The Institute Report olume xx Number 6 Vir ·inia Militarv Institute Newsletter March 5, 199. Board of Visitors Adopts Financial Plan a leadership role in the financial management of its intercolle­ giate progrrun." for Intercollegiate Athletics President of the Board of Visitors, Dr. Harvey S. Sadow, At it~ February 13 meeting the VMI Board of Visitors praised the work of the ad hoc committee, which in addition to ulUUlimously adopted a plan for future funding of the Institute' s Harry Lee included: Willirun W. Berry, vice-president of the intercollegiate athletic program. Board of Visitors; CoL Thomas W. Davis, chainnan of VMI's In November the Board reaftinned, its support of NCAA athletic council; Howard C. Lawrence; Paul B. Maini, executive Division I status ,Uld 13 intercollegiate sports. The Board then vice-president of the VMI Alumni Association; George H. referred the financing of the progrrun to an ad hoc committee Roberts, Jr., executive vice-president of the VMI Foundation, chaired by Harry G. Lee of Richmond, Virginia. Through a Inc.; Col. John A. Rowe, Jr., VMI business executive; and transition payment of $1.18 million by the VMI Development Thomas G. Slater, Jr. Board and a major athletic endowment crunpaign during a five year period, the committee recommended that a financially Evelyn Duff, assistant director sound progrrun could be maintained. Major components of the plan include: of public relations, dies Evelyn Straub Duff, assistant di­ * A five year athletic fund-raising effort. rector of public relations and editor of The Institute Report died February 16 * The VMI Development Board, Inc. will make a lump sum in StonewallJacksonHospital. She was payment on July 1, 1993 of $1.18 million to assist in athletic 46 years old. funding for the five year period, 1993-94 through 1997-98. A native of Lexington, she was a The Development Board will continue the debt service member of the Manly Memorial Bap­ payments on the athletic facilities. tist Church where she had served on several committees, taught Sunday * Modest annual increases in revenues for football gate re­ school, and was chairperson ofthe youth ceipts, concessions, ruut income from Board of Visitors' committee. She was also active in 4-H endowment and an annual increase in cadet fees ofapproxi­ and was a member of the board of Rockbridge Aquatics Terun mately 3.8 percent. Swimming. She is survived by her mother Agnes F. Straub ofLexington, * Funds for approximately 100 athletic scholarships with one daughter, Stephanie D. Duff, and two sons, Jonathan Duff scholarship cosL<; to be met by annual giving to the Keydet and Jason Duff, also ofLexington, and a sister Barbara Kober, of Club, endowment support, ruld athletic fund balances. Grove City, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, the frunily suggests dona­ tions to the Jonathan and Jason Duff Scholarship Fund, Crestar * Very modest annual in<.-'feases in operating expenses. Bank, P.O. Drawer 940, Lexington, Va. 24450. Editors' Note: "I run excited about the launching of a crunpaign to provide Evelyn Duff served VMI in the area ofpublicity for 26 long-term endowment support for intercollegiate athletics," said years and was a recipient ofthe Institute's Distinguished Service VMI Superintendent, Maj. Gen. John W. Knapp. "This financial Award. plan will help us continue a Division I, 13-sport program in which She became the "mother" ofthis publicationfollowing in nearly one third of the members of our Corps of Cadets partici­ luliaMartin'sfootsteps. She wasknownforher unselfish dedication pate." to VMI, "myemployer"as she affectionatelyreferredto the Institute. Mr. George G. Phillips, Jr., president of the VMI Founda­ There was that certain "spirit" with which she shared her tion, Inc. Md a member of the Development Board, stated that numy talents, never asking anything in return. What she received "the transition payment is being made in a lump swn to allow was the love, admiration, and respect ofall at VMI and all whom VMI the greatest flexibility in managing its athletic program. We she touched. are very glad to make this tangible sign of our belief in the importance ofathletics at VMI and are pleased that VMI is taking "Well done, good andfaithful servant" . .. Matthew 25:21 I'age 2, The Institute Re oM. March 5 • 1993 Gov. Wilder heads all·star cast panelists are Kevin F. Byrnes, executive director of the Central for Environment Virginia Symposium Virginia Waste Management AuthOrity; Joyce Doughty, director Virginia governor L. Douglas Wilder will lead the keynote of the division of Solid Waste Disposal and Resource Recovery presenL:1.tions at this year's Environment Virginia symposium, for Fairfax County; and J. J. Thomas, director of recycling, the fourlh and surely Ihe largest in the annual series. Soulheastern Public Aulhority of Virginia. The April 6-7 conference is again sponsored by the VMI There will be two concurrent workshops on Wednesday Research Laboratories, Inc., in conjunction with Virginia Manu­ afternoon concerned with integrated environmentaJ manage­ facturers Association, Virginia Association