![By Leigh Sage](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
tTt he Goodeniaceaefamily is known for its colourful and attractive flowers. Apart from lzchenaultia, Ien other genera make uP this diverse family. They include Goodenia, Dampiera, Velleia, Scaeuola and Anthotium,collectively totalling more than 400 individual species.A few speciesoccur throughout the Pacific and into Asiabut this is primarilyan Australiangroup of plantsthat forms a commoncomponent ofour nativeflora. Of the 26 speciesknown within the genusLechenaultia, 20 are endemicto south-westernAustYalia. Most of these occur on the sandplainheaths and shrublandsof the SouthWest Botanical Province.There are two tropical specaes base)or herbs.They are distinguished by DIVERSESPECIES (floral lobed (L. liliformis andL. ouata),two central havinga corolla tubewith Speciessuch as weath leschenaultia Australian species(1. aphglla and petals)that is split on one side to the (L. mac'rantha\are often drawcardsfor (modified end L. Iutescms')and one speciesfound in ovary an indusium style wildflower enthusiastsand tourists (L. pollen and an eastemcentral Australia diuaricata). or cup) with two lips visiting Western Australia for the up into An addition to this is an intriguing elongatedfruit that breaks spectacularfloral displaysthat occur in grass-like The has recentlydiscovered species single-seededarticles. Eenus our bushlandduring spring. As its perennial colourful from the GibsonDesert. All are very attractive, shor,ryand common name suggests, wreath subshrubs (low plants with a woodY flowerswith high horticulturalvalue. leschenaultiais a wreathlike, almost prostrateperennial shrub reminiscent I PreDiouspage I Fromtop: Blueleschenaultia, of the floralwreaths used in memorial I a commoncomponent of thejarrah services.The speciesproduces large forest,can Droduce magnificent floral yellow and pink or yellow and red displaysin spring. photogenicflowers-the largestfl owers Photo- Andre$Brcv,n There are two forms of red leschenaultia of anyleschenaultia. in the wild, a prostrate forrn in the Redleschenaultia (L. formosa)is a Wheatbeltand an erect shrub near the small subshrubthat occurs in two south coast. forms in the wild. The Avon Wheatbelt Photo- Bill Bachman Wreath leschenaultiahas the largest and form is prostrate and the south coast possiblythe most spectacularflowers of (from Albanyto eastof Esperance)form the genus. is erect.Red leschenaultia has primarily Photo- C Sauerdckey/lrchmanTYansparencies red flowers,but yellow, orange and creamshades also occur. I.46ole; Scarletleschenaultia is I currentlylisted as threatenedby the I DeDartmentof Conservationand Land Management, Photo- Andre$,Brown lAboue left: Blue leschenaultia. I A numberof leschenaultiaspecies have I beenfound to be insectpollinated (though more likely by native beesthan beetles). Photo- Ann Storri€ I Zed. Heathleschenaultia. An atypical I collectionof this specieswas I mistakenlvidentified and named as a new speciesof Ericaceae. Photo- Babs& Bert Wells 24 u*rsco"e 9Z x,torsottw 'aldlupxa '(s"pro.ururl 'sanads .roJ pqlneuaqosal aql Jo ^lquapr Jo sp?rpunq ^uPul aueu pue l)alloJ ?) '^uptoq A\olla[s.r?qlo ur sp.rrqpup sarf,ads auos lPnltrPaql ol papnllea^eq plno^\ r{Iq^\ ol lsiu aql Aur?q uerlerlsnv 'lrnrJ p ur slJasurAq lno paurPf,sr lr pa.ra^oJsrp lnoqlu erllnPuaqrs?l qleaLl Jo ur arld q?rq sploquir arg ?lqqdavJ" a^pqslsrueloq'srpad lualar ul uo4sanb ru.roJlplrd{le ue pallallol peq JauprpC sr ,s, aql Jo asn aq1 pue salnr \f,\s 'dlal€unuoJun'adorng Fuqsalalurue spmaeareruapoo0 aql pup eJr.