Report accompanying the forest proposals for diversion o.L76 Ha of forest land required for construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa " Balancing Tank, Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), NTZAMABAD DrslRrcr. r. ORIGINAL PROPOSALS: 1.1 rntroduction: construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa Ba!ancing Tank, Guthpa(v), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District. in Tetangana state, L,2 Scope of The Scheme: The ' Proposed Construction of Lift irrigation Schem.e on Guflhpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), frlakloor(M), Nizamabad District is to irrigate an ayac,yt.of ?ggAcares of tanks ayacut in Makloor(M), Arrnoor(M) and Jakranpally Mandal of Nizamabad District The administrative approval for the project was sanctioned for Rs.23.g0 **-- Crores vide G.o.Rt No.705, I&CAD (project-IV) Dept., dated 21.09.2015. 1.3 Project Cost Estimate : Rs.23.g0 Crores. t.4 Status of Works: o Total Project were divided in to three pressure mains, works are in progress, Field ' investigation, designs & drawings are completed r_!A o/o*of Laying and construction of MS pipes, construction of Pump house is in progress. 1'.5 Environmentai & Forest Aspects : proposal submitted 1.6 Totat Land required for the project (Forest ): S.No Name District Forest Fores Non Date of Date of Mand Ayac of Work Divisio t Forest agreem Complerti al ut n Area Area ent on Cover Area invol involv ed in in Ha ved ed ayacu (in (in t ha) ha) 1 Guthpa Nizamab Armoor o.176' 21-09- 18-03- Makloo 1069. balancin ad 20uf 2020 r, t7 g tank Armoo r& Jakran pallv 7 1,7 Proposal for diversion of forest land for Construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District pertaining under F@Actr1980: Many alternative alignments for water conveyor system are nroi"ked out in order to minimize involvement the of forest land. The present proposal is finalized with a minimum total diversion of forest land of about 0.176ha. per As the provision of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 anq the Rules, Guidelines, Circulars issued therein, the user agency who want:; to use any forest land for non-forest purpose, the proposals shall be submitted for the entire project in totality to the concerned Nodal officer authorized Ly the State Government i.e., Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Hyderabad, Telangana. However, as per the provisions contained in Para 2.2 (iii) in guidelines issued under the Forest (conservation) Act,1980 (amended in F.No.Lo-L2512073-FC(pt-IIl), Dt.25.02.2014 in case of Irrigation Projects, " the proposals seeking prior approl,al of the Central Governnrent under the Act for the irrigation projects shall be pnccessed in entirely. Holever, keeping in view of the long gestation period of such projects, User Agency, for valid and cogent reason, may split such projects in differrent phases. State government tahiie submitting the proposals to obtain in-principle(stage-I) of the Central Government under the Act for diversion of the entire forest land required for the project, may intimate the extent of forest land required anC time-scheduie for execution of its each phase, anci may request the Central Government to consider grant of final (Stage-II) approval under the Act for diversion of f'orest land required for the project in a phased manner,as may be specified by them. In Such cases at the time of submission of the proposals, schemr-. for compensatory afforestation for the forest land required for execution of initial plrases, consisting of inter -alia the dam, reservoir and main canals frorn the reservoir, as indicated by the state Government in the proposal, may be insisted upon. The FAC after examination of proposals, such ma1' stipulate time-schedule for transfer and nnutation in favor of SFD, of the non-forest land and funds for creation of compensat,ory afforestation in lieu of the forest land required for execution of remaining phasers, so as to ensure that expenditure incurred on the initial phases of the project doesn,t become infructuous. Stage-II approval under the act for diversion of fore:;t land required for execution phases of such will be accorded with the approval of FAC],,. After working out various alternative Alignnrents, the diversion of forest land to the minimum requirement is worked out as per the hydraulic parbmeters and extent of forest land required is as follows: Mamidipallv to RF The total requirement of diversion of forest land is about of 0.176ha spreading over Armoor Divisional forest unit. The diversion of forest land propcsals as per the F(C) Act, 1980 shall be prepared duly marking the alignments pressure main are on the relevant forest maps in separate booklets. The DGPS Survey for the forest areas proposed for diversion has been carried out and the data was submitted to the