Starboard Spring Quarter March 1, 2003 Yacht Club/YMCA “Sailing Season” a Inside this issue: Grand Success (B.E.R.T.) and Coast 2 “Culture of Care.” Guard Auxiliary More than 60 have joined “Sailing Season” to make Claudia Wilcox-Boucher was able to provide the it an overwhelming suc- “Naupaka” Ameri- 2 YMCA’s Sunfish, a cess. can 25, safety boat and life- The combined effort of our Classifieds guard and Nick was club and the YMCA to able to convince mem- sponsor our first “Sailing Sunfish Fleet is Ready Skipper in the Spot- 3 bers of our club to dedicate Season” has brought both light, YMCA Class, their time and instructional organizations many new Schotte, Mauricio Barbis, 2002 Champion ability. members and introduced Stefano Barbis, John Lu- Club Site, Sunfish, 4 new sailors to the sea. The first day of “Sailing chau, Kim Magnuson, Sunfish Restoration Season” brought more sail- Kevin Horton, Jon Olson, “Sailing Season” is headed ors to the beach on that Larry and Robbyn Peck, by Nick Rees who began blustery January day than Arjun Clarry, Mac Haiku, coordinating instructors Sailing Season 5 were anticipated which Jacques Peysson, Joel and boats at the end of (cont’d), made the day exciting and Rutter and Debbie Kuntz. last year. Nick’s vision very busy for Nick and the Thank you to all Volun- was to provide an oppor- rest of the volunteer in- teers and participants. Club History, DLNR 5 tunity for everyone who structors. Can you imag- Boating had any desire to sail to For Participants: Bring ine seven Sunfish and be able to get out on Sunscreen, hat, shirt, nearly 50 people wanting to boats. He wanted to have footwear and PFDs (life sail? Membership 6 the best instruction, train- jackets) each Saturday ing aids and equipment Nick and Claudia’s efforts 10AM through March 15. for those who wanted to in rounding up volunteers There will be racing, sail and with it he estab- produced the following awards (trophies) and Pot- lished the catchphrase, busy individuals: Evelyn luck on the 15th. Club Officers w Commodore: Larry U. S. Sailing Instructor Class Peck w Vice Commodore (East): Scheduled for March 25 John Luchau w Vice Commodore (West): Have you ever had the are always looking for starting on March 25. Vacant desire to become a certi- people who will help with The course is an intense fied sailing instructor? sailing instruction for four day training ses- w Rear Commodore the many programs that U. S. Sailing Require- sion. Days may last 8 to are available for kids and Power: Carl Shioji ments are that you have 10 hours and the cost is adults throughout the current CPR and First approximately $350 in- w Rear Commodore Sail: year. Aid Training, be a good cluding U. S. Sailing Mauricio Barbis swimmer and have excel- Instructor Trainer Mary membership. If inter- w lent sailing skills plus Wood of U. S. Sailing ested call Mary now. Secretary: Nick Rees more. and also the YMCA is Mary Wood—885-7420 w Treasurer: Robbyn heading up the course at Our club and the YMCA Peck Kawaihae this spring Boating Emergency Response Team (BERT) Since our club began one of our us aware that there are many over- the CG building Port of Hilo. main objectives was to provide lapping objectives in the two organi- This is a great opportunity to re- assistance to boats and boaters zations. The Coast Guard Auxiliary ceive professional training in the that are in distress. We have been is made up of volunteers who accept ways of the sea and to expand your able to divert disaster on many a great deal of responsibility and knowledge as well as provide a ser- but not all occasions because we receive professional training from vice to your ocean community. Call have maintained a network of in- the U. S. Coast Guard. They have Harvey Egna at 933-9333 for more dividuals who are willing and able invited any of our members who are information. to respond when emergencies have interested in the auxiliary’s mission presented themselves. to join them. Meetings are at 8:30AM every 3rd Saturday in the Our recent meetings with the Coast Guard Conference Room at Coast Guard Auxiliary have made “Naupaka” Club’s American 25 “Naupaka” is still in the boat- and some cabinet work would yard at Wailoa. Her bottom be nice. When that is complete has been patched, glassed and and someone donates an out- painted and work is being board she’ll be ready to go back done on her sides. Several in the water and will be avail- members have expressed a able for use by club members desire to keep “Naupaka” as a who have completed a