Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84166-5 - Jonathan Swift: Journal to Stella: Letters to Esther Johnson and Rebecca Dingley, 1710–1713 Edited by Abigail Williams Index More information INDEX Academie´ Royale des Sciences, 317 Kensington, 439; his Guardian essay Account of the Duel . with Previous on coinage, 486; at a chocolate party of Reflections on Sham Plots, An, by Boyer, S.’s, 519; his play Cato, 521, 524 459 agues, 100, 240, 242, 270, 445 Account of the Earl of Peterborough’s Conduct Aire-sur-la-Lys, 53 in Spain, An, by Freind, 64 Aitken, George, lxvii, lxx Account of the Mock-Procession of Burning the Aldrich, Henry, 408 Pope and the Pretender, intended to be alehouses, 117, 170, 236, 318, 482, 531 performed on the 17th of November, Alexander, Henry, fifth Earl of Sterling, 1711, An, 326 45 Acheson [nee´ Savage], Anne, 86 Alexander the Great, 398 Acheson, Sir Arthur, fifth baronet, 86 Allies, 16, 335, 382, 387, 392 Adams, John, 257, 280, 282 Allies and the Late Ministry Defended Addison, Joseph, 20, 27, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, against France, and the present friends of 51, 52, 54, 200, 218, 279, 314; career, France, part III, The (1711), by Francis xliv; S. spends evening w., 9, 44, 46, Hare, 390 47, 57, 58; S. dines w., 10, 12, 14, 21, Amadeus, Victor, Duke of Savoy, 168, 35, 43, 52, 53, 62, 69, 133, 279, 522, 188, 514 524; S. visits drawing of a lottery w., Amphitryon, by John Dryden, 332 12; election to Parliament, 35; cold Anne, Queen, 14, 17, 25, 26, 41, 58, 70, behaviour to S., 46, 120, 133, 155, 194, 255, 291, 324, 393, 400, 402, 195, 473; letter for S. directed to, 39; 478, 486; and the First Fruits, xl, 30, S. goes to a coffee house w., 69, 102; 33, 40, 45, 56, 57, 62, 98, 104, 138, S. and he good friends who differ 238, 303, 519; S. never meets, xlvi; politically, 69, 523; E. Johnson writes and S., 58, 90, 104, 254, 255, 353, to, 71; meets S. once in a fortnight, 392, 404, 447, 509, 524, 529, 530, 86; drags S. out to supper, 90; S.’s 531, 532, 536 (see also Swift); and affection for, 91; and Philips, 92; asks removing the ministry, 74; her health S. to help Philips, 92; S. drinks w., and fits of gout, 93, 186, 243, 245, 109; and The Tatler, 109; S. thinks he 260, 271, 284, 290, 313, 316, 318, has been used ill by, 120, 231; 335, 371, 381, 383, 409, 431, 445, introduces Harrison to S., 133; S. will 448, 449, 450, 472, 491, 494, 499, no longer back, 164; and The Spectator, 501, 503, 504, 512, 520; receives the 195; and the State of Wit, 207; E. sacrament, 100; her chaplain, 102; and Johnson is not to send letters care of, the Duke and Duchess of 213; a meeting w. S., 249; goes to Marlborough, 104, 119, 327 (see also Bath, instead of Ireland, 265; S.’s Churchill, John; Churchill, Sarah); opinion of, 279; calls on S. in deliberation in matters granted by her, © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84166-5 - Jonathan Swift: Journal to Stella: Letters to Esther Johnson and Rebecca Dingley, 1710–1713 Edited by Abigail Williams Index More information index 109; and Parliament, 115, 340, 368, Annesley, Arthur, fifth Earl of Anglesey, 369, 484, 527 (see also Parliament); her 82, 101, 178, 179, 181, 183, 187, 371, birthdays and celebrations, 134, 381, 388, 481; S. dines w., 385, 386; and 383, 386, 494, 509; and Irish the Abercorn–Hamilton dispute, 472; Parliament, 263; and Mr and Mrs and Tisdall, 469; and Clements, 469 Masham, 372 (see also Masham); her Annesley, Francis, 516 political predicament, 146; and Annesley, John, fourth Earl of Anglesey, Harley, 154, 161, 206, 215, 303, 410 14–15, 49 (see also Harley, Robert); cautioned apoplexy, 181, 261, 268, 297 against being governed, 155; and the Appendix to John Bull still in his Senses: Or, Duchess of Somerset, 154, 353, 366, Law is a Bottomless-Pit, An,by 371, 374 (see also Seymour, Elizabeth); Arbuthnot, 423 orders Guiscard to be buried, 169–70; Arbuthnot, George, 288, 289 her oculist, and physician, 183, 408; S. Arbuthnot [Arbuthnott], John, 166, 366, fears she will not live long, 195; 409, 410, 499, 521; S. rides and sups touches for the King’s Evil (scrofula), w., 255, 276, 281, 293; inner cabinet 203; horseracing and hunting, 252, dinner, 276; visits Mrs Masham, 282, 254, 255; S.’s descriptions of her, 252, 393; his History of the Maids of Honour, 255, 276, 280; and cards and dancing, 282, 284; plays picquet, 283; his power 281; and a joke about the maids of w. the queen, 288; attempts to get his honour, 282; in council, 284; and brother promoted and S.’s to dissuade Bernage’s promotion, 