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D Parent or donor signature ______________:_ ____ --,.:.. .~ --------------------------------- Address (if different from above) City -------:-------------------------State----------- Zip ____ President's Message Leaders Can Make a Difference! Isn't tl great news (see pg 12) that acqu~red habits of savtng and conserva­ der ages of 5 and 6, girls can, and Juliette Gordon Low has been elected tion of a// our resources very early in must begin to acqwre lhe habit of con­ to the Women's Hall of Fame! Our life' Juliette Low said 11 clearly It's easy servation What positive impact you can founder JOIOS such notables as Margaret to spend, but 11 1S an an to learn how have on thetr lives, as Peter Drucker Mead, Eleanor Roosevelt Jane Addams best to spend! asserts lf you use what he calls "the and Harriet Tubman. who are among The ethic of the "me" generation 1S cheerfu . yet disciollned, dtsorder of the the 23 other dtslingUished Amencan exerting such pull toward Instant gratr­ Girl Scout troop meeting to present women who have been awarded this fication that has become urgent to coun­ that lesson in terms the very young can htgh honor over the years ter that philosophy before 11 becomes understand and rela;e to 10 terms of Juliette Low surely was a remarkably part or youth's hxed expec1at1ons You their hves right now, at this moment tn gifted leader All the hundreds of thou­ leaders have the wit and tmaglnation-­ the~r journey toward rattonal, happy ma­ sands of Gtrl Scout adult volunteers and the opportumty-to make prudence, turity. who have served this movement smce conservation and savtng truly appealmg My very besl wtshes to you and your Its founding can attest to that! She be­ concepts by usmg your insight lo create families for a most JOyous holiday sea­ lieved that leaders 10 a unique youth leamrng s1tuat1ons that are graphic and son. organtzation like G1rl Scouting give a fun--and that are directly related to Unt1t next month! lot, but they also receiVe a lot To Mrs girls' everyday concems ... And hope­ Sincerely, Low, your rewards were to be a very fully, the ideal of prudent management spectal kmd of personal fulfillment, a of not only external resources but of sense of usefulness ana purpose and each girl's Inner resources-her special the knowledge that you perform an qualities of mmd and temperament, skills Invaluable serv1ce, not only to girls. but and talents, will take hrm root. to your commumttes. Le: s remember that even at the ten- Mrs. Orville L. Freeman We do, you know' This fall. Peter Drucker, one of this country's most drstrngulshed manage­ ment consultants, contributed his ex­ pertise-and the stimulation of his pro­ ! Las Lideres Pueden vocaltve th1nkmg-to an ali-day man­ agement conference at Gtrl Scout na­ trona! headquarters In a brief talk to all Hacer La Diferencia! HO staff members, he told us that Girl Scouttng 1s, in etrect. a "sleep~ng g1antl" 10ult gran notlctas saber que Juliette communldad "You stand tor someth~ng," he said, Goraon Low has sldo eligtda a Ia jSabes que esta es Ia 'lerdad! "and that IS a strength '' He urged that Academta de Distrnguidas Ameocana Este otoiio pasado, Peter Drucker. we take ourselves seriously that we (Women's Hall of Fame)l El nombre de uno de los mas reconocrdos consul­ take a sulfciently high view of our­ nuestra fundadora ahora se une con el lantes admlnlstratlvos de este pars selves, not because of our numbers or de tales notables mujeres como Mar­ contnbuy6 su pencta y sus estimulantes our substantial budgets, but because. garet Mead, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Ad­ pensam1entos provocatives a una con­ as he phrased it: "You have unique dams y Harnet Tubman que ftguran ferencla que se celebr6 en Ia oficina skills and, more important, a unique entre otras veinte yf tres distmguidas central nacional de Girt Scouts En una mission." amencanas q01enes han rectbtdo esla de sus charles con m1embros de Ia Mr Drucker was especially Im- gran distlncl6n admlnistrac16n naclonal el acentuo que pressed by the excitemen: of bemg a No cabe duda que Jultetie Low rue Girl Scoutmg es en efecto un "glgante Gtrl Scout troop leader-the tremendous una lfder dotada de mucho talenlo Las durmtentel'' Impact leaders have, the difterence they miles y miles de voluntanas aduHas Et nos