RADIO TELEVISION THERadio ConstructorAUDIO ELECTRONICS VOLUME 15 NUMBER 2 A DATA PUBLICATION PRICE TWO SHILLINGS September1961 The JR1 Stereo Tape Recorder U n it - design details Pocket Audio Injection Probe Unusual 2 -Valve Superhet Microphone Pre- amplifiers, Attenuators and Mixers Transistor Shorted Turns Tester Magnetic Guitar Pick-up and Transistorised Tone Control Pre -amplifiers The "Finger -Tip Five" Receiver Understanding Radio, Pt. 2 Resistance Measurement HARVERSON SURPLUS CO. LTD 2 -BAND SUPERHET CHASSIS 4 -STATION PRESET CHASSIS WITH SPEAKER ONLY £5.17.6 ONLY £4.17.6 WITH SPEAKER Plus 6/6 post and packing PI us 6/6 post and packing A compact, 4 station preset mains transport- able receiver, for operationfrom AC/DC mains. Two simple con- trols, volume on/off and 4 posi- tion stationse- lector. The latter issettoLight programme (Long wave), Third programme, Home service and Light programme (Medium wave), but may of course be A quality 4 valve AC/DC superhet chassis made by a world adjusted to alternative selections if required. A frame aerial famous manufacturer. Long and Medium wave coverage. with throw -out extension is supplied, making this receiver Fitted with a cord and drum reduction tuning drive and ideal as a general purpose transportable set for the home. A attractive illuminated glass dial (size 6+" x 24").Controls: fully smoothed power supply is provided from AC/DC mains volume on/off, tuning and wave change. The receiver is self - input by a mains dropper and a valve rectifier. The good tonal powered, employing a mains dropper and a valve rectifier. qualities are assisted by the provision of a quality 5" speaker, Chassis dimensions 64" x 9" x 54" high.Supplied complete which is ready -mounted on the chassis (this is easily detachable with a good quality 5" loudspeaker, valves (UCH42, UAF42, if alternative positioning is required). Valve line-up: UCH42, UL41, UY41), AC/DC mains input lead,ivory knobs, etc. UAF42, UL41, UV41. This chassis (size 9" x 64" x 54" high) Don't hesitate, Order Now 1This unbeatable bargain is supplied complete with valves, knobs, mains lead, aerial, is bound to sell out quickly at on y ES.17.6, plus 6/6 etc.It is beautifully made by a famous maker, and is a first- post and packing. class buy at the rock bottom price of E4.17.6. RAM CHASSIS OUTPUT STAGE AND SPEAKER HARVERSON'S FOR FM TUNER UNIT Allparts including speaker, ECL82 valve and FM TUNER KIT simple instructions to make two -stage output unit, for converting f.m. tuner into f.m. receiver. ONLY 45/. plus 4/6 P. & P. E.M.I. 4 -SPEED RECORD A chassisof distinctionbya famous TURNTABLE AND PICK-UP maker. Covering Long, Med. and Short Heavy 84" metal turntable. waves, plus gram position, thischassis Lowflutter performance, (size 154" x 7" x 64" high) incorporates 200/250V shaded motor the latest circuitry, using fully delayed with tapat80Vfor a.v.c. and negative feedback.Controls: amplifier valve filament At last a quality FM Tuner Kit at a price tone, volume on/off, wave -change (L.M.S. ifrequired. Turnover you can afford.Just look at these fine and gram), tuning.Tapped input 200- LP/78 head. features,whichareusuallyassociated 250V a.c. only. An attractive brown and with equipment at twice the price! gold illuminated dial with matching knobs 89/6 COMPLETE * FM tuning head by famous maker. make this one of the most handsome, in P us 4/6 P. & P. * Guaranteed non -drift. * Permeability addition to being one of the best per- tuning. * Frequency coverage 88-100 forming, chassis yet offered.Complete Mc/s. * OAB1 balanced diode output. with valves (ECH81, EF89, EBC81, EL84, * Twoi.f.stages anddiscriminator. EZ81), knobs, output transformer, leads, SUPER STEREO KIT MARK II * Attractive maroon and gold glass dial etc. OUR PRICE ONLY A A kit of ready -built units only requiring inter- (7" x 3"). * Self powered, using a good plus 4/6 post & packing £9. 19.67.0 connection.Comprising two midget 3W ampli- qualitymainstransformerandvalve fiers,push-button switch, transformer, control rectifier. * Valves used ECC85, two THE WORLD FAMOUS E.M.I. ANGEL unit (bass,treble andvol.), power pack, two EF8Os andEZ80(rectifier).* Fully speakers,indicator light,valves (ECL82, EZ80 drilled chassis. * Everything supplied, TRANSCRIPTION P.U. (Model I7A) range), and comprehensive instructions. down to the last nut and bolt. * Size of completed tuner 8" x 6" x 54". * All P& p/6 parts sold separately. Plus86 f4. I 9.6 P.P.&Ins. FM TUNER HEAD Circuitdiagramandillustrations,1/6 A permeability tuned tuner post free. head by a famous maker, supplied without valve WESTERN ELECTRIC (ECC85). A Pick-up for the connoisseur originally TRANSISTOR SPEAKER plus 1/9 Size 24" x 14" deep.3 ohm impedance. priced at C17.10.0. The last remaining few 18/6 P.