of Counties, Na­ ment and pollution prevention, one for industry and one for tionaJ Federation of Independent Business, Virginia Municipal localities. C. Carol Raper also serves as a co-moderator on the League, and the VMI department of civil and environmentaJ industry panel along with Dr. Richard Trandel, engineering engineering. division director at VMI. Their panelists include a dozen environ­ "Preventing Pollution Pays" is the theme of this year's mental specialists from major corporations, and professors of prognun, and its keynote speakers, in addition to Governor environmentaJ engineering and environmentaJ law. The work­ Wilder, will be Mark Greenwood, director of Ihe office of shop for municipalities will be co-chaired by Larry Land, the pollution prevention of the U. S. Environmental Protection inter-government relations coordinator for the Virginia Associa­ Agency, and Ihe soon-to-be-named tion of Counties, and Dr. Edwin Goller, director ofscience at VMI. director of Virginia's new Depart­ Capt. Erchul to be Featured on With Good Reason ment ofEnvironmentaJ QUality. The Theirexperts include ten corporate Last month the l.R. was reported that VMI had joined the remainder of the nrst-morning's specialists in pollution control and Virginia Higher Education Broadcasting Consortium, an orga­ the environment, nine from state session will be a panel discussion nization ofstate-supported institutions and the State Council of and local governments, and sev­ on "An Overview of Environmen­ Higher Eeducation. Its first venture is a half-hour, bi-weekly tal Legislation in Virginia," mod­ radio program broadcast to audiences state-wide through eral attorneys and professors spe­ erated by John R. Broadway, state Virginia's public radio stations. cializing in the field. directoroflhe National Federation Titled With Good Reason, the program features one-on­ Capt. Ronald A. Erchul, pro­ for Independent Businesses. Pan­ one interviews with faculty members. Capt. Ronald A. Erchul fessor of civil engineering who is elists will include Virginia State will be featured on the show during March in advance of the coordinator for the symposium, Senators R. Edward Houck, "Environment Virginia" symposium. fully expects more than 300 par­ Spol"ylv~Ulia; Frank Nolen, New The show will air Sunday, March 14 (6:30 p.m.), on ticipants. "It'sby far the most com­ Hope; and JaneH. Woodli,Fairfax; WMRA-FM 90.7IWMRL-FM 89.9 [Shenandoah Valley area prehensive and most attractive and Delegate Kenneth R. Plum, and Charlottesville]; Sunday, March 21 (6:30p.m.),on WCVE­ conference on the environment ever Reston. FM 88.9 [Richmond Area, Fredricksburg and Williamsburg]; conducted in Virginia," says The tirst of the afternoon ses­ Tuesday March 23 (11:00 a.m.), on WHRV-FM 89.5 [Tidewa­ Erchu!. "The support we've re­ sions will be a forum on how pollu­ ter area and Richmond]; Tuesday, March 23 (7:30 p.m.), on i ceived from the state's industrial tion prevention pays in Virginia, WVTF-FM 89.IIWVfU-FM 89.3IWVTR-FM 91.9 [Roanoke leaders is evidence of the impor­ moderated by Dr. John R. area, Lynchburg area, S.W. Va.,Soulhside, Va.,Charlottesville]. I tance of this conference," he adds. Comerford, Jr., chairman of the In addition to those sponsoring Ihe board ofthe VMI Research Laboratories, Inc. The panel inel udes event, associate sponsors include the Dan River Corporation and directors in air, water, waste management and economic devel­ Hoechst Celanese Corporation. opment from the state's department ofenvironmental quality and Corporate contributors include Burlington Industries, the director of Virginia's Council on the Environment. The CENTEL Foundation, Coors Brewing Company, Hercules, Inc., second session, at 3 p.m., will be a panel discussion of environ­ IBM, Norfolk Southern, Philip Morris U.S.A., Reynolds MetaJs mental issues and their management by Ihe Deparbnent of Company, Solite Corporation and Virginia Power. Also offering Defense in the Commonwealth. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Moore, U. S. corporate support are Allied Signal, Chesapeake Corporation, Anny retired, will be Ihe moderator. P~melists will include the General Electric, Rockydale Quarries, Waste Management of chiefof the environment restoration division of Ihe Anny Corps North America Inc. and Westvaco. ofEngineers, Ihe commander ofenvironmental safety and heallh wilh the NavaJ Facilities Engineering Command, and the director of environmental restoration of the U. S. Air Force. The opening session on Wednesday morning is a corporate directors' forum on pollution prevention, moderated by C. Carol Raper, vice president for environmenL:1.1 affairs with the Virginia Manufacturers Association. The panel includes two corporate vice presidents for environment ~U1d heaJlh, Marshall Steinberg ofHercules, Inc., and Jerry W. Dunn, ofHoechst Celanese Corp., ali well a ... Cathy C. Taylor, manager ofpollution prevention and environmentaJ quaJity for Reynoldli Co. The finaJ panel will be a discussion of environmental man­ agement issues in Ihe public sector.
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