-.- ., "_ ". -._ .- *- ,-. "2 ASA CONTRACTOR N A.S-A REPORT i. f! COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEM $ORAERODYNAMIC DESIGN AND ,I' :ANALYSIS OF SUPERSONICAIRCRAFT 1.'Part 2 - User's Manual ,I :c;a' I j* 1j;W. D. Middleton, J. L. Lu~zd~y, and R. G. i Coletnun .. ..I Prepared by I. _. BOEING COMMERCIALAIRPLANE COMPANY .. ye2 0 Seattle, Wash. 98 124 5 % 4' for Langley Research Center '>76.1916 .I NATIONALAERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. AUGUST 1976 TECH LIBRARY KAFB. NM ~~ ~ ." 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA CR-2716 " 4. Title and Subtitle 7- 5. ReDOrt Date A Computational System for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis August 1976 of SuDersonic Aircraft. 6. Performing Organization Code Part - User's Manual .- i .~ 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. D6-43798-2 W.D. Middleton, J.L. Lundry, and R.G. Coleman ~. 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Boeing Commercial AirplaneCompany 11. Contract or Grant No. P.O. Box 3707 NAS 1-13732 Seattle, Washington 98 124 13. Type of ReDort and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report Jan. 1975-Mar. 1976 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agencv Code Washington, D.C. 20546 E Supplementary Notes TWOof three final reports.Langley technical monitor: H. W. Carlson ~~ .- .~ IG. Abstract An integrated system of computer programs has been developed for the design and analysis of supersonic configurations. The system uses linearized theory methods for thecalculation of surface pressures and supersonic area rule concepts in combination with linearized theory for calculation of aerodynamic force coefficients. Interactive graphics are optional at theuser's request. The description of the design and analysis system is broken into three parts,covered in three separate documents: Part 1 -General Description and Theoretical Development Part 2-User's Manual Part 3-Computer Program Description This part contains a description of the system, an explanation of its usage, the input definition, and example output. These three documents supersede NASA contractor reports CR-2520, CR-2521, and CR-2522, which described an earlier version of the system. -~ "- - 17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s1 ) 18. DistributionStatement Wing design Unclassified-Unlimited Configuration analysis Wave drag Subject Category 2 Pressure distribution I 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price' Unclassified Unclassified 266 $8.50 ~~ ~ " . For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 , . CONTENTS Page 1.0 SUMMARY ............................ 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION2.0 ........................ 3 3.0 DISCUSSION .......................... 5 3.1 System Communications ................... 5 3.2 Geometry Module ..................... 9 3.3 Plot ........................... 11 3.4 Skin Friction ............. ~ ......... 11 3.5 Far-FieldWave Drag Program ................. 11 3.6 Near-Field Wave Drage .................... 14 3.7Wing Design and Lift Analysis ................. 17 4.0 INPUTFORMAT ........................ 49 4; 1 Executive Control Card Summary ............... 49 4.2Geometry Program ..................... 51 4.3 PlotProgram ....................... 60 4.4 Skin Friction Program .................... 63 4.5 Far-FieldWave Drag Program ................. 67 4.6 Near-Field Wave DragProgram ................ 69 4.7 WingDesign Program .................... 72 4.8 Lift AnalysisProgram .................... 82 5.0 TYPICALCASE AND PROGRAM OUTPUT .............. 91 6.0 REFERENCES ......................... 251 APPENDIXA-Interactive Graphics .................... 253 iii A CO:4FUTATIONAL SYSTEN FOE AZ:FGCYi\lAi$IC DZSIGN AND ANALYSIS OF SUPERSONIC AIkCEiAFT W. D. Middleton, J. L. Lundry,and R. G. Coleman BoeingCommercial Airnlane Company 1 . 0 SU,rnAf. Y AL integrated system of computerprograms has hen developedfor the desiqr, arid acalysis of suFersonicconfigurations. Thesystem ccrcists of anexecutive driver and s+ver: basic conputer programs irxluding a plot module, which are used to build up the forcecoefficients of a selectedconfiguration. Docurrentation of the systerr. has beenbroken into 3 parts: Part 1 - Gersral Descriptionand Theoretical DeveloFment Part 2 - Usx's ?/lama1 Part 3 - Conputer Prograr Description This par%, the us?rlsrranual, conkains a dzscription of the system, an explanation cf its usage, the inputdefinition; and eXaITF1e OU+pUt, These threedocumects supersede LASA ccntractcrreports CR-2520, CF-2521,ar,d CR-2522 whichdescribed an earlier versior. of the systom. Interactive graFhics foruse with the systom are op%ional, em5loyifi.g the NASA-LFC CkT displayand associated software. A description cf the iriteractive graphicsportion -of thesystem is given in AFperdix A. The comFutfrGrogram is writtenin FORTRAN IV for a SCOPE or XEGNOS operatingsystein arid library file. It is designedfor the C3C 6000 series of conputers aEd is overlay-structured. The system requiresapproximately 1150008 central memory wordsand uses eight. peripheral disc files inaddition to the inputand outFut files. 