GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY SHOLAPUR DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK (Based on the 1961 Oensu,s) WIID~c.r ~VERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS. iPublica~iQ.ns Sales J?epot, Institute of Science liiflsers'm Bombay Clty),~it"Om the Government -. .. ~ ers from the mofussil) or ~ .Y..91Jlmissi.oner I Aldwych. London, w.e. 2, ':;1 any recognized Bookseller.. ." Pl ice-Rs. 2 As. 8 or 4si.{\.[. 1952 0 :i of f III i. 1111 N 2 .....~ II. t u1~I I» ~ :I > SC{ ! 'l ~~_..~ O~ ::c tJ).~ ..~ CONTKNTS' PAGES General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population 4:-5 :A-III Towns and Villages classified by :Population 6-9 ,A-V Towns arranged territorially with population by liveli- hood classes 10-11 Economic Tables. B-1 Uvelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 12-l~' 13-11 Secondary Means of Livelihood... 18-23 , B-m Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions a,nd Sub- Divisions 2!-71 Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations in the District. 7,2-77 " Household and Age (Sample) Tables. 0-1 Household (Size and Composition) 78-79 I C-'-iI Livelihood Classes ,by Age Groups 80-83: C-TII Age and Civil Condition .. , '84,--.-;-89; 'C-IV Age and Litera(;y 90-93 c-y Single Year Age Returns 9~97 Social and Cultural Tables. D-I Languages- (i) Mother Tongue 98-;-102 (ii) Bilingualism l~3--105 D-II Religion ... 106---107 . , "'...- D-III Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 106-:-1.n7 . D:.-V (i) :Qisplaced Persons by Year of Arrival in India , ..',1 ~~~1~9 (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes l08-i '9 '.~! D-VI' Non-Indian Nationals ;1l0--Ul D~VII Livelihood Classes by Educatio~l Stab,datds 112-115 , , 'D~VIII Un<:mployment by Educational Standards .. : 116~119 SUlntmary Figures by Talukas and P.,.' 120:"'_123 ,I , Primary Census Abstracts , . '. , . ,.~ ,.. 125--301 Small Seale Industries Census-~p'lofD1ent in EstabljB~ents ", .i('• '30~. • 0-1 :>k Yo 3-1 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SHOLAPUR DISTRICT. Sholapur district consisted at the tlme of tue 1951 census of the area. of the former Sholapur district of Bombay Province (except for 12 villages transferred to Hyderabad State) witb the addition of other areas, principally from the former. Indian States. Though 12 villages were transferred from Sholapur Hyderabad, 58 villages were transferred from Hyderabad to Sholapur. village from Indi taluka in Bijapur district was also transferred to Mallb wedha taluka in Sholapur district. The dIstrict gained substantially in area by the addition of the former Indian States merged in Bombay State. The areas added to the di'ltrict in this fashion (lonsisted of 2 villages of the former Jamkhandi State, 21 villages of the former Jath State, 13 villages and 2 towns of the former Kurundwad JuniQr State, 13 villages of the former Mira] Senior State, 3 villages of the former Miraj Junior State, 28 villages and one town of the former Sangli State and 103 villages and one town of the former Akalkot State. Tne district had a 1951' population of 1,505,316, and an area of 5681'8 sq. miles, according to ths' area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of India. / This handbook contains tables for the district of Sholapur, compiled after ~he 1951 Census of India. The main results of the 195] census are embodied in the State Tables published for the States of Bombay, Saurashtra and Kutcb. In this handbook, the data are exhibited in greater detail. The numbers given \ to tables in this publication correspond to those given in the State Census Report. The following table<! for the district have, however, not been included in this handbook:- A-II Variation in population during fifty years. A-IV Towns classified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV Migrants. In the E. Summary table in this handbook, some columns have been omitted In the case of the C~series of tables, except table C-I, the data were extracted on the basis of a sample count of approximately lC per cent. of the census slips instead of a full count of aU the slips. The·C-I table was prepared from ~ four per cent. sample of the households recorded in the National Register of Cttizens relating to each town or village. In 1941, the population figures were exhibited according to. communities in the" Village Handbooks "published by the Government of Bombay. In 1951, the basis of classification at the Census was dhanged from a social. to an economic one, and the figures for villages given in the Primary Census Abstracts and in tables A-V, B-I, B-II, C-II and E are according to the following eight Livelihood Classes :- Agricultural Classes. I. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their aependants. II. Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants. III. Cultivating labourers; and their dependants. IV. Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their dependants. Non-Agricultural Classes. Persons (including dependan,ts) who deriv:e their principal means oflirelihbQd from- , " V. Producti6n other than cultiV'ation . .VI. Commerce. VII. Transport.' . ..' . VIII. Other se:rvices and miScellaneous sources. \ Dependants whether earnin8 or non-earning, \Vere classified a~ the; censUs, .according to the principal means of livenlihooq oithe "()ersons on whom they were dependent.' , . / , . \ The Primary Census Abstracts which contain basic information in:: respect of eV'ery V'illage and town have been l:!>rranged according to talukas ;3nd pe_tas, units into which eV'ery district is divided for administratiV'e purposes. The taiuka was, howeV'er, too small a unit to adopt for preparing the main Census tables. Therefore in the B, C and D series of tables, figures. haV'e been giV'en for tracts and not for talukas. and pew. Before sorting the census slips, and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. " The tracts into which Sholapur District was divided for this purpose are shown below:- Rural Tracts. (1) Rural areas of Barsi and North Sholapur talukas. (2) Rural areas of Akapmt and South ShoIapur talukae. (3) Rural areas of Ma~galwedha and Pandharpur talukas. (4) -Rural areas of Mal~iras and Sangola talukas. (5) Rural areas of Kru;rnala, Madha and Mohol talukas. Urban Tracts. (1) Slltolapur City. (2) Urban areas of Akalkot, Barsi and North Sholapur talukM. '(3) Urban areas of Malsiras, Mangalwedha, Pandharpur and Sangola talukas. (4) Urban areas of Karmala, Madha and Mohol talukas. Urban areas comprise the towns shown in Table A-V. Shortly before the 1951 population census, a census of small scale Industries ." taken, and the results of this census are giV'en in the table called" Small 8.,. Industries Census-Employment in Establishments", included in. this )(andhook. The intention was to find out something about Cottage and Home Industries, and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power-using establish­ ments with 10 or more workers, and non-power using est.ablishments with twenty qr Ip.ore workers, were excluded from the scope of the enquiry as they now submit ~turns un~r the Factory Act . .The enquiry did not doncern itself also :with workers functioning on their own and not employing other people, excep~ when looms were used. If eV'en one 100m was used a return was required. Otherwise the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate activity where articles were produced, repaired or otherwise treated for sale, use or disposal. )(0-1 Bk Yo a-I" 4 A-I-Area, 114>uSfl DISTRIdT ,Occupied houses. Towns Area in Taluka. Vill&ges. and square miles city. Total. Rural. I 2 3 4 {) 6 DWrict Total 5,813-5 934 14 266,176 1751815 90>46~ Akalkot 536·8 115 3 26,777 20,467 6,310', Barsi 627'8 128 34,615 25,629 8,986 Karmala 621'5 95 1 16,414 15,333 1,081 Madha 596 '5 95 2 19,431 16,438 2,993 Malsiras 587 '7 72 2 22,745 18,010 4,71lO Mangahvedha «0'5 70 1 10,550 9,388 1,16~ Mohol 549'5 87 I 15,043 13,981 1,06~ North Sholapur 284'3 42 1 63,170 8,360 54,810 Pandharpnr 497'6 82 1 23,874 15,915 7,959 Sangola 609-'8 68 18,432 17,069 1,363 S outh Shola~ur 461'5 80 15,225 15,225 Note.-(I) The area of the distric.t ofSholapllr as communicate? by the Surveyor General of rn~ is 5681·8 square mIles. The area figures shown lU column 2 have been obtaineCl from the District In,spector of Land Records, Sholapur, or from local records. t (2) The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of revenue villages, exe uijj .. uninhabited villages and villages which form part ofM~icipal areas. (3) The number of towns given in, column 4 is the number of cities and towns Sh()wlr~' table A. V. In general, a town means a municipal area, cantonment area or a pI8.6C1. which has a population of 5,000 ormore inhabitan,ts and exhibits urban characteristics. all Population: SROLAPUB. POpula.tion. Persons. Ma.les. Fema.ieJ , Total. RuraL Urban. Total. Rural. Urban. Total. Rural. Urb&~., 8, 9 '10 II 12 13 ' 14: 15 16 1,50 16 1,085,098\' 470,818 '173,809 580,470 Z48,SS9 731,50'1 501)628 aa6,87~ \ 1£9,647 115,295 34,352 76,858 59,245 " 17,613 72,789 00,050 1~,739 186,777 144,928 41,849 95,915 74,317 21,698 90,862 70~611 2()1,251 100,089 91,883 8,206 ' 51,002 46,821 4,181 49,087 45,062 4,025 222,174 104,567 17,607 62,543 53,432 9,111 59,631 ,,51,135 8,496 \ 122,830 97,097 25,733 62,734 49,546 13,188 60;096 47,551 12,545" 70,008 60,743 9,265 36,On 31,398 4,613 33,997 29,345 4,652 102,1l4 94,206 7,908 52,358 48,333 4,025 49,756 45,873 3;888 325,632 48,545' 277,087 169,611 25,066 144,545 156,021 23,479 132,~ 128,552 .
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