Reading Practice Quiz List Report Page 1 Accelerated Reader®: Thursday, 03/26/09, 02:44 PM N-k Csd Reading Practice Quizzes Int. Book Point Fiction/ Quiz No. Title Author Level Level Value Language Nonfiction 70503 The 100th Day of School! Matt Mitter LG 2.3 0.5 English Fiction 35821 100th Day Worries Margery Cuyler LG 3.0 0.5 English Fiction 661 The 18th Emergency Betsy Byars MG 4.7 4.0 English Fiction 7351 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the JonSea Buller LG 2.5 0.5 English Fiction 523 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged)Jules Verne MG 10.0 28.0 English Fiction 6201 213 Valentines Barbara Cohen LG 4.0 1.0 English Fiction 6651 The 24-Hour Genie Lila McGinnis MG 3.3 1.0 English Fiction 46278 6-321 Michael Laser MG 5.6 4.0 English Fiction 21536 Aani and the Tree Huggers Jeannine Atkins LG 3.3 0.5 English Fiction 61510 Abe Lincoln and the Muddy Pig Stephen Krensky LG 3.7 0.5 English Nonfiction 30662 Abe Lincoln Grows Up Carl Sandburg UG 7.6 6.0 English Nonfiction 17601 Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White SterlingHouse North MG 8.4 4.0 English Nonfiction 101 Abel's Island William Steig MG 5.9 3.0 English Fiction 107547 Abigail Adams: First Lady of the PatriciaAmerican Lakin Revolution LG 5.1 0.5 English Nonfiction 86479 Abner & Me: A Baseball Card AdventureDan Gutman MG 4.2 5.0 English Fiction 54088 About the B'nai Bagels E.L. Konigsburg MG 4.7 5.0 English Fiction 13551 Abraham Lincoln (Photo-Illustratd T.M.Biographies) Usel LG 4.7 0.5 English Nonfiction 29341 Abraham's Battle Sara Harrell Banks MG 5.3 2.0 English Fiction 11577 Absolutely Normal Chaos Sharon Creech MG 4.7 7.0 English Fiction 6001 Ace: The Very Important Pig Dick King-Smith LG 5.2 3.0 English Fiction 35250 Acid Rain (Wonder World) Brian Birchall LG 3.5 0.5 English Nonfiction 102 Across Five Aprils Irene Hunt MG 6.6 10.0 English Fiction 45006 Across Frozen Seas John Wilson MG 6.0 5.0 English Fiction 7201 Across the Stream Mirra Ginsburg LG 1.7 0.5 English Fiction 17602 Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie:Kristiana The Gregory Oregon Trail Diary...MG 5.5 4.0 English Fiction 36046 Adaline Falling Star Mary Pope Osborne MG 4.6 4.0 English Fiction 1 Adam of the Road Elizabeth Janet Gray MG 6.5 9.0 English Fiction 39642 Adaptation (Life Processes) Steve Parker MG 6.7 1.0 English Nonfiction 301 Addie Across the Prairie Laurie Lawlor MG 4.9 4.0 English Fiction 6101 Addie Meets Max Joan Robins LG 1.7 0.5 English Fiction 6301 Addie's Dakota Winter Laurie Lawlor MG 4.6 4.0 English Fiction 8501 Addie's Long Summer Laurie Lawlor MG 4.0 5.0 English Fiction 9301 Addition Annie David Gisler LG 1.1 0.5 English Fiction 8502 Adrift Allan Baillie MG 4.7 4.0 English Fiction 451 The Adventures of Ali Baba BernsteinJohanna Hurwitz LG 4.6 2.0 English Fiction 9541 The Adventures of Boone BarnabyJoe Cottonwood MG 3.5 6.0 English Fiction 20251 The Adventures of Captain UnderpantsDav Pilkey MG 4.3 1.0 English Fiction 501 The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark (Unabridged) Twain MG 6.6 18.0 English Fiction 64111 The Adventures of Super Diaper BabyDav Pilkey MG 2.5 0.5 English Fiction 502 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged)Mark Twain MG 8.1 12.0 English Fiction 89271 AFC East Bob Woods MG 6.7 1.0 English Nonfiction 89272 