HAS THE CIRCULATION- - PRINTS THE NEWS-- REACHES THE PEOPLE THE EXAMINER IS THE OFFIOIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY VOL. XXXV. LAKEVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 25, 1914. NO. 26 , NIGHT TRAIN COUNTY GETS FALLS WATER READY; PEACE PLANS LAST PUBLIC SALE HIGHWAY IS SCENIC WONDER IH Tl'HNED SHANIKO WOOLS ALL TAKEN AT NEXT SUNDAY OVKU TO MULTNOMAH NEXT MONTH LOOK BETTER STRONtt PRICKS NO ASSURED Judge H. Daly of Ike County Wn Clip are of Poorer Quality Than f . Prettent at Ceremony On the Those Offered Earlier at MEDIATORS WAITIN FOR IN- OFFICIALS MAKE TRIP OF IN- MANAGKR COX OF MAKKS Columbia River CAN UK IUN THROUOH SOUTH Public Sale OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT DREWS CANAL TO TIIK HAN- FORMAL CONFERENCES OK SPECTION OVER CENTRAL OKKiJON ROUTE OK CHANGE lleautifut Multnomah falls Is now SON HANOI TWO MEXICAN FACTIONS The last public wool sale of the the property of Multnomah County, season in Oregon was held last Fri day at Shanlko, says th Oregonian. ! say the Portland Journal of the There are about 500.000 pounds of i ALL YEAR ROAD DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE 16th. ADD FINISHING TOUCHES VILLA LOOMS AS FACTOR wool left scattered throughout the ' IS THE Yesterday In the presence of Mate state, mostly in small lots, and the I aud county official and other repre- next week or ten days will see these IX-cve- IW Con-idderab- Oregon Tlial Work Will Start oa l'nM-nK- r Service Will Be Provided sentative cltlcen. S. HciiHon turned Water Can Now Taken for Military Chief Said to Favor Efforts remnants of the 1914 clip C. Holmati aud V. picked up and the season brought Day Trmelern Nitrogen over to Kufus !. DUtance Tliroutcli of United State to Kettle Squa- Central Oregon Highway ext Kr Hart, for the county, tlio deed to the to an end. Year Highway to , Headlight" Ordered ami beauty sjiot of the Columbia river. I he North Canal Flume bbleMediator to Soon The market has lost none of its Fund firmness, as was shown by the prices Hdl MkI( Cant The ceremony took place on a Work I Wing Done Finish le Increased '" grassy plot Immediately In front of paid at Shaniko recently. The qual- the Kalis, and Kalph Karle, represen- ity of these wools was not equal to of Film Company those offered at the big sale two Making propos- Kamney M. Cox. general manager tative the I'athe A trip now over the Ooose Lake Prospects for a settlement of the the trip over the took moving picture of the cere- weeks ago, which explains the dif- n Mexican are now to ed route of the Central Oregon of the Valley Irrigation Company's project situation said ference in price. of mony. Inasmuch as this film will be brighter with Villa as an import- Particulars the Highway, a party composed of Sam- Hallway, while In lakevlew last week on the West Side reveals the happy sale are given in the following dis- be shown In all their picture houses, ant in peace plans. A uel Hill, president of the Good made the official announcement that fact that the system Is no longer In factor the : approximately 30,000,000 people will patch Roads Association of United ii lictit passenger service on the line Its infancy. news dispatch from Niagara Falls the see the ceremony, and will be shown says arrangements Shaniko, Or., June 19. (Special.) States and of the Pacific Highway would be started next Sunday iilKht, Making a business trip to different that have been wool sales today one of Oregon' prettiest spot. completed by The at Shaniko Association of the Northwest, Ma- Jun 28. With the Inauguration of points of activity along the ditches the mediators for the cleaned up wool in dis- Samuel Hill had a his guests to withiti day all the this jor H. L. Bowiby, State Highway thla service, passengers may reach and to try out his lately purchased signing a or two of all season. were witness the formal transfer of Mult- re- trict for this There Engineer, points In thlH valley and other place I car Chief Engineer Rice last protocols in the peace plan which Robert Johnson, of the nomah from private to public lonia only four buyers in the field and by rail seven days a week, Falls took along (as bal- late to the international differences editorial staff of the Oregon Journal from Kenu ownership, the following, Julius Friday afternoon the prices paid were 2 cents lower InHtead of as at preMtmt. They may last) a party composed of A. L. between the United States and Mexi- and a brother of our townsman. G. 