NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SIOUX CITY, IOWA City Council agendas are also available on the Internet at www.sioux-city.org. You are hereby notified a meeting of the City Council of the City of Sioux City, Iowa, will be held Monday, December 7, 2020, 4:00 p.m., local time, in the Council Chambers, 5th Floor, City Hall, 405 6th Street, Sioux City, Iowa, for the purpose of taking official action on the agenda items shown hereinafter and for such other business that may properly come before the Council. This is a formal meeting during which the Council may take official action on various items of business. If you wish to speak on an item, please follow the seven participation guidelines adopted by the Council for speakers: 1. Anyone may address the Council on any agenda item. 2. Speakers should approach the microphone one at a time and be recognized by the Mayor. 3. Speakers should give their name, spell their name, give their address, and then their statement. 4. Everyone should have an opportunity to speak. Therefore, please limit your remarks to three minutes on any one item. 5. At the beginning of the discussion on any item, the Mayor may request statements in favor of an action be heard first followed by statements in opposition to the action. 6. Any concerns or questions you may have which do not relate directly to a scheduled item on the agenda will also be heard under ‘Citizen Concerns’. 7. For the benefit of all in attendance, please turn off all cell phones and other communication devices while in the City Council Chambers. 1. Call of the Roll - Silent Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Proclamations 2. Interviews for City Council appointed Boards, Commissions, and Committees: A. Art Center Board of Trustees: Shelby Prindaville B. Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Peggy La C. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Cindy Brewer CONSENT AGENDA Items 3 through 12E constitute a Consent Agenda. Items pass unanimously unless a separate roll call vote is requested by a Council Member. 3. Reading of the City Council minutes of November 23, 2020. 4. WESTERN SPECIALTY - Resolution accepting the work and authorizing final payment to Western Waterproofing Company, Inc., doing business as Western Specialty Contractors for the 2020 Heritage Parking Ramp Repair Project. (Project No. 7102-728-012) 5. DOUGLAS ST - Resolution inviting proposals for the sale of land in the Combined Central Sioux City -CBD Urban Renewal Area, announcing the intent to accept the proposal of Harkay Development LLC, fixing the date for receipt of proposals, and for public hearing and providing for notice thereof. (the vacated north/south and east/west alleys abutting 705 Douglas Street) 6. CIVIL SERVICE - Motion appointing Phyllis Perez to the Civil Service Commission to com- plete the balance of a four-year term expiring April 5, 2021, replacing Brad Mellang; and re- appointing Phyllis Perez for a four-year term expiring April 7, 2025. 7. STEW HANSEN - Resolution awarding a purchase order to Stew Hansen Dodge City Jeep of Des Moines, Iowa in the amount of $53,310 for the purchase of two (2) 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo vehicles. (RFB No. 264454) 8. ACTIONS RELATING TO ANNUAL REPORTS A. EFPPC - Motion accepting and approving the Effective Fiscal and Public Policy Com- mittee FY 2020 Annual Report. B. MUSEUM - Motion accepting and approving the Sioux City Public Museum FY 2020 Annual Report. C. PARKING AND SKYWALK - Motion accepting and approving the Sioux City Parking and Skywalk System Board of Trustees FY 2020 Annual Report. D. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION - Motion accepting and approving the Active Transporta- tion Advisory Committee FY 2020 Annual Report. E. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Motion accepting and approving the Sioux City Board of Adjustment FY 2020 Annual Report. F. PLANNING AND ZONING - Motion accepting and approving the Sioux City Planning and Zoning Commission FY 2020 Annual Report. 9. ACTIONS RELATING TO AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS A. UFCW LOCAL 222 - Resolution authorizing and approving a Transit Station License Agreement with United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 222. (Property lo- cated at 3038 South Lakeport Street) B. RS&H IOWA - Resolution approving Work Order No. 46 with RS&H Iowa, P.C. in an amount not to exceed $645,383 for the design and bidding services in connection with the Rehabilitation of Runway 13/31, Reconstruction of Runway 13/31 Shoulders, Blast Pads, and Replacement of Runway 13/31 Threshold and Edge Lighting System Project at the Sioux Gateway Airport/Brigadier General Bud Day Field. C. OVERLOOK DEVELOPERS - Resolution approving a Release and Settlement Agree- ment with OverLook Developers, LLC in connection with the construction of the Christy Road