Forest Department. The sarne were aruthenticated by the Forest Department. The extent of the forest area involved is estimated as per the DGPS Survey data by ascertaining the entry & exit points of alignment with RF,, as furnished in the above table. The alignment of the water conveyorsystem is marked on the toposheet of 1:50,000 scale. The alignment is also marked in the field with boundary stones. The actual involvement of forest land and its extent !s ascertained after joint field inspection rrlith forest authorities. b. This Project proposa! doesn't involve any ptaces of historical, retigious, archaeological, recreational importance. c. Booklets: The total requirement of diversion of fcrest tand is of about o.L76 Hectare spread over Ai-moor divisional forest unit. The diversion of forest land proposals as per the Forest Conseryation Act F@Act,19gO, The d. diversion of forest land shall not be used for any other purpose other than specified in the proposal i.e., for the purpose of constructio,n of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District. e' The required check slips as per Forest (Conservationr) Act, lggo are furnished as follows: i. Annexure - I along with part-I,II,III,IV and V in FOAct,19g0 format. ii' Undertaking for depositing funds towards raising. Br maintenance of Compensatory afforestation (including raising and maintenilnce of plantations, aided natural regeneration, SMC works etc.) Undertaking iii' for depositing funds towards payment of Net Flresent Value (NpV) and Additional NpV, Undertaking iv' for depositing funds towards payment of extraction of tree growth. v. Certificate of Area Minimum. vi. Detailed statement requirement of forest land. vil. Map in SI sheet Fhowing the forest land. viii. DGPS suruey data and maps for forest land proposed for diversion as well as CA A land. ix. Certificate for ngn-violation of Forest (Conseruation) Act, 1980. ilhA Dy. Executiv ngi eer Executive Engineer Project Sub-Divisi n, Projects Division, Bodhan. Nizamabad. W 10 Undertakinq to Pay cost of raising and maintenance of Compensatory l\fforestation We hereby undertake to pay the cost of raising and maintenance of compensatory afforestation (including raising and maintenance of plantations, aided natural regeneration, SMC works etc.,) over degraded with land as and when demanded by the forest authoritles and also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charges at a later date as per the demand raised by the forest authorities in respect of "proposed diversion of 0.176 Ha of proposals fordiversion of forest land in Armoor forest division for Construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District. v$rz-f'r Dy. Executive Engineer Ex gineer Project Sub- Di.rision, Projects Division, Bodhan. VaN-z Nizamabad. z &-YNizamabad -4' VJe hereby undeftake to pay the cost of exploitation of tree growth of tlhe forest land proposed for diversion undei the project as and when demanded by the forest authorities and also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charSes at a later d{te as per the demand raised by the forest authorities in respect of in respect of 0.1ro of Proposals for diversion of foi'est land in Armoor forest division for Construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District. tt>/)I Dy. Executive Engineer Executlve Engineer Project Sub-Division, Pfojects Division, Bodhan. ^ . V Nizamabad' qnaertat eg to Pay Net present Value Y We ht:reby undertake to pay [.let Present Value (NPV) as per guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 in accordance with the offiof the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/ State Govt and MoEF in nespect of 0.176 Ha of Proposals for dtversion of forest land in Armoor forest division 67"6onrt1'uction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), lrlizamabad District. We also here by qndeftake to pay differential NPV amount, if any, o.re to escalation or revision of NPV, as and when demanded by the Forest Department. \^(\\\NZZ ,) Dy. Executive Engineer Executive Engineer Superin Project Sub-Division, PrbJects Divlsion, Bodhan. Irrigation Clrcle. Nizamabad. vft[a ad Undertaking to pay Addl. Cost of Net present value (NpV) We hereby undertake to pay Addl. Cost of Net Present Value (NpV) as per guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 in accordancr: with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India/ State Govt. and MoEF in respect of 0.176 Ha of Pioposals for diversion of forest land in Armoor forest division fcrr construction of Lift Irrigation Scheme on Guthpa balancing tank Guthpa(V), Makloor(M), Nizamabad District. we also here by undertake pay to differential additional NpV ermount, if any, du_o to escalation or revision of Npv, as and when demanded by the Forest Depaltment.
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