--- R. I. Jewish Historical Association 11 1 30 Sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membershi p People THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MAS S. VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 17 THURSDAY MARCH 19, 1981 _30¢ PER C:O P)'. Israelis Form New Party, Urge "The Cults And Our Children," Withdrawal From West Bank Topic For Annual Interfaith Day J ERUSALEM -Plans to establish a · from the Civil Rights Party, will lead the can­ Rabbi M a urice Davis , nationall y political party to e ncourage Is ra e li didate list for the pa rty, followed by Be n­ recogni zed a uthority on the cult and family withdrawal from the occupied West Bank, venisti. "Continuation of the occupation is life, will be the keynote speake r during this were announced by a small number of unbearable," said Benvenisti , "in terms of y,,ar s Annual Interfaith Day sponsored by Israelis affi li a ted with the Peace Now move­ moral values, international isolation, distor­ the Siste rhood of Temple Beth-El. His topic ment. tion of allocation of resources for pressing in­ will be " The C ults and Our C hildren·· to be The part y, call ed the Peace and Civil ternal ~~eds and endange ring the peace presented on Sunday, March 29 at the Te m­ Liberties Move ment, wi ll run in the June 30 process. ple Beth-El meeting Hall, 70 Orchard Ave., parliamentary elections, according to Meron Benvenisti said that while Jordanian law is Providence. Benve nisti , a former deputy mayor of supposed to prevail in the region, the Israeli Refreshments will be served at 2 p.m. and Je rusalem . The party platform will be to form military authorities have issued more than g uided tours of the temple will ta ke place. an "' inte rim trusteeship"" for the W est Bank 850 decrees that " have altered the judicial Th,• program wi ll begin at 2 :30 followed by a which would be dissolved if Israe l and the and administrative system and adjusted it to qut>stion and answer period. Palestinia ns reached an agreem e nt on the Israeli system. " H e cha rged the Gove rn­ Rabbi Davis, a. nati ve of Provide nce, is political coexistence. ment with de facto annexation of the W est rabbi of the Jewish Communit y Center of Benvenisti, conte nding tha t the territory Bank, where 800,000 Arabs li ve. White Plains. New York. He has gained had been effectively annexed by government national prominence as a civil rights leader Declare West Bank Held in Trust action in the economic, social, military and a nd is the recipient of numerous honors and judicial arenas, called for "gradual steps of Until a peace treaty is signed, he said awards for his work on beha lf of human disentangle me nt, which wi ll lead to an even­ " Israel should declare that she regards <"<]ua lit y and the bett e rme nt of socie ty. tual political solution."" Palestinians a nd the W est Bank as held in Throughout hi s career he has had a special The party lacks e ndorsement from Peace trust and that the treaty will be based on the interest in the welfare of youth a nd has been Now, which has rallied thousands of people reali za ti on of the national aspirations of the activrlv in volved with them . RABBI MAURICE DAVIS to campaign for a more conciliatory policy in two peoples." Benvenist i refused to commit For ·,he past six years Rabbi Davis has the occupied regions in rece nt years. Ac­ himself to the question of whether he would waged a campaign to thwart lhe activities of charge. To-attend, call the temple offi ce at tivists in the Peace Now movement are i 1- accept the formation of a Palestinain state, the Unification Church. He has been out­ -3-3 1-6070. volved in several parties, including the J­ saying only that it was a possibility. ; poh·n in h is d e no u11 cem ent of th e Rachel Kaufman. chairman of interfaith position, Labor Part y, which is leading Pri.ne The trusteeship would include a sc-a ling ·· Moon iC'., movemen t, having a le rt ed the Day, wil l be assisted by Dorothy Fishbein, Ministe r Menachem Begin's Lukid bloc in down of the heavy-handed Israeli military • Co11gres,;; as well as the public to the dangers advisor; Mi lli e Eisenstadt. m2iling; Lynn the public opinion poll s. presence in the area Free political and . inherent in it. Stepak, receptio11 ; Nan Levine, hos pitality; academic ex press ion, municipal ele~·lions, Party's Support From Peace Now Th{' founder ,rnd first preside nt of C itizens Jocelyn