34 MISCELLANEOUS. THE EVENING STAR, YTASHTXGTOX T), C.. WEDXESDAT. IWKTL 27. 1927. A TTTO MOBILES, ETC. RECOMMENDED SERVICE. I (Continued.) SALE—AUTOMOBIIJCP _ | OUTLINE OF SCIENCE CLXXl—Laennec's Tragic Story. BY MAX HAHN PAPERHANGING. WHOLE HOUSE. ft«0; f room* and 2-atory hall. No. 2 trade, Includ ina polychrome, Spring price#. Ad. 2326 PACKARD 8 SEDAN. PIANO REPAIRING—Spe. prices: est. tree ti'rm. head tuner Percy Poster and Knab< Co. Geo. Walker. 707 Allison st. Col. 4700 1927 model. PIANO TUNING. $3. We specialize in sen- era! piano repairs and rebuilding. Get oui TO BRAND-NEW. estimate Price# reasonable. Skilled me- EQUAL chanics Work guaranteed. Sandereoa- nil»*s. Fully Schaeffer Co. 644 H at. n.e 10R7. Drivsn only f*w hundred Line. “iimDPfil sn.l a nsw-csr guarantee f'Tsn to PLASTERING—SpeciaI aitention (riven smal purchaser. repair jobs by competent white mechanics Partv called to foreign duty will m»k. reasonable prices. WELLS & CO. Adams 11 verj attractive reduction for quick sale Toimt or trad* can li* *rran fad. Can hr PLASTERING, flrst-class, neatly finished seen at all no job far kinds of cement work: to oi THE BROADWAY AUTO SAI.ES CO. Prank. * small. 9822. J2B*__ 1833 14th St. N.W. PORCHES made into cozy rooms also carpenter work and cement work done: terms. Porch Bide. Co 4004 13th n.w. t’oir 8704-W OO* PAIGE USED CAR*DEPTr PRINTING—SOO good business cards or bill- , heads. S3. I). C. Printers. (139 F st. n.w. 1926 Ford Roadster S2OO Agents wanted. 38* 1927 Star Coach 675 ROOFING, root painting, repairing, gutter- jng and snouting: compare mv prices. W. P. 1924 Studebaker special Watkins. Franklin 2370. 30* SLIP COVERS made to measure: also up- Touring 525 Un- TH(\ouG p*° IMC . | holsterinf verv low prices. Standard Qxt STETHMCerc SEIONOS TO Hhe 'LtMtNT HIMKI 11th st. n.w. 1925 Ford 225 nolsterv Co.. 403 Main J 902. UST 0F (OHS BY PNEUMONIA ANO TUBERCU- DISCOVERY OF THE IN Truck jffifi . ..« INVENT MOTHERED NECESSITY. STETHOSCOPE LIES (s IN THEwe LIFE «c dcnfFNE J LOSIS FROM OTHER SIMPLY 1925 WINDOW AM) DOOR SHADES Good IHIhERE PATHOS OF_P A YOUTH IN DISEASES BY THE FACT THAT HE DISCOVERED, BY OF Jewett Touring, new. 750 your win- i CAME T 0 dr. LAENNEC PARIS FOR MEANS ouality opaoue shades fitted to THEODORE LAENNEC, ONE OF THE CRFA™? THEIR SOUNDS. HIS FAME CREW AND HIS THE INSTRUMENT, THAT WAS Sedan 475 dows. 9.5 c. the liest mialitv of opaque sha-les. AND AN EXAMINATION. DR. LAENNEC'S PROBLEM TUBERCULOSIS Jewett 91.15: bune free. We will call with samples MEDICAL SCIENTISTS WHO EVER LIVED TQ THE SERVICES WERE IN GREAT DEMAND. IT IS IN ABOUT TO HIM. IN Touring 225 Kleeblatt. sts. WAS TESY CLINGS. THE DOCTOR KILL DEATH CAME 1826. Jewett 11th and H n.e. Line. 979 _ THE MAN WHO INTRODUCED THE STF™?* LAENNEC’S FAVOR THAT WHEN HE WAS WINIHTW SHADES at factory prices. fKirsh WAS ELATED TO DISCOVER THAT BY ROLLING SO JUST SEVEN YEARS AFTER HE HAD ANNOUNCED Chevrolet Touring 75 rods and Hartshorn rollers. 