Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-20-1936 Bee Gee News May 20, 1936 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News May 20, 1936" (1936). BG News (Student Newspaper). 338. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/338 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. LIBRARY STATE COLLECT BOWUNQ Q0BBN. O Editorial Event References Anniversity The Abused Bee Gee News Dance VOL. XX. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY, MAY 20, 1936 No. 34 SIGMA TAU DELTA, MANY RUN WINANT NOMINATED FOR 1937 LITERARY GROUP, COUNCIL BY OBERLIN'S INSTALLED HERE MOCK CONVENTION Key Editor New Members 'MEDIATE To Be Elected GRADUATION Two of Faculty Undergraduates will find a Taken Into CLUB HOLDS large field of candidates for SPEAKER Hear Bricker, the Student Council positions to Pinchot Chapter BANQUET choose from when they vote next CHOSEN Wednesday for next year's coun- MUNGER PRESIDENT Seventy-Six Attend cil. 225 Receive Diplomas HOLD PARADE FRI. Petitions are due this Friday The installation services of Seventy-six members and by 4:00 P. M. The nominees Dr. Bourne, Dr. Todd and her Preparations for commence- sister, Grace Todd, attended the Kappa Delta chapter of faculty sponsors attended the will be posted on the cork-board ment week are progressing satis- the mock Republican convention Sigma Tau Delta, the national Intermediate Club banquet Saturday A. M. held at the Woman's Club, May Nominations are also being factorily. Dr. Walter E. Cole, at Oberlin College, May 8 and literary fraternity, were held 9. Gifford Pinchot, conservation- 13. The program consisted of made this week for Editor of the pastor of the First Unitarian here May 13. Dr. Vincent, of ist and ex-Governor of Pennsyl- music by Jeanette Fike, Doris 1937 Key. Only Juniors are eli- Church, Toledo, has been secur- Hillsdale College, Michigan, was Newcomer, Pauline Hossler, gible to run or to sign petitions vania, gave the keynote speech. ed to give the Baccaulaureate the official delegate to install Eloise Blanke, and Elizabeth of those in the field. Attorney General Bricker, who sermon, Sunday, June 7, at is Republican candidate for the new chapter. Miss Reynolds, Molnar; brief talks by Ortrude A primary to reduce the Linder, Betty Artz, Georgetta candidates to two will be held 3:00 P. M. Dr. Frederick B. Governor of Ohio, was perman- another of the Hillsdale faculty, ent chairman. The students of Day, Esther Snyder, and Thelma Wednesday, May 27, in con- Fisher, pastor of the Central and three students were also Oberlin acted as delegates from Luke. Induction of the following junction with the Council M. K. Church, Detroit, will give the various states. present. new officers closed the pro- elections. the Commencement address. The program for the evening gram: Dorothy Pickctt, presi- The final election is scheduled Around two hundred twenty- The parade of floats was held included a dinner, installation dent; Pauline Radcr, vice presi- for the following Friday, May five graduates in diploma and early Friday evening and the platform was adopted later that of the new chapter, and the for- dent; Marguerite Weichel, se- 29. degTM courses will take part mal initiation of pledges by the cretary; Marguerite Black, in the exercises. night. John G. Winant, former charter members. The new treasurer. Governor of New Hampshire members are W. C. Robinson, Clevelanders and now on the President's com- Richard Beard, Dale C. Kellogg, mission for Social Security, KEY FEES was nominated as the presiden- Joseph Straley, Elzabetta Ruth, PORTRAIT To Take Exams Linda Dill, Donalda McDonald, tial candidate Saturday night. DISCUSSED The nomination was probably Virginia Carlston, Judith Mere- PROGRESSES HISSONG TO DIRECT dith, Mrs. Cora Bish, Frances gained by Mr. Winant because he is in sympathy with the pro- Byrne, Charlotte Planson, Inez Presentation Planned Three students from Cuya- Meeting May 28 Gorsuch, Josephine Herman, gram for social justice. An in- hoga county will tako Civil Ser- teresting point of the convention Henrietta Blessing, Virginia The Student Relations Com- The President's portrait is vice examinations for recreat- was that Alf Landon, Governor Young, and Virginia Weyman. mittee of the Student Council coming along well under the ional playground work this of Kansas, received many less Honorary members are Dr. Wil- will hold an open sesison on capable hands of George W. week. The three students are votes than Senator Arthur Van- liams, Miss Hayward, Dr. Allen, Monday, May 28 for the pur- Dinckel, of Toledo, who has Steve Panasik, Dorothy Nantell, denberg, of Michigan. Dr. Rose, Prof. Carmichael, pose of discussing the addition been working on it for the past and Wilson Jansen. Positions Virginia Albaugh, a graduate Miss Gladys Burling, Miss