AFC North James Buckley MG 6.1 1.0 English Nonfiction 89273 AFC South James Buckley MG 6.0 1.0 English Nonfiction Reading Practice Quiz List Report Page 2 Accelerated Reader®: Thursday, 03/26/09, 02:44 PM N-k Csd Reading Practice Quizzes Int. Book Point Fiction/ Quiz No. Title Author Level Level Value Language Nonfiction 89274 AFC West John Walters MG 6.7 1.0 English Nonfiction 70797 Africa (The Atlas of the Seven Continents)Wendy Vierow MG 5.4 0.5 English Nonfiction 71181 African American Migration Tracee Sioux MG 6.0 0.5 English Nonfiction 13001 African Buffalo (African Animals Discovery)Lynn M. Stone LG 3.6 0.5 English Nonfiction 6401 After Fifth Grade, the World! Claudia Mills MG 5.6 4.0 English Fiction 351 After the Dancing Days Margaret I. Rostkowski MG 3.8 8.0 English Fiction 5201 After the Goat Man Betsy Byars LG 4.5 3.0 English Fiction 352 After the Rain Norma Fox Mazer UG 3.7 8.0 English Fiction 59348 After the Rain: Virginia's Civil WarMary Diary Pope Osborne MG 4.6 2.0 English Fiction 47402 After the Storm Lauren Brooke MG 4.3 5.0 English Fiction 353 Afternoon of the Elves Janet Taylor Lisle MG 5.0 4.0 English Fiction 14651 Afternoon on the Amazon Mary Pope Osborne LG 2.6 1.0 English Fiction 201 The Agony of Alice Phyllis Reynolds Naylor MG 5.3 5.0 English Fiction 5901 Aida Leontyne Price MG 5.1 0.5 English Fiction 41737 Air Is All Around You Franklyn M. Branley LG 2.6 0.5 English Nonfiction 102137 Airball: My Life in Briefs Lisa Harkrader MG 4.4 6.0 English Fiction 79431 Aircraft Carriers: The Nimitz ClassMichael Green MG 5.0 0.5 English Nonfiction 8503 Ajeemah and His Son James Berry MG 4.4 2.0 English Fiction 47403 Akiko and the Great Wall of TruddMark Crilley MG 5.7 3.0 English Fiction 42797 Akiko in the Sprubly Islands Mark Crilley MG 5.7 3.0 English Fiction 45101 Akiko on the Planet Smoo Mark Crilley MG 5.7 4.0 English Fiction 74909 Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko MG 3.5 7.0 English Fiction 15718 Alabama (One Nation) Patricia K. Kummer MG 4.4 0.5 English Nonfiction 5051 Alan and Naomi Myron Levoy MG 3.3 5.0 English Fiction 20708 Alanna: The First Adventure Tamora Pierce UG 4.5 7.0 English Fiction 30753 Alaska (One Nation) Patricia K. Kummer MG 4.7 1.0 English Nonfiction 100781 Albert Einstein: Genius of the TwentiethPatricia LakinCentury LG 4.5 0.5 English Fiction 109491 The Albertosaurus Mystery: PhilipT.V. Currie's Padma Hunt in the BadlandsMG 4.6 0.5 English Nonfiction 651 Aldo Applesauce Johanna Hurwitz LG 4.7 2.0 English Fiction 5401 Aldo Ice Cream Johanna Hurwitz MG 4.8 2.0 English Fiction 6251 Aldo Peanut Butter Johanna Hurwitz LG 4.4 3.0 English Fiction 5202 Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Kathleen Krull LG 3.5 1.0 English Fiction 5451 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible,Judith No Good,Viorst Very Bad DayLG 3.7 0.5 English Fiction 17503 Alexander and the Wind-Up MouseLeo Lionni LG 3.0 0.5 English Fiction 30949 Alexander Graham Bell (Photo-IllustratedGreg Linder Biographies) LG 3.9 0.5 English Nonfiction 7301 Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich JudithLast Sunday Viorst LG 3.4 0.5 English Fiction 25966 Alexandra Scott O'Dell UG 5.6 5.0 English Fiction 11651 Ali's Story Jan Wells LG 1.1 0.5 English Fiction 8504 Alice in April Phyllis Reynolds Naylor UG 4.5 5.0 English Fiction 