F R O S T B U R G S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y StateLineswww.frostburg.edu/news/statelines.htm For and about FSU people A publication of the FSU Office of Advancement Volume 39, Number 2, Sept. 8, 2008 Copy deadline: noon Wednesday, 228 Hitchins or [email protected] THIS WEEK Gibralter Honored with National Award for 8 BSA’s Get Acquainted Night at 7 p.m. in the ARMAH Role in Innovative Alcohol Prevention Work 8 BURG BAR-B-Q INFO DAY Stop by the Lower Quad for a juicy cheesebur- FSU Presi- effective ger and a mocktail! Grilling from 11 dent Jonathan partnerships a.m. – 3 p.m. Gibralter was with stu- 8 AUTHOR ED OCHESTER. Reading, honored on dents, staff, Cook Chapel (Frost Hall) 7:30 p.m. Sept. 3 with a faculty, city Spon- national award residents and sored by recognizing city officials. FSU’s his success in He provided Center for promoting a support for Creative vibrant student-led intellectual initiatives Writing President Jonathan Gibralter, center, and and social and was campus accepts the award and the $50,000 in personally Depart- donations to the University from Brandon climate that involved in ment. The Busteed, left, CEO of Outside the Class- reading is de-emphasizes room, and Michael Lanahan, of the Gordie bringing free and open to the public, and the role of Foundation. together on- followed by a book signing and alcohol. In the and off- reception. Ochester’s most recent midst of a debate among college presi- campus law enforcement agencies that books are “Unreconstructed: Poems dents around the legal drinking age, led to a dramatic improvement in the Selected and New,” “The Republic of Gibralter, along with the 17 other sharing of information. As a result, the Lies,” “The Land of Cockaigne” and presidents who were nominated, stands alcohol issue is no longer viewed as a “American Poetry Now.” Ochester has out as an example of the real work being constant source of contention between won fellowships from the National done to address this perennial, up-at- the university and the city of Frostburg. Endowment for the Arts and the night issue for college campuses across Instead, community leaders now actively Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. He the country. partner with University officials to co-edits the poetry magazine “5 AM” The Presidential Leadership Award was change the culture of alcohol abuse at and is a core faculty member of the developed by seven major higher both the campus and community levels. Bennington College MFA program. education organizations, including the Gibralter created a campus-wide For info, contact Center for Creative American College Personnel Association, Alcohol Task Force that meets twice each Writing at x4024. American Council on Education, Associa- semester to address four key issues: tion of Governing Boards of Universities Campus and Community, Policy and 9 CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY and Colleges, Gordie Foundation, NASPA, Procedures, Alternative Programming, OPENING SOCIAL, 7:30 p.m., Outside The Classroom, and United and Today’s Student. The Task Force Osborne Newman Center. Meet some Educators. The goal: to highlight and makes recommendations in each of these great people and learn about CCM. congratulate the college and university four areas, which are then prioritized presidents who have demonstrated keen and implemented as resources are 10 DEANNA LATSON will be speaking vision and innovative leadership by identified. As a result of the dialogue on health and wellness in the LUC developing and implementing a compre- that has been facilitated by these Manicur Assembly Hall from 2–3 p.m., hensive strategy that not only addresses meetings, FSU now sends representatives 4:30–5:30 p.m., and 7-8 p.m. the specific educational needs of to meet with city groups such as the Sponsored by The SAFE Office, BURG individuals but also seeks to bring about University Neighbors Association and Peer Education Network and Brady change at the institutional, community the Frostburg Business and Professional Health Center. (The day will begin and public policy levels. The award Association. Gibralter has personally met with a special feature session for FSU carries a $50,000 donation made to the with these groups and has also reached faculty and staff in Room 201 from institution in the name of the recipient. out on multiple occasions to have noon to 1 p.m.) Latson is a profes- “We’ve been glad to see the visibility of discussions with alcohol distributors in sional speaker on the topic of health high-risk drinking raised through the the area. and nutrition. Come prepared to have recent conversation among college The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse great time and learn some shocking presidents,” said Brandon Busteed, and Alcoholism (NIAAA) cites more than information about the food most of Founder and CEO of Outside The