10 THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1917; ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR 14TH ST. TO CONEY REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. RIAL ESTATE FOB SALE. I. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL SALE. ISLAND BY SUBWAY East River and Newtown Creek New Broadway Line, to Open Sept. 4, Will Provide Transit Between Waterfront properties Water Front Sites These Two Points Free Lighterage Limits A new era In rapid transit operation In' House property. Up to this point It la Frontage on north- 900 Feet East River for New York city will begin with service a two track line. From City Kali Wdjoininc ward it Is a four track railroad with Atlantic Basin. 'and New York Dock Co. One of the (ew remaining large parcels of water- on tho llroadway subway, Manhattan. two centre tracks for express and two front available along the Brooklyn shore of the East River within Free Lighterage Limits. Approxi- Th first trains will run on September 4 outside tracks for local service. At mately 8)i acres of land. Additional frontage of about 380 feet on a slip at southerly end of prop- at 2 P. M., according to announcement Canal street It Is Joined by a two track erty. Total water frontage about 1280 feet bulkhea&ed. subway coming from the Manhattan by Service n. Just made the l'ubllc Bridge under Canal street. It continues It will then be possible to up Broadway as n four track railroad 900 Feet Frontage on Newtown Creek travel by rapid lino from Kort) second street, where It crosses a transit to immediately adjoining State Barge Canal Terminal in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. Size of entire y goes tho central portion of Manhattan to under the It ret subway and north plot 900x470 feet. This property is within Lighterage Zone. is improved under Seventh avenue to Flfty.ntnth the Free It with a bulkhead and Ship Building Plants change. any development requiring Island without The ride street. Here the four track construction is suitable for industrial deep water frontage. possible for a five cent fare from eastward South Brooklyn sections will be length- ends, but two tracks turn of through Fifty-nint- h street to Fifth ave- ened by about two miles. Thousands nue run Into Sixtieth street 21 Acres of Waterfront on Newtown Creek Brooklynltea who are employed or do and thencn to the East River, where they will con- with direct siding to Long ia Railroad. One of the most accessible sites near Man- bualnens In the vicinity of Union Square nect with a new tunnel now being bulU in of Brooklyn. will be able to save ten cents a day In hattan, the heart the labor district of On the property are situated a stone and from that point to Long Island City. building, 100x101 ry building, car faro to and from their homes. Later, brick ft.; modern brick 63x121 ft.; fireproof brick and steel All on In Long Island City these tracks will building, 92x102 ft.; frame office building, 40x45 ft.; also several other large 1- At Points the radius of the five cent fare will be new elevated railroads - and Man- connect with the frame sheds and store houses, totalling over 80,000 sq. ft. There is an 18xl00-f- t. dry kiln. further extended northward Into running to Astoria and Corona, In All these Fifty-nint- h buildings in excellent condition give floor space of 80,000 sq. hattan aa far as street and Queens, over which the New York Muni- are and a total about ft. The power plant out to the termini of the two new rapid cipal Hallway Corporation has trackage consists of a steam turbine directly connected with a generator of 600 k. w. capacity and a smaller transit lines In Queens. Also south to rights. The subway Is practically com- 12 k. w. steam turbine engine and generator set; also a 190 h. p. Corliss engine. These buildings have Coney Island upon the completion of the pleted from Morris street to Union blower system, electric light, also steam heat. They are equipped with fire hydrants and other fire new Culver line now under construction. work north of fighting apparatus. 