Architectural terms adobe A word of Arabic origin mean­ dentil One of a band of square, small mansard A roof ing earth from which unburnt bricks toothlike blocks. having a double slope H are made. dormer window A vertical window on all four sides, ashlar hewn or squared stone. which projects from a sloping roof. (See the lower slope being much steeper. balustrade An entire railing system ~Gable " sketch) (as along the edge of a balcony) double-hung sash window A mullion A vertical member separating including a top rail and its upright window having two vertically sliding (and often supporting) window panes or supports, or balusters. sashes, each closing a different part of door panels. batter To incline from the vertical. A the window. oriel A bay window projecting out from wall is said to batter when it recedes as it eave That part of a roof which projects the wall of an upper story. rises . out beyond the wall of the building . palladian window A large window bracket Any overhanging member engaged column A column partially divided by columns or projecting from a wall or other body to built into a wall, not freestanding. piers, resembling support a weight (such as a cornice) pilasters, into three acting outside the wall. entablature In Classical architecture, the elaborated beam member carried by lights, the middle canale A roof drainspout projecting one of which through a parapet wall. the columns, horizontally divided into architrave below, frieze and cornice is usually widest chamfe r An oblique surfa ce produced above. a similar feature as the crown of and arched. by beveling an edge or comer, usually at a wall. parapet In an exterior wall, firewall or a forty-five degree angle , as the edge of a party wall, that part entirely above the wood post, board or masonry surface. facade The exterior face of a building. roof. coping A protective cap, top or cover fanlight A semicircular window over of a wall, parapet or chimney. May be the opening of a door, with radiating pediment In Classical architecture, the flat, but commonly sloping or curved to bars in the form of an open fan. triangular gable ·end of the roof above shed water. the horizontal cornice; in later work, a fascia Any flat horizontal member or surface used ornamentally over doors.or corbel A projecting member stepped molding with little projection; a smooth windows, usually triangular. progressively farther surfaced band . pinnacle A small turret or spire; in forward fogon Comer fireplace. with height. Gothic architecture a small largely anchored gable That portion of a building omamental vertical shaft. in a wall or enclosed by the pintle door A door column, used sloping ends, usually which pivots on to support a triangular, of vertical pins . superincumbent weight. a ridged roof. placita A small corbel table A projecting stringcourse courtyard enclosed or masonry strip supported by corbels. by a building. ~ plinth A square or rectangular base for a column or door framing. galleria A long covered area acting as portal A long porch or portico with cornice The exterior trim of a structure a corridor inside or on the roof supported by vertical posts. at the meeting of the roof and wall. Any exterior of a building. pretil (See Parapet) molded projection which crowns or 0 purlin A horizontal member in the roof finishes the part to which it is affixed. gambrel A roof which has two pitches supporting the rafters. crenelated Having battlements; a on each side . stringcourse A narrow horizontal fortified parapet with alternating solid jacal A structure made of logs set band of masonry extending along the parts and openings; also facade of a structure. employed vertically chinked or plastered with as a adobe. veranda A covered porch or balcony decorative lati~ Wood saplings laid atop roof extending along the outside of a motif. beams (vigas) to support an earthen roof building, planned for summer leisure. cupola A domical roof on a circular or covering. vigas Peeled log ceiling beams. polygonal base often set on the ridge of lintel A horizontal structural member zaguan A roofed space, hallway, a roof, sometimes serving as a belfry or (such as a beam) over an opening which joining separate buildings or rooms. look -out. carries the weight of the wall above it. zapata (See Corbel) 36 N MA Septem ber ·Octo ber 1978 Andersen Insulates. Energy-saving double-pane insulating glass. Th really save energy, houses need insulation in the windows, too. Andersen brin~ it to them. In windows built two times more weathertight Low­ than windows which only meet minimum industry air­ maintenance infiltration standards. vinyl sheath. With a lowaverage air-infiltration rateof.25 cu/ft/min and a .52 U-value. (With triple glazing, .33 U-value.) Andersen~Perma-Shield~orprimed wood windows. The beautiful ways to insulate. & MILLWORK. Inc. oad, P.o. Box 133 A~~9)V!2~~11~ 7501 • 505/988-9696 - DAVID SULLENBERGER ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 1628 LAS CRUCES. NEW MEXICO 88001 PHONE 15051 522-5200 NMA September·October 1978 37 SantaFes most distinguished ~ address . Welcomes The 1978 AlA Western Mountain Region Conference @ EEE3tJn~CI ••1J. ON THE PLAZA SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO TELEPHONE (505) 982· 5511 - CUSTOM LIGHTING The paints coatings FIXTURES and Designed to your job specifications profess- nats use. 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We can do the job. • INSULAliON • DRY WALL THE • EXTENSIVE INVENTORY B ES AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES COMPAN~ :===~II DRYWALL COMPANY Albuquerque EI Paso 505 345·6517 / 34 4. 7249 Farmington 416 LOS ARBOLES, NW ALB UCjlUERCjlUE, NM 87107 40 NMA September-October 1978 ALBUQUERQUE professio na l model TESTING LABORATORy•..• bu ilder TO BE SURE! arc hi tectural and inte rio r SU BSOIL INVESTI GATI ONS mod el s for st udy, PHYSICAL TESTING plannin g and INSPECTI ON pr esentation RESEARCH WELDING CE RTIFICATI ON NU CL EAR DEN SITY sm al l scale, large form at LABORA TOR Y ANA LYSI S AN O site model s EVALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AU WORK DONE UNDER SUPERVISION OF REG ISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ANN ZINN • MODEL BUILDER 532 JEFFERSON, N. E. Q. ALBUQUERQUE, NM 711 Don Gaspar • Santa Fe • NM • 87501 P. O. BOX 4101 PHONE 255-8916 or 255-1322 505-988-3472 Congoleum f a FLDR-EvER® I I c r e i a m o c 9 e lockers uph o l s t e r y r s t a i s n ng 0 e c ~ p I ~ n ., 9 r lor ~ i n w s t y e t I t ask s lRAVE.RTINE r r e u a p. o I I c e la n d s c a p e m I I '- t ~ p b 0 s a ~ ! a is on a s d I e e I es ca rpe .-- '- e a a s t~ g ; ~ -,: s t p des k s . , .. i casewo r k _\ • j ,- h e I v n 9 r ~.. .. .. ' . .. 9 v " ,. " .. Travertine is commercial flooring at its best...deslgned like no ot her floo r to meel the chang ing commercial needs and demands , includi ng Yirtua liy seamless Instaliatlons in most applica tions. Here is a beautiful and delicate "Pion eers in th e Busin ess & School world " reproduc tion of a natural mater iaL .reproduced as never before . Traverti ne has a subdued background and a seamless til e effect that sets it apart from tra­ ditional commercial flooring. Available In g' and 12' width s and 12 color choices. 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