Report of the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (covering its work during 1973). Chapter IX: Territories under Portuguese Administration. Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. 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Alternative title A/9023/Add.3 Author/Creator United Nations General Assembly; Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Publisher United Nations Date 1973-09-19 Resource type Reports Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Lusophone Africa (region) Coverage (temporal) 1973 Description This document contains Chapter IX (Territories Under Portuguese Administration) of the Special Committee’s report to the General Assembly. Format extent 212 page(s) (length/size) ,UNITED NATIONS ,UNITED NATIONS Distr. GEN E RAL GERL I A/9023/Ad4.3* ASSEM BLY 19September1973' ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Twenty-eighth session Items 71 and 23 of the provisional agenda** REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL, COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES (covering its work during 1973) Rapporteur: Mr. Ivan G. GARVALOV (Bul1aria) CHAPTER IX TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION, CONTENTS Paragraphs Page A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ............ ... 1 - 25 2 B. DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ... ............ .. 26 - 27 '7 C. OTATEMENT ISSUED BY THE CHAIRMAN ON 11 JULY 1973 ....... 28 13 Annexes I. WORKING PAPERS PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT ....... .............. ...21 II. NOTE 9Y THE SECRETARIAT ......... ......................... ...211 * This document contains chapter IX of the Special Committee's/report to the General Assembly. iThe general introductory chapter will be issued uider the symbol A/9023. The followi chapters relate also to the question or the Territories under Portuguese administration: chapter I (A/9023 (part I)); chapter IV (A/9'3 (part III)); chapter V (A/9023 (part IV)); and chapter VI (A/9023 (part V)). Other chapters of the report will be issued as addenda to document A/9023. The complete report will be issued subsequently as Supplement No. 23 to the Official Records of thb twenty-eighth session of the General Assembly (A/9023/Rev.l). '* A/9100. T 3-18288 CHAPTER IX TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1. The Special Committee considered the question of the Territories under Portuguese administration at its 895th meeting on 2 February, at its 903rd and 915th to 922nd meetings, between 8 March and 25 June, and at its 929th and 930th meetings, on 20 July and 2 August, 1973. 2. In its consideration of this item, the Special Committee took into account the provisions of the relevant General Assembly resolutions, including in particular resolution 2908 (XXVII) of 2 November 1972 on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, by paragraph 11 of which the General Assembly requested the Special Committee "to continue to seek suitable means for the immediate and full implementation of General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) and 2621 (XXV) in all Territories which have not attained independence and, in particular, to formulate specific proposals for the elimination of the remaining manifestations of colonialism and report thereon to the General Assembly at its twenty-eighth session". Further, the Special Committee took into account General Assembly resolution 2918 (XXVII) of 14 November 1972 concerning the Territories under Portuguese administration. The Special Committee also paid due regard to the relevant resolutions of the Security Council relating to the question. 3. During its consideration of the question, the Special Committee had before it working papers prepared by the Secretariat (see annex I to the present chapter) containing information on action previously taken by the Special Committee, the General Assembly and the Security Council, as well as the latest develoments in the Territories. The Committee also took into account, inter alia: (a) the relevant recommendations of the International Conference of Experts for the Support of Victims of Colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa, held at Oslo from 9 to 14 April, under the auspices of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity (OAU) (A/9061); (b) statements made during the special meeting held by the Committee on 23 May 1973 (A/AC.lo9/Pv.9l14) in observance of the Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa and Guinea (Bissau) and Cape Verde Fighting for Freedom, Independence and Equal Rights; and (c) the declaration concerning Territories under Portuguese domination adopted by the Tenth Assembly of Heads of State and Government of OAU in May 1973. In addition, the Special Committee took into account two telegrams received from the Partido Africano da Independ@ncia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC), dated respectively 10 July 1973 (A/AC.109/427) and 27 July 1973 (A/AC.109/Pv.930). Petitions 4. The Special Committee had before it the following written petitions concerning the Territories under Portuguese administration: Angola Letter dated 29 December 1972 from Dr. S. Bosgra, Angola Committee, Netherlands (A/AC. 109/PET. 1242). Mozambique (a) Letter dated 19 December 1972 from Mr. Edmond Perret, Secretary-General, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Geneva (A/AC.109/PET.1243); (b) Letter dated 5 April 1973 from Ms. Fanny Edelman, General Secretary, Women's International Democratic Federation (Berlin) (A/AC.109/PET.1249); (c) Telegram dated 10 July 1973 from Mr. Otto Kersten, General Secretary, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Brussels (A/AC.109/PET. 1251). Guinea (Bissau) and Cape Verde (a) Telegram dated 25 January 1973 from the Pan-African Students Association and Democratic Front, Khartoum-University, Khartoum (A/AC.109/PET.1238); (b) Telegram dated 23 January 1973 from Mr. Burgess Carr, General Secretary, All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), Nairobi, (A/AC.1O9/PET.1239); (c) Telegram dated 26 January 1973 from the Secretariat of Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers, Prague (A/AC.109/PET. 1240); (d) Letter dated 11 January 1973 from Mr. Domingos Joseph Da Sylva, Frente de Luta pela Independ~ncia Nacional da Guin4 Bissau (FLING-UNIFIE) (A/AC.109/PET. 1241). 5. 'The Special Committee also had before it a written petition dated 9 February 1973 from Mr. Romesh Chandra, Secretary-General, World Peace Council relating, inter alia, to Territories in southern Africa (A/AC.109/PET.1244). 6. The Special Committee granted the following requests for hearing concerning the item: Petitioner Meeting at which request for hearing was granted Lord Gifford, Chairman of the Committee for Freedom in Mozambique, Angola and Guin6 (A/AC.109/PV.902 and Corr.1) 902nd Miss Eileen Hanson, member, Chicago Committee for the Liberation of Angola, Mozambique and Guine (A/AC. 109/PV.919) 919th 7. At the 903rd meeting, On 8 March, Lord Gifford made a statement and replied to questions put to him by the representatives of India, the Ivory Coast, Mali, Ethiopia and Tunisia (A/AC.IO9/PV.903). Statements in that connexion were made by the representatives of India and the Chairman (A/AC.109/PV.903). At the 919th meeting, on 19 June, Miss Eileen Hanson made a statement (A/AC.109/PV.919). Participation of the national liberation movements 8. In accordance with a decision taken at its previous session, which was subsequently approved by the General Assembly, the Special Committee invited, in consultation with OAU, the representatives of the national liberation movements of the African Territories under Portuguese administration to participate in an observer capacity in its consideration of the item. 9. Accordingly, the following national liberation movements were represented at the meetings of the Special Committee during its consideration of the item: Frente Nacional para a Libertaggo de Angola (FNLA): Mr. Sasa Mbala, representative Mr. Mesamesa Tshamba, representative Movimento Popular de Libertagqo de Angola (MPLA): Mr. Manuel Jorge, Adviser to the Central Committee Frente de Libertagdo de Mogambique (FRELIMO): Mr. Jorge Rebelo, member, Central and Executive Committees Mr. Sharfudine Khan, representative in New York Partido Africano da Independ@ncia da Guine e Cabo Verde (PAIGC): Mr. Silvino Manuel da Luz, member, Supreme Council. At the 915th meeting, on 13 June, Messrs. statements (A/AC.109/PV.915 and Corr.l). 18 and 21 June, Mr. Mbala made statements 921st meeting, on 22 June, Mr.
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