& P. offered at 11/9 P. & P. 1/6 £4.10.0 Plus P. & Valve 8/6 extra Please turn page for valve 83 High St. Merton SWI9 cH3r9757:0d1 Bargains .411,411P-OKINO,15.11,11,.. AT z PRICE WHILE THEY LAST! Introducing HARVERSON'S 39/6 GOLDRING MU -METAL CASED CARTRIDGES Monaural Amplifier Kit Sapphire styli. Brand new and boxed In response to numerous requests from delighted purchasersofour "SUPER OUR PRICE L2.15.0 Plus P.P. 1/6 inc. ins. STEREO KIT"we have produced a "MONAURAL AMPLIFIER" onsimilar lines. * A UCL82 valveprovidesa triode amplifying stage, and a pentode output BARGAIN MONTH FOR TRANSISTORS stage (: watts), enabling good amplifica- tion and sparkling reproduction to be POWER GET102 7/6 combined withphysical compactness 0C36 10/- XA103 8/6 0C44 9/- PXA101 (amplifier size 7" x 3+" x 64" high). 9/6 * Modern circuitry design, good quality 0C45 8/- PXA102 9/6 o.p.transformer (tomatch 3Q) keep 0071 5/- 0075 6/6 AMERICAN hum and distortion to a low level. 2N388 6/6 * The controls, volume on/off and tone, 0076 6/6 0078 6/6 2N1485 6/6 are complete with attractive cream and 25712 7/6 gold knobs. OC78D 6/6 GET15 * The amplifierhas a built-infully 9/- smoothed power supply, using a good GET15 (matched pair) 16/6 0A81 3/- qualitymainstransformer(a.c.mains Postage 6d. each only) and metal rectifier. * All you needissuppliedincluding easy to follow instructions which guar- antee good results for the beginner and expert.All components, leads,chassis, THE HARVERSON COMPLETE valve, knobs, etc., are first grade items by prominent manufacturers. FM/VHF RECEIVER KIT .19.6 OUR PRICE Plus 4/6 Post and Packing39/6 At last! A complete FM Receiver inkit form. 5" LOUDSPEAKER TO SUIT, 14/6 EXTRA Specially designed with the home constructor in mind, this kit CHILD'S NURSERY LAMP enables the construction of a com- A child's night light of unusual design. Contemporary styled lampholder of pletely self-contained VHF receiver robust construction finished in either red at a fraction of the normal cost of or yellow. Entirelysafe(bulb socket comparableequipment. Thisis shielded from "prying fingers",) complete withflexand a push-buttonswitch. basically a quality self -powered FM 200/250 voltsa.c.only.The low -con- tuner plus 2 audio amplifier stages sumption bulb elementis made in the and output transformer & speaker. shape of either flowers or angel fish, and when switched on, glows in fluorescent * FM tuning head by famous maker colours(the flowerspink with green leaves,or thefishgreen with purple * Guaranteed non -drift weed). Made by a famous manufacturer * Permeability tuning and originally priced at 29/6. Please state lampholder colour preference * Frequency coverage 88-100 Mr/s and whetherfishorflowerelementis required. * 0A81 balanced diode output OUR BARGAIN PRICE ONLY 10/9 plus 9d. post and packing * Two i.f. stages and discriminator * Self -powered, using a good quality mains transformer and SUPERHET CHASSIS - LESS VALVES & CABINET valve rectifier Modern AC/DC chassis with printed circuit and ferrite rod aerial. * Valves used: ECC85, two EF8Os Although not completely built, the main components are mounted. and EZ80 (rectifier) L. & M. wave coverage, 4 valves (UBF89, UCL83, UCH81, UY85). Everything supplied except valves andcabinet. With simple * Fully drilled chassis instructions. L3.6.6 fp'l.131/.6 * A good quality speaker * Welldesignedoutputtrans- TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER KIT former A complete kit of parts to build a compact 4 -transistor amplifier, * Attractivemaroonand gold with tone and volume controls.Two GT3 driver transistors, glass dial transformer coupled. Output 1 watt from matched pair GT15. * Two output stages (using ECL82 Complete with output transformer to matched 3 ohm speaker, valve) transistors and attractive dial plate. OUR PRICE 59/6 P. & P.4/6 * Everything supplied, down to the last nut and bolt CONDENSER/RESISTOR PARCEL * Compact size 50 mixed pF Condensers and 50 mixed Resistors. An assortment * All parts sold separately of usefulvalues. Allpopular sizes-all new-a must for the serviceman and constructor. 4/6 P. & P. 1/- ONLYI °h OUR PRICE 16.19.6P.& usP.. SEPTEMBER1961 81 HARVERSON SURPLUS CO. LTD * HARVERSONS UNEQUALLED VALVE SERVICE * 0A2 17/66F6G 7/-10F1 26/635Z4GT 6/-DH76 5/- EF40 15/-H N309 24/7 P L84 12/8UABC80 9/-XFY34 17/6 OB2 17/6 6F11 17/310F9 11/635Z5GT 9/-DH77 7/- EF41 9/-HVR2 20/- PL820 18/8UAF42 9/6X H(1.5)6/6 OZ4 5/-6F12 4/61OLD1115/11 43 10/-DK32 12/-EF42 10/6HVR2A 6/- PM84 17/7UB41 12/-X5G(1.5) 6/6 1A5 6/-6F13 11/610P13 15/-5005 10/-DK91 6/6 EF50(A) 7/-KF35 8/6 PX4 10/6UBC41 8/6Y63 7/6 1A7GT 12/-6F15 15/310P14 19/350CD6G DK92 9/- EF50(E)5/-KL35 8/6 PY31 16/7UBC81 11/4 Z63 7/6 1 C5 12/6 6F23 10/612A6 5/- 36/6DK96 8/6 EF54 5/-KLL32 24/7 PY32 12/6UBF80 9/-Z66 17/6 1D6 10/66F24 12/612AC6 15/350L6GT 9/6DL33
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