■■ AVEBAGB DAILT CIBCUIATION TBK fPBATHKB for V6ii moatb et July, 1984 Foreeoat et D. 8. W e a th e r B u w i , Hartford Fair tonight, Friday, partly 5,348 cloudy and poooibly ohowers, not Member of the Audit Bureau o f Clroulatlone. much bhaago lu temperature. VOL. LHI., NO. 276. (CloaoUled Advorttaing oo Pago S.) (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE GENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1934. Senator’s Daughter Is IVIarried 2,000 DELEGATES II POSSIBLE CLUE U. S. D IC TA TO R SH IP CAMPAIGN STARTED tha ATTEND P A E E Y ON HOLDUP MEN IS ON W AY, ASSERTS TO SCAN NEW DEAL OF TIffi LEqON IN READING, PA. WHOLE R.ADI(f STA’HON A1 Smith, John W. Davis and ON A HUNGER STRIKE COLONEL ROOSEVELT Stamford in a Blaze of Glory Gasoline Station Attendant Mexlco, D. F., Aug. 23.— (A P) Other Prombent Men Be- —More than a score of "empires of radio aUtlon jCEAL started as Ex-War Veterans Open Sees Money Bag Which SURPRISE WEDDING Declares NRA and AAA Are the third day oi their hunger hind American Liberty strike today but kept up their Convention — Contests for May Have Contained Part radio programs— crooning and Preparing the Way — all. OF T. J. SPELLACY League. In the hunger striking group Offices. of $427,000 Loot. Claims They Hinder Re- are artists and announcers. Weakly they stagger to the mic- Washington, Aug. 23 — (A P ) — rophone to sing or make speeches Stamford, Aug. 23.— (A P )—The Brooklyn. N. Y., Aug. 23.— (AP) |Democratic Leader Weds covery, Breed Monopoly, The American Liberty League be- against the Bricson ^Telephone The hunt for the mobsters who gan laying foundations today for a Company — owners of the sta- 16th annual convention of the tion. campaign across the continent to American Legion in Connecticut executed the thu.s-far flawless $427.- j Miss Elizabeth Gill; Only a ^ Hurt Small Business, Hit Then they rest to gain strength recruit 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 prop- opened here today with 2,000 dele- 000 looting of an armored truck : for their next performance. The erty owners to judge the Nqw Deal. gates in attendance attlld a gor- spread in widening circles today. the Fanners. hunger strikers are remaining In Few Friends Present. Avowedly non-partisan and .“ not the studio and day and night geous display of patriotic colors. Although they still clung to the ■ theory that the holdup of the truck : anti-Roosevelt” , it set out to com- programs are being given. Mayor Joseph Boyle of Stamford mand all possible influence in the :ii Brooklyn Tuesday had been per- The group demands two gave the address of welcome and Hartford, Aug. 23 — (A P ) — Providence, R. I., Aug. 23.— (A P ) warming debate over whether the months' back pay which the com- petrated by a local gang, police re- I the response was by William S. Thomas J. Spellacy, well known at- —Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, presl-.- administration Is "robbing Peter to pany has refused them on the quested authorities in distant cities ; Alexander, Past Department Com- dent of the National Republican pay Paul." ground a labor contract was mander o f Meriden. to check up on tbe recent move- 1 torney and Democratic leader and | A t the head stand leaders In both broken by the employes. nienta of known gangsters. i Miss Elisabeth B. Gill were married | (?lub, said today that the N R A Slid Other speakers scheduled for the major parties popularly Identified session today were First Selectman They want to know what they here this morning. The bride is a ' AAA were preparing the way of a V ere doing at the Ume of the holdup as "Conservatives: Alfred E. Smith John Hanrahan of Stamford, Con- daughter of Michael H. Gill and a ! dictatorship in the United Stfctee. one of the most brazen and profit- and John W. Davis, Democrats, who gressman Francis T. Maloney of "Both N R A and A A A contravena lost the Presidency to Hoover and able in American'crime annals. graduate of the class of 1931 at i Meriden and Chairman of Public specifically certain of our funda- Coolidge; James W. Wadsworth and “Prints” Do Not Tally Smith College. Only members of JEWISH LEADERS Safety C. E. Thompson of Stam- mental concept# of government,” he Nathan L. Miller, Republican strong Fingerprints tound at the scene of the family of the bride and a few ford. said, addressing a Republican state men in New York. close friends of Mr. Spellacy attend- Already contests have developed the roboery do not tally with any of rally at Cresent Beach. ed the wedding, which took place at Already there ore. rumblings of in the L«glon and Auxiliary ranks Uiose on local police records, au- By "arrogating" to