Classroom 1,700 alcohol-related deaths among us consume everyday. and a Representative of the Presidential college students each year, with another This presentation is perfect for Leadership Award Review Panel. “We’re 500,000 injuries, 70,000 sexual assaults, anyone wanting to shed extra pounds even more pleased to see practical and 159,000 first-year student dropouts the healthy way, and everyone who examples of presidents who have begun to due to alcohol and other drugs every year. cares about their health and well make progress on their campuses and in The award was developed by the being. Guaranteed you will hear their communities. On behalf of all of the American College Personnel Association, information you have never heard participating organizations, I want to American Council on Education, Associa- before. The 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7 congratulate Dr. Gibralter for his vision tion of Governing Boards of Universities p.m. presentations will really encour- and implementation of programs and and Colleges, Gordie Foundation, NASPA, age and challenge students to make policies that have helped create a campus Outside The Classroom, and United healthy choices regarding their eating community less defined by alcohol.” Educators. Financial support is provided lifestyles. The community is welcome By re-conceptualizing the way in by the Gordie Foundation and Outside to attend these presentations. which Frostburg views the issue of The Classroom. alcohol abuse, Gibralter has facilitated StateLines / 2 MORE THIS WEEK Theatre 10 STUDENT RIGHTS: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LOCAL “Once more unto the COMMUNITY will begin at 4 p.m. in Lane 201. breach, dear friends...” 10 “LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE” movie at 6 p.m. in Lane 201. CAST brings ‘Henry V’ to FSU The Cambridge American Stage Tour 11 CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT FAIR from (CAST) is coming once again to Frost- 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Clocktower burg to perform Shakespeare’s “Henry Quad, Rainsite: Lane Manicur Hall. V” on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 11 SGA meeting at 7:30 p.m. in p.m. in the PAC Pealer Recital Hall. Osborne Newman Center. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 11 STUDENT FORUM in Lane 201 at 7 for everyone else and can be reserved by p.m. calling x4145 or purchased at the door. 11 UPC JAVA JAM from 8 – 10 p.m in CAST, made up of undergraduate the LUC Loft. students from the University of Cam- bridge, England, has toured America since 1999. 12 ANNUAL LEADERSHIP RETREAT at Forbidden Broadway Camp Allegheny in Stoystown, PA “Henry V” is one of Shakespeare’s (Bus departs at 4:30 p.m. in the PAC most memorable and exciting plays, his Producers,” Abba’s “Mamma Mia” and lot. Sign up at the Lane Information most patriotic piece and an epic and “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” Stars are Desk). vigorous portrayal of one of England’s also spoofed, including Hugh Jackman, 12 “SALISBURY UNIVERSITY ART most popular national heroes. Julie Andres, Brooke Shields, Beach Boys FACULTY” opening at 7 p.m. Show The event is being sponsored by the and Harvey Fierstein. will run through Oct. 5, Stephanie Department of English at FSU, with Tickets may be ordered by calling 1- Ann Roper Gallery, Fine Arts building. support from the College of Liberal Arts 866-849-9237 or x3137, or by visiting Roper Gallery has free admission and and Sciences, the Office of the Provost http://ces.frostburg.edu. Ticket pack- is open to the public Sunday through and the FSU Foundation Inc. For more ages and discounts are available. Wednesday, from 1 to 4 p.m. For information about CAST, visit information, call x4797. www.castonline.org. University Theatre 13 DAY OF CARING & SHARING from CES Opens with Launches World Tour 8:30 a.m. – noon. Call the Braddock Have you ever wanted to venture House at x4210 for more details. ‘Forbidden Broadway: around the world, but couldn’t afford it? 13 PIRATES VS. CARDINALS OFF- Special Victims Unit’ Let University Theatre take you on a tour CAMPUS TRIP Purchase tickets at the that starts in Paris and ends in ancient Lane University Center Information In 1982 an unemployed actor, Gerard Greece during the 2008-2009 season. Desk, FSU Student w/ID $22, FSU Alessandrini, wanted a showcase for his “Victor/Victoria” will run from Oct. Faculty/Staff $32. talents. He decided to assemble some of 10 - 18 at 7:30 p.m., with matinee the musical parodies of Broadway shows performances on Oct. 11 and 18 at 2 14 FACULTY-GUEST ARTIST SERIES: he had written since childhood into a p.m. in the Drama Theatre. Adapted CLARINET TRIO 3 p.m. Pealer Recital nightclub act, and “Forbidden Broadway” from the musical film success, “Victor/ Hall, Performing Arts Center.
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