

: ■ [ ' J a r b i d g e ^ ca r e a - r e e e kw e l e l k -B l ¥ ^ l a n yea rly for_-_r0tirem enh t - D 6 f i b o s i e r ■nio.Tlmss-Noyi^iassllii Selylcagirgplor; H n \y R 1 — y H S - = . ' 3 1 3 5 " — — ---------B51h yaaeaTTN^32'~ __________ Twin Falls, triaho. ■ Thursday. February'iry 1 ,1 9 9 0 - - - : A t Twin Fali;lls hearing ' B u s th ^ c c i H e s h a r iu - t r o i6 P e g - ^ l e v a d aa p Q w e r ^ l i i S t j— I —The-Wa-shington-Post:— --------- ^completion of-the-taltalks-on-his-ori^inal-troop-cul•cuts-pro: __ >- - --------------------------- —^------i-posal->n-Vicnna.-B-Bul-a-senior-U-S_omciad a l said— c o m ^ t —WASHINGTON —- PPresident Bush. calling-thr«rtira-— Wednesday thateven'cnts in Eastern Europe arcare "run-' - matic changes in Easterstem Europe “the'bcginning«g of a ning ahead of the negnegotiations." __________ new eta in the world’s’s aaffaire," Wednesday nightiitrro^ ------ sq^je-iinhHS-righHhHo-move-forwardon u<onvcnvcntion*— f "posed deep new cutss in the level of U.S. and; SoSoviet al arms-control a ^jcemcnt c to move us to moreireappn>--'' i f e w c o rm m e n t s - __ combat forces in Europeopc. priate levels of milltiilltary forces in Europe.” Bus!iush said. / . ___ Dclivcjing.his-firsLrsLStaic_of-thc_UniQn_addtdress - He added iliat “trooroop levels can still be lowetwer’’ yet rriEfy .N:s : NOI^ENTVED"D ■ 'beforeajoint sessionI ofof.Cpng'ress..Bush.madc.iRc:: .crsutil' continue to “protect.ct Amcricua and EuropeanI ihinterests '— ^TimaiTNetiv±.imra-------- prise proposal as he described the cataclysi'smic and sustain NATO) d(defense strategy.’.! fortroop-lcvels-oM95,000; .. -. chflngci on989'tharprt~produced'wharhe~called-a i“sin- “ The-n^-plan:for 30 wotild'— ;_______ F r— TW N rA I.L S ^^F rMjSKunJvaL'pickcd^:but<>nlj^ 3uiar_raomcQUnJiisiflistDryJl-l hai-momcni, hcTi TClWinLiM'.OOO'U.S. uuupsTirrWest— ii m i feS •^-r-n'c'w ncoplg-Md-fiomethinging to sayabout 'a proposed' • requires the United SuStates to lead in the-spreadad'of' Germany and 565,55,000 Soviet Ydrc^ .in Poland,Pc 2 ,000-nicgawatt power pitplant ^bout 90‘ miles to thehe -- ^demof racy around theic gglobe and to improvc;ucmo<locra- Czechoslovakia"and.l l(5(l'Slal^~ , south. ... cy at home by curbingig cdnig use. im'proving.educai:alio'n could continue lop :station up'to 30.000 trot ^ I . -: - -Morc-than 100 people-ga■- aatheted— -iftfiH tnrtvnsinp Americaiicanxompciilivcacss.. _____ I Britain. Italy. Greece;ce and^Turkey. about the 1 ho^sand bpnng:mgs Genc'fatmg proposal'lal--------- BU5h*rprop'o5al-woiwouWrrcducc-combanbrcci:cs~in ------ Thr-proposalTtdd broadly-tlHnwfltie as it touch •^l, cocoal-fircd-iwwcr generating'ng------ Ccnfral Europe to 195195,000 troops for each sidedcrlt~ ■ address that ) U.S. much of the presideiident's domestic agenda the was ^----- complex in Nevada’s Elko;oCounty; C i j I would involve withdrawrawing an additional 50.000 I 1 stationed in West Cermanany. dctaijed earlier fhisis 'week in his budget. In wh has -V • It was the third o f five>c hhearings conducted by tne}{c _troops, all o f them st roops that the pre.sident propopo'sed becoriie'siaiiaard operatirigop proccdurc'*fdrBirs3ush7 the— ment to comment on the accu-.y. ' beyond the 30.000 trooi '; Bureau o f Land Managemer I of Western Europe last Junene. In proposal was kept)t ssecret from all by his top le draft environmental impactjgj to withdraw from all of racy and adequacy of the d — ^ ^hisJunfcproposal'Bush5h Icalled for-ovei^Lmuiualtri.troop__who maintained .foror days_ihat_lhe_speech woul< ^^^Z^tatcmcnfron the proposal."