rATS, MtlATlI, h." r ......., ..... A' II....... Il' , .... , ..... ,11 Oct. I'; F' Ib ..... JU ..... , ....... Cloudy N .....'; Ll Ib ...... CU f •• ' 1.... , .. D... 11; a. Ib••• ,b VI •••4 Ib ....b N. II. IUOAA, ...... , ••• IOWA: Inc~&Iin&" cloudiness 110., SI •••d r•• II .. p ••,,'" lb ...... Dee. 11.• • 0.1, ....k tI.n•• Irp ....... amp. " II, .......... 10.. '1 • today, followed by SC'altued • 1I~11· siJOWl'fS tODirilt. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDA Y, NOVEMBER 6, 1945 ,... AI.OClA'fQ ...... NUMBER 37 • z==-================~== • • • • Denies Part Inese -.-on ict I DRIVER ESCAPES INJURY IN UPSET White (ollar Workers Pickel 20,000 (10 Workers Move to Enlarge .1 Walkout in Ontario Navy Officer Training Reds Claim Labor Management Confab Almost All Industrial ProgrQm Will Double Yank Marines Operations Cease Present Enrollment President Truman Warns Industrial Heads In City of Windsor At Naval Academy Night To Furnish Permanent Peace Foundation Join in Fight BJ THE ASSOCIATED paES Almost all Windsor, Ont., in­ WASHINGTON (AP)-A far­ WASHING'fON (AP)-Whilc whit collar picket paraded reaching plan to obtain lind edu­ dustrial operations ceased yester­ Both White House onto id lhe lnbor'-mana~('m('nt conf('l'('ncc ycstel'dny, President day in a general strike of nearly cate thousands of oHicers lor the Truman gr'avely wal'Jlcd delegates they must find /I formula for 20,000 CrO-organized workers cli­ powerful postwar navy has been And Chungking Reject indn. trial p ace among th {'m~ lvcs 01' else the peoplc of the United maxing the eight-week-old walk­ approved by Secretary Forrestal, Slatl'S will fi11d the !lI1fiWCr "flome plallc else." out at the Ford Motor company of the navy announced last night. Communist Accusation The president did not raise hi li voice when he made this Rtate. Canada, Ltd. Officials said that the plan H NGKI G (AP) - Roth mont at the conclusion of' hi s tHlk, bllt no on(' present mi. sed ihc An estimated 6,500 pickets and would assure equality of oppor­ tunity to officers who have not implicAtions nR he call ed on I{'ud (,l'!l of labor and indn. try to "fur­ sympathizers set up a blockade of Washington and II u n g king graduated from the naval academy denied y . t relay a OlllmUOlI>( " the Riverfront plant ot the F'ord nish II broad and per'01anenl fonndlltion for industrial peace and at Annapolis. progress. " company, tieing lip part of the chnr~(' that nite<1 'tatt's ma­ The plan, as drafted by a board " I~OI· thpRe an~wer~ mw!t anrl will be found," the presidpnt cit y's municipal transportation rin 11ad ~on into action in. headed by Rear Admiral James L. said, "the whole Hystem of pl'ivulo entcl'prise lind individllill op­ system, and the city sought the as­ hinn'l'; rivil Wllr, now repo1·tt'(1 sistance of the dominion govern­ Holloway, assistant chiet of naval portunity depends UpOIl finding them." blllzing with l'l'lll'wrd "jolelle'l' ment in an effort to break the im­ personnel (or demobilization, is in th n01'lh. With these words tJw president fwl till' Ill. k nf tllr confcrrnce passe in a contract dispule. subject to congre ionaL approval. which got awn)' smoothly with only the parllrlinA' picket!! uddillA' Legislation to carry it out will be The Wllit(' IIol1~(, in Was}l­ a discord:mt note. John L. Lewis, Then thousand members of the inl!lon d('cla1'ed I'Illtly ill('rc hall CIO's United Automobile Workers introduced shortly. president of the United Min e bc n 110 ela.11e. b twe n hine. c Workers of America, w a 1 ked union wellt on strike at the Ford The program clills for doubling Yamashita Angered company Sept. 7. Chief union de­ the present output of the naval Communi. t and any American through the picket line twice to at­ forces, as allcged by dispatclH's tend the morning and afternoon mands were for a union shop and academy, the capacity of which is At War Crime Trial sessions and William Green, presi- check-off system, like t hat in now about 3,000 students. Overall, from tho R d stronghold of " dent of the American Federation Ford's American plants. however, the postwar navy officers Yenan. of Labor, passed through once. Another &,500 auto workers em­ HAROLD MOELLER WAS THE DRIVER ot this car, shown after It had been righted by police, when it strength would compromise not A spokesman tor China's minis­ Refused to Reject The pickets appeared on Consti­ ployed in more than a score ot rolled over on its side after colliding with an auto dri ven by Mrs. George Tomlin... 