V TUESDAY, FEBRUARY », 194^ Avamga Daily Circulation ltd V . a ijBma* iHanrti^irt^r lEognittfl ljgraU> For the Ifoalh of Jaaaary, 18M 9,030 Civic Music alght; The Women’s Missionary So­ LECLERC lAiral SingPM Sc«»re in Operatic Roles Early History Member ef the Audit ciety wW meet ’Thursday after­ rtINBRAL HOMB Bareaa ad Otroolatleoa ^ ^ u tT o w n noon at 2:30 at the Emanuel Luth­ Group Elects Manchetter— A City of Village Charm eran church. Devotions will be led O f Town Told 23 Malfi StrMt by Mra. Herman Johnson. Mrs. O. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICI THREE CENTS Phone 5261 MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1946 rtrato I M r •Albert Pearaon will be in charge Harold Turkinglon Is (ClaaeMed Advertlatag aa Page. 14) . wUl h»M »U monthly of the program, the theme of Pines (’.ivic Association YOL.LXV..NO. 108 tonifht at T:S0 at the which is "Together Under the ChoseiL as President; Hear Talk by Local Mamorlal boapttal. Southern Cross." Mra. Eric Ander­ Other Oflicers ^elected AUCE OOntAM son will sing a solo and the host- Historian (Kfiowa At (Joeea Alta^ Picket Tossed for Loss Freieeelonal Woman'# Oub eaaes will be Mrs. Ernest Kjellaon. Seventh Danghtet of a Seventh Sen Federal Policy thia avanlng at eight chairman; Mra. Selma Olson. Mrs. The annual meeting of the Man­ Mathias Spless. in his talk be­ B«ni With a Veil British Turn Down ^^doek In O n U r Church Homc. John A. Olson and Mra. John I. chester Civic Mualo Aaaociation Rendlngf Onll.?. Inrlndlng f _____ i fore the Pines Civic Association antartatament will be./u™****** Olson. was held laat evening at the • A. M te t P M. Ot Bv A p p ^ t- by pupUa oC the WblU Sttniio. last night St the Holt home, Adams ment. In the Secvlee «l the Peo­ Y.M.C.A. James Blair, president, The Mancheater Ski utreet, combined his remarks on ple for SO Vaors. Proposal to Solve Oiford Pariah CSiapter, meet tomorrow night at the Y. M Indian lore with settlement of the resigned his post and Harold Turk- hpntm iAi MEimihi Pay and Prices to n o f the American RevoluMon, C. A. on North Main street, the western part of Manchester, where Ington was elected to succeed him. l i t Chnrch Street., Hartford. Coaa. luniors seven o’clock find tne wlU hold Ita Fybnia^ .IJ't'Hh? the first white settlement was Named aa vice presidents were; PhoB# S-2024 •nuraday afternoon at 2:80 in the S o m w h o u r later. At the latter made in the days of the Indians. meeting movies will be shown and Robert Ruaaell, Elmore Watklna, Dispute on Greece fbderaUon room of Center The part of town which is now- Dr. Eugene Davis, Fred Werner, iMMiae. The epeaker will be C. plans wlU be discussed for a cross­ occupied by the Pine Acres sub­ country ski meet in the Leon Fallot, Mrs. Saul Silveratein Expected Soon Elmore Watklna. whoae topic will division, comprises part of the first ture. All members are asked to and James Blair. FULLER BRUSH be "The Life of Lincoln.’ land purchased of what Is now be present Mathias Spleas Mrs. Phillip Nelson waa re­ Cabinet AalhoriM. A p O e o l Manchester. The speaker referred elected secretary and Mra. Harold DEALER The MoUiera arcle of St. Anne to the purchase from the Indian Alvord aa asaistant secretary. Har­ t . T i-w #nr Far- m Mr Union and Management The WUllng Workers of the X Chieftains 26 years before the in . to Try for Fur will meet tomorrow evening at ine South Methodist church will hold line to the South Windsor line, I old Alvord waa chosen again as ^wn of East Hartford was set up PHILIP B. ALI.EN ther Compromise on Look to Washington honie of Mra. Patrick Peak. 59 their monthly meeUng but which la now known as Kae-j 1 treasurer. New members of the F or Europe ^Death March ’ Order as a separate towmship. ney street, Bridge street, McKee board will be announced at a 51 Goodwin St. Tel. 2-1284 Park atreet afternoon at 2:80 at the ^ Miss June Teomane Mr. Spless recalled his first visit Crisis; Way Left Open For Change Designed Emily Steplieasoa Yerbury street. Adams street and Buck- later date by the nominating com­ social Ume with refreshments will to Manchester, riding out in a team Mancheater Orange at Ita meet­ follow the business session. land road. mittee, which la headed by Mra. For Pending Formula Loom s Now To Bring Home Meas­ Attracted by the fact that two from Blast Hartford and was then Part of Indlaa Tralla Robert Ruaaell. Admitted byHomma ing tomorrow evening in the Ma- able to name all of the residents nonlc Temple will hold a drawing Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. AltM prominent local singers were tak­ -The old town roads, he amid, The Association la at present I f It Is Modified ure o f R elief to In* are now occupying their recently of the section from the top of Mc­ were part of Indian ttmils and he on the handaome cut-work table Manchester ing leading roles, a number of Lean Hill, near the East Hartford planning a membership drive for dustrial Strife; Settle­ acquired property, the Samuel Al- outlined the part the early Indian MANCHESTER Truman Expected to Re­ cloth, made and donated to the Mancheater people last night at- town line to the Center, early May. Mrs, Fred Moore will London, Feb. 6.