289; secret him, 288, 289; S.’s gratitude, 290; his audience w. French ministers, 289; at and his family’s illness, 293, 401; and Hampton Court, 299, 305, 308; and the political crisis, 341, 342, 347; and Prior, 300, 461; transfers a ballad on Marlborough, 360; S. Peterborough, 301; and the dismissal dines w., 417, 520, 530; his John Bull of Count Gallas, 310; and a pension pamphlets, 405, 410, 423, 442; S.’s for Frowde, 322; coming to, or in, affection for, 408; John Bull attributed town, 327, 329, 465, 470; at court, to S., 423; and the queen’s health, 449; 337; and the political crisis, 341, 342, his Art of Political Lying, 449 343, 344, 347, 348, 350, 356; creates Arbuthnot, Margaret, 281 new peers, 356, 357, 359; and Prince Aristobulus, 398 Eugene, 361, 381, 383; and the Peace, Armstrong, Mary, 132 351, 389, 504, 506; procrastinations Arrian, 398 of, 395; discourages libels, 396; Arundell, Henry, sixth Baron Arundell of lessening of her power, 398; Wardour, 158 anniversary of her accession, 403; Arundell, Richard, 158 going to, or at, Windsor, 255, 257, Ashburnham, John, third Baron 430, 437, 447, 449, 455; her servants Ashburnham, 44, 230, 319, 427, 477, ill, 441; and the Duchess of Hamilton, 479, 482 459, 461; and a daily Drawing Room, Ashburnham [nee´ Butler], Lady Mary, 472, 483; refuses to appoint St John 43, 52, 227; marries Lord Knight of the Garter, 476; and the Ashburnham, 44; engages S. to dine French ambassador, 478; libellous and puts him off, 216; sits in a ‘closet’ poem on, 517; her picture, 528; angry w. S., 220; a favourite of S.’s, 230; w. Grattan, 520; will be ‘teased no plays at ombre, 230; her likeness to E. more’ over the deaneries, 531 Johnson, 230; S. takes leave of, 231; 751 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84166-5 - Jonathan Swift: Journal to Stella: Letters to Esther Johnson and Rebecca Dingley, 1710–1713 Edited by Abigail Williams Index More information index Ashburnham [nee´ Butler] (cont.) join, 127; his parson Richardson, 155, fails to send her coach for S., 309; S. 174; speaks on behalf of Clements, admires her court clothing, 382; her 178, 185; and a request from death and S.’s grief, 477; S. considers Beaumont, 225; tells S. that E. her sister’s grief affected, 480, 482 Johnson is in the country, 232; writes Ashe, Dillon, lvii, 111, 243, 322, 501, 523; to Dillon, 235; tells S. of Archbishop’s love of punning and verbal games, pleasure in him, 238; going to his lxiii, 231, 235, 442, 514, 524; his face, Parliament in Dublin, 253; Dillon 182, 231; his letter to S., from Bath, writes to, 257; a message for, 298; and 204; in town, 231; S. dines w., 233, the statues, 309, 325; stays w. E. 235, 243, 262; ‘uncouth’, 235; Johnson, 412; and the Duchess of conveniently placed for S., 235; S. Shrewsbury, 415; coming to England, avoids, 246; his love of the theatre, 418, 423, 433, 437; his proxy, 423; his 247, 264, 270; at Windsor, 257; glad dinners, 461; buys pictures, 476, 518; to be rid of his sisters-in-law, 264; S. takes to Court, 478, 501; plays at dresses like a beau, 270; leaves for ombre, 486; S. avoids his house, 513; Ireland secretly, 279, 298, 305; and a funeral, 514; at a rehearsal, 524; recalled by Archbishop King, 324; and and S.’s deanery, 532 S.’s introductions, 333; his opinion of Ashe, Thomas, 225, 235, 514, 523 S., 333; pesters S., 469; at the French Atterbury [nee´ Osborne], Catherine, 199, church, 484; S. rides in his coach, 492; 200, 203 a letter from E. Johnson to, 514 Atterbury, Francis, Dean of Carlisle, later Ashe [nee´ St George], Elizabeth, 412, 423, Bishop of Rochester, 110, 215, 234, 427, 430, 442 238, 408; anticipates adverse effects of Ashe [nee´ St George], Jane, 442, 527; S. to Tale of a Tub on S.’s career, 31; buy statues for her and St George, Prolocutor of the Lower House of 191, 197, 309, 325; and Dillon Ashe, Convocation, 113; buries Dr Duke, 264; and Lt Newcomen, 408; E. 144; and the Examiner, 156; S. lodges Johnson’s guest, 412; gives S. a near, 192; and the Westminster chocolate pot, 480 School election, 199; in town w. his Ashe, Master, 437, 442, 499 Convocation, 199; his wine and meat, Ashe, Miss, 474, 495, 499, 500, 501, 513, 199; S. sits w., 207, 210, 215, 217, 518, 527 218, 261; S. dines w., 209, 210, 229, Ashe, Mrs Thomas, 18, 264 238, 246, 269, 377, 380; and S.’s Ashe, St George, Bishop of Clogher, intention to fix the English language, xxxvii, 3, 4, 18, 21, 22, 23, 32, 42, 88, 228; and the deanery of Christ 438, 449, 469, 474, 475, 478, 492, Church, 230, 269; S.
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