View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server Tel Aviv University PreprintTAUP 2238-95, March 1995 Bulletin Board [email protected] - 9503289 Doubly Charmed Baryons and Tetraquarks Murray A. Moinester R.&B.Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Scho ol of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Ramat Aviv, Israel, E-mail: [email protected] Expanded Version of Workshop Contribution: "Physics with Hadron Beams with a High Intensity Sp ectrometer", CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 1994, Workshop Chairman, S. Paul, M.P.I. Heidelb erg. Abstract Exp erimental searches of doubly charmed baryons and tetraquarks are con- processed by the SLAC/DESY Libraries on 13 Mar 1995. 〉 sidered here, for xed target exp eriments with high energy hadron b eams and + ++ a high intensity sp ectrometer. The baryons considered are: (ccd), cc cc + (ccu), and (ccs); and the tetraquark is T (ccu d). Estimates are given of cc PostScript masses, lifetimes, internal structure, pro duction cross sections, decay mo des, branching ratios, and yields. Exp erimental requirements are given for opti- mizing the signal and minimizing the backgrounds. The discussion is in the spirit of an exp erimental and theoretical review, as part of the planning for a North Area Charm (NAC) exp eriment at CERN [1]. The NAC ob jective is to achieve a state-of-the-art double charm exp eriment, in the spirit of the aims of the recent CHARM2000 workshop [2]. HEP-PH-9503289 Intro duction + Quantum Chromo dynamics includes doubly charmed baryons: (ccd), cc ++ + (ccu); and (ccs), as well as ccc and ccb. Prop erties of ccq were cc cc discussed by Bjorken [3], Richard [4], Fleck and Richard [5], Kiselev et al. [6, 7], Falk et al. [8], and by Bander and Subbaraman [9]. Singly charmed baryons are an active area of current research [10 , 11, 12 , 13, 14 , 15], but there are no exp erimental data on the doubly charmed variety. A dedicated double charm state of the art exp eriment is required, as current knowledge do es not contradict the feasibility to observe and to investigate such baryons. The required detectors and data acquisition system would need very high rate capabilities, and would also therefore serve as a testing ground for LHC detectors. Double charm physics is in the mainstream and part of the natural development of QCD research. The ccq baryons should b e describ ed by a combination of purturbative and non-purturbative QCD. For these baryons, the light q orbits a tightly b ound cc pair. The study of such con gurations and their weak decays can help set constraints on di erent mo dels of quark-quark forces [5, 16 ]. Hadron structures with radii less than 1/ should b e well describ ed by qcd purturbative QCD. This is so, since the small size assures that is small, s and therefore the leading term in the p erturbative expansion is adequate. The tightly b ound (cc) diquark in ccq satis es this condition. For ccq, on 3 the other hand, the radius is dominated by the mass of the q, and is therefore large. The relative (cc)-(q) structure may b e describ ed similar to mesons Qq , where the (cc) pair plays the role of the heavy antiquark. Fleck and Richard [5] calculated excitation sp ectra and other prop erties of ccq baryons for a variety of p otential and bag mo dels, which describ e successfully known hadrons. The ccq calculations contrast with ccc or ccb or b-quark physics, which should b e completely p erturbative. As p ointed out by Bjorken [3], one should strive to study the ccc baryon. Its excitation sp ectrum, including several narrow levels ab ove the ground state, should b e able to b e describ ed p erturbatively. The ccq studies are a valuable prelude to such ccc e orts. A tetraquark (ccu d) structure (designated here byT)was describ ed by Richard, Tornqvist, Bander and Subbaraman, Lipkin, Nussinov, and Chow [4, 9 , 17 , 18, 19 , 20 ]. This 4q hadron is of particular interest, as these various authors all indicate that it may b e b ound. One can compare the tetraquark structure to that of the antibaryon Qu d, which has the coupling Q (u d) . 