S E C RE T // NOFORNI I 2O32OIO9 DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE HEADQUARTERS,JOINT TASK FORCEGUANTANAMO U.S. NAVAL STATION,GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA APO AE 09360 JTF-GTMO-CDR 9 Januarv2007 MEMORANDUM FOR Commander,United StatesSouthern Command, 3511 NW glst Avenue. Miami.FL33172 SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000288DP(S) JTF-GTMO DetaineeAssessment 1. (S//NF) Personal Information: o JDIMSAIDRC ReferenceName: Mutij Sadiz Ahmad Sayab o Aliasesand CurrentlTrueName: Motai SadeekAhamed Saib Saib. Mutia Sadiq Ahmad Sayxrb Sayyab.Muda Saib o Placeof Birth: Ain Taya.Algeria (AG) o Dateof Birth: 1 July 1976 o Citizenship: Algeria o InternmentSerial Number (ISN): US9AG-000288DP ) (U//FOUO) Health: Detaineeis in good health. 3. (S//NF) JTF-GTMO Assessment: a. (S) Recommendation: JTF-GTMO recommendsthis detaineefor TransferOut of DoD Control (TRO). JTF-GTMO previouslyassessed detainee as ContinuedDetention Under DoD Control (CD) with Transfer Languageon 15 January 2006. b. (S//NF) Executive Summary: Detaineeis assessedto be a probablemember of al- Qaida'sGlobal Jihad SupportNetwork (GJSN).' It is assesseddetainee probably attended ' (S/AIF) The GlobalJihad Support Network (GJSN), formerly known as the North African ExtremistNetwork (NAEN), is an IICT Tier 0 counterterrorismtarget, defined as terrorist groups that pose a clearand immediate CLASSIFIEDBY: MULTIPLESOURCES REASON:E.O. 12958, AS AMENDED,SECTION 1.4(C) DECLASSIFY ON: 20320109 S E C RE T // NOFORNI I 2O32OIO9 S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 2O32OIO9 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000288DP(S) the MoroccanArmed Islamic Group (GlCM)2-sponsoredimprovised explosive device (IED) training at a guesthouseknown as the "House of Algerians" in Jalalabad,Afghanistan (AF). The House of Algerians was run by a senior Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA)' member Abu Jafar al-Jazaii. Detaineepossibly traveled with al-Jazairi's group to the Tora Bora Mountainsin responseto UsamaBin Laden's (UBL's) requestto preparedefenses in caseof US retaliatoryattacks. It is assesseda GJSN memberprobably recruited detainee. JTF- GTMO determinedthis detaineeto be: o A MEDIUM risk, as he is may posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies. o A LOW threat from a detention perspective. o Of HIGH intelligencevalue. c. (S/NF) Summary of Changes: The following outlineschanges to detainee's assessmentsince the last JTF-GTMO recommendation.(Changes in this assessmentwill be annotatedby D next to the footnote.) o (S//\IF) Due to reporting from multiple JTF-GTMO detaineesconceming Tora Bora, Abu Jafar al-Jazairi,and the House of Algerians Guesthouse,it is possible that detaineetraveled through Tora Bora to reach the Pakistani border. As a result, detainee'sintellisence value was increasedfrom MEDIUM to HIGH for this assessment. 4. (S//NF) Detainee'sAccount of Events: The following sectionis based,unless otherwise indicated, on detainee'sown account. These statementsare included without consideration of veracity, accuracy, or reliability. a. (S//NF) Prior History: Detainee attendedhigh school for three yearsin Bouri al-Bahri, AG, but failed his exams in 1994 which preventedhim from graduating. At that time, detainee'sparents financed his travel to Syria (SY). Between 1994 and 1997,detainee receivedtutoring and assistancefrom the al-Hikma SecondarySchool in Damascus,SY. danger to US personsor interests. Affiliated with al-Qaida, the GJSN is composedof individuals, most of them from North Africa, the Levant, or Saudi Arabia, who reside in those countries or in Europe or South Asia. The Network provides various services,including logistics and fundraising, and helps move operativesfrom country to country as needed. 'Analyst^ Note: GICM is affiliated with the Global Jihad Support Network (GJSN) formerly known as the North African Exhemist Network (NAEN) and is a Tier 2 target. Tier 2 targets are defined as terrorist or extremist groups that have demonstratedboth the intent and the capability to attack US personsand interests,but are believed to pose somewhatless of a threat to US interestsaround the world than Tier I groups. '- Analyst Note: The GIA is part of the al-Qaida GJSN. 2 S E C R E T // NOFORNI I 2O32OIO9 S E C R E T // NOFORN I I 2O32OIO9 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000288DP(S) Detaineeearned his high school diploma while working in a restaurantQ[FI) in Damascusas a chef s assistant. During this time period, detaineealso studied the Koran and Islamic Law at the Madrassaal-Forfur tnstitute. In 1998,detainee visited Amman, Jordan(JO).4 From 1998-2000,_detainee studied Hanafi Islamic Law at a branch of the al-Azhar University in Damascus.sDetainee financed his own educationby working oddjobs (I.IFI). Detainee statedhe could