dljo "Ustedes representan algo they can make tn gtrls' liVes during their quienes. han part•cpado en el movi­ y ese algo es Ia fuerza." El nos antm6 a cnlical formative years mrento de Girl Scouts desde su conslderar Ia 1mportanc1a de nuestro Just think for example, of the drf· comtenzo son las verdaderas testtgos labor y de adopter una actitud mas ference you, as leaders, can make in de ese liderazgo Ella crela aue ustedes etevad del valor de nostoras como per­ youthful altitudes toward saving and las Hderes de una orgamzact6n dedicada sonas, no sOlo por el numero que conservat1on What a valuable contri­ a servir a ta juventud como Gtrl Scout­ representamos o por nuestros oresu­ bution you make when you encourage Ing se obhgan a dar muchfs1mo, sin puestos considerables sino porque. girls to evaluate .vtsely :he worth of embargo Ia recompense es mayor. Para como el lo diJO' • Ustedes poseen avatlable resources We know that re­ Ia Sra Low, Ia recompensa de ustedes habllldades s ngulares y aun mas im­ sources lrr<e clear arr and water. energy. serfs una especie de lagro personal. un portante sosl enen una causa unfca " food. money are all /mite. Each of us orgrullo de ser uttles. con hnahdades E Sr Drucker expres6 que eslaba must know how to manage our expendi­ deltnidas y un conocim1ento que ustedes particularmente imp1esionado y con­ tures-and that management expertise cumplen un serviclo rncatculable no tentlsimo de ser lfder de una tropa de IS much easier 10 exercise if we've sOlo para las muchachas sino para su Conpnued on page 24 GIRL SCOUT LEADER 3 December/January 1980 ~ GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scout Leader MRS. ORVI~E l . FREEMAN Pres~en " Girl Scouting will make a difference in helping girls to FRANCES HESSELBEIN prepare to live and to give leadersh ip in a world of fast­ Nat otta &ec: • ve 0 ro •or changing needs and resources. "-Jane C. Freeman RUTH R. BOYD ~~ s•anl Na' ona Ex.cu• e D roetor lor Ed c:at on Servtc:es EDITORIAL ADVISORY SPECIAL FEATURES BOARD GRACE FLOREZ 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE/ LEADERS Membership & Managomeru CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Jane C. Freeman Development Sorv c:es Leaders have a tremendous Impact DR. FREDERICKA during girls' formative years. MACKENZIE Educational Sorvrcea/ Human Resources 5 THE PAST SPEAKS TO THE PRESENT CORINNE M. MURPHY Krls Howard Educ:at or.a Setvlc:es Proora lntroductron to the Women In History Series LAURA PRESTON Edua~t na Serv u 6 PHOTOGRAPHY AT NATIONAL Pub c n•ormat on CENTER WEST Norma Campbell NEVA STROM W1der opportunities at Nauonal Center West S.rgen County Counc for girls and adults. Pa•amus Nov. Jersey MARGE VANCE FledSrvoe 8 THE ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY- 1980 Carolyn L Kennedy PAT ZIELINSKI and JOAN GRIFFITH Increase your Eco·Acllon awarcneaa G,.otcr Ntw York Council• New York New Vorl\ 12 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS JOAN F. MYERS Spotlight on Juliette Gordon Low Ed tor MYRA L GORDON 14 SOLAR POWER Barby Pulliam Art 0 rector A Girl Scout Troop harnesses the aun'a energy. TI!RRENCE EDWARDS Oesignar LINO MILLEVOI 18 WORKING WITH FIRST GRADE BROWNIES Layout Art st Cindy Ford MARJORY HARDY It doesn t have to be chaotrc. Advort an~ Bus nua Mana;3er JOHN J. FRI!Y 22 TRUE TO OUR MOTTO: BE PREPARED Pub "her Elizabeth Munz Advertltlng Olflce t Explore career opportunrues with younger G•rl Scouts New Yor Wa •e• Pe•orson 830 Th rd Avenue New Yo New Yom 10022 26 IDENTIFYING WITH GIRL SCOUTING Kent/ Ja e I"C -ON FILM 50 Eas1 ~2nd Street Today·s Girl Scouts In action. New Yor New Yori! 10017 Ch cego Ban 611101 238 Co :~mb a Avenue R dge no • 6000S Pa~ REGULAR FEATURES West Coasl John P Sandford Compal'y 5455 W. sh re B vd 13 LEAD·INS FOR LEADERS-DAISY los Angoles Ca tom 1 90036 583 Market Street Su te 1904 San Franc1sco. Cal fornla 16 AUTHOR! AUTHOR! 94104 16 BULLETIN BOARD Member Aud 1 8u·ea~ ol C •cutatlona 4 OECEMilER/JANUARY 1880 The Past Speaks to the Present Women have played an important but largely ignored role in our country's history. This article introduces the LEADER'S Women in History series. by Kris Howard Searching for one's roots is a current Some of this newly-uncovered his­ had never heard. We studied women's national pastime.
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