Dur- two weeks. The completion of as directors and assistants on of $1.00 per semester to the rin, and Dr. McCain. now teaching in the Lorain the portrait will be accomplish- the Cleveland playgrounds this students' activity fee so that Junior High School, joined Dr. The charter members are the everyone will get a 19IJ7 Key. ed by the end of the semester. summer will be given to those Bourne and Dr. Todd Saturday. following: George Munger, Presentation will be made with made eligible by the tests. Ar- Student reaction to this pro- Ethel Butler, Don Everitt, due ceremony in connection with rangements have been made to posal is invited. The meeting James Vann, Mary Conell, Lois the exercises of Commencement have the test given here by will be in Room 217A at 4:00 Solether, Pearl Urschalitz, and Week. Dean Hissong. P. M. Language Club Carl Hawver. George Munger was elected Entertains president and Ethel Butler was chosen secretary-treasurer MUSIC DEPARTMENT ACTIVE At Banquet for the new organization at the close of the meeting. WOODWIND GROUP BAND TO PRESENT STUDENTS ATTEND DR. McCAIN SPEAKS VISITS SCHOOLS ANNUAL CONCERT OBERLIN CONTEST Arlene Gill, Dwight Nofziger, The Foreign Language club Soloist The woodwind quintet made The University Band will pre- entertained its members at a Stanley Huffman and Prof. buffet supper Sunday evening, up of Seth Phillips, flute; Cal sent its Annual Spring Con- To Be cert this Wednesday evening in Tunnicliffe attended the O. N. May 17 at the Woman's Club. Kellogg, oboe; Philip Zaugg, the University auditorium, un- E. A. meeting and the high This affair given annually Featured french horn; Max Brillhart, der the direction of Mr. Church. school solo and ensemble state brings together the foreign lan- bassoon; and Charles Church, A program of general interest contest at Oberlin May 8. guage students, who are all members of the club, in an at- CONCERT MAY 28 clarinet, gave two out-of-town has been arranged, featured by Mr. Huffman's younger bro- ther is a member of the brass mosphere of good time and good programs last week. a bassoon solo and a cornet Three off-the-campus soloists trio, both with band accom- quartet that was chosen as best foreign foods. After the supper Thursday night they played will be featured in the annual paniment. Max Brillhart is the in the state and so played in at which about 100 were served, at the Commencement program Spring Concert given by the bassoonist, while members of the national contest in Cleveland music of other nations was fur- of Richfield Township High mixed chorus of the Music de- the cornet trio are Lawrence last week-end. The younger Mr. nished by the mixed quartet of School, West Hope, where John partment May 28. Mr. Theodore Ringenberg, Stanley Huffman, Huffman will be in the Music the Foreign Language Club. Linn is superintendent. Mr. Valentine, tenor, of Faynette; and Donald Stamm. department next year. This quartet composed of Eve- Linn is a graduate of Bowling Mr. Knox Dunlap, baritone, of Students will be admitted lyn Wentz, Anadelle Short, Ra- Green, and a former band mem- Toledo; and Mrs. Roy Hilty, by student activity cards. There mon Current, and Howard Haise ber here. FRESHMAN mezzo - soprano, of Bowling will be a small admission for sang songs in French, German, Friday forenoon the quintet Green, are the soloists. The pro- others. RECITAL Spanish and Italian. gave a chapel program for the gram will consist of Gade's can- The first annual Band Dinner GIVEN Dr. McCain, who traveled last Van Buren schools. tata "The Crusaders" and solos is to be held the following eve- summer in Italy, then gave an The Freshman Recital given by each of the guest entertain- ning, at which time awards will interesting talk upon her im- by the first-year music students ers. be made, and officers elected pressions of that much discuss- ZAUGG GIVEN in Studio B, P. A. May 13 fea- for next year. ed country at present. After her AUDITION tured both vocal and piano solos talk, the male quartet composed OAKWOOD and duets. The students who of Earl Cryer, Ramon Current, STUDENTS Philip Zaugg was given an CHURCH'S PUPILS participated were Franklin Howard Haise, and Phillip TOUR CAMPUS audition in the French horn at WINS CONTEST Bushman, Donald Stamm, Char- Zaugg, sang in Latin the fam- Cleveland May 12. Mr. Anton lotte K r a t z e r, Marguerite ous ode "Integer Vitae". The Oakwood High School Homer, representative of the Arthur Zulzki, a Fostoria Stowell, Marie Boger, Stanley The following people super- Seniors were conducted through Curtis Music Institute and a high school student and a clar- Huffman, Virginia Ferguson, vised the affair: Miss Josephine the campus and buildings May member of the Philadelphia inet pupil of Prof.
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