not afford to spendtime in Eg)pt, a prerequisite for graduation, so detainee neverobtained a collegedegree.o b. (S//NF) Recruitment and Travel: In the summerof 2000, detaineemet a Moroccan man named Hasan (NFD in Damascus. Detaineetold Hasanhe wanted to travel to Europe "using for work. Hasantold detainee his Algerian passportto get to Europe,especially to France(FR), would be difficult." Detaineeclaims Hasanvolunteered to get detaineea passportwhile Hasanwas in Turkey. Detaineegave Hasan 2,500 FrenchFrancs (approximately $300 USD) and Hasanreturned from Turkey with a Belgian passportfor detainee.' Detaineeused the samefalse Belgium passportwhile travelingto Paris,FR, with a friend named Abdel Karim Arab (NFI).U c. (S//NF) Training and Activities: While living in Champigny,edetainee worked for approximately ten months in Paris at a market selling clothes and books. While attending a o'Fuad mosque,detainee heard the Algerian" (NFI) give a speechabout the oppressionand killing of Muslims in Palestineand Algeria. In the summerof 2001, detaineemet Abdul Hammid OIFI), an Algerian, on the streetat a market in Kritay, FR.IO Hammid told detainee about Afghanistan, how well people lived there, and a visa was not neededfor travel. In June of 2001, detaineeleft Franceand traveledby bus and ferry to London, United Kingdom GtK).11 Hammid provided detaineewith a London contactnamed Abdur Rahman-(NFI).12 - 000288 302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: Detainee does not add any further information conceming his trip or timeline inAmman. t 000288302 02-APR-2002,Analyst Note: The Hanafi branchof Sunni Islam is widely consideredthe most liberal and tolerant of the four schools of religious jurisprudence within Sunni Islam. Al-Azhar University, with its main campusin Cairo, Egypt (EG), is consideredto be the most prestigious institution of Sunni Islamic law. '_ 000288302 02-APR-2002 t OOOZgg302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: Detainee did not provide the name used on his fake Belgian passport. t O00Z8g302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: Detainee statedhi was still in possessionof his Algerian pasiport at this time. n OOOZgg302 02-APR-2002,Analyst Note: Champignyis a suburbof paris. to 000288 302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: A variant of Kritav is Kirite. Kritav is a suburb of Paris. tt 000288302 02-APR-2002,Analyst Note: Detaineeclaimed'he left his Algerian passportin Francebut doesnot say with whom he left it. See000288 SIR 12-MAR-2004 .^'' 000288 302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: Variants of Abdur Rahman are Abdul Rahman, Abd al Rahman,Abdul Rahim, and Abdur Rahirq dependingon the translation. 3 S E C RE T //NOFORN I I 2O32OIO9 S E C RE T // NOFORNI I 2O32OIO9 JTF-GTMO-CDR SUBJECT: Recommendationfor Transfer Out of DoD Control (TRO) for Guantanamo Detainee,ISN: US9AG-000288DP(S) Rahmanmet detaineeat the bus station and took detaineeto a mosqueto study the Koran.13 Detaineegave Rahman his Belgian passportand 6,000 FrenchFrancs (approximately $720 USD) to obtain a plane ticket and a visa to Pakistan(PK). Rahman gave detaineethe name of a Pakistani national, Ahmed (I.trFI),in Islamabad,PK, who would help detaineecontinue on to Afghanistan. At the end of June 200I, detaineeleft London and flew to Islamabad. Ahmed met detaineeand drove him to the Afghan border. Detaineecrossed the border and proceededto Jalalabad,AF, where detaineestayed in the Algerian guesthouserun by Abu Jafaral-Jazairi.'" While in Jalalabad,Ilyas al-Magrhibi provided detaineewith one week of instructionon the AK-47.ls Approximatelytwo weeksbefore the 11 September2001 terrorist attacks,detainee traveled to Kabul, AF, where detaineestaved in anotherAleerian guesthousefor approximatelyone month.l6 5. (S//NF) Capture Information: a. (S/AfD Detaineeclaimed he left the Kabul guesthousetwo weeks after t 1 September 2001 and departedfor Pakistan.'7It is assesseddetainee traveled across the Tora Bora Mountains of Afghanistan to reach Pakistan. Pakistani authorities arresteddetainee and placedhim in a-prisonin Kohat, PK. Detaineewas later transferredto US custodyon 4 Januarv 2002.18 b. (S) Property Held: Money o 50 British Pounds o 670 PakistaniRupees Miscellaneouspersonal items including a wristwatch and intemational calling card '' 000288 302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: The mosque is likely the Finsbury Park Mosque, a key transit facility for the movement of North African and other extremists in London to and from al-Qaida training camps in Afshanistan. 't OOdZgg302 02-APR-2002, Analyst Note: Variant of Jafar is Jaffar, who is assessedto be GIA facilitator Abu Jaffar aka (Omar Chabbani), who was allegedly killed. In 000288 SIR 08-MAR-2005, detaineediscussed Abu Jafar al-Jazaii,
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