3 3 1 In the T, the tightly b ound (cc) plays the role of the antiquark Q. The 3 + 0 tetraquark mayhave a deuteron-like meson-meson weakly b ound D D con- + guration, coupled to 1 , and b ound by a long range one-pion exchange p o- tential. Such a structure has b een referred to as a deuson byTornqvist [18]. It mayhave a molecular structure, similar to the H molecule; where the heavy 2 and light quarks play the roles of protons and electrons, resp ectively. The discovery of such an exotic hadron would have far reaching consequences for QCD, for the concept of con nement, and for sp eci c mo dels of hadron struc- ture (lattice, string, and bag mo dels). Detailed discussions of exotic hadron physics can b e found in recent reviews [21 ]. Some other exotics that can b e in- vestigated in NAC are: Pentaquarks uudcs; uddcs; udscs; uudcc; uddcc; udscc + [22], Hybrid q qg [23], usdd U (3100) [24], uuddss H hexaquark [25 ], uuddcc H hexaquark [20], q qs s or q qg C(1480) [21], andc cqqqqq heptaquark [9]. cc But we do not discuss these in detail in this rep ort. + 0 One may ask whether only the ccu d or D D are b ound; or whether 0 + 0 the ccd u or D D may also b e b ound. The D D state can only decay strongly to doubly charmed systems, and cannot decay strongly at all if it is b elow the DD threshold. It is easier to pro duce one cc pair, as in 0 D D . But this state has numerous op en strong decaychannels. These include charmonium plus one or two pions and all the multipion states and resonances b elow 3.6 GeV. There is no hop e in seeing any state like this in any search exp eriment with hadron b eams. There is yet another reason not 0 to lo ok for a D D b ound state. The sign of the p otential binding the two D mesons dep ends on the pro duct of the sign of the twovertices asso ciated with the pion exchange. The sign of the D vertex dep ends on T , which z changes from +1 to -1 in changing from p ositive to negativeD . Therefore, + 0 if the p otential is attractive in the case of D D , it will b e repulsive in the 0 case of D D . Consequently, if one accepts the calculations [18 , 19 ] for a + 0 0 b ound D D ,we can conclude that the D D is unb ound. Still, in the + 0 0 D D search, it maybeofvalue to lo ok at D D data. Although no p eak is exp ected, the combinatoric backgrounds may help understand those for + 0 D D . 2 Mass of ccq Baryons and T ++ Bjorken [3] suggests M( = ) = 1.60 and M( ==1.57), which follows ccc bbb ++ from an extrap olation of M( =; ! ) and M( =). He assumes the valid- ity of the "equal-spacing" rule for the masses of all the J=3/2 baryons, which gives the p ossibilitytointerp olate b etween ccc, bbb, and ordinary baryons. The masses of ccq baryons with J=1/2 were estimated relative to the cen- tral J=3/2 value. The cc diquark is a color antitriplet with spin S=1. The spin of the third quark is either parallel (J=3/2) or anti-parallel (J=1/2) to the diquark. The magnitude of the splitting is in inverse prop ortion to the pro duct of the masses of the like and unlike quarks. These are taken as 300 MeV for u and d, 450 MeV for s, 1550 MeV for c, and 4850 MeV for b. The equal spacing rule for J=3/2, with n the numb er of quarks of a given avor, i is then [3]: M =1=3[1232(n + n ) + 1672n + 4955n + 14852n ]: (1) u d s c b This equation for ccq gives results close to those of Fleck and Richard [4, 5 ], who also estimate the tetraquark mass. Fleck and Richard, and Nussinov [19] have shown that ccq and ccu d masses near 3.7 GeV are consistent with exp ectations from QCD mass inequalities. The estimates lead to masses [3, 4]: (ccs), 1/2+, 3.8 GeV; (ccu), 1/2+, 3.7 GeV; (ccd), 1/2+, 3.7 GeV; (ccu d), 1/2+, 3.6 GeV; Lifetime of ccq Baryons and T. ++ + The and decays should b e dominated by sp ectator diagrams, with cc cc 0 + liftimes roughly half of the D or , ab out 200fs. Fleck and Richard [5] c suggest that p ositiveinterference will o ccur b etween the s-quark resulting + from c-decay, and the existing s-quark in . Its lifetime would then b e cc ++ less than that of . Bjorken [3] and also Fleck and Richard [5] suggest c + that internal W exchange diagrams in the decay could reduce its lifetime cc + to roughly half the lifetime of the , around 100fs. The lifetime of the c 3 + T should b e much shorter, set by the D lifetime.
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