Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Republic of Serbia REPUBLIC OF SERBIA IPARD PROGRAMME FOR 2014-2020 Belgrade revised version by 1 December 2014 1 List of Abbreviations AI - Artificial Insemination APSFR - Areas with Potential Significant Flood Risk APV - The Autonomous Province of Vojvodina ASRoS - Agricultural Strategy of the Republic of Serbia AWU - Annual work unit CAO - Competent Accrediting Officer CAP - Common Agricultural Policy CARDS - Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation CAS - Country Assistance Strategy CBC - Cross border cooperation CEFTA - Central European Free Trade Agreement CGAP - Code of Good Agricultural Practices CHP - Combined Heat and Power CSF - Classical swine fever CSP - Country Strategy Paper DAP - Directorate for Agrarian Payment DNRL - Directorate for National Reference Laboratories DREPR - Danube River Enterprise Pollution Reduction DTD - Dunav-Tisa-Dunav Channel EAR - European Agency for Reconstruction EC - European Commission EEC - European Economic Community EU - European Union EUROP grid - Method of carcass classification F&V - Fruits and Vegetables FADN - Farm Accountancy Data Network FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization FAVS - Area of forest available for wood supply FOWL - Average size of private holding FVO - Food Veterinary Office FWA - Framework Agreement FWC - Framework Contract GAEC - Good agriculture and environmental condition GAP - Gross Agricultural Production GDP - Gross Domestic Product GEF - Global Environment Facility GEF - Global Environment Facility GES - Greenhouse gas emission GHG - Green House Gas GHP - Global Health Programmes GI - General Inspectorate GIS - Geographical identification system GMO - Genetic modified organism 2 GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice GO - Governmental Organization GOS - Government of Serbia GVA - Gross Value Added GVA/FTE - Gross Value Added per full-time equivalent HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point HMI - Hydro Meteorological Institute HNV - High Nature Value HNVF - High Nature Value Farming HPP - Hydro-electric Power Plant IACS - Integrated Administration and Control System IAH - Institute for Animal Husbandry IBA - Important Bird Area IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River ILO - International Labour Organization IPA - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA MC - IPA Monitoring Committee IPARD - Instrument for Pre-Accession Rural Development IPM - Integrated Pest Management IPN - Institute for Science Application in Agriculture IRENA - the International Renewable Energy Agency ISAA - Institute for Science Application in Agriculture ISO - International Organization for Standardization IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature JP - Joint Programme KiM - Kosovo and Metohija KTOE - Kilo Tons of Oil Equivalent LAG - Local Action Group LDS - Local Development Strategy LEADER - French acronym, standing for - Liaison Entre Actions de Development de l'Économie Rural – meaning - Links between the rural economy and development actions LFA - Less - Favoured Area LFS - Labour Force Survey LIS - LEADER Initiative Serbia LSMS - Living Standard Measurement Survey LSS - Life Standard Survey M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MA - Managing Authority MAEP - Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection MAFWM - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management MDG - Millennium Development Goal MoH - Ministry of Health 3 NAO - National Authorizing Officer NARDS - National Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy ND - Nitrate Directive NGO - Non-governmental organization(s) NIPAC - National IPA Coordinator NPRD - National Programme for Rural Development NRDS - Network for Rural Development of Serbia NRN - National Rural Network NSEDRoS - National Strategy for Economic Development of Serbia ODA - Official Development Assistance OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OF - Organic farming OG - Official Gazette PA - Paying Agency PAU - Policy Advisory Unit PBA - Prime Butterfly Areas PDO - Protected Designation of Origin PGI - Protected Geographical Indication PLA - Participatory Learning and Action PMG - Project Management Group PPD - Plant Protection Directorate PRA - Participatory rural appraisal PRAG - Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EU External Actions PRSP - Serbia‘s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RD - Rural Development RDCC - Rural Development Consultative Committee RDNS - Rural Development Network of Serbia RS - Republic of Serbia SA - Sectoral Agreement SAA - Stability and Association Agreements SAPS - Simplified Area Payment Scheme SCC - Somatic Cell Count SEIO - Serbian European Integration Offices SIDA - Swedish International Development Agency SMC - Sectorial Monitoring Committees SME - Small and Medium Enterprises SORS - Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia SORSNUTS - The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics SPS - Single Application Scheme SRDPPS - Support to Rural Development Programming and Payments System SSF - Semi Subsistence Farming SSI - Soil Science Institute STAR - Serbian Transitional Agriculture Reform SWG - Sector Working Group(s) 4 SWOT - Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis TA - Technical Assistance TBC - Total Bacteria Count TIC - Training and Information Centre Toe - Tonne of oil equivalent UAA - Utilized Agricultural Area UHT - Ultra – high Temperature ULO - Ultra Low Oxygen UN - United Nations UNDP - United Nations Development Programme USAID - United States Agency for International Development UWWT- Urban Waste Water Treatment VAT - Value Added Tax VIMS - Veterinary Information Management System VZ - Viticulture zoning WFD - Water Framework Directive of the European Union WTO - World Trade Organization WWTP - Waste Water Treatment Plant 5 0. Table of content 0. Table of content ........................................................................................... 6 1. IPARD II PROGRAMME FOR 2014-2020 .............................................. 15 2. BENEFICIARY COUNTRY ..................................................................... 15 2.1. Geographical area covered by the programme ........................................ 15 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT SITUATION, SWOT AND IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS ............................................................... 15 3.1. THE GENERAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL AREA ........................................................................ 15 3.1.1. Administrative system ............................................................................... 15 3.1.2. Demographic characteristics and trends .................................................. 16 3.1.3. Economic indicators and employment ...................................................... 17 3.1.4. Farm structure ........................................................................................... 17 3.2. Performance of the agricultural, forestry and food sectors ..................... 19 3.2.1. General characteristics .............................................................................. 19 3.2.2. Milk and dairy sector ................................................................................. 22 3.2.3. Meat sector ................................................................................................. 26 3.2.4. Fruit & Vegetable sector ........................................................................... 33 3.2.5. Other crops (cereals, oil crops, sugar beet) ............................................... 39 3.3. Environment and land management ......................................................... 42 3.3.1. Biodiversity ................................................................................................ 42 3.3.2. Water quality ............................................................................................. 43 3.3.3. Climate changes and GHG emissions and their relation to agriculture .. 45 3.3.4. Soil .............................................................................................................. 46 3.3.5. Usage of mineral fertilizers and pesticides ................................................ 49 3.3.6. Concept of high nature value farming in Serbia ...................................... 49 3.3.7. Organic production.................................................................................... 51 3.3.8. Bio energy sources and biomass ................................................................ 53 3.3.9. Forests ........................................................................................................ 54 3.4. RURAL ECONOMY AND QUALITY OF LIFE ..................................... 54 3.4.2. Rural infrastructure .................................................................................. 55 3.4.3. Transfer of knowledge and information ................................................... 56 3.4.4. Small and medium sized enterprises ......................................................... 56 3.4.5. Rural tourism ............................................................................................. 57 6 3.5. Preparation and implementation of local development strategies – LEADER .................................................................................................... 58 3.6. Table of context indicators ........................................................................ 59 4. SWOT – SUMMARY OF THE ANALYSES ABOVE/ final ..................
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