{Vqlnos ou a^?q s?uPu uoruruoc uorlJarroJ pugouln,uarlJaj Tursrluraj ur pa^lo^ur ul uoru(uor arp ae?letrug auo ^luo pup le slduralle lo saFuPqr ra]?l (u? pa.pltqnd sloleurllod aqJ ui lsaralur s,urM.r?c Js/q dqJprrr^dJrlp peq dq (€ql p&6rcq ra@ ,{l1.to/.?dt oq ?uqtur 'YA\ ur lsrueloq l?ruoloc tsrrJ aql aq uaqil luauralnxa s,.laupreCaur3?rul aql lpql alEls sarf,adslueld Bu(upu '?l?ls 'puoruun.lo sauPf ol l3llal P ur uri!\.rPo os slql ul lnllo ol url oul Jo saln.l paldam? aqJ parolsar s?r1 sal.rprlSlsrle.lnleu snoueJ aql palsP sr apaf,elugjo sarf,adsraqlo oN ^lruq l?ur8uoaql uaqr tunluar tselJo alpp[u ,, slf,asurlaqlo lo saag^q palrsr^arp aPaletu! aql Jo sarf,adsMau P se6\ aql lrlun panurluol Eurllads srql pu€ 'uoqrarror (apaleruapoo)laqlo ro) pqlnpuaqtrsa'l lq3noql aq leq,r'' ol snsouloJ stsdoJltg p le lourale ue ur /€8I ur ,s, 'DllD4snV jo slar\oU aql .raqlaq'\\ MouI ol ?upu aql a^pB',funlua) qlarlua/q aql a\1 PapPz Jo zzolJ paqsrlqnd 'upqluag a{rl qJnurtua^ plnod\ I' urrfreac,, JoJIeq ls.rU aql Fuunp lsruEoq luaurtua tsrrJaql Jo .roqlnpaql aFroaC 'tZ6I 'Eurllads -?rd svl laup.rPCsaFeq3 ul qruard I€rrd& aql ol gurprom€ XSSUGAS]3 'erllnPuaqrsal '7\ pat puu \uol]lqry luasqe aq plno^\ ,s, aql leql Furnarlaq arousssdalll^aN - oloqd '(stuoJtu '7) 'snua3 'elle4snv Prllneuaqrsal q]e.a\ aql Burueu ur llnPuaqls?.1 u.ralsaMur s,{qdsrplprolJ '@suDdxa '^lalPun prlln?uaqJSal .tapuas 1) lladssrurud\org oJun saaei{o^ aurl Fuudsaql lrsr^ol uJ)l slsunolI roJprerMerp rofeu ? sr'punorEaJoj erllneuaqrsalpap^ orr paqr.rls?paq Jrdaa^rlJadsa.l raql uo ara^\qloq alrqil I '0IgI aql u! pJrnlJld'e!llneuaq)salqllarl I ur alnoDrpvl iurueu ul saDads prlpllsny qlnos ur ^eB.ralunorug lE lau llneuJLlJsalpu€ u^\o.lB V l\ ur{eB ry€qs pue ra^ru uei s aql'alsrl€rnlPN ?dpCSurlrsr^'708I ol 008IJo uorlrpadxa s,urpnegs?lor{rrN uo lsrueloq-lsrlPrnl€u B sP,rllneuaq)sa'I .rnoJap llnPuaqlsa'l alopoaql-apnelS-srnol alsrdeg-uear ralJe 0I8I ut DlllnouaqraT PaLUPtl 'uorlpadxa lslrl srapurlJ ^\aqllew uo lsruEoq-lsrFrnlPuaql'u/r\o.l8 uaqou AUOJSIH 's{€ldsrp leloU luarrJruapuraf,npold u€f, 's.ra^\ou sarJadsasaql aBue.lool laFels qlIM (oul3lrol Z) erllnpuaqf,sallal.r€trs puP :sra^\ou alq^\ pue anlq ro anlq Tut(eldstp'(Dnuonia{ 7) pr{neuaqrsal t ep i(,,saln)op6,, ?) sranou anlq aled ro alrqM qllil\ llaqleaq^ uo^Y u.ralsea aql uo4 sanads pasruaoJal {l}u?la.l P :sra^\oualrql\ ro anlq aled sI qll^\ (Dpunqlnll Z) €rtln€uaqJsal;ur.ra^\ou -aarJ iallual alrq^\ ? pu€ sla^\ou anlq seqqrrq^\'\DlloJlQarq 7) €rllwuaqrsal anlq spl?rlploD :apnlrur uuoJ relrurrs Jo sanads D4lnDuaLpa1 ta\go 'qnlqsqns lsruu?lad asnjjrp sql ur rnf,Jo osle slu€ue^ 'anlq alrq^ lnq ^lueurrd sr rnoloJ ra,1oU aql (sloor tuu?lJns qlrd\ ualjo) sdunlf, asuap ur punoj uaq^\ s{eldsrp 'lsar -qlnos Ie.roua^rlJprlle BurJnpo.ld aql lnoqFnorql pup tsaroJ qerret aqt ur ,{llsorusMor8 ll s?r?adsluarrjruE€ru srr.llJo s.laaou anlq aql qlll1 paladrpl srpunor3 