-1 -^ 2 ---- r- ^------ lflvelBor-2-75;000-in-Eur «emto<Miowj?v«rT:<w^notlot--------- UntirWedricsdfffSip Iffiiol^^-----IfThlFHtidreSSrtlTnlTC^re5idem=fratMned=5omc •“ cdmrncnCon the accuracycy iof adequacy because they - support the deeper • cicuts being colled for by/ key! goals'BI home, cententering his remarks on area ; . ' had not read the document.It. Democrats, Europeann a!allies and Soviet officials1 uuntil public opinion pollslls iindicate are' high on the ogeagenda o f - I Ed Botiuni, of Twin Fallsalls,_sa[d._he was.disappointcd.£d_________ _______ 1----- -----------most“Aincricans. suchsui as education and drugjg ;abuse __ that no infonnaiibn’was pnpresented or available at theihe " m j . | While touting the changeschi in Europe as a refleci . - hearing. 14*^ (Vtiibwit flu^ ^ ____ the "idea" of Americ:rica. Bush said the challenge "to, --------‘-‘How-csn-wc-comracnLo;iLon-lhc. (DrafLEnvironmcntaLml _ p-flM take this dcmo_cj^tic_lie system, a^ysiem second1 to none. Impact Statement) if wcve 1haven't seen it,” Bottum turtMrcu«>nU< ___ _ and make it belter." •econciling “a clean environ asked. <<^BiC*cowncKTTnoopX)P LEVELS______ --------- ^ , He called for reci The projcctr-however.-wirwould produec-power at the -*viih a strong econo;inomy, for improved conditio for - r«i the disabled, the ho ' exoense o f qujility of life,ife, acidification and global. a i H H H t t ' q SBH h h warrning. said Ellen CJlaccuijcu^rB!£mf:Gouniy=== r=dWifcE«l)«-»iOg:l»ifcihuihoniiL>Pbciiift4hCr^ucatitm ioiLpuai: ____________ _ ''All o f this environmcnW:ntal degradation is justified by ■- -dent,'I-Bush outlined.led educatioii goals.T''.'; —^ ' "IT th c protTfto a h'andlul ol Tn^(o^.!3Iic.lamcntcd..-inv - ........ .^r. _Th«-yni!cd_Stai« tnus^ increaser ththe high __ PresidentIt Bush is set to delivertr hhis ■ • Hiil}»lnhnl-wnmiin;»-fllonilone should'be enough to stop ' school graduationI rat'ernow'aboutra 72' to 90' State* of jlie.Utf on m ei^ge aTVliV ic e ^ -'— ---------- liuiLcni liytlic yciir: Ihc plant, she said. "Thc.gic. greenhouse effect already PreslderirDE3 qii Quayle. lettTand bpciipeakcr . - it be "first in the world in ma : climatic dicc." / i B E i m i H f *r»u _ U.S. students must b ev lead welcom ing applati>lau8C' ':~ ‘ ^ ■ strong enpugh to load the cli us stiTdies have'show'Am'crici ;kpot was concerned about the ** science." Nuinerous ______Richard Carson of Jackpc -----------dunta-Ugging far-bc'.bchind-in ihoiJ an,‘Jia,;>e.n<‘.w--Qur.patcnta aqcUioiifsclvcj;.”... .______ __ plant ;icce>.-i He . -i3ush budget_coniainains modest increases'in funcunding to In sketching hi:his vision ot thTiTa'tidn,' BusHiiiib'offcTcO^ '' the plant with Highway 93 rather than with ImersJ^ateate j _ c^- V jtHitimY.iwopn “ 'Z' “'”sfatcsTor“ini(irovtfd'id'teachcr-training'in-itiath-Qi:j and 6ci— fcw. Spc5 ifics,.butut he did repcat.some specificIfic'pledges . ' ----------- on contentious pp3pliti.ca_nssues. — .....s ri^*" i ..'