Volume XXIII No. 24 Hometown Newspaper for Glen Cove, Sea Cliff, Glen Head, Glenwood, Locust Valley and Brookville Week of 2/6/14 75C Snow Blankets Gold Coast These back to back storms have definitely put a significant demand on our resources as our men, equip- ment, and snow budget have been pushed rather hard lately. Once again though, our dedicated men at the Department of Public Works have earned our gratitude and respect by their steadfast work in keeping our roads clear. It is important that resi- dents and business owners do their part by keeping the sidewalks clear so our children and other pedestrians can safely get around. -Sea Cliff Mayor Bruce Kennedy Sea Cliff’s Geoghegan Park was transformed to a winter wonderland- twice this past week. See story page 2. (photos by Carol Griffin) DEC Proposes New Remediation Amendment for Powers Chemco Site By Samantha Schwarz ered. any impacted soil to the north of the prop- The DEC representatives at the meet- The Department of Environmental After further investigation, 4,645 tons erty. It also intends to chemically treat any ing believe that this proposal can be quick- Conservation hosted a meeting on Thurs- of contamination was removed from the residual contamination left after the exca- ly implemented and is the most permanent day, Jan. 30 at Village Hall in Sea Cliff to site. A remedial investigation from 1988 vation. The estimated cost to execute the solution feasible. Project Manager Girish publically review a proposed amendment to 1991 determined that VOC’s were the operation is $5,504,900. Desai stated that the estimated time for for the Powers Chemco site in Glen Cove. primary source of the contamination. The Some residents noted that plans have excavation is approximately four months. Powers Chemco purchased the site from DEC approved a cleanup plan in 1992 been implemented before with little suc- He is confident that the entire project will Columbia Ribbon Carbon and Manufac- that remained in effect from 1994 to 1999 cess. “We have a pretty high probability be completed within two years. turing Co. in 1979 to manufacture pho- but was later shut down due to operation of success here,” said Nathan Epler, Prin- After the presentation, one resident tographic equipment and supplies. Co- expenses. The site has been monitored cipal Hydrogeologist of Roux Associates, commented that it should have been giv- lumbia had emptied its production waste since 2000. a consulting and project management firm en near the Powers Chemco site in Glen into open pits behind the building during Due to the continued contamination, in Islandia. Cove, rather than in Sea Cliff. Bill Fonda its time at the location, which was later the DEC has proposed a new amendment Further VOC contamination was noted that the DEC also would have pre- deemed to be subsurface contamination to its original 1991 plan. Bill Fonda, Citi- found after the remedial operation’s end ferred a more relevant location but that during excavation for Powers Chemco. zen Participation Specialist for New York in 1999. A 2008 limited subsurface inves- the representatives in attendance did not A remedial investigation in 2011 and State’s DEC, introduced the new propos- tigation determined that some groundwa- have final say. Several others echoed this 2012 revealed that volatile organic com- al, which seeks to eliminate public health ter carried contaminants at levels above sentiment, stating that most of the resi- pounds, commonly referred to as VOC’s, and environmental concerns stemming the Standards, Criteria and Guidance dents who will be most affected by the exist in the water table below the site, pri- from the site. Specifically, the DEC’s parameters. Although site-related con- amendment were not there to hear about marily in the silt and clay. This was one plans include disposing of 10,000 cubic taminants do exist in certain off-site lo- it. After increasing its efforts, the DEC of several investigations conducted since yards of contaminated soil and replacing cations around the property, they are not is now holding an additional meeting at 1984, when the issue was first discov- it with clean fill and additionally treating in quantities high enough to harm those Glen Cove City Hall on Thursday, Feb. 13 exposed. at 7 PM. All are encouraged to attend. “We evaluated soil vapor intrusion Both Glen Cove Mayor Reginald in a number of residences near the site. Spinello and Sea Cliff Mayor Bruce Ken- There were some contaminants found nedy were present at the meeting. “I’ve but not at levels of concern,” DEC Public seen their plan for remediation. I think Health Specialist Nathan Walz said. The it’s terrific. I’m here to show my support,” air quality will be monitored during the Spinello said. project’s execution. Page 2 Gold Coast Gazette Week of February 6, 2014 Debra Dumas, Don Kavanagh and Barbara Sinenberg having fun cross country skiing