Trail. (Parks and Recreation Project No 459-324) D. HARKAY DEVELOPMENT - Resolution authorizing and approving a development agreement and minimum assessment agreement for the purpose of slum and blight re- mediation with Harkay Development, LLC for the redevelopment of property in the Com- bined Central Sioux City-CBD Urban Renewal Area. (Property located at 705 Douglas Street) 10. ACTIONS RELATING TO PERSONNEL A. NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES - Resolution amending the Community Development De- partment’s authorized payroll complement by adding an additional Administrative Secre- tary position within the Neighborhood Services Division. B. PATS - Resolution amending the Position Classification Manual adopted by Resolution No. 91/T-9972 by approving and adopting an updated job description for a Profession- al, Administrative, Technical, Supervisory, Executive and Council-appointed employee position. (Risk Manager, Class Code 1440) 11. APPLICATIONS FOR BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSES A. ON-PREMISE SALES 1. CLASS C LIQUOR LICENSE (liquor/wine/beer/wine coolers/carry-out) a. Miles Inn, 2622 Leech Avenue (Renewal) B. OFF-PREMISE SALES 1. CLASS B WINE PERMIT (wine only) a. La Pinata, 3124 Gordon Drive (Renewal) b. Sam’s Mini Mart, 923 West 7th Street (Renewal) 2. CLASS C BEER PERMIT (beer/wine coolers) a. La Pinata, 3124 Gordon Drive (Renewal) b. Sam’s Mini Mart, 923 West 7th Street (Renewal) 3. CLASS E LIQUOR LICENSE (liquor only) a. Sam’s Mini Mart, 923 West 7th Street (Renewal) 12. BOARD, COMMISSION, AND COMMITTEE MINUTES A. Historic Preservation Commission – November 3, 2020 B. Library Board of Trustees – November 18, 2020 C. Museum Board of Trustees – November 13, 2020 D. Parking and Skywalk System Board of Trustees – November 18, 2020 E. Seniors Advisory Committee – October 27, 2020 - End of Consent Agenda - RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING AND ZONING 13. Hearing and Ordinance vacating Hale Street adjacent to 3153 Hale Street. (Petitioner: Ste- phen and Erin Strong) The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of this item. (File No. 2020-0076) HEARINGS 14. Hearing and Resolution approving proposal to sell certain real property and authorizing a city deed. (the vacated north/south alley abutting 1414 Lacy Boulevard) (Petitioner: MidAmerican Energy Company) (Purchase Price: $4,752 plus costs) 15. Hearing and Resolution determining an area of the City to be a blighted area and economic development area, and that the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development, or a combination thereof, of such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safe- ty or welfare of the residents of the City; designating such area as appropriate for an urban renewal project; and adopting Amendment No. 2 to the Amended and Restated Combined Central Sioux City -CBD Urban Renewal Plan for the Combined Central Sioux City -CBD Urban Renewal Project. (Property located at 622 Fourth Street) 16. Hearing and Resolution approving plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for construction of the NVC Regional Storm Water Detention Improvements Project. (Project No. 7100-663-198) ORDINANCES 17. Ordinance amending Chapter 10.30 entitled “Miscellaneous City Rules of the Road” of the Sioux City Municipal Code to provide regulations for pedestrian use of medians within city streets and highways. (First Consideration Approved November 23, 2020) 18. CITIZEN CONCERNS 19. COUNCIL CONCERNS 20. ADJOURNMENT City Council agendas are also available at www.sioux-city.org. The City of Sioux City does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, ser- vices, or activities. Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication in programs and services of the City of Sioux City are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the ADA Compliance Officer, City Hall, 405 6th Street, Room 204, (712) 279-6175. This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. x Regular Session Study Session CITY OF SIOUX CITY REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL ACTION MEETING DATE: December 7, 2020 ACTION ITEM # 2 Lisa L. McCardle, City Clerk FROM: Heidi Farrens, Deputy City Clerk Interviews for City Council appointed Boards, Commissions, and Commit- tees: SUBJECT: Art Center Board of Trustees: Shelby Prindaville Inclusive Sioux City Advisory Committee: Peggy La Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Cindy Brewer Department Finance City City Reviewed By: x x x Director Department Attorney Manager RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests that Council interview the above applicants for vacant positions on the applicable Board, Commission or Committee. DISCUSSION: Art Center Board of Trustees – there will be 3 positions vacant as of December 31, 2020. Shelby Prindaville
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