Page 1 of 5 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Program Schedule April (ET) 月曜日 2020/03/30 火曜日 2020/03/31 水曜日 2020/04/01 木曜日 2020/04/02 金曜日 2020/04/03 土曜日 2020/04/04 日曜日 2020/04/05 (ET) 400-430 04:00 Apocalypse World War 04:00 WWI: Tunnels of Death 04:00 Hitler Youth[#2 Child 04:00 Inside The Ss[Hitler's Killing 04:00 Nazi Megastructures: 400-430 I[Rage] Soldier's Last Stand] Machine] America's War[Japan's Warrrior Code] 430-500 430-500 500-530 05:00 Is It Real 3「Vampires」 05:00 Is It Real 3「Hauntings」 05:00 Is It Real 3「Atlantis」 05:00 Dictators Rulebook[#5] 05:00 My Fighting Season[#2] 500-530 530-600 530-600 600-630 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 600-630 630-700 06:30 Science of Stupid[#3] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#4] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#5] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#6] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#7] 630-700 700-730 07:00 Access 360° World 07:00 Access 360° World 07:00 Access 360° World 07:00 Cesar To The Rescue 07:00 Wicked Tuna 6[#1 The First 700-730 Heritage[Palace of Versailles] Heritage[Angkor Wat] Heritage II[Mt. Fuji] III[Panic Attack] Fish Is The Hardest] 730-800 730-800 800-830 08:00 The Michael Ware 08:00 The Michael Ware 08:00 China From Above 2 [Land 08:00 Cesar To The Rescue 08:00 Wicked Tuna 6[#2 Trials & 800-830 Project[Witch Hunt] Project[Chasing Iranian Spies] of Mountains And Rivers] III[The Trouble With Truffles] Tunalations] 830-900 830-900 900-930 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 900-930 930-1000 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Lion Ranger[Attack of The 09:30 Out There With Jack 930-1000 12[Death of JFK Jr., The] 12[Concorde- Up In Flames] 12[Inner City Carnage] Teens] Randall[Chasing Giants] 1000-1030 1000-1030 1030-1100 10:30 Drain The Oceans[Sunken 10:30 Cosmos: Possible 10:30 Black Pharaohs: Sunken 10:30 information 10:30 information 1030-1100 Treasures] Worlds[Ladder To The Stars] Treasures 1100-1130 11:00 The Incredible Dr. Pol 11:00 Positive Energy [Americas] 1100-1130 Compilations[#5] 1130-1200 11:30 CAR S.O.S.Ⅴ[Sunbeam 11:30 CAR S.O.S.Ⅴ[Caterham 7] 11:30 CAR S.O.S.Ⅶ[Talbot 1130-1200 Alpine] Sunbeam Lotus] 1200-1230 12:00 Cesar Millan: Love My Pit 12:00 Positive Energy [Africa & 1200-1230 Bull China] 1230-1300 12:30 information 12:30 information 12:30 information 1230-1300 1300-1330 13:00 Long Road Home[#5 The 13:00 Long Road Home[#7 13:00 Counterterror NYC 13:00 information 13:00 information 1300-1330 Choice] Abandon Hope] 1330-1400 13:30 Access 360 World Heritage 13:30 Access 360 World Heritage 1330-1400 Cutdowns[#13] Cutdowns[#14] 1400-1430 14:00 Long Road Home[#6 A City 14:00 Long Road Home[#8 Always 14:00 Inside The Hunt For The 14:00 Air Crash Investigation 5 14:00 Supercar Megabuild[Rolls 1400-1430 Called Heaven] Dream of Me] Boston Bombers 「Slammed To The Ground」 Royce Silver Shadow] 1430-1500 1430-1500 1500-1530 15:00 SECONDS FROM 15:00 SECONDS FROM 15:00 SECONDS FROM 15:00 Air Crash Investigation 5 15:00 Car S.O.S.