trough the winter wonderland of Sea Cliff! (Photo Laura Kavanagh) Poop 1-800-Dog 1-800-Dog Scoopydoo Got Poop? Got The Gold Coast Gazette 57 Glen Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542 (USPS008886)(ISSN10651748) Postmaster: Send address changes to The Gold Coast Gazette, 57 Glen St. Glen Cove, NY 11542. Entered as second class paid postage at the Post Office at Sea Cliff N.Y. Published weekly on Thursday by KCH Publications Inc. 57 Glen St., Glen Cove NY 11542. Phone (516) 671-2360. Price per copy is 75 cents. Week of February 6, 2014 Gold Coast Gazette Page 3 Glen Avenue (photo by Carol Griffin) SECOND HALF CITY SCHOOL TAX REMINDER THE CITY OF GLEN COVE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND TAX- PAYERS THAT THE SECOND HALF CITY SCHOOL TAX BECAME DUE ON FEBRUARY 1 SCHOOL TAXES ARE DUE FEB- RUARY 1 AND PAYABLE WITHOUT PENALTY UNTIL MARCH 1 PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PAYMENT STUB OR IN PERSON AT GLEN COVE CITY HALL BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9 AM AND 4 PM SCHOOL TAX RATES AND LEVIES ARE SET BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, NOT BY THE CITY OF GLEN COVE. Due to health issues I recently missed several months of work. I am now working on a part time basis Second Public If you need help please let me know- happy new year !!! Meeting on -Tom Kreutzberg Powers Chemco Proposed Remedy Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in Glen Cove City Hall Chambers Mayor Reginald A. Spinello today announced that the NY State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation will hold a second public meeting to discuss the remedy proposed for the Powers Chemco site (71 Charles Street, Glen Cove). The date for this meeting is Thursday, February 13, 2014, at 7 p.m. in Glen Cove City Hall’s main chamber. The public is invited to attend the meet- ing and comment on a the proposed [email protected] remedy. Page 4 Gold Coast Gazette Week of February 6, 2014 pictured: L to R: Caroline Higgins, Fallon Blacharski, Pres. Allison Black, LtG Michael Rovner, Elias Mastakouris,Morgan DeMartini KEY CLUB HOSTS NS KIWANIS MEETING North Shore Key Club was invited by volvement to the following community for Learning appropriate for young stu- members for their sponsorship, financial NS Kiwanis Club to host their meeting services: Breast Cancer, Kiwanis Pedi- dents. Members were invited to sign assistance and support throughout the of January 16. President Allison Black atric Trauma Center, fight against Lyme these books which will be presented at years. North Shore Kiwanis is proud to opened the meeting by addressing Pres. Disease, Salvation Army, Roslyn War- the Statewide annual Key Club Leader- sponsor the Key Clubbers whose com- Jeanne Egan and members giving thanks riors, toy drive, Nassau to Suffolk Bike ship Training Conference in March. mitment to making this world a better for the opportunity to deliver a presenta- Drive, Pancake Breakfast fund raiser, and Recognition was presented to Key place in which to live is commendable. tion of the community service projects many others. A prominent part of their Club Advisor Julia Salat for her undis- These are our leaders of tomorrow. For in which they were involved throughout activities is the annual Major Emphasis puted dedication and guidance in help- more info: email: [email protected] the current school year. Program and Single Service projects. ing them with community affairs and The Key Clubbers dedicated their in- This year they will incorporate Books appreciation was expressed to all the Editor and Publisher Kevin C. Horton Photographers Peter Budraitis Richard Wilson Jr. Art Director Milkenia Horton Circulation Manager Robert J. Horton Layout Design Jackie Comitino Staff Writers John C. O’Connell Brenda Weck Gene Auciello Carol Griffin Matthew Ross Sports Editor Robin Appel Gazette logo designed by artist Janice Leotti Patricia Campbell Horton Publisher Emeritus Sinatra’s Life in Song and Verse 57 Glen Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542 Glen Cove poet laureate Victo- rhyming verse, Vincent Roccaro inter- Pratt Pavilion at Glengariff, and have e-mail: [email protected] ria Crosby and Long Island vocalists preted the music of the Sinatra era, from other programs of poetry and music in Phone: 516-671-2360 Vincent Roccaro and Susanne LoFaso his earlier years with the Big Bands, to tributes to artists from the 60’s and 70’s KCH Publications, Inc. recently performed a unique interpreta- the era of the “Rat Pack” and movies. including, Elvis Presley, Bobby Darin, All rights reserved tion of the life of Frank Sinatra at the Ms LoFaso sang the tunes of sing- and The Beatles. For information on Ramapo Rehabilitation and Nursing ers such as Peggy Lee and Rosemary any of these programs contact Victoria Center in Suffern.
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