•• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Back to yrait/ana T o . 1 '17 PRICE 7th to 12th Week 1/- ................................................ ........ M....... ........... ~ - -- ---- _. - ~ -- -~--~---~- --_ . .....:::..- - ~ .-w' --_ __-- - _ . Back to )0{a it/an a 7th to 12th Week Novo" 1927 Page One MAYOR OF WEST MAITLAND ALD. W. H. FRY, 11 ,I J. GARRETT, MAYOR. EAST MAITLAND COUNCIL EDWARD JOSEPH CUTCLlFFE, MAYOR MORPETH, 1927. Page Three ,----The Clothes Problem Dunn & Anderson of Garage and Every Man Wfiether he be a SmUh, Repair Men Jones, Robinson or Brown, The same Problem confronts haHerie3 charged and repaired. ~rubes repaired him, namely-'CLO'l'HES?' while you wait. High Pressure .::lrease Gun. SHARP'S CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM! Consult us for your OFR TAILORED SUITS­ vice next repair job. No job Are made to FIT well; baker and Elrskine cars too big or too small. They are made to WEAR well Theyare made to LOOK well and BENZINE AND OILS AT ALL TIMES They are tailored at a REASONABLE PRICE, from £7/7/. ALL MAKES OF TYRES IN STOCK SERVICE -- STYLE -- VALUE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DUNN AND ANDERSON TAILOR and MERCER HIGH STREET, WEST MAITLAND J. E. Sharp W. Maitland Phone 'V. Maitland 574-Day 01' Night. Page Four J~ JP. IDSTEIN E-5TATE AGENT .. ··VALUATOR ···AUCTIONEER #5Jft9'A..st~L~m PItone 269 Buying, Selling, Leasin~, Financing-each of these undertaken by J. P. Idstein with the straight-forward ,', '. thoroughness and careful consideration that has built ... ~ '''';'up the envied reputation expressed by so many in the r.~ phrase-,-"Idstein for a Sound Investment." ,""IL Municipality of West Maitland. The Hustlers LIS'!' OF ALDERMEN West Maitland Alderman HENRY W. FRY (Mayor). Alderman HENRY W. TEGG. Alderman ROBERT L. PENDER. i.~ HIS Season's presen­ Alderman A. S. McDONALD. '-' tations of the New Alderman R. D. ARM STRONG. Alderman J. H. I;'. W ALLER. Fashions in Alderman G. PILGRIM. Alderman G. RUSSELL. M illinery and Alderman J. B. THOMPSON. Alderman A. ANDJ<JHSON. Frocks Alderman J. BLACK. Alderman C. W. HOLMES. far exceeds any previous show­ ing' in Beauty and Variety. LIST OF OFFICERS. Town Clerk.--CHAS. '1'. McLEAN. Deputy Town Clerk.-HIUPON A. HILL. Electrical Engineer.-SAMUEL G. 1'URNER. The Hustlers Health fnspector.--AUDLY REAY. Works Overseer-WILLIAM G. VITNELL. West Maitland Page Six ,i '- MAITLAND POLICE DISTRICT HE Maitland Police District embraces 24 Police stations with 67 officers, under the control of In­ T spector 'Graham. The population of this district is 94,000, and the area covered by the Department is ap· proximately 2,000 square miles. The estimated value of movable property runs Into many million:;. A recent ad­ dition to the Police equipment is a Police Car. Inspector Graham, who has 3:~ years' service to his credit, has been practically all over the State. From Muswellbrook, as Officer-in-Charge, lle was, on the 18th August, 1925, appointed Inspector at eooma. On fOth April, 1927, he was appointed as Inspector in the Maitland District, in succession to Inspector Scannlell, who retired. The Police staff throughout the Maltland District is distributed as follows :-West