A Dunn deal The men's soccer team got a late goal from junior Richie Dunn to beat evil Wake For­ THE CHRONICLE est Wednesday. See Sports on page 13. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7.1993 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 89, NO. 30 Basketball Clinical sciences forms loses new council for faculty By AUTUMN ARNOLD tion, but that's not representa­ Faculty members in the clini­ tive and systematic," she said. superstar cal sciences at the Medical Cen­ "We have a huge faculty at the ter voted to form a council aimed Medical Center," said Dr. Laura By IRA BERKOW at increasing faculty involve­ Gutman, also a member of the N.Y. Times News Seivice ment in Medical Center deci­ CSFC organizing committee, DEERFIELD, 111. — Like sion-making. "and we don't really have any Alexander the Great, Michael The new council, called the means by which to communi­ Jordan said he had no more Clinical Sciences Faculty Coun­ cate." worlds to conquer. cil, will act as a sister committee Members of the clinical fac­ .And so, at age 30, the man to the Basic Sciences Faculty ulty have many different types generally considered the world's Steering Committee, a represen­ of responsibilities, George said, greatest basketball player an­ tative council for the basic sci­ making it more difficult for them nounced Wednesday that he ences section ofthe Medical Cen­ to have an organized voice. was retiring from the game and ter. Faculty in the clinical sciences from the spotlight that had be­ It is being modeled after the have already outlined several come so uncomfortable for him. councils representing faculty in issues that need to be addressed, "I have nothing more to prove other schools, including the Gutman said. Many clinical sci­ in basketball," he said, "I have Fuqua School of Business and ences faculty want to review the no more challenges that I felt I the Law School, said Dr. Linda procedures by which faculty are could get motivated for. It George, a member of CSFC's or­ appointed, promoted and doesn't have anything to do with ganizing committee. granted tenure. my father's passing, or media The council is a way for clini­ A lot of faculty members are pressure, or anything other than cal sciences faculty to have an also concerned about the treat­ that I had achieved everything "organized and representative ment of women faculty and mi­ in basketball I could. And when way of transmitting concerns to nority faculty. Gutman said she that happened, I felt it was time the administration," George said. suspects that some women and to call it a career." REUTERS PHOTO SERVICE "Some faculty have a close re­ minorities may be paid less than S»e JORDAN on page 4 • Michael Jordan announced his retirement yesterday at age 30. lationship with the administra­ See CSFC on page 6 • Simon play brings more than laughter to student interns By ARCHANA JESUOIAN positions. Simon and the cast and crew work with and learn from all production when "Broadway Universily students may meet Todd Hirsch, a Trinity sopho­ will arrive on campus Sunday, those intelligent people," said Bound" opened here in 1986. Pulitzer Prize-winner Neil more, is thrilled to have intern­ much to the delight of the in­ Trinity sophomore Amy Webb, a Richard Riddell, director ofthe Simon when his new play pre­ ship working as assistant prop­ terns. production assistant intern. drama program, said that the mieres on campus later this erty master. "Working with Neil Tm from New York, and Fm Hirsch is looking forward to intern program could benefit stu­ month. Simon is something students amazed that I will get to see Neil getting a backstage look at pro­ dents interested in professional A group of 39 students will only dream about, and I get to do Simon in person," said Trinity fessional theatre. "It's such a real theater as a career. "The stu­ work as interns for the produc­ it," Hirsch said. junior Betsy Guzman. Guzman world experience, working on a dents have the opportunity to tion of "Laughter on the 23rd Tina Gallegos, coordinator of will intern in marketing and show that is actually going to be develop a professional relation­ Floor" in portions ranging from the internship program, was able ticket sales. on Broadway. It's like the real ship with whoever they are in­ assisting Simon and Tony to accept all applicants who ap­ The student interns said they world is coming to you, and that terning with. The relationship Award-winning director Jerry plied before the deadline. "We are looking forward to gaining doesn't happen very often," he they develop now can help them Zaks to ushering at the perfor­ found positions for all who were experience in the production of said. later." mance. Any students interested interested in beinginvolved with professional theater. Tm very University students also had Riddell said internships like