(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,678,363 B2 Barlow Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,678,363 B2 Barlow Et Al

USOO7678.363B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,678,363 B2 Barlow et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 16, 2010 (54) METHODS OF TREATING PSYCHIATRIC 5,093,333 A 3, 1992 Saab CONDITIONS COMPRISING 5,110,828 A 5/1992 Bromidge et al. ADMINISTRATION OF MUSCARINC 5,124,460 A 6/1992 Humphrey AGENTS IN COMBINATION WITH SSRIS 5,132,316 A 7/1992 Hadley et al. 5,137,895 A 8/1992 Munson, Jr. et al. (75) Inventors: Carrolee Barlow, Del Mar, CA (US); 4. S.4-1 1 YE Rabarti al. et al. Todd A.Carter, San Diego, CA (US); 5,260.314 A 1 1/1993 Sauerberg et al. Kym I Lorrain San Diego, CA (US); 5,262.427 A 1 1/1993 Nielson et al. Jammieson C. Pires, San Diego, CA 5,278,170 A 1/1994 Orlek et al. (US); Andrew Morse, San Diego, CA 5,286,864 A 2f1994 Walther et al. (US); Dana Gitnick, San Marcos, CA 5,314,901 A 5/1994 Bromidge et al. (US); Kai Treuner, San Diego, CA 5,324,724 A 6/1994 Orlek et al. (US); Alex Broadhead, San Diego, CA RE34,653 E 7, 1994 Tsukamoto et al. 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