sailing club boat and now is the time checkout. “Naupaka” will be a to volunteer your time or dol- great training platform for the lars to her repair and mainte- next step up from dinghies. nance. For information about how you So far the majority of work and can help “Naupaka” call John at contributions have been made 982-5959. “Naupaka” by Henry Peterson, Bob Rioux and John Luchau. She needs new and a couple of new valves. Her running lights, some new cleats mast wiring needs to be sorted out Classifieds PFDs (life jackets) for “Sailing Lewmar traveler, recent haulout $1423 (Herreshoff design), call Season” ordered through John and new paint 17K. Call Barry, John 982-5959. “Start Sailing ([email protected]) 982-5959 961-4474 —13ft Ali'i Kai Right!” book $15 and “Sm. Boat for $20. Specify Child 30-50lbs, w/15hp 4stroke Honda $2500 Sailor Cert. Record Book $1. Youth 50-90, or Adult. Get and a 15ft Ali'i Kai w/45hp & See Evelyn or Nick on the your orders to John by noon of 6hp kicker $4500. Call Peter beach. the Friday before sailing ses- 981-0827 — 28ft Corsair, call Jon Olson is offering up his sions. This offer is made possi- Mark 965-6373 — 29ft Cascade, treasure chest chock full of ble via Peter Bukas of P&P Kay- call David 938-9361- 16ft Hobie great sail and power boat items. aks—966-4999 who is a Kayak, Cat, call Gene 964-1832—El Give him a call at 965-6093. Hobie and Escape sailboat Toro (8ft sailing dinghy) plans He may have exactly what you dealer. $20, 8ft “Sabotoro” or “El Abot” are looking for. sailing/rowing dinghy $238, 12ft “Olali” a Cal 2-30, new ProFurl, sailing/rowing spritsail sloop Genny, Bimini, Dodger and “Orinoco” w/trailer/motor Page 2 Starboard Quarter Skipper in the Spotlight jungle on “Bat” island. David Bolland, Captain of and played night clubs on “Merlyn” is our Skipper in the west coast and in the David watches over our YC site and the spotlight for spring. far east. David fell in love you can find him there when he’s not with boats, sailing and the working on “Merlyn.” He has many David brings decades of liveaboard single lifestyle suggestions about improving the sailing experience to Hilo he enjoyed in the 60s and grounds at the club site and he is an Bay. “Merlyn’s” red hull 70s and has fond memories encyclopedia of knowledge about has graced Reeds anchor- of his big 1925 66 foot steel boats and sailing. Have a chat and age area for quite some German made 70 ton sail- get to know David, “Merlyn’s” able time and you can see the ing vessel named “Astrid.” Captain and you’ll never regret it. efforts of David’s labors in On this subject David her improvements over could reminisce and tell His Chinook 34, “Merlyn” is the boat the years. stories to us for hours. design that started the Cascade pro- duction line and is one of the first David hails from Fresno Mexico, Costa Rica, Pa- fiberglass boats ever produced. They and went to sea via the nama Canal, the Virgin have been working with fiberglass for Navy during the Vietnam Islands and the east coast nearly 50 years era. David developed mu- and back to South America www.cascadeyachts.com sical talent and played are journeys he can relate folk music as well as wrote a Captain to. He can regale stories about few songs, cut a few recordings David’s his 120 acre homestead in the “Merlyn” YMCA Plans Spring Sailing Class Claudia Wilcox-Boucher is planning spring Sunfish Sailing Camp for kids ages 10-14. Dates will be March 24-28. Cost will be approxi- mately $100 for Y members. Y membership is $15. Call the Y office to get more details—935-3721. The Waiakea Settlement YMCA and our Yacht Club have established a special relationship because of our shared goals of training sailors and getting youth safely out on the water. The Y owns the Sunfish used in training and provides safety boats and lifeguards. The Yacht Club provides the instructors and does boat maintenance. Because of this relationship there have been nearly 100 individuals First Lesson: Learning to Cap- ages 7 to 70 who have been able to participate in sailing activities In size and Right Boats Safely Hilo since the spring of 2002. Champion’s Trophy Awarded/Other News New Boat News—Barry and Pat Bolln have gone to Mauricio Barbis (who you see in the white hat in the Honolulu to pick up their new 1975 Fuji 45 ketch photo in the article above) was awarded the Cham- “Pacific Voyager.” Currently they are undergoing hau- pion’s Trophy for most accumulated first place victo- lout at Keehi Lagoon.
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