Maitland, Inspector, 7 Sergeants, 10 Constables; East MaitJand, 1 Sergeant, 2 Constables; Cessnock, 2 Sergeants, 7 Constables; Kurr! Kurri, 1 Sergeant, 4 Constables; Raymond Terrace, 1 Sergeant, 2 Constables; Dungog.l Sergeanr, II Constables; The following have one sergeant and one constable each: Abermain, Greta, Morpeth, Paterson, Stroud and Weston. One Constable is assigned to each of the fOllowing: Bell­ bird, Branxton, Bulla,hdelah. Bungwhal l!"Iat, Clarellce Town, Gresford, Kearsley, Largs, Lochillval', Mulbring, Paxton and Wollombi. INSPECTOR GRAHAM Page Seven i=======IL~CCOM MODATION ·111="=, =====71 THE DON'T HOPE FOR THE BEST, New Carrington Hotel COME ALONG AND GET I'f AT .Currency Lass Hotel THE HIGH STREET, HA HOME FROM HOME" WEST MAITLAND Angel Inn' THE BEST OF ACCOMMODATION Public and Saloon Bars-Ladies' HIGH ST., WEST MAITLAND ParI or and Bottle Department. Moderate Tariff --- Garages ,/ A SQUARE DEAL FOR A ROUND Established 1827-Re·bullt, 1927. J. BOWER, Proprietor. SHILLING AT­ JIM. McLERNON, ALBERT CHAPMAN'S Proprietor. Phone, Maitland 456. Pbone 4.52. Late of 'l'amworth & Nelson's Bay Volunteer Hotel Royal Hotel Imperial Hotel (Right Opposite the Mercury) (Opposite Town Hall) WEST MAITLAND THE HOUSE OF SPORTS WEST MAITLAND ----~.I>------ GOOD ACCOMMODATION-LOCK-UP FIRSlT-CLASS ACCOMMODATION GARAGES-EXCELLENT 'rABLf.J WEST MAITLAND GARAGES AVAILABLE -.- -- -.-+------ BERT. SIMMONS, Proprietor W. GLENDENING, R. A_ FLEMING, Proprietor. Proprietor. Phone 115. Phone, 237. Phone 562. Late of Dunedoo • Pr.ge Eight -:--------[ ACCOMMODATION \--------, BE SURE AND VISIT- Metropolitan Hotel Grand Central -Hotel During "Back to Maitland Week." BOURKE STREET Centrally Situated in HIGH STREET (Next to Ambulance Station) EDWIN INGALL, Proprietor Phone 227 FOR ACCOMMODATION W. P. FENLEY, Phone 38 W. Maitland. PROPRIETOR. Grand Junction Hotel COMMERCIAL HOTEL FIRST-CLASS. ACCOMMODATION HOUSE GOOD ACCOMMODATION (Near Railway Station) I'hone Maitland 242. l'hone, 145. THOS. HEN ESSY, Proprietor Mrs. JANE BARRY. Page Nine Sunday. November 6th-Special Church Services -----in all Churches. morning and night. 3.30 p.m .• Band Recital in Park. Monday. Novembcr 7th-Signing of Visitors' Book from 10 a.m. Preparation Day. Fire Brigades and Am- bulance Display at night. Carnival in Elgin Street. Tuesday. Novembcr 8th-Signing of Visitors' Book. 3.30 p.m., Civic Reception to Visitor~. Official Opening of Carnival Street at 8 p.m. Dance at Town Hall in aid of Miss Hinchey. East Maitland Queen Candidate. Carnival Night. Wednesday, November 9th-Signing of Visitors' Book. Visitors' Tour of Inspection. 3.30. Grand Procession. 4 p.m., Business Houses close. Carnival Evening. Speedway at Night. Thursday. November IOth-Signing of Visitors' Book. ' Entertainment of Visitors by Mayoress during the afternoon. Dance in Town Hall. in aid of Miss Geggie, West Maitland Queen C~ndidate at night. Friday. November 11 ill-Ladies' Street-Day. Grand Shopping-Night Carnival. Saturday, November 12th-Farewell to Visitors at Town Hall. Sports Bodies to entertain visitors. At night, Vaudeville and Old-Time Dance in Catholic Hall. Coursing, etc. Page Ten MAITLAND DISTRICT AMBULANCE STATION Page Eleven COMMITTEE OF THE AMBULANCE BUILDING CAMPAIGN Mr. Premium Payer! Support your Own Australian Institutions and "BACK-TO·MAITLAND" WEEK. INSURE WJTU THE Chairman: H. W. FRY, Esq. (Mayor). Vice·Chairman: T. F. COONEY, Esq. Queensland Insurance Company Ltd. Hon. Treasurer: R. L. PENDER, Esq. Hon. Joint Secretaries: M. A. BROWN fil H. E. GUY. The Largest Australian Fire, Accident &. Marine Company LADIES' COMMITTEE. 