PAGE THIETY-SIX iianrh^ati^r lEvmtng liftald WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1970 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0 ’"Clock .average Daily Net Press Ron ■Tor Ih e Week Ended The Weather August 8, 1970 Barbara H. Hlgbie and Paul Nixon - DeMeo Wapplng Community Chiuxh Fair, mild tonight with patchy D. Ben<rit, bojh of Manchester, was the scene last ' Saturday fog toward dawn. Low about 66. exchanged vows Aug. 1, at St. Nancy Jean DeMeo of Kings­ morning of the marriage of Tomorrow sunny, hot; high Bridget Church. ton, Pa., became the bride of 1 4 ,7 6 8 Wendy Ann' Stuek of Manches­ about 90."Saturday — fair, more The bride, of 230 OsJc St., is Thomas'William iNlxon of TUaxy humid. thfe .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester late Saturday after­ ter to David E. Volt of Patter­ Mtmaheater— A City of Village Charm Allen A. Hlgbie of 477 N. Main noon, Aug. 1, in a candlelight son, Calif. St. The bridegroom is a son erf cerenumy at St. Ignatius ’The bride is the daughter of VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 267 (TWENTY PAGES— TWO SECTTIONS) Mr. and, Mrs. Dcmald L. Benoit Church, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stuek MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1970 (ClassUled Advertising on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS of 262 Woodbridge St., ’The bride is a daughter of of 43 Stephen St. The bride­ The Rev. Harry McBrlen of Mr. and Mrs. Silvio A. DeMeo groom is the son of Mr. and St. Bridget Church performed of Kingston. The bridegroom is Mrs. Fred Volt of Patterson. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert the double-ring ceremony. Bou­ The Rev. Harold Richardson, Nixon of 12 Green Rd. quets of pink carnations and pastor of Wapplng Community The Rev. Joseph Foley of St. Church, performed the double­ New Haven Nixon-Vetoed white gladioli were on the altar. Ignatius Church performed the ring ceremony. Mrs. Harold The bride was given in mar­ double-ring ceremony and was Richardson was organist. riage by her father. She wore celebrant at the nuptial folk Girls Beaten Money Bills a gown of silk organza, designed Given in marriage by her Mass. Folk singers were Chris with a smocked empire bodice. father, the bride wore a full- Donahue, organist; and Charles Btudlo 3 fihcto Her veil of silk illusion was ar­ length princess gown of ivory T o Death Keubler, guitarist. Bouquets of Go to House ranged from a pink brocade Engaged linen appliqued with Venise pink and white snapdragons lace, designed with a Jewel NE5W HAVEN, Conn. (AP)— headpiece, and she carried a Police were combing the wood­ WASHING’TON (AP) — Presi­ were on the altar. The engagement of Miss Eliz­ neckline encircled with Venise bouquet of pink roses and cym- ed hills of West Rock Park ear­ dent Nixon and the House grap­ ’Ihe bride was given in mar­ abeth Brooks Carpenter of Mys­ lace, and short lace sleeves. Her bldium orchids. ly today for clues In the beat­ pled today In an historic, arm- riage by her father. Mie wore tic to William James Kunz of floor-length mantilla was edged Mrs. George Benoit of Cov­ ing murders of a teen-age girl twisUng confrontation over $22.4 a full-length gown of silk cord­ Manchester has been announced with matching lace. entry, sister-in-law of the bride­ and a young woman whose billion funds for education, gov­ ed organza over peau de sole, by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Fischer of New groom, was matron of honor. bodies were found there late ernment agencies, veterans hos­ accented with inserts of Swiss Peter Carpenter of Mystic. Jersey was matron of honor. Her gown of blue peau de sole embroidery and pink ribbon Wednesday night. pitals and small town environ­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr. She wore a full-length gown of mental programs. was fashioned with a peter pan and designed with basque bod­ turquoise ribbed linen accent­ ’Ihe girls, both reported to be collar, and a udilte lattice-work and Mrs. William Kunz Sr. of mentally retarded, had lived in House Democrats hoped to en­ ice, long sleeves and train. Her 74 Mather St. ed with a lime green sash, and bodice. She wore a circlet of veil of silk Illusion was arrang­ a home for the retarded on the list the support of Republicans Miss Carpenter is a graduate she carried a colonial bouquet in reversing the chief execu­ carnations and daisies in her ed from a Juliet cap trimmed other side of the city park, less of the Robert E. Fitch Senior of yellow, blue and white tive’s veto of the $4.4 billion Of­ hair, and carried a colonial bou­ with pearllzed orange blos­ than a mile away, police said. High School, Groton, and