WEXHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7 30 p. m. at Harvey Memorial Hall George Green Road George Green Present: Mr Spring, Chairman, Mrs Haines, Mrs Snowden, Mr Bradford Also present: 5 members of the public PC Will Ranford and colleague, Thames Valley Police Cllr. Ralph Bagge 5406 Apologies received from Mr Abe, Mr Pearce, Mr Whitby 5407 Police Report given by PC Ranford from TV Police He covered a number of questions supplied by residents in advance and took question. 1. Tactics to keep safe from opportunists given. 2. Checking badges/identification documents of callers from organisations & services discussed. 3. According to statistics there had been no rise in the crime rates for Wexham in the last 5 years. 4. Unauthorised parking is dealt with by Bucks County Council via NSL. 5. Drug matters discussed. 6. The East Fair in the field on corner of Church Lane & A412 discussed. 7. It was reported that there is no foot patrol in the area due to the number of officers available. 8. The 101 reporting system is overloaded and some reporting can be carried out on line. 9. Mason Farm incident response still awaited. The Officers were thanked for their visit. 5408 Public Question Time 1. Local resident attended the meeting to discuss her problems with the Horton Drain and how it was being dealt with at County. Cllr. Bagge will deal with this. 2. Residents complained about the pot holes in Black Park Lane. 3. It was reported that Middle Green gullies would be cleared in April. 4. Lights in Church Grove were not adequate. Clerk to ask contractor for an estimate to update two tops. 5. Problem with fencing encroaching on verge/ditch in Church Grove. This has been reported. 5409 County/District Councillors Report A County- given by Cllr. Bagge 1. Extra funding is available for certain work in new Council. 2. Precept in the South Bucks area increased by 3%. B District- given by Cllr. Bradford 1. New Buckinghamshire Council effective from 1st April 2020. 5410 Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 11th February 2020 agreed and signed. 5411 Matters arising 1. Minute 5401 (2) amended estimates for replacement hall windows received - to be discussed later in the meeting. 2. Minute 5402 Colne & Crane Valleys Green infrastructure strategy agreed donation, awaiting details for payment. 5412 Accounts for payment 1. agreed in the sum of £2,384.74. 2. It was agreed that an outline cost be obtained to replace tops of the two lights in Church Grove. 3. The three amended estimates received for the replacement of some window at the rear of the hall. It was agreed that the Ridgwell quote would be accepted. 5413 Correspondence see list 5414 Planning matters 1. Applications received awaiting consideration: a. PL/19/4277/FA Bell Farm Wexham Park Lane Wexham change of use from stables to 1x one, 1 x two bed flats, barn to 1 x bed mews, garage to 1 x bed bungalow and existing dwelling into 2 x dwellings including external alterations and private amenity space. b. PL/20.0646/ADJ Out of area, Langley Business Centre Station Road Langley Slough Berks. Consultation from Slough Borough Council re outline planning permission with all matters reserved for details of access, appearnace, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for later determination. Demolition and redevelopment to comprise on plot (B) a data centre of up to 96,000 sqm gross, including ancillary offices and sub station and plot (A) up to 9,650 sqm GEA to comprise one or more land uses comprising up to 60 dwellings (use Class C3); up to 6,000sqm gross of B1C 9offices); additional development in use Classes:A1,A2,A3 (retail), A4 (public house), A5 (take away): D1 & D2 (community & leisure) and an energy centre. Development in plot (A) or plot (B) or both may also include: car parking, provision of new plant, creation of servicing areas and provision of associated services, including waste, refuse, cycle storage and lighting: and for the laying out of the buildings; routes and open spaces within the deevlopment; and all associated works and operations including but not limited to: demolition;earthworks; provision of attenuation infrastructure, engineering operations. Development in plot (A) and plot (B) shall be in accorance with the approved Development Parameters Schedule and Plans. (SBC ref P/00437/093) c. PL/20/0543/SA 1 Wexham Springs Cottages Framewood Road Wexham certificate of lawfulness for single storey rear extension. d. PL/20/0542/EU Marlian Rowley Lane Wexham change of use of land to sui generis use comprising the parking of lorries. use of skip yard and use for the storage of aggregate. 2. Decisions a. PL/19/3872/HB The Priory Middle Green Road Wexham Listed building consent for conversion of stables to form single residential dwelling. Erection of part two storey part single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration. It is not considered that the stables lie within the historic curtilage of the Grade 2 building the Priory. The works do not therefore require listed building consent. File closed. b. PL/19/0538/FA Priory Farm Stables Middle Green Road Wexham Change of use to dog day care facility (Use Class;Sui Generis) Permission given. 3. Applications a. PL/20/0240/FA Sawyers Green Farm Kennel Langley Park Road Wexham part change of use to vehicle parking for sales (Use Class Sui Generis) (Retrospective) comments: Wexham Parish Council object to all matters relating to this planning application as the site sits within the Green Belt and is currently subject to on going enforcement notices. b .PL/19/4376/FA Wexham Park Golf Course Security netting comments: no objections. c. PL/20/0667/FA The Haven Wexham Street Wexham demolition if stable building and adjacent barn. Erection of 2 dwellings and location of access involving closing the old access comments: No objections however we are still concerned with the site access and wish to see a full impact survey by Buckinghamshire Council highways authority. 4. Appeals a. PL/19/2843/FA 3 Rixon Close George Green First floor front & side extension appeal dismissed. 5. Withdrawals a. PL/20/0388/FA 2 Grangewood Wexham Raising of roof ridge height to allow for first floor accommodation, 2 storey rear extension and front infill extension. 5415 Any other business 1. Elections delayed & further information awaited. meeting closed 9.30 p.m. .
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