1 The Shade Fac- SCOPE. NO DOUBT YOU HAVE SEEN A AN up SUSY THAT HE COULDN'T SEE EVERY PATIENT TO THE WORLD toiT. 1199 14th st. PAPER HE COULD HEAR THE LUNG SOUNDS THE DIFFERENCES IN LUNG Liberal Terms. LISTENING TO THE SOUNDS IN A PATIENTS WHO KNOCKED AT HIS DOOR. HE OFTEN AD- TO WINDOW SHADES made to order: lino- mcH MORE pLA(NLY THAN wrm THE UN_ ANO HEART DISEASES BE DISCOVERED All Cars Guaranteed, leans laid in cement We fit your windows CHEST TO DETERMINE HIS TROUBLE. EAR MITTEDTHE POOR A,.D TURNED THE RICH AWAY. FROM THEIR SOUNDS. and floors Thompson Bros., furniture, AIDED [ , WASHINGTOX-YIR GIXIA stores, floor coverings. 1330 Good Hone rd.. Anacostir, D. C. Phone Line, 550. MOTORS. INC . W INDOW SHADES, screens It metal weather strips. Will call with samples. J. M. Butler 1522 14th St. X.W. ft Son. 3031 Nichols ave. s.e. Line. 10133. HIGH Potomac 773. “jus INESS OPPORTUNITIES. Open Evenings and Sundavv MAN. with mechanical ability, to conduct genera! store and garage in a growing sub- chryslerT urban neighborhood. Will lease at nominal rent with contract to buv: ability to succeed CHRYSLER. instead of capital is required. This man can establish this business, which together with USED CAR the increase in value of the property, will net a substantial profit as well as a good DEPARTMENT. income while conducting the business. Ad- dress Bov 147-9. Star office. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE, located 1925 Dodge Coach s<>oo , near 14th and Rhode Island ave. n.w.: 11 rooms. 3 hath®, unusually well furnished: Chrysler 1926 Phaeton.... 975 steam heat with oil burner Frigidaire ice plant, etc.: 10(1 r V filled with splendid peo- Essex 1927 Coach 600 ple: rent only 5105. Price. 93,750. on terms This is an attractive proposition and should Hudson 1927 7-pass Sedan. 1,950 sell ouieklv G. B. Likens. 1519 M st. n.w. Potomac 4339. Overland 1924 Coach 525 ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE—Fine ' Tlupmobile Coupe, 1926... °75 opportunity for right party: 10 rooms. 3 baths: a mi.: double garage; furniture and | < hevrolet 1925 Sedan 425 interior in excellent condition: a nice home and good business: rent. 5100: lease: must Maxwell ’25 Touring 425 sell quick. Evenings. Line. 6580. During day Line. 13S-W. 37* Ford ’26 Coupe .350 MEAT MARKET FOR SALE—Owner will Hupmobile sxenfit's modern grocery and meat market on Touring, ’23... 275 main thoroughfare in Takoma Park. Busi Chrysler Sedan 975 ness does over S6OO per week. Lease at low ' ' rental. Reason for selling, poor health. Ford 150 Tall Mr Miller Main 9111. after 5 o'clock Coupe call Columbia 7396. | mmu, m ofticw mme twin, stath Dodge Touring 225 BEAUTY SHOP FOR SALE in one of the = host locations in downtown section: good op- fflg ARMY. IN 1844. THE REGIMENT TO WHICH HE Chrysler Roadster 900 portunity for a good paying business. Annie *****BEEN ASSIGNED WAS ORDERED TO between 4 and 7 pm. Grillo’a Beauty Sup- [LjJhEN ULYSSES GRANT WAS SIXTEEN. HE j£9 fj| N ONE SUBJECT. GRANT SAID. IF THE CLASS Willvs-Kuight Coupe plr Co.. 1409 Eye st. n.w. RECEIVED AN APPOINTMENT GRANT LIKED THE RIDING. THE DRILL LOUISIANA. TWO YEARS LATER CAME THE shop, with space for tea TO THE UNITED IMJBOUNG HAD SEEN