2.0 INTRODUCTION A seriFs of ir,dividualcomputer programs for design or analysis of supersonicconfigurations has been linkedtogether into a single system. The system,because of built-incommunication between the programs, is substantiallysimpler to inputand. use than the individualprograms aperatifig in a stand-alonenode. In addition, a ccnmon gecmetryformat, based on the NASA-LFC configuration plotting program,hasbeen adopted to standardize the input requir2ments of the basicprograms. InteractivegraFhics have been included in the system, to display or editinput and to permitmonitoring and read-out of program results. Thegraphics arrangement is tailcred specifically to the NASA-LtC CDC 250 cathoderay tube and associated software. However, all graphicsapplications nave been subroutined to the main Frcgramsand could be easilyconverted to a different graFhics set-up. 3 .0 DISCUSSION A schexatic of the designand analysis system is shown in figure 3.0-7. Thesystem consists of anexecutive "driver1' and seven basiccomputer Frograms including a plotprogram and a geometry input module,which are used to build up the face Coefficients of a selacted configuration as shown in figure 3.0-2. The system may be used with or without interactive graphics. The comgletedesign and analysis system is a single overlaid computerprogram, with the executivedriver as the mair, overlay ar,d the basic programs as primaryoverlays. The basicprograms manipulateinput (geometry module), draw a picture of the configuration.(plot module), or Ferformdesign or analysis calculations. Aercdynamicforce coefficients for a selectedconfiguration ars built upthrough superposition. The individualmodules of the systen!provide data for the forcecoefficient build-up as follows: Skin friction is computedusing flat plate turbulent theory. .m Wave drag is calculatedfrom either r.ear-field (surface pressureintegration) or far-field(supersonic area rule)methods, Tho near-fieldmethod is usedprimarily as an analysis tool, where detailcd pressure distrikutions 3re of in'erest. The far-field n?eirhod is usedfor wave dragcoefficient calculations and for fusslageoptimization acc0rdir.g to area rule concepts. 0 Drag-due-to-lift is conputedfrom the lift analysis proqram, whick breaks arbitrarywing/fuselag~/canard/ nacelles/horizontal tail configurationsinto a mosaic of "Nach-f=cxf1 rectilinearslements which are EmFlcyed inlinear theory solutions. A complementarywing desigr. andoptimization program, also using the Mach-box apFroach, solvls for the wing shaperequired to support anoptimized Frzssure distribution at a specified flight condition. 3.1 SystsmCommucications Communication between the extcutive and the different kasic modules is performed by disc files andlimited common block stcrag€. 5 I Executive graphics . I ."""-."" I I I-". -I I Geometry Plot Skin I Far-field Near-field module friction I method method I I i I (pressure (supersonic I I Integration) area rule) I I "I I- """"- I """"""" Drapdue-to-lift Zero Lift Wave Drag (Wave and vortex) FIGURE 3.0- 1.-INTEGRATED SUPERSONIC DESIGN AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM L SUPERPOSITION METHOD OF DRAG ANALYSIS Drag Near Field UPp IU - SKIN FRICTION U DRAG DUE TO LIFT AND TRIM DRAG (WAVE &VORTEX) ZERO LIFT WAVE DRAG FIGURE 3.0-2.-DRAG BUILDUP 7 Input All input to the basic modules is handledthrough the conmongeometry module and its associated interfaces. A fundamentalconsideration in the setup of thesystem has been thatinput to the basic rrodules would not be changed by theirincorporation into the overall system. However, to minimize and simFlify systeminput requirements, a specialgeorretry module has been created to read all input,and then sort and structure the input Reeds of the basic programs. ProgramSequencing Prograrr;execution is ordered by means of special identificationcards, read thein executive, which initiate a specificoperation; for instance: G E0M This card instructs the executive to havethe geometrymodule read configuration geometry. PL0T This cardorders a plot of theconfiguration to bedrawn, according to size andview requirements which will be suppliod. SKFE. Compute skin frictior! for the configuration. Other similar cards control the otherbasic modules. me configuration that is to be plotted, or analyzed, rieed not be ths completeconfiyuration that has beeninput.. Also, thegeometry dpfirition may be updatedwithout complete replacement
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