.cnceV............. —• ------- ^Thc-93-conncction*woulc3uld bring'moreof the plant’s , ' But as he has saidiid repeatedly. Bush arguedd ththat real ' He called on1 (Congress to approve hiss"prppo”sed' pi ' - ------businees-toJackpot-and^ ■ — improvemcnt-ih-3chschools-^is-not-aimply-ti-mtt mttitet-of-^rcductioh-in-capi ipital-gain^taxoSrand-lio-plci plcdgcd-tO ------ ;___ tlujsc^Khabdicvcthc 1-80iO cconnc^ion^buld’b'nng that ' spending morei llJ is s a_’m_atter_o f• aslang more,c, expect—^-kcepc h b "eomimitment" h to proscrvc-thath a t^ c ia l= : - — business to arcmistakctaken.'he said.~~ ' _____ . ing more, of our sclschool's. bumcachers7 ourn ki u js‘i ^ “ Security system;' rr^rConnectinglhe.piajii with 1-80 would ftinncl'busi-isi- --------------- - neSs to Salt Lake City, Carsiarsonsaid. Rul if thoy f.n thellcJiuildiagilbtt-{>lant74lwf«»-afe • cleancr, more cffTcicnt wujways ot gcHmg energy oufof —j-^ho'cdal-Uiuh wh'atnlnircoi:compa'hy-h3S.proposcd;-.5aid f c l u Q L a wv a r d s _ : $ US Q i O O Q Jt o f a m i l yy J i L f i a t i ce n t ' s i d e aS i h '— Janet OCrowley of Picabo.10. “Theli; big fish we were'afler, we land- because he couldn’dn’t breathe. at about 12:30 a.m. Wednesd;iesday -jurors __ _ A tcch‘nolOi5y''iievelopcopcd'bythc'Idaho'National ^ a l^ B y ^ lIA D E N N lS ... "ed,-” hcs: said.— ^ ^ ---------- • • — -Thtr=Manning-fiU-family-^ued the-Cltnicr dedecided' tharthr elimcTmd'nun•nurse Virginia----- - - ...... Engineering Laboiatory.coi.couldrinercase coal plant cflT-f{].. Timcs-Ncws writer ------ :--------------^--------A—ti-lolinic—iidnvinifi.tFatori—M■Maclcy—4wo-nufscs. employloycd.thcr^pd-five. other—1_I—Andcrson-W.crcj^egjigeni jent and con- c Twin Falls Clinic Jaekmaran, said the clinic i^"vj^7 (disap- unnamed health-cai-care provi3ers for negli- tritributed to Manning's death.-T1ir-Tlieyjiward- ------ ------ to convert only 35 percent:ent of the energy-in the coaloil ' t w i n f a l l s ’- The T' '& Hospital w^ai; grosslyjly negligent in the pointed',’d’.’_w.i.ih the outcoirie arid will'iinikely gcnccV^ross neglijgligence and inniction"of-~Cded'ihe-family:S3;30Q:ltontnrh( nrhourslfwas— r - ■ into clccnical energy. • ' , emotional distress,:ss. _ - dedeprived of spending with ManManning alive, ncy could save ratepayers SI ■ death of a paticht and miisiiiist pay Kis family. appeal.' The increased efllcicncy tt didn't think there wiisk-iis'any . Pedersen had ar]argued that ignoringahe Although Pedersen hadad irequested million a yeaf on a 700-megnegawatt plant. $180,000 as punishment,;nt, a jury decided "W e • groundsJs for the gross negligencee nnt all,“ family’s protests,is, icoupled with the din- S3$36,000 for distress to Manninining's daugh- I f the Thousand Springsigs Generating Co. would usej3g Wednesday.; ly S300-in punitive__he said,1, ____________ routinely mo^ing-patienLs' teitcrJlcknJflncJiciskcU^h^ e was awarded,-' this new typc”df tcchnologjIbgy, ribi only wouldXrcduccjjg-— A-nurso-must also pay S .the nurse.and din- ..

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