'lx Melr, president of the Columbia than at the first sale. The wools or go by day If they bo prefer, ait the Dr. L. Lyon an Ex- co, except the plank giving the com- W. Johnson. Dr. Richard Hil! Hen Oleott. Secretary of Thornton, J. and were not equal in quality to those morning freight train will carry a association; man. Considering brief position and personnel of the Minneapolis, brother of Samuc! Hill Thomas Kay. State Treasur- aminer the sold before. The frelKht now State; places visited a re- government. and County Judge B. Daly of Like passenger coach. Meeker, maker, 84 trip and few fair The lowest price paid was 15 4 only a week, but er; Ezra the trail was The intention of the mediators is County, arrived In Lakevlew last Iravela three times year Judge Daly of view of the canals and flumes and 18 8 was the highest. There pas-heng- old; Bernard Thursday uoon. party was ten- after June 28. dally freight and gained. Kapidly nearlng completion to have the entire peace plan ready, were small lots of one and The Lake County; K. V. Ilolmau. presi- several royal by busi- aervlce. except Sunday, will as the project now Is its magnitude so that at informal conferences, the two sacks bought by Livingston at dered a reception the dent of the State Historical Society; may ness men Lakevlew in Ant- be Inaugurated. and grave Importance to the develop- Huerta and Constitutionalists 1 8 of the Kufus C. Holman. chairman of the cents. The new Hthedule calls for n pas- ment of a vast acreage of practically be charged with the task of select- There is not much likelihood of a lers Club rooms where they wwe Hoard of County Commissioner; ot senger to leave Keno at 9:45 p. I. waste land Is more appreciable. ing a provisional president and cabi-li- entertained at lunch. train V. County Commissioner; Sam- reaction in foreign wool prices this m., arriving at Lakevlew at 9:45 the Hart. Workmen are now completing the ofllcers. Before these confer- Speeches were made by the visi- uel C. l,anccester, highway engineer; summer. Boston wool men predict following morning, Train. No. 2 will on o u t h ences are held the work of the med- tors as well as different local men. Major II. L. Bowiby, state highway rock work the 9 a substantial advance in medium Lakevlew ut 8:05 p. m. and Canal. The piece iators and American delegates will Each was an ardent booster for tae leave engineer; Or. K. J. Hill of Minnea- Drews last crossbreds at the next series of auc- Reno at 8:00 the following work flumlng be practically finished. Represen- highway and they highly praised arrive at polis, brother of Samuel Hill; Her- of trestle for the steel tions in London, which open on morning. In addition to thla daily Is also being finished on this branch, tatives of the two Mexican factions July 7. this portion of the country and its man Michel, of Cologne. Germany; regret- service will be established between and Mr. Itice states that next month then will assume the responsibility Upwards of 500,000 pounds of hospitable It was C. off- s Mo- Eben F. Wells and J. Potter, peace could not re Keno and Clio on the Sierra he hopes to be runnning water of making or breaking the , table that thc.vlsltv.-- icials of the Home Telephone Com- wool were sold at Madras, Oregon, hawk branch line from Pluuius Junc- through ditch to the J. F. Han- urogram. tlM main longer .vith biit win., to y, The Jo'ir-uu- l. this previous to the Shaniko pany, and Fred Iickli of ?k dr sa. impoife s-'- engagements tion. son ranch nt the Point. The mediators announce that T;. hi 'best price realized was IS oth"r had In- I cuUnlM-- i good reason for belietiug" afternoon going Mr. Ct otiiU-- tliul Water for tills will be di- there is cents and the lowest was 16 cents, t 'yi VA"jry?ic witli the recent tests on ilit- - mtrogt n verted through the main canal from that Villa is in sympathy with the as far as KUuuth Falte. ; headlights for Hie road engine, and the dam to the llrrt trestle going up ellorts of the United States to ef- Good roads is the hobby of Mr. - j GOX io w ill Instull them as noon a the equip- MANAGER VISITS the an von from where It will be fect a settlement of the Mexican Hill and he is doubtless the best IMPORTANTDECISION en- liient t'li ti be secured from the east, j transferred through n heaclg.ite in j through diplomatic channels authority on the subject in this which will take several weeks. Meun-- ; the flume to the south cunal. How-- , and that the constitutional delegates tire country.
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