'l'ransacting Fire, Marine, Accident. and Sickness, President: MRS. H. \V. FRY (Mayoress). Fidelity Guarantee, W{)rkman's Comr:,,-~ation. Hon. Treasurer: MISS E. GREY. Public Risk. Burglary, Plat.e Glal's, Lifts, Motor, Hon. Secretary: MRS. ST. VINCENT·HEYES. Cars, Growing Crops, Hay St.acks, Hailstone, Boiler Explosion, Live Stock, etc. MAITLAND DISTRICT AMBULANCE COMMITTEE Employers! Cover your liability under T. F. COONEY President. the WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT P. 1. ADDISON &< H. S. CARRUTHERS, V.·Presidents. H. J. C. SHORTLAND, Branch ManageI', U. J. CROCKETT, Hon. Treasurer. Scottish House, Hunter Street, Newcastle. G. GALTON, E. C. BRAGG, W. J. McLAUCHLbl, D. J. RYAN, J. MITCHELL. Local Agents: N. H. GOODSIR &. SON, High Street, H. E. GUY, Superintendent and Secretary. West Maitland. H. O. HEAL Y, Life Hon. Mcmhn. Page Twelve I 1 T. F. COONEY H. E. GUY, SUPERINTENDENT AND PRESIDENT, MAITLAND DISTRICT AMBULANCE. SECRETARY, MAITLAND DISTRICT AMBULANCE P;tge 'fl:!irteen Iiistory of Establishment of Amhulance Transport Services in Maitland District --- ... ~- OR'Some years prior to .1923 it was generally recognised th. at the antiquated horse-drawn caravan attach~d to the hospital, which up to that time did duty as a means of conveyance of sick and injured to that iristi­ F tuition, had outlived its usefulness_ To Mr. H. O. Healy, then a member of the HO'Spital Committee and now of HiIldale, is due the credit of taking the initial practical step towards the installation of a Motor TI'ansport Service for the whole of the district. It is now a matter of history how, after several unsuccessful attempts,and in the face of apathy, if not open OPPOSition, and no little amount of sceptical criticism, he was finally successful in se­ curing the appointment of a small provisional committee, ,having as its object the accomplishment or his proposal to l:lupersede the then existing Ambulance by the establishment of a branch of the N.S.W. Ambulance Transport Service Board. Soon this committee was grapplillg with the apparently insoluble problem. No sooner was one obstacle ~urmounted than a more formidable one presented itself. No magic wand appeared to waive aside diificulties, but so confident was your committee of eventually winning public support when the value of the service was recognised that with an undaunted determination ana unbounded confidence regarded by many as foolhardines:; it arrived at a momentuous decision on the evening of 3rd December, 1923, when a sum of but £ 4/14/6 was in hand, Two Buick Six cars were ordered, and a Superintendent engaged-in short, the Brigade was launched! Our choice of a Superintendent, luckily, fell upon Mr. H. E. GUY, then Deputy-Superintendent at NewclMl'tle, with ultimate
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