Ver­ daisies. fice of Education money bill and quet of blue and white carna­ soms, and she carried a bou­ They were identified as Don­ mont College, Montpelier, Vt. The bridesmaid wais Miss the $18.8 billion measure fund­ tions. quet of stephanoUs, pink ele­ Mary Neville of Boston. Her na Schlither, 16, and Sandra She is employed at Goldman Hedlar, 23. ing the Department of Housing Bridesmaids were Miss Joan gance sweetheart roses, and gown was similar to the honor and Sacks, Boston. In ■ mld-aftemoon, the girls and Urban development and a L. Benoit, sister, of the bride­ Ivy. Mr. Kunz, a graduate of Man­ attendant’s, and she carried a score of other agencies. groom,'and Mrs. Ronald Lepak, Mrs. Gary Greenfield of Nor­ had left the New Haven Region­ chester High School, received colonial bouquet of yellow and Most observers gave the edu­ both of Manchester. Their pink al Center, where they lived, for folk, Va., sister of the bride, his BS degree from Norwich white daisies. cation bill the best chance of gowns and circlets of flowers a shopping trip to the nearby was matron of honor. Brides­ University, Northfield, Vt., and Stephen Koch of Bethesda, winning the necessary two- were similar to the honor at­ neighborhood of WestvlUe with maids were Miss Karen Hughes his MS degree from the C.W. Md., served as best man. Ushers thirds majority needed to over­ tendant’s, cmd they carried co­ 20-year-old William White, who of Glastonbury; Miss Linda Post College, Greenvale, N.Y. were William M. Stuek of Ver­ ride a Presidential veto. The lonial bouquets of pink and white also lived at the home, police Hardy of Essex, Mass.; MQss He has been commissioned a non and Jeffrey H. Stuek of said. larger measure appeared to camationB. Valerie Jackson of Mt. Vernon, second lieutenant with the Ar­ Pittsburgh, Pa., brothers of the White was found beaten about have less support. George Benoit of Coventry N. Y., and Miss Ellen FelU of bride. served as his brother's best tillery-Air Defense, and will re­ House leaders ordered roll- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Stuek wore a nile green (See Page Eight) call votes on the two spumed man. Ushers were Lou Robll- port for active duty In Novem­ Their gowns of petal pink silk shantung ensemble. ’The bills as the first order of busi­ lard of Rockville and Michael ber at Ft. Bliss, ’Tex. chiffon over taffeta were fswh- bridegroom’s mother wore a ness today. Carroll of Ludlow, Mass., cou­ The wedding is planned for loned with basque bodices, and pink faille dress. Both wore Never before has the House lio itB g ti>oU> sins of the bridegroom. Sept. 26 at the Mystic Congre­ MRS. PAUL D. BENOIT Victorian necklines accented gational Church. cymbidium orchids. scheduled votes on two major Mrs. Hlgbie wore a yellow with white Venise lace. They A reception was held at the vetoes in one day. crochet dress with vdilte acces­ Cong Seen wore large white braided straw Podunk Mill Oub, South Wind­ Herbert G. Klein, communica­ sories and a corsage of x>ink Zoo Name hats, and carried bouquets of sor. For a motor trip to Canada, tions director for the adminis­ About Town Band To Appear roses. The bridegroom’s mother pink elegance sweetheart roses LOUISVILLE, Ky. ,(AP) — Mrs. Volt wore a blue pantsuit tration, told Republican gover­ wore a beige and salmon color The city zoo commission looking Launching An ice cream social will be Mayor Nathan Agostinelli, and Ivy. with white accessories. nors Wednesday the vetoes will held tomorrow from 6 to 9 :S0 dress with matching accessories Cathy DeMeo of Kingston, sis­ at possible names for their new Alter Oct. 1, the couple will MRS. DAVID E. VOIT pay dividends during the No­ a major in the Connecticut and a corsage of salmon colored ' a.m. at Emmanual Lutheran ter of the bride, was flower girl. facility were open to sugges­ live In Patterson, Calif. vember campaigns. National Guard, has arrang­ roses. tions from all sources. New Drive Church on Church and Chestnut ed for a Manchester concert She was dressed in a gown of Klein told Republicans at the After a reception at the Elks Eugene Alvey, former city Football Union’s disciplinary air hostesses. ’Ihe action fol­ Sts., sponsored by the combined by the State National Guard petal pink antique silk, designed SAIGON (AP) —Heavy fight­ National (Jovemors Conference youth groups of the church. The Home, the couple left on a mo­ law director,' had an idea. committee for "unruly behav­ lowed coniplaints that a glass meeting at Land ot the Ozarks, Band. tor trip to Maine. They are mak­ with an empire bodice with lace Unruly Players ing In which more than 300 event will be open to the public.
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