I ., ' ... \ I ~ , Volume 25 May, 1966 Number 5 • -A Chance for Seclusion John Stokes - State Forester f• or the individual or family who likes the beauty and }Wae~fulnc~ss of Iowa's timber lands with a minimum of facil­ ities being provided, our state forests offer an enjoyable c'alnping possibility '1 hre(' state forests are open to campers in 1966. The Yel­ l IV. R1ve.r Forest, north of McGregor, Iowa, the Shimek State }i,orest loca tPd southeast of Farmington and the Stephens State f•,oresl located west of Lucas, Iowa. Primitive type camping is provided on all three forest 1 units <.. ampers are allowed to locate their camping units in df'slgnated areas. Pit type latrines are provided on units wht l'e camping is permitted. Water is available only at Yellow River Forest at present; construction of lakes on othm state forests will provide water for public use in com­ ing \t:ars. {""~:1mpers are permitted to camp at state forest unit fu1 a per 10d of one week at no cost. YELLOW RIVER FOREST Catnpers returning to the Paint Creek Unit of the forest, ot maldng a first VISit, will find new improvements designed to make their stay more enjoyable. A number of new hik­ ing hails have been opened to allow visitors access to the h ecH t of the forest Trees are identified along trails carrying th~ hil{er in to plantings of several species 0f evergreen trees established for research study. The trails pass wildlife ponds where it is not at all unusual to see ruffed grouse, deer , or one of the wild turkeys released on the forest area a few years ago. rrrout fishermen will find Little Paint Creek stocked peri­ odically to provide good fishing. Some of the camp areas are adjaf•ent to both Big Paint and Little Paint Creeks which run through the forest area. An interesting day can be spent in traveling over the unit viewing the terrain from several overlooks that have been developed atop high limestone bluffs. These areas are pro­ vided with tables and fireplaces so that a picnic away from the nmiu campsite can be had. A traillide concession will be operated again this summer for the camper who wants to travel over the several miles of completed bridle trails. Horses are available every week­ end and throughout the week for groups wishing to ride. An exp~ri enced groom will lead each group over bridle trails which go through tree planting areas and along which signs Identify the plant life and across wildlife pond dams. Jim Sberman Pboto. A sprlnJ fed stream offe" • coolln9 stop for horses and rldel'$ on a bridle path tour (Continued on page 38) of Yellow River Fornt, Page 34 I O WA CO N S ER V ATIONI S T Iowa Conservationist Kossuth County received ap­ proval for a partial development Vol. 25 May, 1966 No. 5 Published monthly by the Iowa Conservation plan for Highway 169 Artificial Commission, East 7th Street and Court A venue, Lake Area which would include Des Moines, Iowa 50308. Address all mail (The following letter reaches tTie ((Forum" via t he B iology Seclw1 (subscriptions, change of address, Form 3579, var ious wildlife plantings, south­ manuscripts, mail items) to above address. west of the lake. where it was received along with a I-11.mters Questwnaire. For obviou~ Subscription price: two years at $1.00 reasons, we are ormtting any -reference to town or individual.) Second class postage paid at Palo Alto County received ap­ Des Moines, Iowa proval for various revisions to the (No Rights Reserved) development plans for Lost Island­ HAROLD E. HUGHES, Governor Dear Sir: E. 8. SPEAKER, Director Huston P ark. This will allow a de­ In answer to the enclosed card and the previous one (which I sf•elll JAMES R. SHERMAN, Editor velopment of a new drive. picnic JACK HIGGINS, Managrng Ed lor lo have mislaid), I would like to say that the reason I bought a li JACK KIRSTEIN , Photographer area, trailer camping area, play­ cense was to impress the father of a girl I was going with. He wishl•d MICHAEL W OOLDRIDGE, Circulaton ground area and the construction MEMBERS O F THE COMMISSIO N to go hunting and I didn't want to appear to be a soft, self-indulgt•nt, ED WEINHEIMER, Chairman ___ ·- Greenfield of a service building and a custo­ indoor type person. We hun~.ed p~easants (for 3 hours) and I didn't LAURENCE N. NELSON, Vice Cha1rman ..... dians residence. 00... .... ...... .•. •••• ..oo.. 00 .. Bellev 1e hit anything. The girl's ten year old brother, however, got 2. SinC'e EARL E. JARVIS ... .00........ Wilton Junction Sac Coun ty received approval JAMES R HAMILTON ..... .. .... Storm Lake then, I have quit dating the girl. That is the sole time I went hunting ROBERT E BEEBE . ... ... Sioux c,ty for a development plan for the this year and I am complimented that someone thought I might havE> MIKE F. ZACKOO ... ·oo· • ..... ........ .. Mason City Reiff Safety Rest and Wildlife gotten something. KEITH A MeNU RLEN 000 .. •• 000 ... Ames Ar ea 1 1'2 miles south of Early for CIRCULATION THIS ISSUE •.. oo.. ... 57,823 multiple use, outdoor recreational Dear Sir: area and High\\'ay Safety Rest Do we need a Minnesota License to fish the north shores of lhl! Area with 40 acres to be utilized Iowa-Minnesota border lakes? ... Also, last summer a game wardl'll COMMISSION as a wildlife and winter cover hab­ told me we had to buy a license to fish on our own land V\ ill you MINUTES itat a r ea. kindly let us know which is correct? W innebago County received ap­ Our Superintendent of Law Enforcement says: We have a rccipH)('al State Conservation Commission proval for a development plan for Meeting H eld in Des Moines, agreement with the State of Mtnnesota in regard to fis11 mg in tJw Ambroson P ark to provide fishing border rivers. I t states: ((Residents of I owa or Minnesota, holding Iowa, April 5 a nd 6, 1966 access to a Gravel Pit and to the resident fishing licenses from their respective states, may fish iu (0111 W innebago River for picnicking COUNTY CONSERVATION of the waters coveTed by this agreement whethe?· such waters a1·e 111 and camping. BOARD PROJECTS I owa or Minnesota.'' The waters covered by the agreement are: Little Buchanan County r eceived ap­ LANDS AND 'VATERS Spirit, Iowa, Okamanpedan ( Tuttle) and Swag lakes. Please remember, proval for the acquisition of 40 Approval was given to exercise this would not entitle you, to fiish from the Minnesota shore. acres at a cost of $4,000 located two options adjacent to Stephens I would have to know the exact location and name of tlle stream bt­ 1% miles south of Aurora to be State F orest in Lucas County, one fo1·e I could give you proper informatwn. If the stream jtoW111fJ tluollgll used as a timber preserve, wildlife for 5 acres at $35.00 per acre and 1JOII habitat area and outdoor classroom your land is included in the list of state-owned meande1·ed strrams, one for 20 acres at $35.00 per acre. called the J a kway F orest Area. would be required to have a fishing license to fish because you would be on state property. L inn County received approval to Approval was given for a bath­ acquire 7.55 additional acres at house and sewage disposal design (Continued on page 35) their P inicon Ridge Park at a total at Green Valley Lake and authori­ cost of $18,700.00, which area is lo­ zation for bids to be taken on the cated on the Wapsipinicon River construction. to Lake Macbride. The Commis­ meeting of the Foreign Game C'om upstream from Central City. Approval was given to advertise sion asked for an appraisal of the mittee in Columbia, Missouri, the O'Brien Coun ty received ap­ bids to drill and case waterwells area and an investigation of National Tree Farm Meeting m proval for the acquisition of 1 acre at Backbone, R ock Creek, Spring­ potential use. Chicago, Illinois, and for the Supt. of land under a 10 year lease for brook and Pine Lake State Parks. FISH AND GAME of Engineering to the l\lcckum $1.00 to be used as a H ighway Approval was given to a cooper­ Approval was given to exercise Engineering Company in Ottawa, Safety Rest Area called Peterson ative development plan for Wilson an option on 26 acres at $200.00 Illinois. and to the Conscrvn I ion Highway Safety Rest Area located Island on the Missouri River. per acre adjacent to Clear Creek Business Management Associn lion 2 miles east of Sanborn. Bids for lake bed excavation at in and adjacent to the town of in Chicago. Polk County received approval Spring Lake in Greene County Lansing. The Commission reviewed Lands for an addition to Camp Creek were refused. Approval was given for the and Waters Projects for Bun•au ot ::>ark consisting of 2 acres at a A repor t was given by the opening dates for the 1966 Hunting Outdoor Recreation partiCipation total cost of $1.00 located approxi­ Superintenden t of Land Acquisi­ Season to allow people to plan which would include improvements mately 16 miles northeast of down­ tion concerning Swan Lake State their fall vacations. at Beeds Lake, Bellevue Slat~ town Des Moines. Park in Carroll County. Approval was given to Teal Sea­ Park, a building at Clear Lake, the Washington County received ap­ Approval was given for a con­ son Regulations for 1966.
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