Feldma n, hostesses; Neda Logowitz replacement of the military governme nt with Engaged in Re uniting Families, Inc., a a nd Audrey Robbins, temple tours; Ann The new party is expected to receive sup­ a civilian one, parliamentary control ove r nati onal organization of 800 families, Rabbi Wat e rm an , g raphi cs; G race Alpe rt. port from members of Peace Now and ac­ legislation and dissolution of the bands of Davis has been responsible for re habilitating publicit y; a nd Melba Me iste r, ex-offi cio. cording to a recent unpublished poll, it won armed Jewish settle rs that patrol Ara b approximately J ,'3 0 cult vict ims a nd reuniting Members of the general committee include three seats in the 120-member Parliame nt. a reas wou ld b e re quire m e nts of the them with their fa milies. Caryl Feibelman, Terrie Feldman, Carolyn Shulamit Aloni, a me mber of Parliame nt trusteeship. The event is open to the publi c with Salk, and Re nate Sandgren. Humanist Groups . Wife Of Jewish Activist Threatened Organized To Combat With Expulsion From Moscow Moral Majority DETROIT (JTA ) - Rabbi Sherwin Wine MOSCOW - Irina Brailovsky, continu- · when Mrs. Bra ilovsky received a personal displeased, especiall y since I in vited all those and the Birmingham Temple in Farmington ing the seminars begun by her husband, message from Vl adimir lvanovich Molokov, other people who also wanted to leave for Hills are organizing secular and religious Jewish activist Viktor Brailovsky, said she deputy chairman of an executive committee Israel. humanist groups in Michigan and Illinois as a had been threatened with expulsion from of the Moscow C ity Council " I said it was up to him to explain to them response to the Christian fundame ntalist Moscow if she did not refu se to a llow he r Molokov, described by Mrs. Brailovsky as that this was not against Soviet law, instead ·Moral Majority move m e nt. The ne w apartment to be used as a gathering place "rather large with a dull expression," stood of disturbing me about it. organization is be ing call ed Voice of Reason. for Jews who have been unable to receive in he r kitchen and refused to si t or ta ke off " He said, ' No, I am warning you that if President of the group is Lynne Silve rberg, a exit visas for Israel. his coat. He introduced himself and told her you continue with these gatherings, we will member of the Birmingham Temple, of The Sunday Seminars, begun in ·1972 by that her neighbors had complained about deprive you of your Moscow residence which Wine is the spiritual leader. h e r n ow impri soned hus band , were the m eetings. registration.,., Silverberg said the Voice of Reason has schedu led for the Soviet Jewish Scientists to ·· He said these gatherings had to stop. I started a fund-raising campaign and is Residence Permit keep up the ir expertise afte r losing their jobs said why, don' t I have every right to invite pre paring 15-minute radio broadcasts and a when they applied to e migrate. my friends to m y apartme nt? A Soviet citizen must be locally registered pilot television program to counter Moral Whe n Mrs. Brailovsky hos t e d the ·· He said yes, I had the right, but the and possess a residence permit to reside in Majority. Silverberg said she does not dis­ seminars, after he r husband's arrest on Nov. neighbors were displeased. He ·said they Moscow and other major cities and naval agree with many of Moral Majority's posi­ 13 on a cha rge of " willful defamation of the we re bewildered that right here, in theirown bases, according to the Soviet internal tions but objects to their methods. "They Soviet state and social syste m," Soviet building, there should be a person who passport system. Without a permit, living in smack of McCarthyism," she said. " They Security police attempted to suppress the wants to emigrate to Israel. these areas is punishable by law. say that anybody that doesn't agree with meetings for several ,veeks by blocking the " I said their feelings we re their own Doubting that the complaint had come the m is anti-Ameri can That's a real e ntrance to the building. The police main­ business, but ·as far as I knew it was not from any neighbors, Mrs. Brailovsky said, threat." · tained tha t the apartments were be ing disin­ against Soviet law to expi-ess a wish to " We have been in this building since it was Many people agree with Moral Majority's fected .
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