Itself powers ARE NOW UNITED an early hour In St. Joseph's Cathe- “liberal" arraignment of the move with Patrick McMahon of Norwich thorities have found. surrounding business codes, Roost* dral. nuptial high mass being said that Jouett Shouse announced last and Morgan Havens of New London One of the most Important social events of the summer season In Wash- A mystery boat perplexed investi- veil asserted, the Admlnistratioo by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Thomas night as one to combat ''radicalism” . seeking the post of senior vice- ington, D. C.. was tlie marriage of Laura Barkley, dnughter of Senator gators again today. This Ume, U had assumed, "executive legislating, S. Duggan, rector of the cathedral. I t was he who described the League Agree on Time and Place for commander. Both contestants are and Mrs. Alben W. Barkley'of Kentucky, to Dougla.s MncArthur 2d, son v.as a lobster dory, found scuttled Hiwond Marriage administering and judging, whimi as "not anti-Roosevelt," but rather from the Fifth District. of Mrs. Arthur MacArthur, and nephew of the Army chief of staff. The in Jamaica Bay, in a cove which m After a short wedding trip Mr., in Its essence is dictatorship and Intended to serve as a forum and a Unless the unforeseen occurs, A r- couple are shown after-the wedding at the bride’s home. prohibition oays waa a favorite and Mrs. Spellacy will return to nothing else.” ' force before Congress for those who thur Baldwlf of Milford vrill be the rendezvous for rum-runners. Hartford, where they will make Breed .Monopoly want to guard their personal and Next World Congress — next department commander at the The boat was examined at low their home. The marriage is Mr. He voiced opposition to N R A and property rights. elections Saturday to succeed Sid- tide last night, ahput 50 feet, off Spcllacy's second, his first wife hav- A A A on grounds they had hindered Ix^ague's Purpose Wise As an Exeentive. ney H. Finer, of Clinton, present shore. Holes had been battered In ing died several years ago. recovery, bred monopoly, damaged The league's purposes are two- department head, it was conceded Its bottom: obvlpusly. it had been Mr. Spellacy and Miss Gill went small business, made the farmer fold under the heading: "To defend today. CUBAN ARMY OFFICERS purposely sunk. last night to the home of a clerk in "dependent on the government for and protect the. Constitution of the In the Auxiliary a cont;est bas de- Determined to team if the dory the Bureau of Vital Statistics and alms," because they were contrn* United States.” Data will be dis- Geneva, Aug, 23,— (A P )— Lead- veloped for the office of department was one of the boats used by some obtained a marriage license. They dictory in operation, M d: oeminated to teach: ers of Jewry moved forward today president with Mrs, Pauline Finer, of the bandjts in making their get- had with them a waiver of the five- "Above ail, I am opposed and al- 1— "The necessity of respect foriin plans for the organization of a SENTENCED TO DEATH ways will be opposed to both 'bt- o f Clinton, opposing Mrs. Mazie awray by water, Biooklyn police day law, signed by Judge of Pro- the rights of persons and property World Jewish Congress committee Potter of Norwich. bate Walter L. Clark. The license cau.se they damage our Am erican as fundamental to every successful o.'dered the boat raised and towed to Caucuses Tomorrow accordingly was issued. In order system of government, infringe tbt form of government": and to arrange an International Con- dock for a better examination. to avoid publicity, they made ar- liberties of our people, and prepaig 2— “The duty of government togress of Jews In August, 1935, here Selections for the seven district Boats Inveatlgated High Ranking Officials Are SPLIT IS REPORTED rangements to be married in the the way for an autocracy or dicta* encourage and protect individual In Geneva. presidents in the auxiliary will be Som§ of tbe mobsters embarked sanctuary of the cathedral at six torshlp.” That time and place was decided fought out in caucuses tomorrow cu two speedy motor ships at the and group Initiative and enterprise, o'clock this morning. Little ■'Ian Pays to foster the right lo work, earn, upon last night by a commission for afternoon, jlt was indicated. Foami e d it; of Taking: |N foot of Bay 36th street shortly after .An aihendment calling for the NRA COMMAND the holdup, and since police have Mr. and Mrs. Spellacy left im- B y raising the purchase price ot save, and acquire prosperity, and to organization after determined op- mediately on a Bhor' wedding trip.
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