17751 Alice in Lace Phyllis Reynolds Naylor UG 4.8 5.0 English Fiction 5052 Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor UG 4.9 6.0 English Fiction 503 Alice in Wonderland and Through Lewisthe Looking-Glass Carroll MG 7.8 10.0 English Fiction 11451 Alice the Brave Phyllis Reynolds Naylor UG 5.1 5.0 English Fiction Reading Practice Quiz List Report Page 3 Accelerated Reader®: Thursday, 03/26/09, 02:44 PM N-k Csd Reading Practice Quizzes Int. Book Point Fiction/ Quiz No. Title Author Level Level Value Language Nonfiction 83029 Alice the Fairy David Shannon LG 2.5 0.5 English Fiction 31159 Alida's Song Gary Paulsen MG 5.3 2.0 English Fiction 31846 Alien at the Zoo (Sunshine Level 1)Brian/Jillian Cutting LG 0.7 0.5 English Nonfiction 7870 Alien Secrets Annette Curtis Klause UG 6.6 8.0 English Fiction 5339 Aliens Ate My Homework Bruce Coville MG 4.8 5.0 English Fiction 10651 Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey/Jones LG 3.7 1.0 English Fiction 5203 Aliens for Lunch Etra/Spinner LG 3.7 1.0 English Fiction 31551 All About How Things Are Made Kathleen Kain LG 4.5 0.5 English Nonfiction 302 All About Sam Lois Lowry MG 4.0 3.0 English Fiction 6202 All About Stacy Patricia Reilly Giff LG 2.3 1.0 English Fiction 70105 All Alone Kevin Henkes LG 1.8 0.5 English Fiction 6601 All but Alice Phyllis Reynolds Naylor UG 5.0 5.0 English Fiction 7202 All by Myself Mercer Mayer LG 1.3 0.5 English Fiction 45232 All by Myself! Aliki LG 1.1 0.5 English Fiction 726 All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot UG 6.8 26.0 English Nonfiction 6203 All Joseph Wanted Ruth Yaffe Radin MG 3.7 2.0 English Fiction 15202 All Kinds of Families Norma Simon LG 4.6 0.5 English Nonfiction 251 The All New Jonah Twist Natalie Honeycutt MG 3.8 3.0 English Fiction 2 All-of-a-Kind Family Sydney Taylor MG 4.9 5.0 English Fiction 50401 All That Remains Bruce Brooks UG 5.5 5.0 English Fiction 7102 All Things Bright and Beautiful James Herriot UG 6.7 23.0 English Nonfiction 31565 All Things Wise and Wonderful James Herriot UG 6.7 26.0 English Nonfiction 5351 All Together Now Dean Hughes LG 4.1 2.0 English Fiction 102073 Alley Oops Janice Levy LG 2.3 0.5 English Fiction 45233 An Alligator Ate My Brother Mary Olson LG 2.2 0.5 English Fiction 14301 Alligators (Nature's Children) Zola/Grier MG 5.8 1.0 English Nonfiction 7134 Almost Famous David Getz MG 3.9 5.0 English Fiction 5340 Along the Santa Fe Trail Marion Russell LG 5.2 0.5 English Nonfiction 17752 Alphabet City Ballet Erika Tamar MG 4.0 5.0 English Fiction 49249 Alphabet Soup Kate Banks LG 2.0 0.5 English Fiction 70526 The Alps (Great Mountain RangesCharles of the W.World) Maynard MG 5.8 0.5 English Nonfiction 27477 Always Room for One More Sorche Nic Leodhas LG 4.3 0.5 English Fiction 44399 Am I Big or Little? Margaret Park Bridges LG 2.1 0.5 English Fiction 31413 Amanda Pig and Her Big Brother OliverJean Van Leeuwen LG 2.3 0.5 English Fiction 9251 Amanda Pig on Her Own Jean Van Leeuwen LG 2.4 0.5 English Fiction 6204 The Amazing Bone William Steig LG 3.9 0.5 English Fiction 5452 Amazing Grace Mary Hoffman LG 3.5 0.5 English Fiction 39572 The Amazing Life of Benjamin FranklinJames Cross Giblin MG 6.6 1.0 English Nonfiction 13098 Amazing Rain Forest (Rain ForestLynn Discovery) M.
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