• T — ------- I [ ,32 12/1A/2003 r 6 5 3 0 6 3 SMI J I M P A R l'IKE v a n d e l i . 7 9 9 0 : www.magiclicvalley.com 2 6 2 7 E V- ? 0 'J E L P f-S O T lhe"R in esS l > VS "M. Twin Falls,■i, 1Id aho/98ch _ year, ^N o. 159 ' Sunday, Junc 15, 202Q03 G o o p m10RNING c . BEST AVAILABLE ■ W e a t h e rR' Idaiaho Today: Partly sunny and E g r :.M(OM warm. EQgh preepares 88, low 56. , m PagoA2 Witli 58 perceni of IdIdaho m oth- . [ore fathers ors in thc work forcc andoj half of s take on nlontraditioDnal roles all marriaKes failing, r help • bcins puUcd into thcIC nontradi- ’J . L E Y ByJuIIfliJIfl Pence i applies. \ Magic Val kids whileile D ad ho ld s do>vn o ne or■ tional role of primary' childc care. j frWaw» wrtter. > • •__________ M ore one more, Dadad olrcndy is tvtro jo b s! outsideoi th e hom e to sup- In addition, tlie fluctuut ’* hom e. lation o f th c # j ] |T p o rt th c fafam ily is l>ecomiiiR histo-: U .S. cconomy over tlithe past 30 FALLS - Less and less,f, 'n ie .l9 5 0 4 “LeaveIt*[t Tb Beaver” ry. M o ra as th e m ain n u rtu re r and[ years has provided twork :d fu rth e r th e cJossicIqj threat, ^ o u just waitit sc rip t w ith M om stayir^g at home Dad as thcthe main disdplinarian is until :your dad gets home,*’*’ to cook, clcifn and loolK>k after the chaining.K- Please sec DAD,D/ Page A6 Tho Atsoclaiwlatod P r e s s _____ I’OCATEl•TELLO - Idaho will )k bccomc died ie fourth state u> ti]>cr- Coupley a te u stateviitewide tlirccdifyt pliotu- line for sod.! ^ a l Sen-ICLS a n d volun- te e ro p portunitics. o m i Calf■ ridere:iiiere3 wwere more Gov. Dirk )irk Kempthome and his kids than banditstsat s wife, P airidirida. announced ihc 211 Richfield’s annual'al Oudaw -i'' shares programI at: thc (]ovenim's j ; Day.. JB ^ Regional1 KKo oundiabic for l'amilii.-.s I and Childrildren at Idaho State [ Page B l Universityty on0 Friday. child-c£tM M . V ' TJic2111ii1 line will Ik; activated In' irt: See the tJic end ofafjuly. Ji i latest incomtin' / ■ ' / Callersi willwi be conn cctcd to a V actiont fromfr around bilingual operatorop who can refer \ record^ the area. duties tliem to dayda; carc, housing and food assistiiiistance, elderly services, Page D&-7 foster carc | By Julie Ponco irc prognims. iminiiniza- tion itiformuirmution and more. TjnTImas-Naws writer ------- ______ Tlic openi>eniiors will u.sc a daia- , , base of mmore or than 3,(KM) govciii- I M o n e y . TW IN FALLS - Som e coufupksmakc mcnt.priv-juivate and nonprofit a^cii- rai.<nng th d r children them soSCIVLS thoir des. CallsIs willw be kept confiik-n |j|l|S^ top priority, and lhat meansns jugghng jo b s u n d sdiedules. ^ . Idaho is oneo of 22 states wiili Wlicn 19-month-oId Jayd u some formm olof 211 scrvicc. gets up from Iiis nap, at leasast h alf ^ e ten peo))le don’t know tim e it’s his father’s a rm s he’s[j'srcadimg where to0 begin,"1 Comnnniiiv for. Rcsourcc C oorilinator I’.n On weekdays after nna a p tim e, williiinis said.saii “ If you g o -«> on..' JayJay d o n and his dad, Taylorr Davis,I 24. d c.xpcct to find c iv r\ will do -some snuggling, d ia p k ll.ine.so..fc1 feel like you’re i;eiiiii^ inK a n d snacking b efore they<? h ead off •ound.” to thc park.lhen when Jaydo ' Progress report PiTPayrolls in d o n s m om , 2 n program , like tin.- Janii Davis, 23. returns fromncoUescot c docado^ldId IdahoI Careline, will local plants take twotw steps abciibout 3 p.m.. she takes overI thei .snog. opora,„ 83 a.in.-<ia. p.m. on week'- I ■ tadc, one f<^rward;::''; glir4ing, diapering and fcediiiing wMo d ij,,Idaho 211 D irector l)<rb ibylor heads off to his nightht-shift job Kniin hopespes to have thc hotline iriv in g a forklift. .--R k * operating: 24 h o u n a day in a y e a r It’s been thatrway sincc JamJc i OTM T,,^, jgrain will also fearu re a - 1* • • jac' to work thrre montnths afier volunleer' mma atd) system a n d a way JayJaytion waj hom - diat is, exceptta for i„ e to donate to nonprofit ; ojn ne e w e e k vihen Jaydon ^vas“ " oreankationsionsf / iTcur o ld , when Jarnl a n d liylorgare "Ii'sa'grea?cut v/ay fur non-profits J la y c a re a tty. , _____to get th eir.