aql'q adlpau a?upu EurFeC 'Aur.rds aql Jo supd ur Auunp sp aulpu alpudo.lddplsoru B',^)1s aql ]o.roou a\p, \oqollq'7) etllnPu?qrsalanlq pallPr a^Pq ol pr€s are aldoad leur8uoqv is thought to be bird pollinatedand blue leschenaultiais thought to be insectpollinated. The white centre of its blue flower helpsthe beeto find the nectarat the baseof the tubularpetals. The mechanism involved in deliveringpollen to the visiting insect or bird pollinator is via the pollen indusium(or cup)in the Goodeniaceae. This structureis locatedat the top of thestyle and forms a cupwith twolips sunoundingthe surfaceof the stigma. Beforethe flower opens,pollen is receivedinto the indusiumfrom the maturinganthers as the style grows and pushesforward. The pollen storedin the indusiumis held until a pollinator visits the flower.The pollen load is depositedon thepollinator as it brushes againstthe openingof the indusiumon entering the flower. The maturing stigma then continuesto grow out throughthe indusiumready to recerve pollen from another plant when brought by another pollinator. In Lechenaultia,however, the process seemsto be slightlydifferent, with the pollenusually being depositedon the outsideof the indusium.But the specificmechanism of the processin theLechenaultia is still poorlyknou,n. ORIGINS Evolutionary studies 1nLechenaultia haveshown that the central Australian speciesand the tropical speciesmost likely have their origin in the south- west of WA. This is also believedto be true ofthe relatedgenlus Dampiera, and initial studies indicate the same for Goodenia. The South West Botanical 'hot Province is a world spot' of plant diversity, and this is reflected in the high numbers of Lechenaultia and lhe Goodeniaceaein generalthat are found lTop left: Kalbarrileschenaultia, I restrictedto rockyledges and gulliesin I the Kalbarriarea, is listedas threatened by the Departmentof Conservationand Land Management. Photo- AndrewBrown lAboue left: Barrensleschenaultia is I entirelyrestricted to the Fitzgerald I RiverNational PaYk. Photo Babs& BertWells I fefi. A hybrid leschenaultiafrom I breedingwork by the BotanicGardens I and ParksAuthority. Photo- NevillePassmore 26 urot*ru --- LZ sdoJsqNVr ' '7) qsnq lu? nJ pa*lar aq] ul punoJela^ ?4lnpuaq.sal ]awrs (DqtuDroltp leql spunoduoJaql apnltul dlIIueJaql ?qln?uaqrs?lllleqP}I'^lluallnC olq qf,nasarJo sluauaq aql Josaldu?xg SNIVJSNOIJVAUASNOC 'sear?dueru ul poolsrapunpu€ ul ou{ 'jreadar{l puaaqt 1eBunau€tu duood uFuer lltls Frau33 ut ^ltul?j Jo papadxa alP aPaf,eruaPooceql puz o! nDuaqJa1 roJ alqer^ upuar ol ro mod 'eauauvpue adojng snua8tulsaralul pw a^4J?41PaqJ sanauPa u ur pu? trE4sny lnoqAnorql paFal ocoJ vuoa suow tulaq sr s?uq^q mau aql ol asuodsar 'uon€lndod 'uonlalo? algPne s? PIaU I?rJraururoC tul^ll s,VPdaql aql ut slrr€ld paP qln? aql Bulqsllqqsa v oHnDLEtp4 lo salladsaql uo Pas?q pu? /gasmu ? q sapads aql AUF?^llFl la{Jprrr auuoJ al{tloJ spllq^qmau ro 'pll/v\ FI 'paastuq3allof, sa^Io^u sIqI eql uI requmu? tuldola^apuaaq spq &uoqtnv 'alq?llar slueld Jo Jaqunu aql ?seaJtulol ldualle s{r?d pue suaFPc aruslo8aqJ 'qu?ld 'uorEarolq JodnolB ue ul llaqi?aq \ uo^V aql uI puP nlndod lsou aql aq 01 pa^ord
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