A1 GET OUT RiverWalk For MS FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 2016 Page 14 Cyan Magenta Yellow Yellow Black Educational Opportunity? WMCC Eyes Former Hitchiner Manufacturing Building. Page 4 A2 2 The Record Friday, September 9, 2016 What’s Inside Friday, Sept. 9, 2016 Educational Vol 8, No. 12 Opportunity? Bath w Bethlehem w Dalton w Easton w Franconia w Lancaster w Landaff w White Mountains Community College is studying the Lisbon w Littleton w Lyman w Monroe former Hitchiner Manufacturing facility as a possible Sugar Hill w Whitefield w Woodsville Littleton site for the Berlin-based school, though the college president on Tuesday said the process just be- gan and no decision has been made. www.caledonianrecord.com See Coverage Page 4 Publisher Todd Smith There’s a fight on in Bethlehem after a group of abutters appealed the Zoning Board of Adjustment Managing Editor Abutters Move To special exception granted in July for the proposed Paul Hayes Affordable Housing, Education and Development [email protected] Block Apartments (AHEAD) workforce housing development. Advertising (Littleton) See Coverage Page 5 Sylvie Weber (603) 444-7141 (Ext. 1006) Cyan If you’ve ever gone to the Caledonia County or Fax: (603) 444-1383 Lancaster Fairs, chances are you’ve seen Robillard’s [email protected] Apple Crisp. Apple Crisp A Magenta Advertising (St. Johnsbury) See Coverage Page 13 (802) 748-8121 Family Affair Fax: (802) 748-1613 Yellow Yellow [email protected] Editorial Offices:263 Main Black St., Littleton, N.H. FYI On The Cover Little Information Available About In This Issue Fatal Equestrian Accident News Briefs LANCASTER, N.H. — Memorial services were held Wednes- Page 6 day for the 4-year-old girl who died of from injuries she suffered Obituaries after being thrown from a horse at the Lancaster Fair on Friday, Sept.2. Page 10 A graveside service was held at Woodstock Cemetery for Mack- Get Out ennah Mae Caulder, who had been participating in a White Moun- Page 14 tain Riding Club horse show. Classifieds She was transported to Weeks Medical Center, in Lancaster, Page 22 where she succumbed to her injuries. According to her online obituary at Fournier-Hale Funeral Court Log Home in North Woodstock, Mackennah Mae “will be remembered Page 23 as a happy little girl with a ‘spitfire’ personality” who loved horses and “was a determined little girl who taught herself how to ride a bike with no training wheels at 3 years old. She touched so many lives with her bright smile and personality.” Mackennah Mae was the daughter of Kyle T. and Adrienne M. (Rivers) Caulder and leaves behind a brother and sister. Calling hours were Tuesday evening. On Tuesday afternoon, Lancaster Police Chief William Col- born avoided press inquiries about the incident and deferred all A young girl jumps on a bungee trampoline at the Lancaster comment to Town Manager Ed Samson, also the president of the Fair on Thursday, Sept. 1. (Photo by Paul Hayes) Lancaster Fair board of directors, who was unavailable Tuesday. According to reports, Mackennah Mae was on top of the horse that was being led by an adult when the animal unexpectedly reared up. See FYI, Page 3 A3 Friday, September 9, 2016 The Record 3 Close To Home 21 Jefferson Road, Whitefield, NH Saving Summer 603-837-2646 In these early September days, as beans, another summer shell peas. 347 Main Street, Franconia, NH summer meanders toward autumn, One year we had a freezer drawer 603-823-7795 I am savoring the passing season. filled with wild berries and basil pe- SALE EFFECTIVE: After a short first week of school, sto. Sometimes the summer bounty Prices subject to present stock. Some illustrations are for design purposes only and do not necessarily depict featured items. We the kids had a long weekend, with stored in the freezer is gone by the reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. SEPT. 9 TO SEPT. 15 perfectly summery weather, and time we reach Halloween, but some we packed in as much more sum- years I can still find a bag of blue- Family Pkg. Fresh Ground Round Maine Cauliflower mer fun as we could: hiking with berries hidden in the back corner friends, afternoons on the water, the following spring, months after campfires and roasted marshmal- we crouched in a hot summer field lows. With the mornings and eve- to gather them. $ 99 $ 99 nings dropping toward downright This year, it is the tomatoes that 3 lb. 1 chilly, and the colors of fall steadi- BY MEGHAN have flourished to abundance. I ly overtaking the more boisterous MCCARTHY MCPHAUL don’t know if it was the hot, dry Wild Caught Cod