*ir_message t j)iii;’2_ Kr«m»j____ , ~Tliylor’sdiolce to'share indicMJ'aie said. “ “ s ea lifestyle that has gaintjie d som e nomentum across thc nadetion since ^ wvomen or started moving into tl plot)loce som e -SO years ago. Butt-sfs^ i Diab( i^oUey, a man choosing to shailare equal- betes lyy withV, his wfe in caring for i l aIppears p p to be ra re ,‘Iijylor obs< Here comes Harryi'ir.^Ibe fifth “1“I don’t know anyone elsA mayr Istrike Hany Potter book£ arrivesai on (oing this," he said, lookinglg to Jam i , Saturday, to greaterer expecta- for o n validation. S he n o d d ed he: tion than ever. B ut conform ity has n ev er m otivated one inil three Page E l 'i^yia y lo r in a big way. In fact, thiJierc have beeie e n stretches of tim e w hen1 h1 e cared jj,* Aaaoclatadrted Preas_____________ for3r tht c children of h is friendsis and rel- --------------------- Sp o r t s tives. NEW ORLEILEANS - One in three U.S. children■en bom in 2000 will f Open: Jim F uryk oop p e^ lead; . lecldlng against day caiare becom e diab<iabetic unless many llger falls out of con:ont^tion For the Davises, one weekek of day moro pwplele startst eating less and Page C l carci r e w as o disaster. e-xerdsing moimore, a sdentist \vitli “ 1T h a t was one-tim e deol. WWe’d find the Centerss forfc Disease Control lydon at the door every doyo red- and Prevcntiorition warns. i O pin io n coTimiM/Txniniii I facc<iced and crying when we> •went to Thc oddss arcai worse for black- lavl*, 19 month* old, look* up for belp riding hi* bike from hlahli dad, Taylor, at ttieir TVvln1 Fall*Fi apartm ent. Pick ' ^ h im up,'’lb y lo r soid. and Hispanic ’ Seeking odor standai I t se e m s thc littJo guy w ass iin a sort children: id hit wife, Jaml, wanted to keepep JJaydon oiit of day care, and n- Medication j Dairies should not w id because Jaml had a moreI lucrativelu Job, Taylor i w arehouse situation in whwhich the neorly half of me and care* for Jaydon. ^ . £rdm state odor projc Pleaso see SHAItE,IE. Page A6 them are like­kS- - A 5 today’s editorial sayslys. ly to developl o p --------------------------- the disease,, saisaid Dr. K.M. V enkat ^ Narayan, a dirdiabetes epidemiolo- JR Marce gist a t the CDC: d c . Foi Arenz,t. 8, Wtt "I think thcthe fact that the dia- i . %DEX «*mer staay-Mlio ^ e p y "“ “ r . a hlttlitting lea- betes epidemijimic has been raping ill known to us for .sev- . Classlfled .08-24 Natiortion ...A 3 -9 'o n frcfrom hi* has been well k 9B ^n^(|j|ji|B i|B coach;h and eral years. But3ut looking at thc risk Comrfiuhlty. .E4 ObltuaItuaries . .B2 i M ^ l ms was \-ery shocking i ids see pliluses, m father,ir Andv ^ linuses yon said. | ! Crossword . .E6 Op'inloiinlon AL4-15 , wh.n tous,"Natayan Atmiz0.. When -Thg pnjjoctcected lifetime risk is Dear Abby..E6 Sportsorts ...Cl-6 By Julia P«;Pence For six years,H “something else” m eant M arcel5*W? about triplepie the American >w» wrfter____________________ te n d in g his youj)ungcst son. cooking and fenilly life .El-6 • Weathather . .A2 Tline»«dwi wa* bom, D iabetes AssoAssociation’s current ^ Magic V allay,pi ' West cleaning, dioangIg after the three older chil-il- st . .B2-8 TWIN F never d re n afttu- scfaoo001 and eventually taking AndyM' waa the estimate, ’ FAILS - This couple has nc icauons arc frighten- Money . .Dl-5 W jrid. in day classes to bccomimc on elementary school o n e wwtioqutt ti . The_implicat :vd putting their diildren in i es leads to a host of M ovies____D7 te ach ei; whiclt heiie is now. bit jobDb to “ S- P ‘“^ “‘cs 1' care on opioption. problems, indudingmcl blindness, 1 prog- , Andyis choice2 tto stay home full tim e is So wherien Roquel Arcnz bccome pr ta k e carea of yjngy ure, amputation and ; ; taken one shored by onlyo about 5 pcrcent of :J!\ V km cn n cr years ago just«ftcr-she had tal t h e U»aby' t h eart disease.se, and diabetics arc s r / " ?im ? job o t th c Collcge of Southiiithcm fa th e rs in th e U.!J.S., accord^ to the U.S.s.
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