60 per cent, Square. Construction It la estimated that fully Union Square Is rapidly approaching of the paasonrern now boarding trains of completion and station finish work Is the Fourth avenue subway and Its street termi- well advanced. These Properties Offer Maximnm Advantages Atlantic branches at the Chambers Seaboard The total cost for construction alone nal In Manhattan come through the Broadway subway, excluding the Interborough sub- of the passageway from the Whitehall street and Sixtieth street tun- to Large Manufacturers. way. A considerable proportion of these at nels, will be from f27.000.000 to $10,. X passengers board Interborough trains 000,000 and the two tunnels under the THEY ASSURE For Maps and Details Apply to Fourteenth street and stations below. East River will cost about $10,000,000. They wilt be tho particular gainers by Costs Lowest Costs Lowest Insurance-Low- the new operation. At the same time Lowest Transportation Labor est the present congestion In the Interbor- WATCH THE BUDGET MAKING. Overhead. ough subway, between Fourteenth street and Brooklyn Bridge will be greatly re- Dally sOmorsmtaaas Skoal Be For Map's and Details Apply to lieved. Executive Offices: Telephone It Is expected that before the end of fleas,, Cornell Says. 1117 service In the Broadway subway The advisory council of real estate In Executive Offices! Telephone 31 Nassau Street 744 will be extended to Times Square. It Is terests believes It would be wise for 31 believed that the greater proportion of taxpayers and associations to communt Nassau Street 744 New York City Cortlandt Brooklyn people who do business In cite with Robert B. Mclntyre of the New York City A SsleaAfrat Cortlandt Manhattan are located at and south of Comptroller's office requesting the (Brokers Protected) Forty-secon- d street. memorandums prepared each day by the The present operation wilt be by way on tax budgets of the of the Mahhattan Bridge and the Canal Board of Estimate and Apportionment. street subway, and thence vli the These memorandums Indicate the pre REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. RKAI. ESTATE FOR SALE QUEEN'S. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE QtlP.F.Nft. Broadway subway to Fourteenth street. liminary work being done In the prepara This Is made possible by a connection tion of the city budget for 1918. The between the Canal street subway and chairman of the tax budget committee the Broadway subway at Canal street Is Comptroller Prendergast. and hear- not Included In the original subway con- ings are dally In City Hall. Repre- "You Are Giving Them Away" held says ownrr, wo going noil same of tho tracts, but decided upon afterward. sentatives of taxpayers' associations are tho but are to tho rest Just tho When the Montague street tunnel un- Invited to attend. Further Opportunity 1 der the East River Is completed the will be afforded the public to discuss Who needs a 477 Ocean Front Lots & 3 Splendid Cottages Broadway subway will also be operated the tenatlve budget at public hearings through It, and the line In Mon- before the board between October 10 now being offered to the hUliost bidder at tho tague and Wllloughby afreets, Brooklyn, and 28. MONSTER DUAL which connects at Wllloughby street and Practically all the city departments the Flatbush avenue extension with the request Increased appropriations. In Fourth avenue subway. It Is hoped to fact the only decreases are by the Southern Factory? advance work on the lower portion of Supreme Courts In the various counties the Brooklyn subway south of Canal and the District Attorney of New York street so that operation will be possible county. Some of the increases are of Publicminer a m.inimimiAuctioninn. rain or muiim, at as far as the station at Whitehall street particular Interest to taxpayers. By Here are 9 desirable Southern factory proper- this fall. Vigorous efforts are being a careful examination of the dally made to secure the completion of the memorandums sent out by Mr. Mclntyre ties. All are for sale. See if one of these EDGEMERE CREST Una It will be possible for all property will fill particular needs. Imlilrted In the f.'rest Ixit Aunlon The Broadway subway Is owned by owners to become acquainted with each properties not your to dispose of the holdings of the IS.mUter Itealty Co.. and Kdgcmcre Crest, lnr the city of New York, and under the Increase requested by the various de- dual system contracts Is leased for partments, and In this manner Intelli- 60,000 sq. ft. floor spacr, sprinkler BUYERS LAST WEEK BOI'CSHT sumo or the Last Ocean Front Home-rite- s forty-nin- e years to the New York Mu- gently make constructive suggestions for Charlotte, N. C. in New York City fit StOO to 600 a lot. nicipal Railway Corporation, one of the economy. Cooperating with Mr. Mcln- system. TRET BOUCHT (SPLENDID SITI.S for hotels and bathing rstnhllsh-men- u associated B. R. T. organizations. It tyre are the bureaus of Standards and WITH THEIK OWN Hi: U'HKSaml with RIPARIAN IMOI1T3 for less than Mich property ha brought In ten rars. will be operated by the New York Con- Contract Supervision. .Communications St. Louis, Mo. 81,000 sq. ft, plot of in heart solidated Railroad Company, the operat- may be addressed to either of these two TIIET BOlUiHT IIOI'SKS AND PLOTS for leu than It would cost to ing company of that corporation, which bureaus with regard to suggestions for of St.
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