812 E. Bloomington more than 50 percent academy try of war styled the allegations I street. The accident occurred at Market and Dubuque streets about live O'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. graduates, orticials said. "absolutely false." 'Kill All Filipinos' tution avenue shortly before the other plants walked out yesterday, conference convened, protesting and many were said to have taken Tomlin was going east on Market street and Moeller was traveling north on Dubuque street. The front end The second source of oUlcer K. S. Wu, minister of informa­ Order, Says Witness that independent unions had not part in me picketing and blockad­ of Mrs. Tomlin's car was smashed, and the top and sides 01 Moeller's car were damaged. Neither Mrs. candidates would be the nation's tion, declared the Communists de­ been invited to the conference. ing of the Ford company. Tomlin nor Moeller was injured. 52 naval R. O. T. C. units, which liberately spread the report "to MAN I L A (AP) - Lt. Gen. Murray dec I are d "American As each new car ran into the now have an authorized maximum fan up feeling between China and Tomoyuki Yamashita s howe d workers have joined in a crusade jam, it was pulled bumper-to­ enrollment of 14,000 men. They America and provoke American f!'eat anger when a collaboration- for a ver~ simple objective-the bumper with its predecessor. Po­ wouid receive federal aid in fi­ public opinion to demand the ist leadet' a&ked him to revoke his restoration to their pay envelopes lice said there were 850 to 1,000 Senate CommiHee nancing their college cour e, in­ suspension of whatever aid the order to "kill all Filipinos," a of loss in take home pay, the cars, buses and trucks In the jam. High 'Courl Silent on Seizure cluding courses in naval sciences. United Stales Is giving the Chi­ prosecution witness testified yes- maint~nance of a human standard DriVers left their cars and walked, Graduates would receive commis­ nese government." tel'day at the general's trial on f r ' " To Attend Classes sions as ensigns and would obli­ NeWSPaper Char.. es war crime charges. 0 lvmg. as did passengers. WASHINGTON (AP)-The su­ preme court refused yesterday to break of strikes at some of the gate themselves to serve on active The Oommunist New China The witness, Joaquin Galang- The pre~iden.t made no mention As leaders of business and labor properties on the heels of a dis­ duty lor 15 months to three years. Convened in Washington to find, On Atomic Energy rule whether the government was Daily News had leveled a barrage himself under detention as a sus- of w.ages m hIS address. H~ em­ right or wrong In seizing Mont- pute over validity of five war The third source would be grad­ of charges, alleging that 14 peeted collaborator-said he was phaslzed strongly the necessity for President Truman said, "a broad labor board orders aialnst Words, uates of accredited colleges. They and permanent foundation lor In­ WASHINGTON (AP) _ The gomery Ward propertIes in seven United States planes had strafed present when Yamashita rejected Iagree~en~ on w~yS and means of . cltles last Dec. 28. including maIntenance of union would be sent to an orientation a Red-held town, that marines a plea by Gen. Artemio Ri carte, reachm~ ~dustrlal peace, and the dustrIal peace and progress," an "ub)<!ct of the atom bomb has be- , Th t th . e governmen gave e prop- membership and the checkoff sys­ school. There they would get the fired on the Communists, led an Filipino politico-militarist, to "re- responSibility of . the conference unofficial tabulation showed more tem. same training iiven R. O. T. C. thai} 261,000 persons away from come so p rpledng on capitol hill ertles back Oct. 18. Next day it attack 'north of Peiping and had voke your general order to kill all delegates in ach1eying that. goa.I. that lawmakers decided yesterday asked the court to hold that no The case, instituted by the /lov­ students during the i r college threatened to attack strongholds FILIpinos and destroy all their Whether the question of wages IS Work over the nation because of tnl:Y need more schOOling belore cause of action now exists. This ernment, was disposed of by course. Such officers would be ob­ with the might of the !leet. cities" to be included in the conierence labor dlspu~s; . \ they can leg{slale properly. was done, the .court vacating a • imple- COli t order, witlrout pin­ li.g led to serlle at lea t two yearl. While Chungking awaited a . agenda is to be decided by t\le ex- Other imPortllnt developments Ions. The :fourth factor in the program Yamashita I~a.ped to hiS fee.t, ecutive committee, which will be , .
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