CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E897 of their journey in defense our nation’s free- IN RECOGNITION OF Mr. Ide passed away in December of 1852 dom. PREECLAMPSIA AWARENESS with only a wooden grave marker that dis- MONTH appeared shortly thereafter. It is thanks to a f local man, David Freeman that Mr. Ide’s HON. JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER gravestones have been corrected after he col- RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATED OF WASHINGTON lected funding from various organizations and SERVICE OF SERGEANT CHRIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES did much of the labor himself. HUFFMAN, PENSACOLA POLICE In just over a week, on June 7th, 2014, the DEPARTMENT Friday, May 30, 2014 new gravesite for Mr. William Brown Ide will Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Mr. Speaker, I be unveiled. I would like to thank Mr. Freeman rise today to recognize Preeclampsia Aware- for his work to ensure that important historical HON. JEFF MILLER ness Month and the importance of addressing figures like William Brown Ide are remem- maternal and infant health. bered, as is the history of the great state of OF FLORIDA Preeclampsia is a serious and far too com- California. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mon complication of pregnancy and is one of f the leading causes of maternal deaths, illness, Friday, May 30, 2014 COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, and premature birth. According to the AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on be- Preeclampsia Foundation, the disease affects PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 half of the United States Congress, I am hum- approximately 1 in 12 women, and if untreated can lead to seizure, stroke, organ failure or bled to recognize Sergeant Chris Huffman SPEECH OF death. The good news is that early diagnosis upon the occasion of his retirement from the is possible through simple screenings and HON. BRAD SHERMAN Pensacola Police Department on May 31, good prenatal care can predict or delay many OF CALIFORNIA 2014. For more than three decades, Sergeant adverse outcomes of preeclampsia. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Huffman dedicated his life to protecting and However, too many people are unaware of Thursday, May 29, 2014 defending the lives of those around him, and this potentially fatal condition. The main indi- I join citizens throughout Florida’s Gulf Coast cator of preeclampsia is high blood pressure. and across the Nation in extending my deep- The House in Committee of the Whole Additional symptoms of preeclampsia are House on the State of the Union had under est appreciation for his faithful service. common to pregnancy such as headaches, consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- The proud son of a father who was Chief of abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, propriations for the Departments of Com- Police of the Piqua Police Department in confusion, heightened state of anxiety or vis- merce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Piqua, Ohio, Sergeant Huffman followed in his ual disturbances such as oversensitivity to light or blurred vision. That is why I support tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: father’s footsteps in pursuit of a law enforce- the Preeclampsia Foundation’s efforts to edu- Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Chair, with regard to my ment career. Sergeant Huffman served as a cate women and their families to know the votes on the Commerce, Justice, Science, and police officer in Troy, Ohio, from 1979 until symptoms, respond to warning signs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act: 1984 when he joined the Pensacola Police seek prenatal care. I voted for and helped pass the Grayson Department. So much more needs to be understood amendment, confident that as the bill pro- Sergeant Huffman performed various roles about this condition—why it occurs, how to ceeds, a sophisticated, nuanced, and bal- while at the Pensacola Police Department, in- cure it, and its long-term effect on a woman anced reporter shield provision will be inserted in lieu of the current text of the amendment. cluding Community Relations; SWAT; K–9 and her child’s health. Research has dem- The rules and traditions of the House require Unit with his partner Isia; TAC, Uniform Patrol; onstrated a possible direct link to the placenta. that amendments to appropriations bills of- and DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Edu- I understand that starting this year, the Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human De- fered on the floor conform to strict rules that cation) Officer at N.B. Cook and Scenic preclude balanced and detailed formulation. Heights elementary schools, Episcopal Day velopment at NIH will embark on a new effort to understand diseases and conditions related The Conference Committee will have the lati- School, Montessori, and Sacred Heart to the placenta, and it is my hope that it leads tude needed to insert a balanced reporter schools. In 1999, he was promoted to ser- to new discovery for preeclampsia and other shield provision and I will urge such an ap- geant, and in 2002, he was honored as the conditions of pregnancy. proach. Florida DARE Officer of the Year. Together we must do all we can to eliminate Additionally, I voted for final passage with Throughout the course of his career, Ser- preventable maternal and infant death and dis- the assumption that certain problematic provi- sions would be removed in Conference Com- geant Huffman was an inspiration to our Na- ability. I am hopeful for the promise of our re- search efforts, and I am grateful for the work mittee. tion’s youth and his fellow officers. There is no I am pleased that we can move forward with of clinicians around this country and organiza- question that he made a significant impact in the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related tions like the Preeclampsia Foundation who the lives of many, and the Northwest Florida Agencies Appropriations Act and expect that work so hard tirelessly to advance maternal community was blessed by his unwavering upon passage in the Senate, the Conference and infant health and well-being. commitment to service. While Sergeant Committee will improve the bill. f Huffman’s retirement will signal the end of his f career with the Pensacola Police Department, HONORING DAVID FREEMAN AND RECOGNIZING COLONEL DIRON J. it is merely the beginning of the lasting legacy PROCLAIMING WILLIAM B. IDE that he leaves behind. CRUZ ON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DAY THE GUAM ARMY NATIONAL On June 1, Sergeant Huffman will kick off GUARD his retirement and embark on his next journey HON. DOUG LaMALFA with a 60 day, 3,785 mile bike ride to help OF CALIFORNIA HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO raise awareness and support for multiple scle- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF GUAM rosis research. Friday, May 30, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Friday, May 30, 2014 Congress, it gives me great honor to recog- recognize William Brown Ide, the leader of the Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nize Police Sergeant Chris Huffman for his 1846 Bear Flag Revolt, and the only President to recognize COL Diron J. Cruz on his retire- years of service and his passion for bettering of the California Republic. After California’s ment from the Guam Army National Guard. the lives of others. My wife Vicki joins me in annexation into the United States, Mr. Ide COL Cruz is the second son of Antonio thanking Sergeant Chris Huffman for his dedi- served as a Probate and County Judge, Pre- Babauta Cruz and Guadalupe Santiago Cruz cation to the Northwest Florida community and siding Judge of the Court of Sessions, County of Malesso, Guam. He was born in Tamuning, wishing him; his wife of 32 years, Darla; and Recorder, County Auditor, County Clerk, Guam and graduated from Father Duenas Me- their two daughters, Courtney and Kelsey, all County Treasurer, Deputy County Surveyor morial School in 1980. COL Cruz is the father the best. and Deputy Sheriff of Colusi County. of two daughters, Lenika and Nozomi. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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