TURNED THE OTHER END FORE- Sedan 775 FOR SAl.E—Gift ™ OF MILITARY MEXICAN WAR. ANO GRANT HAD HIS FIRST room and living quarters; best downtown STATES MILITARYACADEMY, AND IN THE SPRING AND E STUDY STRATEGY. BUT MOST HE SHOULO HAVE SEEN SOMEWHERE Touring 275 section: reasonable rent; splendid opportu- VERY HIGH IN TASTE 0F FKiHT,NG. Jewett nity for employed man with unemployed OF 1839 ENTERED WEST POINT AS A CADET. NEVER STOOO HIS CLASSES NEAR THE HEAD. * 1926 525 wife. Address Box 156-S. Star office. Chevrolet Coupe a good S-year - ¦ ' ¦ 1 And Many I WILL SELL *3.300 second- \ »—— Others. trust note, payable monthly. interest for 30 tier cent discount: owner reeds ready SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ) DOGS, PETS, Open Until 9 P.M. ' rash: write and I will call. Address Box | SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ETC. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. I f sale—ai tomobTlks. * (Continued.) j (Continued.) (Continued.> 169-9. Star office. 1 ! WALL PAPER—Room lot. 81.£5 to $2.00. ___ PEERLESS SEDAN: also a touring car. EXTENSION TABLE, dTinng room, mahog- any room in the house: enough paper for ,i & THE and chiropodist business , PEDIGREED POLICE PUPPIES. 4901 lath i FORD COUPE and 19 others in all models, Don’t fail to read our big ad tn these col- H. B. LEARyTTr., BROS.. MANICURIST any: 3 oriental rugs. feet. 2131 12x12 room. Mahoney Wall Paper Co., 324 ! st. ii.w, Adams 4246-VV. 'l9* including Tudor. Fordor. Touring and Roid- umns. Many real bargains. The Trew of the Jate Miss May Gibbons, located at Florida ave. n.w,. Apt, 31. North 5676. * Penn, ay;. e e. ¦ THE 1612 You St. 836 Conn. ave. a going business with society j COLLIE PUPPIES, pedigreed; $lO. 2538 r ster: most of them with brand-new Fira- Motor Co.. 1509 14th st. n_. w, NAY.. 2nd Floor, FERN ACE. hot-air. complete, and good WARDROBE TRUNK, sti ne and General balloon tires; all of them clientele; very moderate price. Call between half size or steamer;! I Mass. ave. n.w.: house sets back from street. m perfect PONTIAC COACH, 1926. $515. This oar is SWEETNESS, 1 and 5, kitchen range: cheap if taken quick. 41 excellent condition: bargain for quick sale. I ! ‘l7* the most condition imaginable: guaranteed run only And 1321 14th St. NAY. ______ * and a few miles: will R n.e Potomac 5891. Mam 10384. Apt. 712. • . every one guaranteed in writing: you really give any many extras; and office business, clearing ' can t to buy a you have demonstration: has OF A North 6826. ADVERTISING FLRNITURE—Leaving town, living afiord Ford until pasy Motor 5350 monthly, will inventory around 53.000: room: OFFICE FURNITURE. SALE—AITOMOBII.ES. «?en terms as as monthly terms. Adams Co.. 2012 14th cost S3OO. for 5125: kitchen table chairs. these: low $lO st. offered for 53.500: all cash: can lie handled FROM U. S. GOVT. SIX ; on some. Dick Murphy. Inc.. 1835 14tli n.w. LONG ALLOWANCE hv one with experience. Ad- Grebe radio, odd pieces. 1324 Trinidad line of desks, file cabinets. look- BUICK MASTER TOURING.
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