Dear Students and Parents, This college handbook has been created to provide juniors and seniors at Archer High School with the information and resources necessary to prepare for their post-secondary plans. With so many technical schools, colleges and universities to choose from, it is common to feel overwhelmed when starting the college planning process. Decision making and life transitions can be less stressful if we are empowered with information, resources and the appropriate support systems. The Archer High School Counseling Department hopes that this handbook will be useful in your college planning process by empowering students with the tools necessary to make well-informed decisions about their post- secondary options. Please feel free to explore the information and resources provided in this handbook and on our counseling website. Please schedule an appointment with your counselor online if you have any questions. We are looking forward to working with you this school year! The Archer High School Counseling Department Table of Contents • Archer: Who is My Counselor? • GCPS 4-year Plan of Study • Credit Checklist • Senior College Planning Checklist • Big Future: List of Georgia Colleges • GCPS College Search Worksheet • Sending Transcripts and HOPE GPA • College Board Application Timeline • College Board Application Checklist • Find a Major Worksheet • Find a College Worksheet • Find a Career Worksheet • Find a Scholarship Worksheet • College Funding presented by the GCPS Choice Book • College Board Financial Aid Checklist • Scholarships, College, Military and Career Resources • School Cost Comparison Worksheet • Financial Aid Comparison Worksheet • Standardized Test Facts Sheet • SAT vs. ACT Comparison Graph • SAT & ACT Prep Resources • SAT & ACT 2018-2019 Test Dates • Tips for your College Application Essay • HOPE & Zell Miller Programs • HOPE & Zell Miller FAQ’s • Financial Aid Process Graph • Federal Student Aid Guide • Federal Student Aid – Find the Info You Need • FAFSA Process Sheet • FAFSA Practice Worksheet • CSS Financial Aid Profile THE FOUR-YEAR PLAN AND CAREER CLUSTERS/PATHWAYS The Four-Year PIan takes into consideration your academic abilities, career goals, interests, and plans for additional education beyond high school. The purpose of the plan is to familiarize you with graduation requirements and to get you thinking about life after high school... What you want to do with your future, where you want to go, and what,you need to do in high school to make it happen. Each spring, you'll register for classes for the next year. Your teachers will advise you about a recommended course selection and level of difficulry based on your prior academic performance. As a result, your initial plan might change with future registrations. While teachers, counselors, advisors, and adminis- trators will make every effort to give you the best advice, ultimately, you are responsible for taking the correct courses for graduation. Make sure your parents know your plans and keep them updated on your progress toward meeting requirements for graduation. Talk to your counselor or advisor if you have any questions. The following list of required courses and course sequences is designed to help you as you develop your Four-Year Plan. Please keep in mind that these sequences may be modified to accommodate special circumstances. However, the majority of students will ad- here to the course sequences listed below Unless noted, you would take a fiill year (1 credit) ofthe designated course. Career Clusters/Pathways Georgia students choose a Career Cluster/Pathway. Under this model, you- with the help of parents, teachers and guidance counselors- will choose a Pathway in one of t7 Career Clusters, or in the areas of Advanced Academics, World Language, or Fine Arts. You can select your Pathway based on what you want to do after graduation and take a core set of classes and electives based on your chosen field. You have the freedom to switch Pathways or Clusters if you discover a particular area is not your passion. You can choose Pathways that lead to two-year, four-year, or technical colleges, or directly into careers. See page 20 for an oyerview, and pages 40-41 for details. The Four-Year Plan Worksheet (for a regular-schedule school or block-schedule school) is on the following pages, Specific course descriptions can be found an Pages 26-39. Gified and Honors sections are designated by local schools. ffir"nnu"neArts-4Units @ sr"iul Studies - 3 Units a 9th Grade Literature and Composition o . World History orAP World History 1Oth Grade Literature and Cornposition . U.S. Historyo orAP U.S. History a 11th Grade American Literature and Composition o . Economics o or AP Macroeconomics o or or AP English Language and Composition with AP Microeconomics o (% Unit) Arnerican Literature focus o . Political Systems or AP American Government 12th Grade British Literature and Composition (YzUnit) or AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition @ neamn and Physieal Education - 1 Unit Personal Fitness (r/z and IEN Unit) (3 lffilEl Mathematics - 4 Units Health (%Unit) or IROTC Units) Students will be placed in mathematics courses based Modern or Classical Language*, Fine Ats, on their achievement in the prerequisite course or local N N 5- Career andTechnical Education** Units school decision. (See page 24 for recommended sequenc- G_LaaU -3 es.) Mathematics is required every year. Four units, Any combination. including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra iI, or their *Note: At least 2 units of the same Modern or Classical equivalent, are required for graduation. An End of Language are requiredfor admission to University System Course assessment is required for Algebra I o and for of Georgia schools, Be aware of requirements for your Geometry o or the accelerated equivalent, possible colleges, nrl , lJHlscience-4Units Additional Required Electives - 4 Units . Biologyo Any combination. Chemistry (C . Physics or AP Physics I State-mandated End of Course assessment required. Permission required AP classes. Approved Science Elective for 2016-17 Chr:ice Bocl< four-year plan and career clusters/pathways I Zt N) N) TENTATIVE FOUR.YEAR PLAN OF STUDY FOR STUDENTS ENTERING REGULI\R.SCHEDULE HIGH SCHOOL IN 2016-17 o F Student Student Number 3 Teacher/Advisor Academic or Career/Technical Education Pathway g StudentSignature Date Plan Completed o) f + o a o- GRADUATI O N REOUIREMENTS o, T Modern or Glassical Language*, U' c} Health & Fine Ails, Gareer and Technical o= Subjeci Language Arts - [A Mathematics - MA Science - SC Social Studies SS Physical Education Education Electives Total o- - Credits 4 Credits; including 4 Credits; including 4 Credits; including 3 Credits; including 1 Credit; including 3 Credits {Any Combination) 4 Credits 23 Credits o 'l Bequired Credit Gr. Lit. f- of 9th Algebra l, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, 1 Credit World History, .5 Credit Personal Fitness, (o' & Comp., and and Algebra ll Physics, and science 1 Credit U.S. History and .5 Credit Health or t' (or eQulvalent) elective .5 Credit Political 3.0 Credits JB0T a ;q1 /O\ :to Systems, and \i) /i o if!'J,ffi ffi tffitil W .5 Credit Economics o - w esd d Gifted and Honors sectlons are designated by local schools. *2 credits of the same modern or classical language are required for university admissions in the state of Georgia. MY CHOICES !)th Grade llXh Grade llth Grade 12th Grade l For piomotion to 10th gladei5 Gredils-:: .For.promotion to 1lth qrade:11 Credits,: :.* 'i ^.:: r.^:..- --r.:.. LA MA LA LA LA SC MA cn o) bSC oou o) SC o 6 o) (DJ) 3SS o) SS E E E E q) (lJ o o, a U) cn U) o a o o LA Ni MA LA LA LA SC MA MA MA <tj I o) bSC o) SC o) SC { 6 @ o o o)5 o SS o) SS fi E E E E o) o o o - a a U) U) .-]' E E E E E c N N N Find year-by-year worksheets under "Postsecondary Planning Resources" on the Parents tab of the GCPS website (vvww.gwinnett.ktZ.ga.us). i:" English Learner (EL) students may need to attend EL Summer School. CREDIT EVALUATION Applies to students starting high school in 2008-09 and beyond Student Name Student # Date High School Diploma LANGUAGE ARTS 1st Semester 2nd Semester NOTES: • Foreign Language - Students planning to enter 9th -CP, Hon, Gifted, AP or transfer into a University System of Georgia 10th -CP, Hon, Gifted, AP 4.0 Units Units 4.0 Required Institution (four year college) or other post th 11 -CP, Hon, Gifted, AP secondary institution (two year college) MUST th 12 -CP, Hon, Gifted, AP take minimum two years of foreign language. • CTAE Pathways – students take a coherent SCIENCE 1st Semester 2nd Semester sequence (ex Business, Cosmetology, FCS) of Biology – CP, Hon, Gifted, AP courses through a selected pathway to prepare Chemistry – CP, Hon, Gifted, AP for career readiness after high school. .0 Units 4 Required th Physics – CP, Hon, Gifted, AP • EOCT - Students entering 9 grade in 2011 4th Science & beyond must pass BOTH EOCT courses and take the EOCT exam offered per core subject MATH 1st Semester 2nd Semester Math 1/Acc Math 1/Acc Math 2 Math 2/Acc Math 2/Acc Math 3 .0 Units 4 Required Math 3/Acc Math 3/Stat/Cal Testing ____ 9th LA EOC ____ Bio EOC ____ Gateway – Math 4/Acc Math 4/Stat/Cal ____ 11th LA EOC ____ Physical Sc EOC Science ____ Alg 1 CC EOC ____ US History EOC ____ Gateway – OCIAL TUDIES 1st Semester 2nd Semester ____ Geom CC EOC ____ Econ EOC Social Studies S S World History - CP, AP 3.0 Units Units 3.0 Required US History - CP, AP Econ, Political Systems Promotion Requirements Promotion to 10th grade: 5
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