Ⅱ [Morris 1500-1530 DISASTER「Flood At Stava Dam DISASTER「INFERNO IN DISASTER「Collision On The 「Miracle Flight」 Traveller Mayday] (aka Trento Dam)」 GUADALAJARA」 Runway (aka Tenerife)」 1530-1600 1530-1600 1600-1630 16:00 Inside: Afghan Marine Base 16:00 Inside: Talibanistan 16:00 Inside: Area 51's Secrets 16:00 Air Crash Investigation 5 16:00 CAR S.O.S.Ⅶ[VW T4 1600-1630 「Behind Closed Doors」 Campervan] 1630-1700 1630-1700 1700-1730 17:00 information 17:00 information 17:00 information 17:00 Air Crash Investigation 5 17:00 Airport Security: 1700-1730 「Mystery Fire」 Brazil[Cocaine Drama] 1730-1800 17:30 How To Win At 17:30 How To Win At 17:30 How To Win At 1730-1800 Everything[#1] Everything[#2] Everything[#3] 1800-1830 18:00 Airport Security: 18:00 Out There With Jack 18:00 Drain the Oceans 2[Hitler's 18:00 Mega Factories 2「Audi」 18:00 Cosmos: Possible 1800-1830 Brazil[Cocaine Drama] Randall[The Kangaroo Mob] Killer Warships] Worlds[The Fleeting Grace of the Habitable Zone] 1830-1900 18:50 To stop climate change Nat Geo Open 1830-1900 Campus "Zero Emission Tokyo Strategy" 1900-1930 19:00 Pope vs. Hitler 19:00 Continent7: 19:00 Nazi Attack On America 19:00 Maritime China[The 19:00 Mars[#3 Pressure Drop] 1900-1930 Antarctica[Science Of Survival] Gateway] 1930-2000 1930-2000 2000-2030 20:00 Continent7: Antarctica[#6] 20:00 CAR S.O.S.Ⅶ[VW T4 20:00 Architects of the Ancient 20:00 Mars[#4 Power] 2000-2030 Campervan] World 2030-2100 2030-2100 2100-2130 21:00 WW2 Hell Under the Sea 21:00 Lion Ranger[Death In The 21:00 Car S.O.S.Ⅱ [Morris 21:00 Treasure Hoard Compilation 21:00 Out There With Jack 2100-2130 [The Wolfpack] Kingdom] Traveller Mayday] Randall[Battle of The Crocs] 2130-2200 2130-2200 2200-2230 22:00 Nazi Megastructures: 22:00 Out There With Jack 22:00 Primal Survivor[Killer Cold] 22:00 Is It Real 3「Miracle Cures」 22:00 Seconds From Disaster 2200-2230 America's War[Fortress Japan] Randall[Chasing Giants] VI[Jonestown Cult Suicide] 2230-2300 22:50 To stop climate change Nat Geo Open 2230-2300 Campus "Zero Emission Tokyo Strategy" 2300-2330 23:00 Nazi Megastructures[V2 23:00 America The Beautiful: 23:00 Brain Games Season 5[Meet 23:00 Is It Real 3「Last Living 23:00 Air Crash Investigation 2300-2330 Rocket Bases] Mighty Northwest [Rise of The The Brain] Caveman」 S18[Atlantic Ditching] Redwood Giants] 2330-2400 2330-2400 2400-2430 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 24:00 Is It Real 3「Ancient 24:00 Air Crash Investigation 2400-2430 S18[Icy Descent] 14[Murder In The Skies] 15[Storming Out] Astronauts」 12[Death In The Arctic] 2430-2500 2430-2500 2500-2530 25:00 Witness To Disaster[Lost In 25:00 Air Crash Investigation: 25:00 Air Crash Investigation 25:00 Us Secret Service: On The 25:00 Air Crash Investigation 2500-2530 The Bermuda Triangle] Special Report[Communication 17[Fatal Approach] Front Line S13[Fatal Transmission] Breakdown] 2530-2600 2530-2600 2600-2630 26:00 Seconds from Disaster 4 26:00 Seconds from Disaster 4 26:00 Witness To Disaster[Lost In 26:00 Air Crash Investigation 2600-2630 「Chicago Air Crash」 「Tornado Outbreak」 The Bermuda Triangle] S13[Terror In San Francisco] 2630-2700 2630-2700 2700-2730 27:00 Apocalypse World War 27:00 Hitler Youth[#1 The Nazi 27:00 Inside The SS[Hitler's Evil 27:00 Air Force One:America's 27:00 Air Crash Investigation 