— Japanese General Also vord farm at Bolton ^"ten Dr. trail (Middle ’Turnpike) had In serve as organisation chairman. Scovill Plant ment Hinges on Ex­ Home Economica "J Date Book I tended the first of three presenta- Hla First Trip To Town British cabinet was reliably quest Americans to Ifm . Nellie Oage. Mfa. Carl Hild- Alton continues hla office at the early days of Mancheater. Co-chairman for the -opening din­ A U T O BODY Admits Moral Respon­ East Center street, and the u p^r ! tloni of two operas, "Beauty and On his first trip to town, he He described the Indiana that ner will be Mra. Robert Ruaaell 50 Oak Street reported today to have reject­ Cut Down on Use of pected Announcement Ing, chairman of the commlttw Tonight said, he found a soldier’s monu sibility for Anything urges all members to turn In tne flat, vacated by the Altons, M » * - , . ‘ the Beast." by Glannlnl. and lived in this aectlon m peaceful and Mra. Charles House. Edgar Telephone 3979 ed in its present form a pr(H Crews Enter been rented by Mr. and Mrs J ^ n Meeting. Board ofo< Selectmen. q ,,*, to the Ball,” by ment and the Center church and and he spoke of the quantity of Wheat and Products rstubs tomorrow evening. after inquiring was told that the Clarke will serve aa chairman of Aoto Body and posal for ending the United Under His Command By The Associated Press La Belle, and they have already Municipal building at 8. Menottl. Both were produced In Indian relics which he had found the prospect committee. Taroday, Feb. 12 j English by the Hartt Opera Guild village'Of South Manchester was In his years in Mancheater, which Fender Repalrinf Nations crisis over Greece Union and management in­ Ibe Past Matrons Association moved In. Mrs. L* Belle was the The final concert for this sea­ Washington, Feb. 8 — (JS) — A Strike Ranks former Miss Claire L. Stephens Meeting. Manchester Division and will be repeated tonight and farther south on Main street. He have been turned over to the Aoto Paintint and to have authorized For­ Manila,, Feb. 6.—(/P)— volved in current labor dis­ o f Temple Chapter, O.E.8., will ■poke of huge timbers which were son will be held on February 25, presidential appeal to Americans* of Green Hill atreet. Simrtsmen’a AaaoclSUon. Legion tomorrow "Jght In the m»Jn audl- tovm as an Indian museum. when Winifred Heidt will be pre­ SimnnizlnR eign Secretary Ernest Bevin i Lieut. Gen. Masaharu Hom- putes involving nearly a mfl- hold Its monthly meeting Tlmrs- Hnme torium on Broad street, Hartford. cut on land now occupied by Pine Previous to Mr. Spleaa' talk, to eat a little less cake so that day evening at the home of Mrs. sented. to try for a further compro­ ma admitted under cross-ex­ L«ave Jobs and Estab­ lion ahd a half workers look­ A daughter was born yesterday ______ IS Miss June Yeomans, young col Acres Terrace tract. The logs, he the association voted to arrange ft in y Straw, 25 Brookfleld stheet. said, were cut and floated down the mise. millions in Europe would have Pickets at the Oonvair plant In San Diego, Calif., fail to prevent »uto from drirtng ed to Washington today for at the Hartford hospital to Mr. Wedaeaday. Feb. a~.v ’ oratura soprano, came fully up to for card parties at the homes of amination at his war crimes Mrs. William Larson will be c<^ Hockanum river to the Connecticut enough bread to keep them from picket line, although one of the strikers, I. R. Garner, is tossed into air atlejnpUng to halt it. The lish Picket Lines Im­ and Mrs. Edward W. Kosky of 49 "Arsenic .and Old Lace." -Sock expectations in the role. of------------- “Beau­ varioua members on Thursday, PomlblHty of Now Talka trial today that he issued the a new government wage- - boat*— Members unable to attend and Buskin annual play in High river and were used In shipbuild­ starving waa pndicted In some M r was reportedly driven by 1.
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