in theatre could apply for the the production," she said. excited; I think it will be great to a chance to intern with a Simon See SIMON on page 4 • Student body president responds to criticism By ROSE MARTELLI At Wednesday's legislative The president ofthe Duke Stu­ meeting, Hudson stressed the dent Government delivered an importance oflirmting East Cam­ pus bed spaces to a maximum of concerningrecent criticism ofhis 1,600 regardless of who lives presentation to the trustees on there. East does not have ad­ the future of East Campus. equate facilities to handle more Students have criticized Trin­ students, he said. ity senior Paul Hudson for not "The only thing we [the execu­ addressing the DSG legislature tive committee] want is for Duke about the future of East Campus to make the right decisions," before his presentation to the Hudson said. The presentation trustees titled, "The Big Picture: to the trustees was more about Residential Planning, Recre­ withholding a decision about ational Facilities, and the Es­ East altogether rather than en­ sential Role of a Freshman East dorsing one particular plan for Campus." Hudson gave the pre­ it, he said. JULIE F1LBRUM/THE CHRONICLE sentation last Friday at a lunch "This is an issue of an overall for the trustees. See DSG on page 4 •- Scott Keane, executive vice president, leads the DSG legislature. THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1993 World and National Newsfile Yeltsin reconfirms December elections Associated Press By CELESTINE BOHLEN protest from Russian journalists and someone lost," Yeltsin said. "These are N.Y. Times News Service Detainee arrested: An American raised alarms in the West that Yeltsin inappropriate, blasphemous words. We wounded by Cuban soldiers in abloody MOSCOW — In his first address to was going too far in clamping down have all been scorched by the deadly shootout while trying to pick up refu­ the nation since army tanks crushed an against his opposition. breath of fratricide." gees on the island was returned uprising against him, President Boris A day of national mourning for the The Russian president defended the Wednesday to the United States, but Yeltsin called on Russians to put the victims of both the Sunday uprising and use of force to put down the uprising by was arrested immediately on an old "nightmare of these black days" behind the bombardment ofthe parliament has bis parliamentary foes. "The main les­ drug charge. them, and affirmed that elections to a been declared for Thursday, when flags son is that democracy must be defended new Parliament will be held Dec. 12. at government buildings will be flown at reliably," Yeltsin said. "Without that, Withdrawal date set: Deflecting Yeltsin also called for a purge of half-staff. In a somber appeal for na­ there is no democracy." calls for swift withdrawal of Ameri­ can forces from Somalia, President Russia's regional councils, many ofwhich tional unity, Yeltsin on Wednesday night But at the same time, Yeltsin showed Clinton is preparing to authorize a had sided with the parliament's defiant called the loss of life, now estimated at new determination to make a clean sweep short-term increase while setting a leaders during the political crisis that 118, "our common tragedy." through the Soviets, a political structure date for pulling out, a senior adminis­ led up to this week's violence. He said "Do not say that someone has won and See RUSSIA on page 6 • tration official said Wednesday. the local councils, or Soviets, should peacefully dissolve themselves, and also Emnity Stifles: Yitzhak Rabin and prepare for new local elections, possibly Administration counters Yasser Arafat got down to the busi­ in December. ness of turning words of peace into In a somber yet emotional speech, reality Wednesday, but there were Yeltsin said the violence in Moscow last signs that generations of enmity claims against health plan would not be easy to erase. Sunday had been an "armed mutiny," staged by leaders inside the parliament By NANCY BENAC Tyson said at a briefing with four other -Associated Press BhllttO leads: Benazir Bhutto's building in order to bring about "a blood­ top members ofthe administration's eco­ liberal Pakistan People's Party was thirsty communist-fascist regime" in WASHINGTON — The Clinton ad­ nomic team. "The effects that tend to one of two front-runners Wednesday Russia. ministration rolled out its top economic increase employment strengthen over as voters tried to settle the country's As Yeltsin spoke on television Wednes­ guns Wednesday to counter claims the time and the effects that tend to de­ recurring political problems with the day evening, the city was gradually re­ president's health-care plan would cost crease employment weaken over time." third election in five years.
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