work AUSVEG does and AUSVEG will advertise for a permanent CEO shortly. have a vision for making the vegetable industry more profitable Front cover image: Nic Kentish on his property and cohesive,” David said. “Robert has experience across a number of industries and ‘Greenbanks’ on South Australia’s Limestone Coast organisations and will continue the operations of AUSVEG to David has been a Director of AUSVEG since November 2005 and meet the needs of the vegetable industry,” David said. was elected Vice-Chairman this year. Robert joined AUSVEG from a recent role in the shipping industry “Michael Badcock has been an exceptional contributor to the and has an extensive background in financial management. vegetable industry for decades, both in the operations of a very “I am looking forward to working with David and the Board of successful business in Tasmania and in developing AUSVEG and Directors and meeting the new challenges facing AUSVEG as the industry leadership,” David said. peak industry body,” Robert said. Michael has been on the AUSVEG Board since the company’s David Anderson is a fourth generation potato and vegetable inception and has been Chairman for four years. grower from Baldivis in WA. AUSVEG Ltd is proud to be an Australian Grown “I would also like to acknowledge the efforts and enthusiasm of He is also the Chairman of vegetablesWA and on the state campaign partner John Roach who resigned from his position as CEO on Monday executive of the Potato Growers Association WA. potatoesaustralia . April o8 Informing and connecting Australia’s Potato Industry 4 5 AUSVEG Potato Group Communications International Levy Chairman’s message Coordinator’s message Board Meeting - Peru As you will all be aware, the Chairman and CEO of AUSVEG have Welcome to the April edition of Potatoes Australia, which has resigned. Michael Badcock and John Roach have been keen been produced during a period of transition for the magazine as Dr Iain Kirkwood (TIAR and Director Australian Australia, strongly rely on PR to promote a healthy potato message. contributors to AUSVEG and we wish them well into the future. we farewell Editor, Simon Adams. Simon has done a fantastic job Potato Research Program), Clinton Zerella (SA The international organisations have made a strong move into social The board of AUSVEG has appointed me as Chairman, Jeff over the past 12 months and we thank him for his dedication to the marketing in line with the United Nations International Year of the McSpedden as Vice Chairman and Robert Lawler as acting CEO. publication. Simon will continue to provide input to magazine in a Grower) and Matthew Wickham (AUSVEG, Market Potato theme, donating a small contribution to selected charities AUSVEG will in the very near future advertise for a new CEO but in freelance-writing capacity. Development Manager) recently returned from the from potato sales. While each country works on a different budget, it was clear that even a modest fund can generate beneficial publicity. the meantime, Jeff, Robert and I look forward to consolidating and Our good news is that a new Editor has been appointed to second International Levy Boards meeting held in advancing the interests of growers, members and the board for the continue providing R&D outcomes and information to the potato We spoke about changing the consumer perception that potatoes benefit of the industry. industry, and we welcome Jenan Taylor. Jenan has experience Lima, Peru. Participants from the UK, NZ, Canada, take too long to prepare and initiatives on how to change this belief. US Potatoes is tackling the issue by promoting short educational The basket price of vegetables has risen sharply in the last in the newspaper industry and qualifications in communication, South Africa and the US openly discussed issues videos on microwave cooking and experimenting with online 12 months along with a marked increase in the costs of production. professional writing and editing. I am certain she will ensure and concerns relating to R&D and marketing. Potatoes Australia continues to connect and inform the Australian advertising and blogs to communicate to a younger generation. Potatoes, seen as a staple in many Australian diets, are also The conference was an opportunity to continue under price pressure. In addition to those challenges, the industry potato industry. Carbon footprint, food safety and labour shortages were mentioned as major issues facing the Canadian potato industry, while worryingly faces other negative effects, one of the biggest being consumption dialogue, exchange information and investigate for South Africa, they face power supply interruptions that have even of potatoes. possible joint ventures between comparable forced mining operations to close – maybe Australia isn’t that bad Consumer attitudes towards potato continue to rise and fall international potato organisations. Matthew after all! Toni Davies according to beliefs about nutrition and obesity, and the way in Communications Coordinator Wickham provides a report from the marketing side.
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