Fillets Wax Turnip or Buttercup Squash (7-9 lb.) (5-lb. Tote) hues of summer, spending the days summer we had, or the new com- in shorts and t-shirts feels like sweet, borrowed post-manure mixture I added to the garden, or time. the combination of heirloom tomato seedlings ¢ That’s how I feel about the summer trea- I planted, but even as the lanky stalks have $ 99 sures of berries and veggies I am packing into grown wilted and tired-looking, they hang 6 lb. 69 the freezer at this junction of seasons, like I am heavy with ripening fruit. Through the sum- Whole Boneless Pork Loin Barilla Pasta scoring some bonus bounty that will show up mer, the tomato plants have produced small during darker days to feed both belly and soul. green orbs that swell – sometimes so large (12-16 oz.) In the basement of my childhood home, they split near the stems – and ripen through tucked around the corner from the washing the colors of a sunrise: pale yellow to subdued $ 89 5/$ Cyan machine, there was a chest freezer. By the end orange to bright, look-at-me red. lb. 5 of each summer, this was filled with gifts from While my youngest child will eat cherry to- 1 the garden: Ziploc bags of yellow and green matoes by the handful, popping them into her Land O Lakes Deli Sliced American Shurfine White Vinegar Magenta beans, broccoli florets, and garden peas. For mouth sun-warmed and straight from the vine, Cheese (4 gal. case) months after the garden was put to bed, my I am the only one who eats the fresh, full-sized mother would send one of us down to the cel- tomatoes. The others prefer theirs in the form lar to pluck a bit of summer from the freezer to of pasta sauce or ketchup. So I have gathered $ 49 $ 99 Yellow add to dinner. the excess, plopped the whole tomatoes into a 4 lb. 5 We don’t have a large freezer dedicated to quick boiling bath so the skins slide off, sliced garden overflow now, and beyond the occa- them and pushed out the slimy seeds, and fro- Sugar Dale Shank Portion Hams Hood Ice Cream sional inspired foray into canning – one year zen them in chunks. (48 oz.) Black it was dilly beans, another apple pie filling – I What will they become? Perhaps soup. Pos- am unlikely to stock the pantry shelves with sibly pizza topping, Probably sauce. For now, home-grown, painstakingly preserved food. the tomatoes share freezer space with shredded $ 29 2/$ Mine is not a Yankee farmer’s pantry contain- zucchini and plump blackberries. If I’m lucky, 1 lb. 5 ing enough canned sauces and vegetables to I’ll forget they are there, at least for a while. make it through the apocalypse, but rather a Then on some dark, cold afternoon, when the California Seedless Cabot Brick Cheese small space filled with modern conveniences: garden is blanketed in icy white and I’ve for- Green Grapes (2 lb. Block) store-bought, kid-friendly staples like pea- gotten (again) what the landscape looks like nut butter and crackers and granola bars. And when it is filled with lush green, I’ll peer into without a root cellar, I plant only enough car- the freezer, wondering what to make for din- $ 59 $ 99 rots and potatoes to feed us during the growing ner. And I’ll find a bit of summer there, just 1 lb. 8 season. waiting to add a flash of color – and perhaps a But I always try to stash a bit of summer’s memory or two – to a winter day. Crystal Geyser Water Shurfine Milk 1% flavor into our refrigerator freezer, small batch- Meghan McCarthy McPhaul lives in Fran- (.5 Liter) (Gallon) es of goodness to be savored some later time. conia and writes on a variety of topics. More Each year there seems to be a different of her work may be found at www.Meghan- $ 99 $ 69 overabundance. A few years ago it was green McPhaul.com. 3 2 Shurfine 9 Lives Cat Food Hood Vegetables (5.5 oz., 24 pkg.) Orange Juice FYI (14.5-15 oz., 12 pkg.) (1/2 gal.) Continued from Page 2 $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 With town and police officials not comment- A message with the questions that was sent to 5 7 1 ing Tuesday, it was undetermined what might the White Mountain Riding Club’s email address have sparked the incident, if the case remains and to the email address of its president, Ramona under investigation, if riding club protocol was Chessman, who is also a Lancaster Fair direc- followed during the show, how soon the show tor, were not immediately returned by Tuesday resumed after the incident, and if the club or fair- evening. A telephone call placed to Chessman’s grounds will make any changes to horse show home number found the voice mailbox full.
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