2700-2730 I[Deliverance] Child Army] Elite ] Flagship S13[High Rise Catastrophe] 2730-2800 2730-2800 Page 2 of 5 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Program Schedule April (ET) 月曜日 2020/04/06 火曜日 2020/04/07 水曜日 2020/04/08 木曜日 2020/04/09 金曜日 2020/04/10 土曜日 2020/04/11 日曜日 2020/04/12 (ET) 400-430 04:00 Dictators Rulebook[#6] 04:00 Long Road Home[#2 The 04:00 Long Road Home[#4 In The 04:00 Long Road Home[#6 A City 04:00 Long Road Home[#8 Always 04:00 Inside The Hunt For The 04:00 Nazi Megastructures: 400-430 Eye of The Storm] Valley of Death] Called Heaven] Dream of Me] Boston Bombers America's War[Japan's Island of Death] 430-500 430-500 500-530 05:00 Architects of the Ancient 05:00 Treasure Hoard Compilation 05:00 Is It Real 3「Miracle Cures」 05:00 Is It Real 3「Last Living 05:00 Is It Real 3「Ancient 05:00 Dictators Rulebook[#6] 05:00 My Fighting Season[#3] 500-530 World Caveman」 Astronauts」 530-600 530-600 600-630 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 06:00 information 600-630 630-700 06:30 Science of Stupid[#8] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#9] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#10] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#11] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#12] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#13] 06:30 Science of Stupid[#14] 630-700 700-730 07:00 information 07:00 information 07:00 information 07:00 information 07:00 Access 360° World 07:00 Cesar To The Rescue III[Ay 07:00 Wicked Tuna 6[#3 Bluefin 700-730 Heritage II[Everglades] Chihuahua!] Brotherhood] 730-800 07:30 Access 360 World Heritage 07:30 Access 360 World Heritage 07:30 Access 360 World Heritage 07:30 Access 360 World Heritage 730-800 Cutdowns[#14] Cutdowns[#15] Cutdowns[#16] Cutdowns[#17] 800-830 08:00 In Their Own Words[Bernie 08:00 Air Crash Investigation 08:00 The Michael Ware 08:00 The Michael Ware 08:00 Maritime China[The 08:00 Cesar To The Rescue 08:00 Wicked Tuna 6[#4 Who 800-830 Madoff In His Own Words] S18[Atlantic Ditching] Project[Africa's Last King] Project[Fashion Week Wars] Gateway] III[Izzy In A Tizzy] Needs A Captain?] 830-900 830-900 900-930 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 09:00 information 900-930 930-1000 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Air Crash Investigation 09:30 Lion Ranger[Death In The 09:30 Out There With Jack 930-1000 12[3rd Time Unlucky] 12[Death In The Arctic] S13[Fatal Transmission] S13[Terror In San Francisco] S13[High Rise Catastrophe] Kingdom] Randall[The Most Venomous Snakes In The World] 1000-1030 1000-1030 1030-1100 10:30 Out There With Jack 10:30 Hostile Planet[Polar] 10:30 Drain The Oceans[Egypt's 10:30 Cosmos: Possible 10:30 Seconds From Disaster 10:30 information 10:30 information 1030-1100 Randall[The Kangaroo Mob] Lost Wonders] Worlds[The Fleeting Grace of the Compilation[Deadly Details] Habitable Zone] 1100-1130 11:00 Yukon Vet[Fly Like An 11:00 Positive Energy [Europe] 1100-1130 Eagle] 1130-1200 11:30 information 11:30 information 11:30 information 11:30 information 11:30 CAR S.O.S.Ⅶ[VW T4 1130-1200 Campervan] 1200-1230 12:00 Lords
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